< Clark Kallen and His Merry Band

Clark Kallen and His Merry Band/Characters

The character sheet of the Fire Emblem based role-play, Clark Kallen and His Merry Band.

The Merry Band

Clark Kallen

"I was going to let you live. Too bad, eh?"

A ruthless mercenary with an unknown origin, Clark is the leader of the titular merry band. Although he received his position at the beginning of the story, his actions and behavior suggest that he has had experience commanding men before. His swordsmanship is fearsome, but Clark keeps a variety of other tricks up his sleeve, and he has been known to employ magic vials and poison. His penchant for brutal victories has pushed him to the boundary of being a Villain Protagonist.

Clark: You have a point Klebosk. She is just a wench. However...

  • slits girl's throat*

Clark: ...I would kill her. And now, I'm going to kill you.

Serena Einsheart

"We are Clark Kallen and his merry band of mercenaries! Surrender yourself now unless you wish to be blood upon my blade!"

An extremely enthusiastic girl wielding a sword she calls the Delphinus, Serena takes a happy-go-lucky approach to mercenary work. Has a strong sense of justice, but understands that survival comes first.

Weyler Ulbran

"Money's a nice incentive, but I consider you enough of a friend to go without it."

A silver-haired mage with incredible control over all branches of magic, Weyler is the team's primary offensive magic-user, though he has been know to heal as well. Weyler is less concerned about how the part goes about doing their jobs, as long as it is for a good cause.

Mikalas "Myke" Ienthi

Alright, I guess you do have a right to know. I'll warn you now, though, it's not the most believable of stories. I'm not from Elibe, and neither is the man I'm after. For that matter, neither are Lilane and Emysia. We're all from another world- we used to call it Langras."

A young swordsman from another world called Langras, who arrived in Elibe while trying to escape the clutches of the Graael Order. He chanced upon the band while they were on their first job, and since worming his way into the group has become a valued member; his age being somewhat offset by prodigious skills (though how these skills were accquired is unknown; he seems to have lived a relatively peaceful life in the time between his flight from Langras and joining the band).

Lilane Radurni

Also, [this RP] involves me commiting the grave sin of Lilane actually interacting with someone, so if I disappear I was murdered for it. =\

Emysia Radurni

Michael "Tookie" Hamilton

"You can call me Tookie, since everybody else does. If that sounds as ridiculous to you as it does to me, my real name is Michael."

An enigma; a boy from a world completely different to Elibe and Langras, though seeming to have a role to play in their futures. He enlisted with the group rather unofficially, first fighting alongside them during Myke's assault on the Graael Order's fledgeling Elibe base, where the Order soon saw his more malicious side. Staying with the mercenaries due to what seemed to be his role, he's established himself as... well, not the nicest of people most of the time.

  • An Axe to Grind (At the moment; he looks set to drop this in favour of a BFS though.)
  • Author Avatar/Write Who You Know (A fairly shameless one on the real Tookie's part. However, he was initially just going to be a Joke Character on the battling and pvp side of the site for the real Tookie's amusement, but got worked into the roleplay anyway.)
  • Berserk Button (Innocents. Get innocent people caught up in the fighting, and he will not be happy. Hasn't yet descended into Unstoppable Rage, though.)
    • Don't interrupt his sleep, either.
  • The Big Guy (Particularly for the Langras Four Person Band, despite not being from Langras. A Big Guy in general, as well.)
  • Curb Stomp Battle (Usually on the receiving end.)
  • Determinator (A fledgeling one, as noted by Griez.)
  • Fish Out of Temporal Water (A rare example of the fish trying to blend in.)
  • Genre Savvy (Sees the glowing symbols on Jael's golems as the weak point. Whether this extends to other areas is unknown as of yet.)
  • Godwin's Law (He mentally invokes it.)
  • Hearing Voices (Beginning to. He and the voices don't really get along.)
  • Heroes Prefer Swords (He looks likely to fall into this soon, though how heroic he is at the moment is debatable.)
  • Heroic Sociopath (Paraphrases of his parts in Chapters 4 to 6: "Hey, you got blood on my shirt! Die!" "Get up, you idiot! *Groin Attack*" "... Stop bleeding on the floor, dammit!".
    • Rather jarring, when you consider he's a fairly nice guy outside of fights, and even wanted to know why he was carving a path through the Graael Order once all was said and done.
  • Idiot Hero (When he's not just being a sociopath, he has his heroic moments... sometimes. Sadly, when it comes to anything involving knowledge of Elibian customs and their way of life (unless it's something he would remember from the games), he comes off as a bit silly.)
  • Kid Hero (Though how far you use the term "Hero" is currently up for debate.)
  • Oh God, Did She Just Hear That? (Emysia invokes this in him.)
  • Oh Crap (Between Boar and the Bern Army, this is becoming his favourite phrase.)
  • No Name Given (Like Myke, only referred to within the group as Tookie, though the villains all seem to know him by his real name.)


A towering figure clothed in black and shrouded in mystery, XEQ has proved time and time again on the battlefield that he is a valuable asset to the team. Unfortunately, off the battlefield, his actions are...less than commendable. His complete silence makes it hard to figure out what he's thinking. In Chapter Seven, we find out what he really is, but Clark insists on keeping him around.

Griez Rothelmu

Lachelle Clament

Van Urustwhil

Relus Thersiss

Byron's Fury

Byron Callahan

Ognus Ecker

Jane Falaxis

Lou Brace

Alice West

  • Smitten Teenage Girl (With an ever-changing target, to boot. So far we've seen Lou and Brannan, with possible others.)
  • Team Mom (Odd in that she's the youngest.)


Recens Simetra

Brannan De Caliphar

"I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to enjoy himself here and there in a profession of his choosing."

Standing taller than all of the cast but XEQ, Brannan is an intimidating man with swordsmanship to match. He fled to Karaisali after being wrongly accused of rape and murder, and has joined the ranks of the Fury as its newest member. His fighting style is a mixed bag of techniques that are both unpredictable and extremely effective. This extends into his personality, as Brannan is very pragmatic and efficient.

The Graael Order





Lily Klavine

A girl from another world, hinted to be the same world as Tookie, she works with the Graael Order as per her belief that if they succeed she gets to return home, and it is through them she first met Tookie. She fought him initially due to her belief that he was her enemy by association, though continuing the fight due to her anger at his attitude to the whole thing. She is Lucialde's assistant for now, though she was very disgusted when she found out exactly what he had in mind.



"I need to get out of Karaisali. Nothing good happens here."

A girl with a mallet and a chip on her shoulder, Jael holds the key to XEQ's origins and seems hell-bent on destroying him though technically XEQ is an "it".

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