Code Geass/Characters/Black Knights
Zero: "The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed! Wherever oppressors abuse their power by attacking those who are powerless, we shall appear again, no matter how mighty or formidable our foe may be! Those of you with power, fear us! Those of you without it, rally behind us! We, the Black Knights, shall be the ones who stand in judgment of this world!"
The character sheet for the Black Knights of Code Geass.
Tropes that apply to most members
- Anti-Hero: Type II or Type III on average; they are usually not as extreme as Lelouch, but continue to use terrorism.
- You could argue that they were, originally at least, more Type IV, given that it's implied that, like other resistance groups, they weren't too picky about endangering civilians (at least, not Britannian civilians) originally. Ironically, it was only when Lelouch came along that they softened to Type II/III.
- Bridge Bunnies: Futaba, Hinata and Minase.
- The Danza: Inoue and Sugiyama.
- Dark Is Not Evil: They are among the heroes of the story.
- Five-Man Band: The top brass:
- The Hero / Big Good - Zero, (Ohgi was the original leader before he came.)
- The Lancer - C.C (the closest person to Zero) Toudou (formal second in command)
- The Big Guy - Kallen (greatest pilot with the most powerful frame)
- The Smart Guy -Rakshata (head of R&D)
- The Sixth Ranger - Rolo, Li Xingke, Jeremiah
- The Face: Diethard (PR guy), Kaguya (non-combatant politican)
- The Chick - Kaguya (most feminine of the group)
- Tagalong Kid: Kaguya[1]
- Good Is Not Nice
- Hero with Bad Publicity: Heroes to the Japanese and all other non-Britannia nations, terrorists to Britannia.
- La Résistance
- Lolicon - Believe it or not, Yoshitaka Minami, the stoic bespectacled guy of all people, is one. He can be briefly seen blushing when the Black Knights are watching Nunnally's swearing in ceremony as Governor of Area 11, and Rakshata outright calls him one on R2 Picture Drama 12.59.
- Occupiers Out of Our Country!
- Rebellious Rebels
- Those Two Guys: Yoshitaka and Minami. Yoshida was the third but he died during the Black Rebellion.
- Turncoat: Most of the members when they turn on Zero in hopes of getting Japan back as of Turn 19. They aren't joining Britannia full-stop, mind, but they are siding with Schneizel over Lelouch, and without consent of the UFN, which includes Kaguya.
- Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters
Rakshata Chawla
Voiced by: Masayo Kurata (Japanese), Laura Bailey (English)
"I'm its mother."--In reference to the Guren
A mild-mannered Mad Scientist from India, Rakshata Chawla is a mostly-friendly rival to the team of Lloyd Asplund and Cécile Croomy.
Rakshata Chawla embodies these tropes:
- Bollywood Nerd
- Brilliant but Lazy: You'll be hard pressed to find a time when she's NOT laying down on a sofa, even on the bridge of a ship in the middle of battle.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Loves to lounge around on sofas and tease people while smoking her pipe.
- Darkskinned Blonde
- Ditzy Genius
- The Engineer
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Green Eyes
- Hollywood Nerd
- Hot Scientist
- Mad Scientist: Like her rival Lloyd Asplund, Rakshata Chawla is a mostly benign version. Not evil enough to be 100% Mad Scientist, but too quirky and young to be The Professor.
- The Nicknamer: She gives Earl Lloyd Asplund his Fan Nickname "the Earl of Pudding," after his Trademark Favorite Food. I guess that makes her his Number One Fan?
- Smoking Is Cool
- Spell My Name with an "S": Rakshata vs. Lakshata vs. Laksharta....
- Statuesque Stunner
- TV Genius
Kaguya Sumeragi
Voiced by: Mika Kanai (Japanese), Stephanie Sheh (English)
"It's a matter of love!"
Kaguya Sumeragi (皇 神楽耶, Sumeragi Kaguya), fourteen years old (fifteen in R2), is the young head mistress of the Kyōto House and a supporter of the Black Knights. She is also a close friend of Empress Tianzi of China. Despite her age and physique, she possesses a strong will and is highly influential amongst the Houses. Kaguya has admired Zero since his debut, and wishes to have his hand in marriage.
Kaguya embodies these tropes:
- Arranged Marriage: Was to be engaged to her cousin Suzaku. See also Kissing Cousins, below.
- Big Eyes, Little Eyes: Just look at those enormous peepers. In this regard, she almost rivals Wide Eyed Idealists Princess Euphemia and Shirley Fenette.
- Blue Blood
- The Chessmaster
- Detached Sleeves
- Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: Her diadem. (See also Hair Decorations, above.)
- The Face: Invoked in her bid to convince Zero to marry her: "You'll need a public face, right?"
- Fan Girl: Of Zero.
- Genki Girl: Downplayed but its there.
- Green Eyes
- Hair Decorations: Her diadem. (See also Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry, below.)
- Hime Cut
- Improbable Age: She's the chairwoman of the United Federation of Nations at 15.
- Kissing Cousins: Was to be engaged to her cousin Suzaku. See also Arranged Marriage, above.
- Meaningful Name: Kaguya is the name of the eponymous character from an old Japanese folk tale "Princess Kaguya," also known as "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter."
- The Ojou: More traditionally Japanese example than most in the series.
- Older Than They Look: She's a teenager, but in many shots she could easily pass for a small child. It's ironic, since she's as smart and savvy as any of the adults around her.
- Plucky Girl
- Politeness Judo: The cuteness helps, and she shrewdly works it like a politician
- Rapunzel Hair
- The Smart Guy: See also Teen Genius and TV Genius and especially Wise Beyond Their Years, below.
- Teen Genius: See also TV Genius and especially Wise Beyond Their Years, below.
- Token Mini-Moe: Slightly old for the part, but then she's one of those Older Than They Look.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The girly girl when paired with tomboyish Kallen; the tomboy, when with the super girlish Tianzi.
- TV Genius: See Teen Genius, above, and especially Wise Beyond Their Years, below.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: On Lelouch's chart ranking the overall value of the top members of the Black Knights, she was second only to Toudoh despite having no combat ability. (Granted, most of it comes from full Charisma and very high Loyalty, but she still ties for second in Intelligence.)
Shinichirō Tamaki
Voiced by: Kazunari Tanaka (Japanese), Michael Lindsay (English)
"I'm Zero's best buddy!"
Shinichirō Tamaki (玉城 真一郎, Tamaki Shin'ichirō), twenty-four years old (twenty-five in R2), a is the leader of the second special squadron of the Black Knights. He is a hot-headed and carefree person, quick to cheer others on when not doing the fighting but rash and impulsive when he's on the front lines. His rashness is shown to border on recklessness, as he orders the execution of the Ashford Academy student council against Zero's wishes, though extenuating circumstances prevent his orders from being carried out. He pilots a standard Knightmare Frames during battles, though he rarely lasts long before being forced to eject.
Tamaki embodies these tropes:
- Ascended Extra: He's playable in Super Robot Wars Z 2, where his Burai can resupply allied units.
- Brick Joke: Remember when Tamaki was harassing Zero about giving him an official position in the Black Knights during R2? Well, it takes a few episodes of waiting and a sharp eye during the UNF ratification ceremony, but we finally find out what position he got: Internal Cleaning Supporter. Yup, he's a glorified janitor.
- Butt Monkey: In Lelouch's personal stats for the Black Knights, Tamaki comes out with the lowest rankings at 40, ten in each category (Intelligence, Combat Ability, Charisma, and Loyalty). Note that, with the exception of non-combatants, who have no Combat Ability score, and Nagisa Chiba, who ties for Loyalty, his scores are worse than any other member. Moreover, every other member ranks at least past 150, if just barely in some cases. While at first this might seem a joke at his expense, it fits if you take a look at his track record over the course of the show.
- Consider also that C. C., who has loved grilling him from time to time, composed that list.
- Chew Toy
- The Complainer Is Always Wrong: Argues that the recording Schneizel has presented could have been faked. Naturally, no one listens.
- The Everyman: Played straighter in his case than in Ohgi's.
- Face Heel Revolving Door: Played for Laughs, with his level of support of Lelouch in later stages of R2.
- Fiery Redhead
- The Fool: Oddly, this has made him an Ensemble Darkhorse and one of the few Black Knights who retain their popularity. He even manages to survive his direct, face-to-face encounter with Suzaku's Lancelot Albion in his grunt mech, even getting in a good line ("Even I have my pride, you know!") before he had to eject from his exploding Knightmare.
- Hot-Blooded
- Idiot Hero
- Idiot Houdini
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Perma-Stubble
- Sarcastic Devotee
Kaname Ohgi
Voiced by: Mitsuaki Madono (Japanese), Kirk Thornton (English)
"Someone who feels hate must also feel sadness."
Twenty-six years old (twenty-seven in R2), Ohgi used to be a school teacher before he became the leader of a Japanese resistance cell, having taken over after the death of Kallen Kozuki's older brother Naoto. Or at least, Ohgi was the leader, until Zero butts in.
Ohgi embodies these tropes:
- A Man Is Not a Virgin: Averted if you see the "Brown Agony" sound stage. Later averted.
- Ambiguously Jewish: He has curly hair and wears the same badge as they wore in Nazi Germany.
- Anti-Hero: Type II -> Type IV (with the betrayal).
- Dead Childhood Friend: Naoto Kouzuki.
- The Dulcinea Effect: He falls hard for Villetta when he finds her.
- Elephant in the Living Room: Neither his affair with Villetta, nor his nearly allowing Kallen to be gunned down on account of the attempt to execute Lelouch, or that he might have been too rash about jumping to conclusions on Lelouch, are put into question.
- The Everyman: A Deconstructed Trope, considering that his Everyman qualities in the midst of a war beyond his comprehension lead to his very questionable decisions and the disasters that result.
- Happily Married: To Villetta Nu, at the end of the series.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Turn 19 of R2. Enough said.
- Hypocrite/Moral Dissonance/Moral Myopia: Yes, all three. In a nutshell, the betrayal during R2 19. Just check the anime entry of the latter for more detail.
- Idiot Houdini
- Insane Forgiveness: Towards Villetta.
- Inspector Javert: When he chases Lelouch all the way up to the latter's disappearance into the Sword of Akasha following the betrayal.
- Karma Houdini: He was Happily Married by the end of Code Geass -- and was even elected Prime Minister, despite the numerous questionable decisions he made in the latter half of the second season. See above entries.
- Lima Syndrome: At first he intends to interrogate Villetta after she recovers from her amnesia, but he ends up falling for her.
- Living with the Villain: Lives with Villetta Nu for quite some time while she's lost her memory after being shot by Shirley.
- Love Makes You Dumb / Took a Level In Dumbass: Started out as the Only Sane Man, only to go south after he met Villetta.
- The Medic: His Burai can repair allies in Super Robot Wars Z 2. Tamaki's version has the resupply module instead.
- Never My Fault: Not entirely at fault, but still never does take any appropriate responsibility for his foibles.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: One might say he broke Zero.
- Romantic Love Is More Important: Goes AWOL to meet Villetta, even though she is planning on killing him.
- Secret Relationship / Star-Crossed Lovers: With Villetta, up until Turn 19.
- The Stool Pigeon
- Taking the Bullet: He saved Villetta from Sayoko by taking the daggers which were meant for her.
- Treachery Cover-Up: Attempts to cover up the betrayal against Lelouch.
- Unexplained Recovery:He got stabbed by Sayoko's daggers and fell off a cliff in R2 15. He comes back with no sign of injuries later. The incident is never mentioned again.
- Though it is inferred that he and Villetta ganged up on Diethard for sending Sayoko to spy on them, and then blackmailing Ohgi with Villetta.
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Hoo boy. Let's just say for starters that we may have been looking at a very different, and more preferable for many ending if not for the betrayal.
Diethard Reid
Voiced by: Joji Nakata (Japanese), Jamieson Price (English)
"Zero's arrival was like the arrival of a new age unfolding before my eyes!"
Brittanian TV producer who joined the Black Knights not because he believed in their cause but because he worshipped Zero. He was in charge of the Black Knights information, espionage, and public relations.
- Anti-Hero: Type V. The only member with little to no regard for righteousness.
- Blonde Guys Are Evil
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Switching to whichever side entertains him the most, apparently.
- The Complainer Is Always Wrong: Is against listening to Schneizel's testimonies and demands towards turning over Zero. The Black Knights end up agreeing with Schneizel anyway, and Diethard has a few bruises to show for his attempt to coax loyalty out of a temporary AWOL Ohgi, who he considers miscast as the role of leader. Predictably, he seizes the opportunity to jump on board with Schneizel, who he finds himself impressed by.
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- Jerkass
- Karmic Death: Shot by a Geass-controlled Schneizel (who he'd turned to), and despite requesting it as a Dying Wish, denied the chance to be ever Geassed by Lelouch, who simply told Diethard he was "not even worth it".
- Smug Snake
- Token Evil Teammate: only the Emperor and he rejoiced when the Special Administrative Zone Massacre began. And Diethard thought that Zero had wanted it.
Kyoshiro Tohdoh
Voiced by: Yuji Takada (Japanese), Steven Blum (English)
"Win or lose you must give it your all. It is the same for men and nations!"
A 37-year old colonel from the Japan Liberation Front, he is renowned as "Tohdoh of Miracles" because of his famous miracle at Itsukushima where he caused the invading Britannian army their only defeat, without the use of any knightmares. In addition to his skill at strategic planning, he's a supreme knightmare pilot. Joins the Black Knights along with the Four Holy Swords after being rescued from prison(Having been captured after the death of his superior, General Katase), becoming field commander of the Black Knights' military forces.
- The Ace: Though not to Xingke's extent, he's still a greast strategist and a very talented pilot. In Lelouch's stats for the Black Knights, he has the highest total stats of all of them, with 345. In comparison, the second-highest score is Kaguya, with 270.
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Chainsaw Good: Like the Four Holy Blades, he too used a chainsaw katana as his knightmare's weapon, but he ditches it once he gets hold of a rocket-propelled katana instead.
- Colonel Badass
- Flaming Sword: Variation once he gets his own custom knightmare, in that the knightmare's weapon is a katana equipped with rocket thrusters.
- I Can Still Fight: After being heavily injured during the finale, he tries to return to the battle, but Chiba attemps to stop him. She eventually lets him go, but he immediately collapses.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Always carries around a sheathed katana, though he never uses it.
- Noodle Incident: The Miracle of Itsukushima.
- Oblivious to Love: Seemingly unaware of Chiba's crush on him.
- Red Baron: Tohdoh of Miracles.
- Samurai: As with the rest of the JLF, he follows the Bushido code. Tohdoh himself taught Suzaku in this manner when the latter was young.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Tohdoh/Toudou.
- The Stoic
The Four Holy Swords
The Japan Liberation Front's most powerful soldiers led by Tohdoh. After Tohdoh is captured by the Britannians, they seek out the Black Knights for aid in rescuing him. They subsequently join fully with the Black Knights after Tohdoh does.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Chiba's crush on Tohdoh.
- Chainsaw Good/Katanas Are Just Better: Their knightmares' signature weapons are chainsaw katanas.
- Dwindling Party: Beginning in R2 they begin to drop. First Urabe (see heroic sacrifice below), then Senba is killed by Gino and finally Asahina dies when the first FLEIJA is detonated. This leaves just Chiba out of the four alive by the end.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Tohdoh
- The Lancer: Asahina
- The Big Guy: Senba
- The Smart Guy: Urabe
- The Chick: Chiba
- Heroic Sacrifice: Urabe saving Lelouch from Rolo.
- In the Back: Senba is stabbed in the back through his knightmare by Gino.
- Lady of War: Chiba.
- Old Soldier: Senba.
- Samurai: As with the rest of the JLF, they tend to follow the Bushido code.
- Sour Supporter: Both Asahina and Chiba become highly critical of Zero following the Black Rebellion.
- The Smurfette Principle: Chiba.
- ↑ Okay, so really she's not much younger than Lelouch and Kallen, but she still behaves like this trope... despite claiming to be Zero's wife, and actually being one of the key affiliated political figureheads.