Code Geass/Narm
"Everything is Fabulous''"
--A Gag Sub from the second opening of R2
Code Geass is an epic mecha battle between the forces of the Black Knights and the forces of Britannia. It's also infamous for the complete lack of subtlety and restraint that affects almost every scene in R2. Dramatic scenes are constantly ruined by bizarre faces that appear to be drawn by people who were having way too much fun. Also it has bizarre clothing designs (by CLAMP) that are basically the clothing version of the mechs from G Gundam.
Please note that many of these may be jokes that we took as serious. With this show, who knows? Or maybe we're all just too cynical for our own good.
- the green tassel on Lelouchs White outfit. This troper couldn't take him seriously.
- Someone from the writing staff of Code Geass thought it would be a good idea for Psycho Lesbian Nina hump the corner of a table to a photo of Euphemia. When did Vince McMahon begin writing anime?
- Nina's look of absolute terror when Euphemia announces there will be a Nippon settlement where the Japanese have equal rights.
- Nina's expression when she learns that Euphemia was killed. It's the most disgusting facial expression in the entire series. Oh just look already.
- She gets another distressed expression after Suzaku fires the F.L.E.I.J.A bomb that Nina created. It's much funnier.
- Not to mention when Zero is still alive at the start of R2.
- The entire Euphinator incident was Narm, especially when she suddenly started gunning people down with a machine gun while kids cried in the background. The epitome of hilarious Narm was probably on her death bed, when she went "Euphie did good?" and they cut to an Eleven shouting to "Kill that witch!". Narm is subjective, but by the gods, Code Geass = Best Unintentional (intentional?) Comedy EVER.
- Forget the scene itself, which was actually kind of tragic (at least in the dub), if ridiculous. Most of the unintentional comedy came from the massively contrived Ass Pull that led up to the event. Lelouch's Geass just had to permanently activate right when he made a forced joke that one would only make under the influence of bad writing.
- Lighten Up.
- The Dub fixed it.
- The part (4:56-5:21) where she ordered the assembled Japanese to commit suicide and then said that she knew they wouldn't go along with it and she had to kill them herself was unintentionally funny because of how cutesy (and at times, slightly catty) her voice sounded and how direct she was in making a command like that.
- For Japanese language-savvy people, she's also speaking EXTREMELY politely. It borderlines Uncanny Valley.
- How about the events that set it off in the first place? Lelouch, super-genius that he is, happening to remark "Why, I could command you to kill all the Japanese!" out of nowhere and that, a totally rhetorical statement, turning into a command? The entire thing is absurd.
- What does it for me is how fast everything goes to crap. Everything was going so well till Lelouch had to open his big mouth, and everything just snowballed from there in mere minutes. It passes tragedy and loops back around into being kinda funny.
- Also the ironic and amusing fact that after all that planning for peace, Euphie's role as a character ends with her being controlled into pushing the plot in a certain direction, essentially making her a "puppet princess" in the end. Somewhere in Japan, Kallen is laughing her ass off...
- How about the fact that "Euphinator incident" isn't a Fan Nickname, but the in-universe, official name for the event?
- They refer to her as "Princess Massacre" in R2
- At least it wasn't "Euphinasia"
- She has Euphemized them!!
- What about "Euphicide?"
- The bloody brits unleashed a Eupherial Killer?
- May we all please stop with these inane Euphiemisms?
- Talk about Euph In Revolt.
- This troper finds that the scene of Euphemia on her death bed, with Suzaku lying to her about her last hours of life would have been a really good emotional scene, if it wasn't for the cheesy J-pop song playing in the background. Even for the standards of the series this is a completely inappropriate combination.
- May we all please stop with these inane Euphiemisms?
- The bloody brits unleashed a Eupherial Killer?
- What about "Euphicide?"
- She has Euphemized them!!
- At least it wasn't "Euphinasia"
- They refer to her as "Princess Massacre" in R2
- Any scenes involving the Britannian Emperor and his ridiculous hair. In real life, British judges wear those kinds of wigs. The problems:
- His hair is gigantic.
- He has practically no neck, which makes his head look like a lump.
- Emperor Chuck's got no fucking neck! Emperor Chuck's got no fucking dick!
- On the subject of Emperor Wakamoto's hair, series director Goro Taniguchi stated that "When I first saw [CLAMP's] drawings, I kept wondering if I should send it back or not." However, he eventually came to the conclusion that "It's kind of hilarious, so we gave it a go." Seems this particular bit of Narm was an Invoked Trope, or at least an example of Throw It In.
- Also in R2, Lelouch's downward spiral, wherein he turned to drugs and then asked Kallen for "the comfort only women can provide." Presumably this wasn't intended to be hysterical, but when those words are coming out of Lulu's mouth...
- Lelouch becomes hilarious once you notice that Zero is the Large Ham version of Batman. Especially when you notice that his helmet looks like the Black Ranger's... and then you realize that his English VA played a Black Ranger.
- Episode 21 has Charles turning into Cannonball. No wonder he's known as "The Emperocket". Even more hilarious once you consider that his voice actor also voices M. Bison. Basically, Chuck just performed the Psycho Crusher.
- The dub has Kallen's hilarious yet awesome line from the first episode:
Kallen: You fellows know full well what this badass mother can do!
- Ry �ga Senba has what appears to be a clitoris on his forehead.
- For that matter, if you look closely, Tohdoh's face is almost comically scrunched.
- Clearly, CLAMP have collectively lost their minds by the clothes Lelouch wears in Episode 22 of R2. It's the Pope meets 17th century Sea Captain.
- Nobility tends to wear outrageous stuff. But then we get to that hat. It's like he was going for a Nice Hat, but failed and ended up with a gold-lined pillow on his head.
- Suzaku's isn't much better. Did Lelouch design it?
- Designed and sewn by Lelouch. Lampshaded in one doujinshi.
- Schneizel El Britannia, the Big Bad, constantly looks stoned. After he's finally geassed by Lelouch, it's even worse. And Kanon, his aidé, isn't much better.
- Kanon assists Schneizel in both his public and private affairs. Whaa?
- He says he's joking, but...
- He said Schneizel likes "strange" people which is synonymous with "queer".
- Clearly the person who made this as an official art understood the implications. Other characters in the series, let's just say they never caught on.
- He says he's joking, but...
- Kanon assists Schneizel in both his public and private affairs. Whaa?
- Kallen's assertion to Suzaku that she's Japanese and not Britannian would be more dramatic if they didn't have her naked during the whole scene in an episode whose first half was mostly comedy.
- On that note, how can anyone take what's supposed to a heartwarming moment between Lelouch and Euphie seriously when Euphie's nearly naked? There are certain scenes where Fan Service works; these aren't them.
- Lelouch's sword looks like a plastic toy, which is probably the only reason he's able to lift the damn thing one-handed. This ruined his whole ultra-dramatic death scene for some, or created a Funny Aneurysm Moment.
- The Mutuality short story gives us two: first, the description of Lelouch's sword (the one that looks like its a plastic toy from Wal-Mart) as "The King's Sword," which matches the Pope Outfit as an attire of death. To be fair, the CLAMP design is much better. Second, the picture itself which, while the sword is improved, has Lelouch wearing what appears to be a kite for a hat and Suzaku, in an outfit that appears similar to a clown's outfit, about to kiss Lelouch's sword while looking at it in a face that can only be described as lust. God Bless CLAMP's lost sanity.
- The scene of Nunnally holding the control to launch the FREYA/FLEIJA/WHATEVER lost some impact because the switch is embedded a purple scepter that wouldn't look out of place in a Barbie Princess movie. It's even worse after you see animated gifs of Nunnally pressing the top button repeatedly and real fast, as if the launcher was a sex toy. Or some of the stills that make it look like she's smoking a bong. Her big eyes certainly do not help.
- Somebody please link to that animated gif.
- That was beautiful.
- Now who would have thought of doing that?
- Somebody please link to that animated gif.
- Nunnally's fallen, and she can't get up!
- Does anyone find her huge eyes, especially when she is smiling, creepy?
- The incest Subtext, due to the Fetish Fuel in the final episode.
- The complete and utter lack of guards in the 24th episode of season one in any situation that would warrant guards.
- Lelouch in the dub of the first episode of R2 is hard to take seriously if you've seen the dub of Eureka Seven because of how much he sounds like Renton, which makes him sound a lot younger than he's supposed to and definitely younger than he usually sounds. (It doesn't help that he's given the line "Filthy lying adult.") Rolo, who is supposed to convincingly play his younger brother, ends up sounding older.
- How many times have Britannians with guns had Lelouch in their sights but never fired on him, while he gave his long pretentious speech about power and then Geassed them into killing themselves?
- Amusingly subverted in R2 13. V.V. emerges from the shadows and starts lecturing Cornelia and Bartley about the nature of god, only to be immediately knifed in the face - purely as a precaution against geass, of course. There is a reason fans love Cornelia.
- He even compliments her on that when he's pulling the knife of his forehead.
- Amusingly subverted in R2 13. V.V. emerges from the shadows and starts lecturing Cornelia and Bartley about the nature of god, only to be immediately knifed in the face - purely as a precaution against geass, of course. There is a reason fans love Cornelia.
- After a while, the sheer number of times Lelouch has the exact same bizarre shocked face makes it start to become hilarious.
- Would this expression happen to be the utterly ridiculous-looking one at the top of this page?
- Hell, look at Jeremiah in Episode 10 of Season 1. His outraged expression is pure comedy gold. In fact, his outraged expressions in general could run a close second to Lelouch in facial hilarity.
- And also Ohgi's face [dead link] when Lelouch blows up Mount Fuji under the Ikaruga. It's the equivalent of someone's face when someone stepped into dog crap.
- Also narm: "when Lelouch blows up Mount Fuji"
- In Episode 3, during Kallen's shower scene, Lelouch answers the phone and the person on the other line wanted to speak with Kallen. Instead of having her step out of the shower to answer the phone, Lelouch gives it to Kallen while she's still in the shower.
- Of course, she was on the far end of the tub from the showerhead, so it's less likely to get wet (other than from the water on Kallen's hand, of course). And I mean, Lelouch was trying to be a gentleman and preserve her modesty.
- ...but the animators weren't, so you could say the effect may have been ruined.
- Many an epic suspense scene in Geass was ruined by taking place half in the shower, or similar. How can you take anything Kallen says seriously when she's almost always partially naked? The creators were admirably good at finding excuses for her to be so.
- The love episode has some of the weirdest facial expressions, which make it funnier than the attempts at comedy. For example, when Lelouch runs into Shirley, she's first smiling and making some snarky comment; then she's crying; than she's smiling while crying; and then she throws Lelouch's gift back at him.
- Pictured above: Lelouch's face after the FLEIJA destroys the Britannian part of Tokyo in the TV version. They fixed it somewhat for the DVD release to make it less comical.
- Made worse when posters at the Code Geass LJ whipped out some pictures with Lelouch's mouth photoshopped upside down so it looks like he's laughing instead of brooding.
- Link?
- At first he was like "wut?!"... but then, he LOL'ED.
- Those are both hilarious/disturbing.
- At first he was like "wut?!"... but then, he LOL'ED.
- Link?
- Made worse when posters at the Code Geass LJ whipped out some pictures with Lelouch's mouth photoshopped upside down so it looks like he's laughing instead of brooding.
- The face Lelouch makes after he finds his mother dead in the flashback. Considering how horrible and idiotic the characters' faces look whenever their eyes go small, you would think the animators would stop doing it and go with things that work, like the face Shirley makes when she dies. Lelouch's face worked well until his eyes got small again and made him look ridiculous.
- Suzaku cutting the bomb in episode 16. He looks like Peter Pan. There should have been two sets of wires: one for the bomb, one for Suzaku.
- In Episode 21, in what's supposed to be a lighthearted comic-relief episode are two hints of incest.
- While Cornelia had assembled the Glaston Knights, Schneizel speaks of her skills on the battlefield, but ends up sounding more like he's putting the moves on her.
- It's pretty likely that he was putting the moves on her deliberately. There's a sound episode where he compliments her in the same perverted way shortly before Clovis became viceroy of Area 11.
- The fact that he had her shot later makes this scene rather chilling.
- In just one random, out-of-nowhere question, Nunnally made a heartwarming moment between half-sisters completely awkward when she asks Euphemia about the time they got into a great big argument about who would marry Lelouch. Then she asks "So how about now?"
- Brother-Sister Incest? In MY Code Geass?! It's more likely than you think.
- This could very possibly have been intentional, given that they are Brittanian royalty and historically Brother-Sister Incest wasn't terribly uncommon among European royalty.
- To be fair, this was when they were young children - akin to a young girl saying she wants to "marry her daddy."
- In Episode 6 of R2, Lelouch and Suzaku both try to save Nunnally (who only knows that Suzaku is there). The force of Suzaku arriving, and Nunnaly saying Suzaku's name, makes it look like Nunnally blew Lelouch out of the ship by saying Suzaku's name. Imagine how much fun Fushigi Yuugi would be if that happened there.
- From the Code Geass guide book comes the Suzaku profile that mentions that Lelouch died to atone for the sins of killing his psychopathic Complete Monster father (as opposed to the horrible deeds he did do), that Lelouch wanted to spend his future with Nunnaly, and that Suzaku's wish was fulfilled by a punishment that was a Fate Worse Than Death, which makes Suzaku come off as a Masochist. Erm...
- The statement above is made funnier if you know that, during a certain episode in R2, Anya asks Suzaku if he's a masochist.
- I guess killing BOTH of his parents counts as one of the horrible deeds he did do, but it's still admittedly funny.
- This is made more ironic by the fact that Suzaku himself tried to kill the Emperor one episode before Lelouch did. Still, Suzaku's bizarre sense of honor, combined with his own past, may explain why he listed that first among Lelouch's sins.
- Anya calling Suzaku a masochist is presumably meant to show how dedicated Suzaku is to his cause. It becomes hilarious once you see the last episode of the series and some of the extra materials that are full of Bondage Fetish Fuel and Ho Yay between Lelouch and Suzaku, which shows that Anya's assessment is hilariously accurate
- The scene where Emperor Chuck gives the Ten Commandments becomes hilarious once you imagine him trying to get it on with his neighbor's wife.
- He does have 108 wives, and now I think they may have all been neighbours' wives at some time or another...
- Being The Emperor has its advantages.
- Nunnally's statements when she's made Viceroy are hilarious once you remember that, other than Lelouch, everyone thinks Euphemia was some nutcase who tricked the Japanese so she could kill them. Nunnaly asking if what Euphemia did was wrong becomes Nunnally asking Suzaku if massacring the Japanese was wrong. Suzaku answers no. Way to look out for your people there, Suzaku.
- To be fair, Suzaku knows about geass, and while he might not have told Nunnally all of that, she probably knows Euphemia didn't commit genocide of her own free will.
- Suzaku was under direct orders from the Emperor to keep his mouth shut about that. He wouldn't have spoke so much as a word of it to her, nor could he without having to explain how he knows it wasn't her fault. Back to the original point, Nunnally was referring to the idea, though it still comes off as rather weird that she takes her sister's side in Turn 6.
- To be fair, Suzaku knows about geass, and while he might not have told Nunnally all of that, she probably knows Euphemia didn't commit genocide of her own free will.
- A Distress call from a Britannian:
"Sir Kururugi, bubbles-- AAAAHHHHH"
- Wait, "bubbles"?
- Probably intended to be funny, but you can never be sure with a show that takes itself as serious as Code Geass usually does.
- Bubbles made from methane hydrate, but still.
- That tactic is actually a very effective way of sinking ships. Ships are lighter than water, but they are not lighter than bubbly water. When using a nuclear weapon to destroy naval fleet, detonating it on them will do varying amounts of damage to their metal structure based on the range, detonating it under them will send them all to Davy Jones' locker.
- Bubbles made from methane hydrate, but still.
- It makes you wonder if Zero plans his daring manoeuvres with the intent of making people both shocked at the brilliance - but also at the sheer ridiculousness of some of his ideas.
- Suzaku's spin kick. It earned him the fan name Spinzaku!
- Spinzaku demonstration Poor, poor Nunnally. This troper feels horrible for laughing so hard at it.
- Diethard's obsession goes from a follower to something like a Camp Gay lover being praised..
- The oldest Prince, Odysseus, is supposed to come off like a buffoon. Instead, he comes off like a pedophile, making Japan=Britannia jokes even easier.
- Every single time a Eunuch speaks, it's narm because they are Camp Gay. The episodes they appear in are easily the funniest episodes of the series, and are funnier than most comedies.
- Then there's the Eunuch who is also a midget. Nothing is more hilarious than a Camp Gay midget with no balls.
- As the Eunuchs reveal their plan to kill the Empress, you see the Anime Chinese Girl in bondage with a BALL GAG! Way to keep turning dramatic moments into comedy through your Author Appeal Fetish Fuel.
- Link?
- Not just the Anime Chinese Girl. Kallen is also subject to bondage in that episode. One of the first scenes has her strapped to a table, while another scene has her in the same straitjacket C.C. wore through most of season one. Who thought giving her food while having her mouth sealed shut was a good idea?!
- Uh, to be cruel? The Ace of the Elevens has been captured, there's a good chance she killed somebody the jailer knew.
- Though those scenes did provoke some responses other than laughter.
- Xingke promises to show the Empress the outside world. It is dramatic right up until they Pinky Swear.
- Considering that the Empress is like six years old in that scene, it probably seemed normal for her.
- The pinky swear makes a parallel with the pinky swear that Lelouch and Nunnally made and that Charles and V.V. made.
- Milly's Stripperiffic outfit during the engagement party for the Emperess of China and Odysseus is a bit inappropriate; every conversation she makes, no matter how serious, becomes hilarious. God Damn you, Taniguchi!
- Even without that outfit on, the conversation with Milly and Nina is inevitably hilarious once Nina starts screaming her head off because Milly offered to help.
- Cecile's outfit in the previous episode isn't any better and it looks like the animators increased her breast size just to fill it in. Even Nunnally's assistant asks her why she's wearing it.
- Cecile's seemingly variable breast size has been noted by a number of fans. It seems that her flight suit style uniform conceals her chest and makes it look smaller, even though all the other flight suits in the show (or at least the ones that Rakshata designed) showcase the wearers' assets.
- According to the DVD's audio commentary for that episode, the idea was that Cecile donned the Absolute Cleavage dress for a date, but Lloyd hauled her away to help with the diplomatic conference and didn't give her time to change. Which is completely in character for him.
- Manboob jackets. Why does the airbag feature on the flight suits expand each half of the chest separately without inflating anywhere else?
- The scene where Zero states that the whole "the King must lead" would sound more impressive if it was the first move and not near the end of the game. The sheer stupidity of the situation (apparently Schneizel never moves his King in Chess) makes it hilarious.
- Schneizel moves his King into check to taunt Zero. This is hilarious if you know the rules of Chess.
- It gets worse, Lelouch has a pawn next to his King which could have captured Schneizel's King.
- This video explains it all.
- Breaking the rules of chess was the point of Schniezel's move because he wanted to get a reaction from Zero. What's really stupid is that he's the only one who knows of this intention because he's the one making the move; no one in the crowd watching the chess game calls him out on it!
- The best part is how they treat Chess like it's the most epic thing off all times. "I'm at the edge of my seat." I also forgot how SHOCKED everyone was that Lelouch moved his king.
- Schneizel gets Xingke to agree to let him lead because he never lost to Lelouch at chess. Given how Schneizel plays Chess, that's seriously disturbing.
- That might explain some of Lelouch's behaviour in R2. Hell, in the entire series!
- You know, even in season 1, depiction of Chess was far from accurate (no, being a telepath doesn't allow you to take so many paws like Mao does, especially if you're a beginner and play against a master who knows you can read minds). So, the illegal moves may be Lampshade Hanging or parody about Chess in Code Geass in general.
- Schneizel moves his King into check to taunt Zero. This is hilarious if you know the rules of Chess.
- The opening part of the battle Schneizel leads is incredibly stupid. Okouchi, are you even trying to have this series make sense at all? Just imagine D-Day if F.D.R and Hitler kept moving their forces forward and back.
- I just blame Schneizel and Lelouch for treating it as though it were a chess game. Thankfully, it ended rather quickly.
- Nina's assassination attempt, which sports the funniest face ever that isn't Off-Model. How much thought was put into this episode and that animation? It's barely better than one of those Epic Fail screenshots.
- Tianzi/Empress's reaction to Xingke, which is to scream "Xingke, Xingke, Xingke" while holding her pinkie up in the air. She sounds like Pichu in Super Smash Brothers getting kicked off the stage.
- Even more hilarious if you are German and understand "Schinken, Schinken, Schinken!" which translates as "ham, ham, ham!"
- The above statement is even more hilarious when you know Xingke has the same seiyuu as Marth in Smash Bros.
- And even more funny if you know Jun Fukuyama, Lelouch's seiyuu, did Roy in Melee.
- V.V's murder of Marianne goes from drama to farce because the ten-year-old boy pulls a machine gun bigger than his body out of Hammerspace.
- What, no teabag?
- Are you kidding? You could hide a
smallbazooka under that hairdo.
- After Xingke becomes Lelouch's ally/slave, we get another overblown scene with the tiny little Empress where she cries in a ridiculous manner, which makes the whole scene hilarious.
- Lelouch fights with the power of the hearts. OK, it's unfair; Japan didn't get Captain Planet or the Care Bears. But that line is Narm even for overblown Shonen speeches.
- Especially great because "heil" is pronounced in German. Possibly deliberate, to make the Britannians evoke Nazis.
- It's hard to take Lelouch and Shirley's relationship seriously during the cupid day's episode because the sheer stupidity of the characters in the rest of the episode ruins any chance of drama.
- Does anyone notice in the Cupid's day episode that, when Lelouch saves Shirley from a giant mecha piloted by Anya, and they roll down the library stairs, both of their poofy heart-shaped hats stay on their heads?
- Earlier in the same episode, Sayoko, disguised as Lelouch, is jumping and flipping around, and the poofy hat still stays on.
- Earlier in the same episode, Sayoko, disguised as Lelouch, is jumping and flipping around, and the poofy hat still stays on.
- Lelouch intermittently begs Rolo to stop his Heroic Sacrifice. This is because Lelouch is constantly being stopped by Rolo's use of his geass.
- And forgets that he could use Geass on Rolo.
- Didn't Lelouch actually geass Rolo before? But then again, maybe it's a sort-of sideeffect of Rolo's geass too: as it stops time, Lelouch's own perception of time might have been fucked up by it, thus he couldn't geass him into not overloading himself.
- And forgets that he could use Geass on Rolo.
- Pretty much everything about the Anti-Sakuradite trap that Lelouch lays out for Jeremiah. First, the trap is sprung by a button hidden in an oversized chess piece that is incredibly gaudy and stupid-looking. It's the predecessor for the stupid button that Nunnally has later. Then Jeremiah makes this idiotic face, followed by what is supposed to be Lelouch being smug but instead looks like Lelouch being high. It ends with Jeremiah making another stupid face while saying "Gefjun Disturber... !"
- The scene where Lelouch and Suzaku stop Shirley from committing suicide becomes somewhat silly. Because CLAMP's character designs give everyone super-skinny limbs, they end up looking like stick people hanging off a cliff. Shirley's left arm almost looks longer then her right arm. This is lampshaded by this animated gif, which makes her arm into a bungee cord.
- Reminds me of the old "barrel of monkeys" kids' toys.
- The whole Jeremiah/Marianne relationship is incredibly silly, especially the scene where Jeremiah is leaking oil. Leaking oil worked in Samurai Jack, but it fails here because this time, it stayed on the face and looked idiotic. Also, Jeremiah comes off less like a loyal soldier and more like a hilariously creepy stalker.
- That's What She Said
- Er, it was actually blood, not "leaking oil".
- That still doesn't explain the part where he flashes different colors like he picked up a Star in a Mario game.
- Not a Narm in the original dialogue; but in the fansub of the scene when Shirley dies, for some idiotic reason, they decided to subtitle Lelouch's scream as "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" when you can ALREADY hear him scream. That subtitle ruined the mood of an otherwise tragic scene.
- Tragic? "Lelouch, even though you killed my father, I still love you. Even though you tampered with my memories, I still love you." That was bad enough, but then Shirley said, "Even if we were reincarnated, I'd fall in love with you again and again in every life that I had" - right before dying. It is tainted with Stockholm Syndrome all over it.
- Context is everything. Shirley had learned that Lelouch had been fighting alone against a world that had been lying to him, and now her too, with Fake Memories. She knew he was lonely, and possibly that he tampered with her memories in an attempt to keep her out of it, but wanted to help him nonetheless.
- People with a hearing impairments do watch anime you know.
- Even narmier if you are a Bleach fan, knowing that Shirley's speech sounds identical to Orihime's "I Love You Ichigo" speech before she departs to Hueco Mundo. And even narmier if you watch the Code Geass and Bleach dubs, knowing Johnny Yong Bosch does Lelouch and Ichigo.
- Shirley also bears a striking resemblance to Orihime.
- Even funnier: Shirley's seiyuu, Fumiko Orikasa, actually got the role of Rukia after losing to Yuki Matsuoka in the audition for the role of Orihime.
- So, Shirley and Lelouch re-incarnated into Japanese ghost-fighting high school students? Best not to let the fanfic authors hear that...
- So they transcended from an alternate universe to another?
- Why not? Souls may re-incarnate to the Soul Society, but there's no telling what happens to them when they make they're way back to Earth.
Maybe souls from other universesNO! I will NOT be a party to this!- So, what's Lelouch's Bankai? And does that make Spinzaku Suzaku's Shikai? Because it doesn't look like he has a zanpaku-tô drawn.
- Well....Lelouch's geass: It's development throughout the series can be likened to a zanpakuto...
- Lelouch's Bankai? Do you really have to ask?
- So, what's Lelouch's Bankai? And does that make Spinzaku Suzaku's Shikai? Because it doesn't look like he has a zanpaku-tô drawn.
- Why not? Souls may re-incarnate to the Soul Society, but there's no telling what happens to them when they make they're way back to Earth.
- So they transcended from an alternate universe to another?
- Shirley also bears a striking resemblance to Orihime.
- Even narmier if you are a Bleach fan, knowing that Shirley's speech sounds identical to Orihime's "I Love You Ichigo" speech before she departs to Hueco Mundo. And even narmier if you watch the Code Geass and Bleach dubs, knowing Johnny Yong Bosch does Lelouch and Ichigo.
- Tragic? "Lelouch, even though you killed my father, I still love you. Even though you tampered with my memories, I still love you." That was bad enough, but then Shirley said, "Even if we were reincarnated, I'd fall in love with you again and again in every life that I had" - right before dying. It is tainted with Stockholm Syndrome all over it.
- The fansub that had Suzaku saying, "I'll now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish."
- When Lelouch asks Rolo to give back the locket he gave to him, Rolo immediately turns into a big wimp and he's about to start crying over it.
- After Bartley dies, you see a group of researchers from far away. While they're begging for mercy, the viewer just sees small figures standing like a massacre isn't going on; than they blow up. It takes things from a tragic level to something out of Eight Bit Theater.
- The Siegfried mecha, which not only looks like a giant pumpkin but also spins like a top.
- Not a pumpkin—it's a giant orange! Though suddenly getting the Visual Pun will turn whatever scene the Siegfried is in into narm.
- Kallen learns that Nunnally was a royal princess only while conversing with her. The problem? She had eight episodes ago to realize that. Then again, her intelligence stat is below average...
- She was playing along so it wouldn't seem weird that she knew before Nunnally announced it. She can't say, "Oh, I found out about that before you became Viceroy." That'd just be stupid.
- Alternately, she hasn't spoken to Nunnally since learning the truth, and she's just saying aloud how strange it feels to talk to her now that she knows. In the dub, she doesn't sound too surprised when saying it, she's just making conversation.
- The scene where the nun gave C.C. her code. She laughed crazily and said (essentially) "Now it's your problem!" It doesn't help that C.C. was naked during the whole scene for no reason whatsoever.
- Were you listening? C.C. said she gave back all the 'gifts' from her admirers. The fact that she doesn't even have clothes anymore means she has absolutely nothing.
- The Dub tried to fix it by having her say, "I'm sorry dear, but I'm afraid I tricked YOU!!" This was just as random, and arguably more hilarious.
- The whole mirror cluster thing for three reasons:
- It literally happens a minute after Lelouch asks "what do I do?" when the mirror cluster is an obvious setup for such just an occasion. Thus, the "what do I do" has no purpose but to be dramatic and wastes ten seconds.
- Actually, the "Mirror Cluster" is really a chaff missile, which the Shinkirou uses... once. The highly reflective material in the chaff missile disrupts laser guided missiles and RADAR systems by providing multiple false targets. It would have been far less Narm if they actually explained that. Or, you know, "Of course! Shinkirou's Chaff Missiles!".
- The return of that damn button. (What were they thinking?)
- The same button used to activate a Gefjun Disturber and detonate a bomb in Rolo's Vincent also opens a secret compartment in the Shinkirou?! It makes you wonder if Lelouch has separate buttons for every occasion or just one multipurpose button.
- It looks like a damn laser show. Having Lelouch use something like a compact mirror would make more sense and not look as stupid. We didn't need the laser to show us that the geass is going towards Charles.
- Multiple reflective surfaces would have been required in this instance, actually. If Lelouch had used only a single mirror, Charles would have been able to Geass him as well, because he would know exactly where to look. By introducing multiple reflective surfaces, it was made possible for Lelouch to pick one and look Charles in the eyes with a significantly diminished chance of being Geassed in return, seeing as Charles would have no idea which fragment was being used. The "lasers" were used to show the multiple possible paths Lelouch could have used to connect with Charles' eyes.
- Lelouch appears to have a heart attack out of nowhere; a minute later, he's fine. He didn't have a heart attack? What the hell was that, a scream of joy that just happened to look like a freaking heart attack?
- Kira.
- Actually, L...No really, remember that scene in Death Note where L randomly falls over screams bloody murder, gets back up, and forgets it ever happened?
- When Charles attempts to kill C.C and steal her code, why does he hold her like they are going to slow dance?
- Because the writers have daddy issues. Lelouch is constantly competing with his dad. He doesn't want his dad taking what is his -- in this case, his woman. The pose is sexual.
- This is especially evident in the part where Lelouch says "C.C. IS MINE! SHE'S MINE!" and "You've stolen enough from me already, father! I won't let you have (C.C.) too!"
Can't find it right nowfound it!, but a funny image macro of that scene had the words "VIVA EL TANGO" added to the screenshot is floating around the internet somewhere.
- Because the writers have daddy issues. Lelouch is constantly competing with his dad. He doesn't want his dad taking what is his -- in this case, his woman. The pose is sexual.
- After he's revealed to be alive, Charles shows that he can make stupid faces with a smile that can only be described as one of those smiles that are made for picture day while trying to show as many teeth as possible to show how much you're smiling. It looks like the animator has never seen another person smile before.
- Instant Memetic Mutation on this one, with images swapping Charles' face with a certain 4chan meme... And it fits almost perfectly.
- In Ep 13 of R1, Lelouch finally realizes that his declaration of war on Britannia might kill innocent people. Then he Wangsts about it by punching a wall over and over again...while naked in the shower. While bent over. Who said Kallen and CC get to have all the fun?
- It's funnier when he resolves his deciding to kill more innocent people.
- Much easier to take serious when you realize that a good portion of fiction completely glosses over the improbability of heroes being able to abide by Never Hurt an Innocent in any conflict of a sufficiently large scale.
- After C.C reverts to acting like before she got her Geass, Lelouch takes over as the role of Mr. Exposition for the episode openings. But the writing is basically the same as when C.C was saying it, resulting in Lelouch speaking of himself in the third person like some egotistical idiot.
- "Idiot" may only apply to Lelouch in the more general pejorative sense, but we already knew he was an egotist.
- This troper saw it as a bit of Fridge Brilliance because it showed that Lelouch could barely do anything without C.C. and had to use her template for all the duties of hers that he took over.
- Lelouch announces the name for the UFN, which causes mass shocked faces. You can argue that they were shocked by the founding of the UFN, but the shocked faces and gasps happen only after the name is announced.
- They were going to call it the Universal Brotherhood of no Britannians, but that got shouted down at the meeting. I'm imagining them using the British Isles to recreate the 'No Homers' routine from The Simpsons.
- During the talk with Gino, Bradley mocks him for being an Upper Class Twit. Gino asks him if he thinks it's easy to become a Knight of the Round just by family name alone. Considering how incompetent some of the Knights of the Round are?
- Well, put aside Monica and Dorothea, all other Knight of the Round has proven that they are a great pilot, even Luciano has proven that he isn't one of Britannia's best pilots for nothing by defeating Shinkiro and puts up a longer fight than Gino could ever hope to pull while fighting a 9th generation Knightmare, the only Narm that i could see is Luciano's nickname, i mean "Vampire of Britannia"? Obviously Code Geass has a different definition of vampires than ours.
- In the series's defense, Luciano has that nickname because of how bloodthirsty he is, not because of him being some weird type of vampire.
- Well, put aside Monica and Dorothea, all other Knight of the Round has proven that they are a great pilot, even Luciano has proven that he isn't one of Britannia's best pilots for nothing by defeating Shinkiro and puts up a longer fight than Gino could ever hope to pull while fighting a 9th generation Knightmare, the only Narm that i could see is Luciano's nickname, i mean "Vampire of Britannia"? Obviously Code Geass has a different definition of vampires than ours.
- After Emperor Chuck returns, he surprises Zero with a video. During the video, a camera angle is used that gets the camera man an extreme closeup of Chuck's nostrils. You have to wonder why the hell they just didn't keep using the regular camera angle of a simple straightforward shot. We don't need to the see the contents of Chuck's nose.
- The seriousness of Lelouch's exile from Britannia in the dub is somewhat ruined because of young Lelouch's loud, whiny voice, courtesy of Michelle Ruff. Just try not to laugh at least once!
- And then there's young Suzaku's English voice. You can't help but laugh at almost everything he says because he sounds so much like freakin' Shin-chan.
- Luciano Bradley's mech has beam knees. Beams that come out of the mecha's knees.
- It's beam hips...which might be even funnier.
- Suzaku telling Lelouch that he's tired of lying, and then going ahead with Zero Requiem. Way to stick to your principles there, buddy.
- Lelouch seems surprised that Ohgi kept his relationship with Viletta a secret. Like you're one to talk, Lelouch.
- Um...he's not offended by the dishonesty, he's surprised because it seems out of character for Ohgi and he had no prior reason to suspect such a connection.
- Not to mention, of course, that none of the Black Knights put Ohgi to task when he takes Villetta's word on Lelouch, and in fact, betray the latter and allow Villetta to stay with them. Especially, of course, since she had been, for the longest time, allied with the enemy, and yet her rather spurious claims were taken to heart. Nice going, guys.
- Um...he's not offended by the dishonesty, he's surprised because it seems out of character for Ohgi and he had no prior reason to suspect such a connection.
- Lelouch's apology to Suzaku which is ridiculously overblown and ends with Lelouch eating dirt - and that's meant literally, not metaphorically. The episode is even titled "The Taste of Dirt".
- The official English title is "The Taste of Humiliation", which fixes it somewhat.
- Suzaku telling Lelouch to become a true agent of justice rang hypocritical, considering what Suzaku himself had been doing as a Knight of the Round. (Which of course was brilliantly lampshaded mere episodes later by Bismarck.)
- Lelouch geasses Guilford to think he's Cornelia. For some reason, without Lelouch saying anything, Guilford thinks that Cornelia is begging to be rescued. It might not be as hilarious if Lelouch has said something and Guilford had thought Cornelia said it, which would at least make the scene make sense.
- I'm pretty sure that is what happened; the Geass was to think Lelouch was Cornelia when he touches his collar, and so he opens a video channel to Guilford, touches his collar, and asks for help. He uses the same tactic to order Guilford around later on as well, IIRC.
- Lelouch's escape from Schneizel is so badly animated that the bullets are literally going right through him (without causing damage).
- In Nightmare of Nunnally, Lelouch/Zero projects an image of the Geass insignia from his hand when he uses his power; no problems there. But projecting it directly over his crotch?. While he's standing over Cornelia's ruined Gloucester and preparing to finish her off? Good luck taking that seriously.
- That's nothing! He also had the power to stop bullets by posing!
- In the same manga series listed above, while Nunnally is at Shinjuku looking for Lelouch (never mind how she got there when she's blind and handicapped), she falls out of her wheelchair.
- And there's the part at the end of Chapter 16 when, after canceling her contract wtih Nemo, she's completely naked.
- Charles' Freudian Excuse is a CARRIAGE FALLING ON HIS MOTHER! How the hell does that happen? Was she walking one day when a rival just pushed a carriage off a castle and it landed on her head? They should have just gone with the anvil instead.
- That means falling over his mother. That is, falling on their side. Maybe she was standing on the edge of the road, or below the cliff down which they fell.
- Schneizel knows just what to say to that.
- Charles seems to be more pissed that his brother lied to him than his brother killing his lover. Yeah, ok we get it people lie, don't act like lying is this horrible evil sin greater than freaking murdering your beloved wife!
- Actually, that's exactly what he does believe. Which is still stupid.
- He was furious about it. The fact that his brother, who swore to never lie to him, lied to cover the murder of said wife, is where anger comes from. The only question is why Charles waited so long to take VV's code.
- Actually, that's exactly what he does believe. Which is still stupid.
Because once he takes VV's code, Charles loses his geass which is quite useful. VV is also useful to Charles.
- When the Sword of Akasha starts slaying God, Marianne makes a weird face as if she was in the middle of an orgasm or something.
- Hmm... Some people may want that move to another category...
- Its called 'happiness'.
- And her line to stop Lelouch from foiling the plan? "Lelouch, you ungrateful child!". You kind of expected her to complete the line with "Go to your room and think about what you've done!" or something.
- Thankfully, this was remedied in the Nightmare of Nunnally manga. At least in that AU, Charles and Marianne realized that it was over and accepted defeat with a little dignity.
- I actually think that is perfectly in character for Marianne, who seemed to be simaltaneously a loving, cool mother, and a party to her husband's horrifically evil schemes.
- Thankfully, this was remedied in the Nightmare of Nunnally manga. At least in that AU, Charles and Marianne realized that it was over and accepted defeat with a little dignity.
- Hmm... Some people may want that move to another category...
- The outfit that C.C wore when they first met Mao. It's like an outfit you would put on a Chimpanzee.
- The outfit could do without the ridiculous hat. It looks like something Michigan J. Frog would wear.
- Also, from Mao: "I'm going to make you compact!"
- The outfit could do without the ridiculous hat. It looks like something Michigan J. Frog would wear.
- Lelouch returns from the depths of hell? Is Japan really that bad? I mean sure, the place has some problems, but the depths of hell?
- He meant the emotional hell he's been through. The World of C is the closest physical place to Hell where he's been recently too though, and which he had planned as a place of permanent imprisonment for himself and his father.
- Besides, Lelouch is just being his old, overdramatic self.
- It was proper response, since he was thought to be dead, returning from "Hell" would be an appropriate, if overly dramatic response(but for Lelouch, it's fitting)
- He meant the emotional hell he's been through. The World of C is the closest physical place to Hell where he's been recently too though, and which he had planned as a place of permanent imprisonment for himself and his father.
- Suzaku's spin kick when Lelouch takes over Britannia. Not only does it somehow snap a bunch of metal spears in half, but where the hell does he come from? This is pretty much the only way it could have happened, and even then you have to wonder how he got there in the first place, especially without anyone noticing.
- You forgot Lelouch's Geass.
- Please tell me you drew that yourself, it's freaking hilarious.
- Honestly, the sheer amount of Villain Decay Britannia goes through leads to some rather hilarious scenes. Suzaku defeating two of the Knights of the Round in about 5 seconds. Wall Banger? Yes. Funny as hell? Yes.
- Better knightmare.
- Better Knightmare AND Suzaku had 'weaponized' his forced drive to live by Lelouch's Geass.
- Better knightmare.
- Schneizel saying "This is so sad" when the man clearly shows no emotion.
- Sarcasm
- Everyone in Britannia setting up for war, including dramatically setting up a pink Lancelot, because apparently since C.C is a girl she wants a pink mecha. Also Tamaki apparently giving a rousing speech. To children.
- This troper's friend calls C.C.'s new asset the "Hello Kittymare".
- Or, in that specific case, "The Pinkelot!"
- Funnier when you watch the series again and notice that R2 is full of pink variations of whatever mecha is on hand for C.C.'s use.Just scroll down to the end of the first paragraph under "Akatsuki Command Model Zikisan". C.C. must really like her Hello Kittymares...
- There's an audio drama called "Brown Agony"; sadly it's about Ohgi asking for advice on what to do with a unconscious and comatose Villeta, and not Ohgi having diarrhea.
- Although this should count towards Narm Charm instead, while Lelouch declares himself Emperor, the design of the chair behind him makes Lelouch look like he has cat ears!
- The ribbon Nunnally wears in her hair in the last chapter of Nightmare of Nunnally (Page contains major spoilers) has a similar effect.
- The use of "United States of" where it doesn't belong, no Japan and China don't have States so its ridiculous to name them as such.
- This was because the Japanese name for the United States of America literally translates out to something like "America Joined Populace Country," or the United Masses of America, but the translators apparently didn't pick up on this.
- Actually... "United States" is a legitimate method of government. Essentially, a State is something that has a set government as part of it's constitution. A "United States" is a country in which there are multiple constitutional governments, which require major political power to change, as opposed to the "State Of Japan", in which it is much easier, though still very difficult, to dissolve it's various provincial governments. For example, Mexico is the United Mexican States. That's why everyone calls the USA "America": in every other part of the world, "United States" is a formal description of the government, not the name of the country.
- It also could be a Call Back to the USA of this universe, which was the last major rebellion against the Brit(ish/annian) crown and represented the ideals of an oppressed people trying to fight the international quarter ton gorilla to form their own nation. If you look closely, you can see the parallels Zero is intentionally trying to invoke by using the name.
- This was because the Japanese name for the United States of America literally translates out to something like "America Joined Populace Country," or the United Masses of America, but the translators apparently didn't pick up on this.
- The scene where everyone talks about why the fight has music that can only be described as a combination of Chinese music and Porno music.
- The scene where a Britannian calls Lelouch a dictator. As opposed to what? His father was basically Adolf Hitler! Lelouch's rule is an improvement!
- With the exception of all the bad things he was implied to have done, the taking over of the world, and the fact that he was aiming to make himself so evil that everyone forgot about Charles and the Euphinator incident in comparison.
- The Narm from that is mainly derived from the fact that the series did little to explain the system of government under Charles' rule; you'd have to get all the supplementary material in order to know that Charles had 2 houses of parliament which, although not actually powerful compared to the big guy, still warranted mention. When Lelouch abolished the nobility and the big, Zaibatsu-like corporations, he also likely did away with the upper and lower houses, which represented each interest respectively.
- Even without the supplemental material it still makes sense given simple human nature. Sure, Charles was a Complete Monster, but he was a Complete Monster who gave certain groups special privileges. Lelouch did away with that by abolishing the nobility (an act that is mentioned in the main series). Under Charles, Brits thrived and everyone else suffered. Under Lelouch, everyone suffered. People are much more willing to support and oppressive regime when they're profiting from it, but if they were to end up becoming the victims of such a regime you can bet they're going to turn to hypocritical whining about the injustice of it all in a heartbeat. Yes, it is inconsistent, but it's hardly surprising or puzzling.
- So, tl;dr: if Charles is Hitler, Lelouch is Stalin.
- With the exception of all the bad things he was implied to have done, the taking over of the world, and the fact that he was aiming to make himself so evil that everyone forgot about Charles and the Euphinator incident in comparison.
- Right after they explain that Suzaku is going to kill Lelouch, they have this dramatic slow motion of Cornelia's group making her move. A little late for that isn't it since Suzaku is about to thrust the sword when this happens?
- But not too late to clean up the troops on the ground before they start shooting people.
- Due to the fact that Guilford wore sunglasses indoors most people assumed he was blind due to injuries since that's the universal way to show your blind. Then without explaining why he is wearing dark glasses indoors they show him with a gun, making it look like they gave a blind Guilford a gun.
- Possibly justified. People whose eyes are damaged frequently can't handle bright light anymore also wear shades.
- How much does Cornelia, and by extension, Guilford, know about Geass? It could very well be an attempt to prevent Lelouch from using the Geass on him again (hey, maybe even magical shades like Lelouch's magical Geass-concealing contacts!), the above, or both.
- It's improbable that ordinary sunglasses could stop Geass. Mao had to wear what looked like a very specialized visor to block it. Lelouch certainly doesn't have trouble geassing technicians, despite the tendency for people who work at computers all day to wear glasses.
- Actually it seems that Mao's 'Specialized Visor' was actually just the headband portion of his headphones.
- It's improbable that ordinary sunglasses could stop Geass. Mao had to wear what looked like a very specialized visor to block it. Lelouch certainly doesn't have trouble geassing technicians, despite the tendency for people who work at computers all day to wear glasses.
- The part where Euphie tells Suzaku "I command you to love me" in Episode 20 of R1. It makes more sense in the context of the following dialogue, in which she helps him get over the shame he feels after retreating due to the "LIVE!" Geass (and because she knows that's the only way to get Suzaku to respond to requests like these), but it sounds quite funny when first said.
- Mao calling Shirley "the wicked witch of the West" in the manga, which elicited a "WTF?" from the scanlators. The part at the end of the chapter where Mao gets dragged away by the crane doesn't help, either.
- The line in the anime dub goes something like "You took advantage of your lover for your own gain. Only evil witches do that." It's still got touches of Narm but it makes sense given Mao's childishness. That line is just completely random (where did he even learn about the wicked witch of the west?).
- West refers to her Britannia heritage.
- The line in the anime dub goes something like "You took advantage of your lover for your own gain. Only evil witches do that." It's still got touches of Narm but it makes sense given Mao's childishness. That line is just completely random (where did he even learn about the wicked witch of the west?).
- The part toward the end of the China arc in R2, in which Xingke attempts to protect the Chinese Empress from enemy gunfire with the Shenhu's spinning harkens. No, that part itself is not the narmy one, it's the little Empress's reaction; she begins to writhe as if she's having a seizure while she calls out to him. It's shown in profile, too, so her character design causes her to look like she has a muzzle or something.
- Link, please! (Sometimes, it has to be seen to be believed)
- "My mother is dead!" "Old news, what of it?" Funniest Kick the Dog ever.
- Lelouch and Suzaku have a similar exchange ("You killed Euphy") after they beat the Emperor.
- Ten-year-old!Lelouche marching in on his father, asking him why the hell he didn't lift a finger to defend Lelouche's now-dead mother. If a little kid acting this tough isn't hilarious enough, he does it wearing a black-with-red-trim-gigantic-upturned-collar-you-heard-me-it's-a-vampire's cape.
- Several times Lelouch frequently comes off like the "MY PARENTS ARE DEEEEEAAAAADDDD!" Batman meme.
- This troper cracked up when Bismark said "My Geass gives me the power... to see the future!" during his fight with Suzaku. The way the dub's actor made it sound like he thought the idea was a joke. I half expected someone else to say they had a Geass that gave them the power... to make good brownies. It was that jarring.
- Nobody wants to bring up the end of the very first episode of the series, where the music that plays after Lelouch's massacre of the soldiers is punctuated by the most ridiculous trumpet noise and 80's saxaphone known to man?
- To both this one and the other music one above, This Troper figured that everyone was too caught in the moment to even care about the BGM or something.
- Suzaku survives getting shot by his CO because the bullet was blocked by his dad's pocketwatch, right? In Suzaku of the Counterattack, this same scenario happens only this time, his CO shoots him in his face.
- Well, maybe that commander just likes to shoot Marvin in the face a lot. I'm sure it was nothing...
- In the Nightmare of Nunnally manga, a mistake in captions shows Nunnally asking "What's the life of 1 damn britannian?", and it's quite amusing to hear someone like her using profanity.
- Mao's facial expressions during her (yes, her) Villainous Breakdown in Nightmare of Nunnally are hilarious, as is her screaming "ALICE!!! GIVE ME THE DRUUUUUG!!!!!!".
- Mao's death has the unintentionally amusing yet disturbing part where her body disintegrates from the top down, leaving behind her exposed buttocks.
- The scene with Lelouch being depressed about having to face Nunnally, and C.C comforting him, would have worked better if it didnt happen right after a full episode of Lelouch acting like a Complete Monster.
- How about the flying origami crane that trails rainbows in "World End"? How in the world does that make any sense!?
- Lelouch strikes some truly fabulous poses throughout Geass, but his best is in Episode 23 when he throws his arms out and cocks his hips to side while declaring "The United States of Japan." I half expected him to challenge Emperor Charles to a dance battle for rulership of Japan.
- How Japan was called the "United States" also took out the seriousness.
- Episode 6 of R2, at the end, when Nunnaly is rescued by Suzaku when Zero/Lelouch is in front of her. Lelouch gets very disturbed by the fact that Nunnaly decided to go with Suzaku and not with him. Which can be translated to "I can't believe she decided to go with her personal elite guard instead of a guy she thinks is a terrorist".
- Since when does Lelouch think rationally around Nunnaly?
- Yeah, but when your plan is to attack a Britannian fleet and kidnap the new Viceroy, and you already know that it's Nunnally, you'd better be prepared to actually kidnap her, especially when the ship is about to crash. Kidnap first, reason later man! Did he actually think that she would come along willingly with the man who has been killing her siblings left and right, and who she believes might have killed Lelouch himself?
- Since when does Lelouch think rationally around Nunnaly?
- In the Cupid Day episode of R2, Viletta seems quite nonchalant while describing Shirley shooting her in order to protect Lelouch, almost like the way she would be when telling her kids about how she first met Ougi.
- That was all a part of Shirley's nightmare sequence. However, that does bring to mind the whole "AAAAHHH PEOPLE'S MASK FACES ARE FALLING ON THE FLOOR AAAHHH" part.
- No, Villetta actually said that twice, for real during the Cupid Day to Lelouch and Rolo and in the nightmare after Shirely regain her memories the very next episode.
- That was all a part of Shirley's nightmare sequence. However, that does bring to mind the whole "AAAAHHH PEOPLE'S MASK FACES ARE FALLING ON THE FLOOR AAAHHH" part.
- When Suzaku asks Lloyd for the Lancelot before asking Shneizel the permission to kill the Emperor, the scene has a very looney toonic music in the background. Sure, the scene wasn't the most serious of all, but it was definetly not played for comedy either, so... yeah.
- Kallen's Stepmother's hair [dead link] . Who does she think she is, Marge Simpson?
- Thanks be to Nightmare of Nunnally: ALICE, THE CODE GEASS!!!
- We also had the Code Geass theory for explaining how Lelouch could have survived by having the Code without losing his geass. It was then quickly mocked by switching the names with the series Cowboy Bebop, to explain that Spike did not die, because he has inherited the COWBOY BEBOP!
- In one scene taking place in the Chinese Federation (early R2), C.C.'s part in one of Lelouch's cunning plans is rather made light of due to her choice of ornamentation for her vehicle.
- The Chinese Eunuchs' comparison of the common people to garbage and insects is not only hard to take seriously considering their voices, but is also comically over-the-top even for an Engineered Public Confession, particularly when they break out in evil laughter at the end (See the link for the scene with the Empress' "seizure").
- Lelouch: "Get on the ground and do push-ups!"
- Not to mention that one guy yelling "YEAH, WATCH ME MOVE!" That just makes it WORSE!
- "JIBUN WOOOOO!!!" (the first words from the first opening).
- Lelouch's death scene was so ridiculously bombastic and exaggerated that it spawned more than one parody video.
- You thought Spinzaku was funny? Come and meet Stabzaku!
- The cell-phone throwing incident in Episode 19 of R2 is mostly Narm Charm, but the original Japanese dub ruins the drama by making "GET OUT!" sound like "GET KINKY!"
- Depending on your view, Lelouch's Villainous Breakdown at the beginning of that episode may count as a narm as well.
Suzaku'sLOLzaku's laugh, both English and Japanese.
- Depending on your view, Lelouch's Villainous Breakdown at the beginning of that episode may count as a narm as well.
- The face that Kanon makes after Lelouch defeats and successfully Geasses Schneizel.
- The initial terrorism in the "Lelouch of the Rebellion" manga. No killing dozens to hundreds of people or using giant mechas. Nope. Let's spray paint stuff and break stuff. Though that does count as terrorism, peoples reactions to it are like they're doing what the anime counterparts do.
- In this troper's opinion anytime a character gives a big frown it looks ridiculous.
- Plus the way CLAMP designed their faces...whenever we get a profile shot of a character their noses look insanely huge...and their upper lips look to be a part of their noses and their chins look rather pointy.
- Whenever a character widens their eyes or their pupils shrink.
- The whole Lelouch's birthday thing which is not only full of Glurge but has characters thanking Lelouch's apparent ghost by claiming that he did miracles when the war Lelouch caused not only cost massive amounts of lives but destroyed two major cities.
- To be fair, it was likely All Just a Dream (possibly caused by Lelouch's Ghost) to make them all feel a bit better about how things turned out. There was probably a lot of Nostalgia Filter on the part of his friends (especially Nunnally), not to mention that miracles were Zero's "thing". Besides, Suzaku clearly didn't forgive Lelouch, despite having been just as bad through the series.
- Just as bad? It was even worse than that. Suzaku should have looked himself in the mirror, and realized had he not negated Lelouch's earlier efforts, peace would be much more likely much earlier on. Because, you know, the plan he went with, the Zero Requiem, was a lot worse than anything Lelouch had done before.
- To be fair, it was likely All Just a Dream (possibly caused by Lelouch's Ghost) to make them all feel a bit better about how things turned out. There was probably a lot of Nostalgia Filter on the part of his friends (especially Nunnally), not to mention that miracles were Zero's "thing". Besides, Suzaku clearly didn't forgive Lelouch, despite having been just as bad through the series.
- Nunnally's wheelchair in R2 doesn't resemble a chair with wheels so much as a giant teacup robbed from the Disneyworld ride.
- Speaking of Nunnally's wheelchair, as she was chasing Lelouch to get the switch back, my roommate exclaimed, "Stairs! My one weakness!" It turned a serious scene into a hilarious one, and I had to rewind to see what I missed while laughing.
- As epic as it was, Jeremiah beating Anya used the words "memorize" and "memory" so often that you would probably yell "Stop saying that!" before it was over.
- Having the prisoners in the final episode bound with huge gold chains. Since when does Lelouch care about blinging out prisoners?
- It was probably subtle forshadowing to what Lelouch and Suzaku were planning.
- Lelouch's fabulous white horse is the very definition of Narm.
- At one point when Cornelia is trying to convince Euphie to pick a knight, she offers a list of approved Knights of Honour. The list, while containing few truly Britannian sounding names, is not too unrealistic... until we get to one name in particular. Ladies and gentlemen: Baron Schutenkin Gordiengo The Third. Make of that name what you will.
- The other names, while not nearly as absurd, still aren't much better. Where else would you see "Zectole Vignal Jr" and "Viscount Les Maradi" in the same place? This was a problem with Britannia in general; despite it being a British empire based in North America, most Britannians have inexplicably foreign names (take Prince Schneizel, for one).
- Two words: Lloyd's voice. You just can't be taken seriously when you sound like a grown-up Stewie.
- Don't worry, his Japanese voice actor is even goofier, if you can believe that. He sounds like a character from Okami! At least he doesn't sound like he's eighty in the dub...
- This official art is not a promotion for Code Geass, the anime. It is a promotion for Code Geass, the porno. I mean, Lelouch and C2's pose is suggestive enough, but C2, WHERE is your hand going? Was Lulu not enough for you? Do you really need Suzaku too? (not that we blame you)
- Actually the image falls apart the more you look at it since A) Lelouch is for no reason just holding onto a random bouquet of roses B)the Zero cape is buttoned at the top yet flowing wildly in the back despite only slightly going over the arm and you can see the cape ending right next to his leg C)Suzaku is drawn quite largely as a symbol of him being closer to the camera, yet C.C's hand is going infront of him, meaning that either he is leaning forward at the chest, or C.C. can bend her elbow in any direction D) C.C. has a shirt and skirt that are made of spandex and ride up her ass like it was made to do that E)her shirt does the same thing to her breasts F)Suzaku's index finger seems to happen independently from the rest of his hand instead of following on from his middle finger and G) Lelouch's right hand has the pointiest bones to have ever been drawn.
- One of the DVD extras has Lelouch insisting that the proper way to pronounce "majesty" is with a ridiculous amount of emphasis on the second syllable. "Yes, your Ma-JEESSS-ty!!!"
- Schneizel is brilliant and formidable, but the fact remains...that his name is Schneizel.
- It really ruins the name for you when you are german and mishear his name for Schnitzel (escalope).
- Rada rada, rada rada rada, RADA
- The serious way in which Lelouch constantly says Schneizel's name during tense moments just adds to the narminess of his name.
- The showdown between Lelouch and Suzaku at the end of Stage 25 goes over the top when Lelouch pulls out the liquid sakuradite bomb out of nowhere.
- Cornelia, to Guilford, during the final episode in her moment of reflection: "There may no longer be any dignity or morality in war." Yeah, and clearly massacring civilians is just peachy. Stay classy, Cornelia.
- Word of God stating that the cost for world peace was Lelouch's life. Except, of course, when you consider that said path was the result of Suzaku's earlier foolishness as well as Ohgi being led by his irrational love for Villetta into betraying Lelouch.
- Did Lelouch just name a plan in Pig Latin? It sounds like Uptay Allifeiay, which would translate as Tup Iallife. What language is that?
- Out of all the laughable poses in Code Geass, the one Zero makes to the Chinese Empress at the end of the Chinese Federation arc is so ridiculous that I re-watched the episode just to see it again.
- In the anime, Emperor Charles saying Lelouch's name sounds more like he's impersonating a car's engine, especially when it's heard in slow motion.
- Kallen's beat down of Suzaku while wearing a frilly dress was awesome but also kind of funny especially here.
- Tohdoh's name, which isn't narmy in itself until the English dub which occasionally sounds like "Toto" from Wizard of Oz. This troper expected that darned dog to come trotting in.
- Especially if you speak Mandarin Chinese, where "Toudou" is the Pinyin/pronunciation for "Potato." I laughed every time he was mentioned.
- Kid!Lelouch saying he will "crush Britannia" in episode one of the English dub left this troper and her anime club in tears of laughter.
- In episode 16 of R1 after Mao messes with Suzaku, Lelouch gets pissed and orders Mao to "Never speak again!" This troper laughed when Mao went outside to meet C.C. who told him "I did love you, Mao" and Mao responded with "Grkhg gglgh grggkh glaarble!"
- Another Mao and C.C. Moment is when Mao shoots at C.C. And each time she gasps like she's having an orgasm.
- The unnecessary whoring of Pizza Hut never stops, even in the more dramatic scenes. Yeah, the place has good food, but we have commercials for a reason.
-'s Pizza Hut!. It supports the rebellion!
- Speaking of which... for one more time.