Characters for the TV show Chuck. Currently under massive overhaul.
Main Characters
Rank/Job: Computer Technician / Special Agent
Affiliation: CIA / Carmichael Industries / Buy More
- Charles Irving "Chuck" Bartowski
Portrayed by Zachary Levi
Charles Irving "Chuck" Bartowski is the main character of the American fiction television show Chuck. A nerdy guy who works at the Buy More's Nerd Herd desk, he unwittingly downloaded the Intersect into his brain, and has been dragged into the world of espionage.
Tropes associated with Chuck:
- Action Survivor: Chuck's been tranquilized, kidnapped, been held at gunpoint, tortured, etc... the list goes on.
- To Chuck's credit, though, this largely disappeared once he knew kung-fu. Just look below.
- Adorkable
- Almighty Janitor: Chuck is really the one who runs Buy More. As of the end of Season 4, quite literally, although nobody knows it.
- Badass: Despite his Nerd Herd status, Chuck has proven himself with this trope:
- Badass Normal: Before the Intersect 2.0, this is what Chuck was all about. Back to being this now that Morgan is the Intersect.
- Badass Pacifist: Hates dangerous situations, and uses tranq guns instead of real ones. Albeit, will fire a real gun when absolutely necessary.
- Took a Level in Badass: Cue the Intersect 2.0. Plus Shooting Shaw marks his first real kill.
- As of Season 5, he's been kicking ass WITHOUT the Intersect. Just ask Shaw, a properly trained agent, who tried to fight Chuck one-on-one.
- Beard of Sorrow: "Chuck Versus the Pink Slip".
- Bodyguard Crush: On Sarah.
- Catch Phrase: "Don't freak out."
- Cursed with Awesome
- Deadpan Snarker
- Expy: He initially looked like a grown up Seth Cohen.
- Fish Out of Water: Chuck is not a hardened spy like the rest. Although, this seems to be changing, with Intersect 2.0..
- Genre Savvy: Very.
- Good Is Not Dumb: Chuck's an all-around nice guy, but he's definitely no idiot.
- Guile Hero: Seems to have established himself as this.
- Happily Married
- Hollywood Nerd
- Magical Database
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Carmichael. Charles Carmichael.
- Nice Guy
- Screams Like a Little Girl
- Unlucky Everydude
- UST: With Sarah; one of the major subplots (or arguably the main plot).
- They Do: "Chuck Versus the Other Guy". FINALLY.
Rank/Job: Special Agent
Affiliation: CIA / Carmichael Industries / Wienerlicious / Orange Orange
- Sarah Bartowski
Portrayed by Yvonne Strahovski
First real name is Sam, middle name is Lisa. Sarah Bartowski (f/k/a Walker) is a CIA special agent whose primary mission is to protect the Intersect, Chuck. Little is known about Sarah's past but we do know her father was an infamous conman. She herself participated in many of her father's cons since childhood.
Tropes associated with Sarah:
- Action Dress Rip: Often; most notably in "Chuck Versus the Cougars".
- Action Girl
- Action Girlfriend
- Adorkable: When she gets flustered, she tends to ramble on in the same way Chuck does. Case in point? Male strippers.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Was susceptible to this until Chuck.
- Badass:
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Family: She and her father definitely have their moments.
- Berserk Button: Once Chuck is either harmed, kidnapped, or tortured, Sarah will straight up kill you. No questions asked.
- Broken Bird
- Comically Serious: Especially as she defrosts in Seasons 2 and 3, Chuck loves to playfully needle her about her Consummate Professional facade.
- Consummate Liar
- Criminal Amnesiac: She falls into this at the conclusion of "Chuck Versus the Bullet Train", as Quinn convinces her that Chuck is a target to be killed.
- Dark Action Girl: Due to the Mind Rape induced by Quinn and the faulty Intersect in the series' last three episodes, she becomes one.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: As Chuck says:
Chuck: I knew you could be heart-warmed.
- Emotionless Girl: Tries quite hard at first. Fails miserably.
- Happily Married
- Hot Amazon: Chuck certainly seems to think so!
- Knife Nut: Probably has a few of them on her at any given time, and will use them to dispatch enemies, cut cheeseburgers, and mute alarm clocks.
- Little Miss Con Artist: As a child and not at all played for laughs.
- Ms. Fanservice: And how!
- Mysterious Past
- No Name Given: Sarah is most definitely NOT her real name. She's so far said that it's 'Sam' and that her middle name is 'Lisa'.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Tall Blond And Bishoujo
- UST: With Chuck. Resolved into a Happily Married Official Couple after several seasons.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: Not a good idea to kidnap/threaten/harm Chuck.
Rank/Job: Green Shirt / Major (formerly) / Colonel
Affiliation: NSA / U.S. Marine Corps / Carmichael Industries / Buy More
John Casey / Birth name - Alexander Coburn
Portrayed by Adam Baldwin
A Badass. Colonel John Casey is an NSA agent that is sent to protect Chuck after he gets the Intersect implanted in his brain. Casey has a bit of a short temper and often gets frustrated with Chuck, but is absolutely a man he can count on.
Tropes associated with Casey:
- The Ace Sniper: Easily makes a shot that supposedly only five people in the world could make.
- Anti-Hero: Type III/IV.
- Badass: HOLY SHIT!
- Badass Creed: "Because the only thing I hate more than hippie and neo-liberal fascists and anarchists are the hypocrite fat cat suits they eventually grow up to become."
- Badass Driver
- Badass Normal
- Colonel Badass
- Heartbroken Badass
- Big Damn Heroes: Happens a lot. A particularly great one? Swinging in with Chekhov's Dakka and shooting basically everything except Chuck and Sarah, in what could have been a homage to the original Big Damn Heroes scene... also with Adam Baldwin hanging out of an airborne vehicle with a machine gun.
- Bond One-Liner: Surprisingly fond of these.
- Cold Sniper/Friendly Sniper
- Gun Nut
- Hot Dad: To Alex.
- I'm Not Here to Make Friends: Originally this. Now has become best friends with Morgan of all people!
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Casey has clearly become this by the end of the second season, even if he refuses to admit it.
- Made of Iron: Par for course. In "Chuck Versus the Undercover Lover", a Russian thug injures his hand by punching him in the face.
- More Dakka: Almost religiously.
- One-Man Army:
Shaw: (overhearing gratuitous amounts of gunfire and screaming) I see you brought Casey.
- Overprotective Dad: Casey found out about his daughter mid-Season 3. Since then, he's shown strong signs of this whenever anyone want to cause harm to her... or their name is "Morgan Grimes".
Casey: You break her heart, I break your everything.
- Real Men Wear Pink: He used to be a choir boy and helped design Devon and Ellie's wedding at the end of the second season. And yet, he is unquestionably the most badass character on the show.
- Not to mention, his favorite movie of all time is... Steel Magnolias.
- Strawman Political: Played with. Casey has several portraits of Ronald Reagan in his home, and is a notable supporter of gun rights. But, this is rarely referenced except in the background.
- Casey himself also invokes political strawmen on occasion, usually liberal stereotypes. See the Badass Creed above.
- That Makes Me Feel Angry: Pretty much everything.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Ultimately becomes this toward Chuck and Sarah - initially, he and Sarah just hated each other and he was contemptuous of Chuck. Eventually it transfers over to Morgan.
- Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: A variant, as he approves of Chuck's somewhat more ruthless behavior in the third season, and Sarah is unsettled by this approval.
Rank/Job: Green Shirt / Assistant Manager / Manager / Special Agent
Affiliation: Buy More / CIA / Carmichael Industries
- Morgan Guillermo Grimes
Portrayed by Joshua Gomez
Chuck's best friend since childhood, the two have been as close as brothers (of course, one of them is stuck with a super computer in his brain). For the most part, Morgan is largely stuck at the Buy More dealing with (or starting) various nonsense and generally unaware of all the espionage his best friend has been up to, although coincidentally enough many of Morgan's misadventures run parallel to whatever Chuck is dealing with at the time.
As of Season 3, however, Morgan is finally an agent of Operation Bartowski. As of the end of Season 4, he's AN INTERSECT. It does come out eventually, though not without some side effects.
Tropes associated with Morgan:
- Brainwashed and Crazy: In Season 5, having to do with the fact that the intersect he received was NOT sent by Beckman... He gets over it, due to The Power of Friendship.
- Character Development: Starts out as a slacker and utter loser but starts to become a bit more responsible by mid second season. By the time the third and fourth seasons occur, he becomes significantly more competent and mature, if perhaps a bit of a Bunny Ears Lawyer.
- The Chick: Once he joins Team Bartowski.
- Face Heel Turn: Appears to be going through one alongside My Skull Runneth Over starting in Season 5. See Brainwashed and Crazy above.
- Genre Savvy: He was the one who figured out that Shaw had joined The Ring, and and that he was still alive after Chuck's encounter with him.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Chuck, and in a way, Casey.
- If You're So Evil Eat This Kitten: While disguised as a bad guy, Morgan tries to prove his evilness to the other bad guys in the room by pretending to be in a phone call with one of his henchmen, telling the henchman to kill a puppy because it's too much of a hassle to feed.
- The Lancer
- Mission Control: A variation. He knows more about Chuck than anyone else - meaning he can virtually track him down better than anyone else.
- Non-Action Guy: Morgan is officially a member of Chuck's team, but only proves useful in his genre-savviness and yoga skills. That is until Season 5, when he has the Intersect.
- Only Sane Man: From Season 4 onward, he becomes this for the Buy More.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Properly Paranoid: He freaks out after Chuck finds out Shaw is alive. Rightfully so.
- Secret Keeper: As of mid-Season 3.
- Took a Level in Badass: Once he got the Intersect.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: In Season 5. It's not his fault.
Rank/Job: Doctor of Neurology
Affiliation: Westside Medican / Carmichael Industries
- Eleanor Fay "Ellie" Bartowski Woodcomb
Portrayed by Sarah Lancaster
Chuck's doting older sister. Ever since both of their parents up and abandoned them, the two have learned to take care of each other, a day they celebrate as "Mother's Day". Ellie was the last person to find out about Chuck's secret, and did not take it well... especially given that Shaw killed their father right in front of her eyes...
Tropes associated with Ellie:
- Badass Normal: After discovering Chuck's secret and witnessing the murder of their father, Ellie becomes this so very much.
- Brainy Brunette
- Cool Big Sis
- Genre Savvy: Has now shown her credentials after realizing she and Awesome were caught up in a ransom scheme.
- Hot Mom
- My Beloved Smother: To Chuck, though it is justified as she and Chuck grew up with only each other to rely on.
- The Not Love Interest: Ellie pretty much plays the same role as "the wife" in most television shows.
- Only Sane Woman
- Promotion to Parent: As the result of a Missing Mom and a Disappeared Dad, Ellie has had to be a mother to Chuck since childhood.
- Secret Keeper: Unfortunately, this only happens after she was fed a mis-secret, with disastrous consequences.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: The second tallest regular female character and very attractive.
- Took a Level in Badass
Rank/Job: Cardiovascular Surgeon
Affiliation: Westside Medical
- Devon Christian "Captain Awesome" Woodcomb
Portrayed by Ryan McPartlin
Ellie's boyfriend/fiancé/husband, and Chuck's brother-in-law, Awesome is well... an awesome guy. For most of the show, he's mainly stuck to secondary story-arcs, lending his awesomeness to any given situation. However, upon discovering Chuck's identity, his very awesomeness was put to the test...
Tropes associated with Awesome:
Jeff: Have you ever had a dream that didn't come true?
Devon: (Beat) No.
- The Awesome Captain
- Big Brother Mentor: Thinks he's this to Morgan, and to a bigger (but actually lesser) extent, to Chuck.
Devon: Well, ever since we've been dating [Ellie], I've come to think of you as a little brother I never had.
Chuck: ...Don't you have two younger brothers?
Devon: Indeed. Indeed.
- Catch Phrase: "Awesome!" (that's how he got his nickname).
- Subverted in "Chuck Versus the Truth" when Ellie said if everything is awesome then everything is mediocre.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Talks about sex a lot, much to Ellie's consternation since he talks about either her brother having sex, or the two of them having sex in front of her brother, he however, is a very honorable and decent guy who would never cheat on his wife.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Morgan once asks him about his day, the lengthy descriptions of what he does to make Ellie happy, including getting fresh fruit and making smoothies, running baths, etc, makes Morgan swoon.
- The Everyman: Funnily enough.
- Hot-Blooded: He's a very energetic man.
- Jerk Jock: Subverted.
- Large Ham
- Mr. Fanservice
- Nice Guy
- Properly Paranoid: His desire for "excitement" of the spy life... had side effects.
- Secret Keeper
- Sobriquet: He's so awesome, that's what they call him!
- Stereotype Flip: A beefcake bodybuilder who is also a skilled surgeon and knows how to tango -- basically, a white version of Turk. Hell, it just continues the perception from Scrubs that the surgeons are the jocks.
- Took a Level in Badass: Since his involvement with Premier Goya and Daniel Shaw.
Rank/Job: General / Director / Manager
Affiliation: NSA / Buy More
- Brigadier General Diane Beckman
Portrayed by Bonita Friedericy
Operation Bartowski's commanding officer, Beckman is a decorated General and head of the NSA. Originally had a different approach to the Intersect compared to Langston Graham, ever since his death, she had to take on the more direct command over it. A role that took quite a long, long time for her to become comfortable with...
Tropes associated with Beckman:
- Da Chief
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defrosting Ice Queen: At first, she was more than happy to have Casey ice Chuck, but the long road eventually made her care for the entire team.
- Four-Star Badass: Supposedly...
- Expecting Someone Taller: Quite literally.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Her on-again, off-again relationship with Roan Montgomery.
- Lady of War
- Mission Control
- Redheaded Hero
- Talking Heads: Ninety percent of the time only shows up through a video feed. Whenever she shows up in person, you know things are going to go down.
Buy More
Rank/Job: Manager / Assistant Manager / Green Shirt
Affiliation: Buy More
- Michael "Big Mike" Tucker
Portrayed by Mark Christopher Lawrence
Manager of the Burbank Buy More and Morgan's stepfather, he rules his store with an iron fist... or pretends he does. There's a reason why it has amassed its particular collection of freaks. He enjoys fishing, and taking down thieves.
Tropes associated with Big Mike:
- Badass Normal: He knocks the hell out of Leader when Casey was cornered. He later also catches Hugo Panzer with a stun baton.
- Bald Black Leader Guy
- Benevolent Boss
- Berserk Button: You do NOT mess with this man's Buy More. See Badass Normal above for the consequences.
- Da Chief
- I Banged Your Mom: When he first started dating Morgan's mom, Morgan was not thrilled. Now he and Morgan are quite close.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Mr. Vice Guy: Is a pretty greedy businessman and somewhat lazy, but ultimately a good guy.
Rank/Job: Green Shirt / Assistant Manager
Affiliation: Buy More
- Harold Tiberius "Harry" Tang
Portrayed by C.S. Lee
A loud, short-tempered salesman at the Buy More during Season 1. He is Chuck's main rival for the position of assistant manager, which Chuck loses due to his duties as a spy. Harry and Chuck strongly dislike each other and when Harry becomes assistant manager, he does whatever he can to make Chuck's job harder. After he accidentally finds out that Chuck, Casey, and Sarah are spies, he and his wife are relocated to Oahu, Hawaii where he is made into the manager of a pineapple plant and appears to be quite happy. However, he believes that Casey has recruited him as a spy and that his new job is just a cover.
Tropes associated with Harry Tang:
- Mistaken for Cheating: Harry gets a tape of his wife asking Morgan to help her pick out a gift for her husband and mistakenly believes that she is having an affair. He intends to catch them in the act, only to walk into a meeting between Team Chuck and General Beckman and Director Graham. Funnily enough, his wife IS cheating on him, but with Big Mike.
- Put on a Bus: Due to C.S. Lee's commitments with Dexter.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis
- Unfortunate Names: Of the Double Entendre variety.
Rank/Job: Computer Technician / Assistant Manager / Musician
Affiliation: Buy More / Jeffster!
- Lester Patel
Portrayed by Vik Sahay
Fellow Nerd-Herder from the Buy More, Lester works under Chuck, and with his best friend Jeff. He is the lead-singer of their band Jeffster!, is a specialist in Apple products, and is proud of his talent as a professional stalker.
Tropes associated with Lester:
- Abhorrent Admirer: A variation. While he's nowhere near that ugly, he's terrifyingly creepy towards all of his stalkees.
- Also, when Jeff is brought up to normal by Awesome, Lester tries to Murder the Hypotenuse of Jeff's brain!.
- All Jews Are Ashkenazi: Subverted. Lester is of the Jewish faith and of Indian descent.
- Casanova Wannabe: Although he's cute, his tactics for seducing women ensure that he couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with a sack full of bananas.
- Clingy Jealous Dude: He has serious co-dependency issues with Jeff. He even tries to be best friends with Morgan to make him jealous in "Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer".
- Handsome Lech: Though not handsome in show he's a creepy, creepy guy.
- Small Name, Big Ego. Oh, dear GOD.
Lester: The words "Hero", "Savior"... "God" are thrown around. We deserve them.
- Those Two Guys: With Jeff.
- Twofer Token Minority: He's a Hinjew.
- Canada, Eh?: From Saskatchewan. Just like Vik Sahay (actually, Ontario, they're both Canadian, at least).
- Wrong Genre Savvy: If starting his own Fight Club is any indication...
Rank/Job: Computer Technician / Musician
Affiliation: Buy More / Jeffster!
- Jeffrey Barnes
Portrayed by Scott Krinsky
Fellow Nerd-Herder from the Buy More, Jeff works under Chuck, and with his best friend Lester. He plays the instruments and edits the videos for their band Jeffster! He's also an Apple specialist, and quite possibly the creepiest guy in the world.
Tropes associated with Jeff:
- Abhorrent Admirer: Admires and wants to stalk Chuck of all people... All women, especially overweight housewives shopping for Beastmasters and pregnant women, should also beware...
- Abusive Parents:
"I like pineapples. My Dad used to throw them at me."
- The Alcoholic: And how.
- Casanova Wannabe: He's Lester minus the cuteness, so needless to say his luck with the ladies is even worse.
- That being said, he still gets kissed by a woman (completely willingly) before Lester. This woman? ELLIE.
- Cloudcuckoolander: A very, very creepy variant.
- The Cuckoolander Was Right: Whenever he puts forth some kind of idea or theory, it will get rejected despite him being 100% right. Example: when told to write down who has Ellie's missing laptop purely from his memory banks, he writes down CIA. Despite the fact that the CIA HAS the laptop, Lester tosses it aside.
- After he's prescribed a good night sleep in Season 5, he stops being this, and more of a normal person, much to Lester's shock. It's implied that his... eccentricity was caused by the fact that he didn't get any REM sleep, due to living in his van.
- With it running while he slept, implying carbon monoxide poisoning.
- A Day in the Limelight: "Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer". Jeff is the only character not related to Chuck's spy work that got his own episode.
- I Am Spartacus: Literally says this after he chugs 12 cans of beer.... at once!
- Suddenly Always Knew That: His past as a video game champion is very important in one episode. Subverted when Chuck needs to take his place after he passes out from being too nervous.
- Those Two Guys: With Lester.
- Wrong Genre Savvy
Rank/Job: Computer Technician
Affiliation: Buy More
- Anna Wu
Portrayed by Julia Ling
Another Nerd-Herder from the Buy-More, Anna Wu is Morgan's ex-girlfriend. She gives off a very prostitute-y vibe, and has a rather colorful relationship history.
Tropes associated with Anna:
- Action Girl: She got her own spot in the limelight when she kicked Mitt's ass with a pair of camera tripods. Casey even recommended her for field duty.
- Badass Normal
- Bi the Way
- But Not Too Bi
- Clingy Jealous Girl: She was very insecure of Morgan's attraction to Ellie.
- Give Geeks a Chance: Morgan.
- Les Yay: Apparently has a history with this.
- Perky Goth Girl.
- Put on a Bus: For Season 3, due to budget cuts.
- The Bus Came Back: For "Chuck Versus the Tooth".
- The Smurfette Principle: She was the only female working in the Nerd Herd.
- Twofer Token Minority: Asian and female.
- Waif Fu
Rank/Job: Efficiency Expert / Assistant Manager / Manager
Affiliation: Buy More
- Emmett Milbarge
Portrayed by Tony Hale
An efficiency expert sent from Buy More corporate, Emmett was quickly promoted to Big Mike's assistant manager. His massive douchebaggery shined through as he used Morgan to get Big Mike demoted to a simple green-shirt.
Soon after his promotion, he was shot and killed by Javier Cruz.
Tropes associated with Emmett:
- Ambiguously Gay: Though he said he's straight it's hard to pinpoint.
- And There Was Much Rejoicing: For pretty much everyone else.
- Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Threatening one of the most dangerous, pissed-off assassins in the world with mace and calling him a pussy usually doesn't end well...
- Eye Scream: Not a lot of screaming, but definitely got shot in the eye.
- Fatal Flaw: His delusions of authority.
- Jerkass
- Killed Off for Real
- Manipulative Bastard: Poor Morgan... Poor, poor Big Mike...
- The Neidermeyer
- Shoo Out the Clowns: More accurately, Shoot The Clowns Dead.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis
- Soundtrack Dissonance: Shot while "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips plays in the background.
- The Starscream
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: For Harry Tang.
- Tragic Mistake: Don't pick fights with shady looking guys behind the Buy More!
- Stars in a Tyrant Takes the Helm story arc.
Rank/Job: Computer Technician
Affiliation: Buy More
- Hannah
Portrayed by Kristin Kreuk
A cute, spunky computer-expect whom Chuck met on a plane to Paris. Being fired from her job, Chuck offered her to work with him at the Nerd Herd - an offer she accepted. But, with Chuck being a super-spy who has to lie about every little thing to her, their building romantic relationship was very short lived.
Troped associated with Hannah:
- No Name Given: We really only learn her first name.
- Put on a Bus
- Romantic False Lead: Sure, she's hot, but did you really expect her to get in the way of Chuck and Sarah permanently?
- The Smurfette Principle: After Anna Wu was Put on a Bus for budget reasons, Hannah becomes the token female Nerd Herder.
CIA and other spies
Rank/Job: Special Agent
Affiliation: CIA
- Bryce Larkin
Portrayed by Matthew Bomer
Chuck's old college buddy and roommate, Bryce is responsible for getting Chuck kicked out of college by framing him for cheating on a test - in truth, he was only saving Chuck from the spy life since he was already being scouted by the CIA. In the end however, Bryce ended up sending the Intersect to Chuck and starting the whole chain of events as he only trusted Chuck with the Intersect.
He was later shot and killed by Miles right before Chuck downloaded the Intersect 2.0..
Tropes Associated with Bryce:
- The Ace
- Anti-Hero: Type III or IV.
- Badass
- Big Damn Heroes
- Guile Hero: He plays Chuck like a harp.
- Hollywood Nerd: He protected the Intersect images with a password inspired by Zork, and it's this shared passion for geeky subjects that helped he and Chuck bond at Stanford.
- Killed Off for Real
- Moment Killer: Bryce is a walking, talking cockblock.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Romantic False Lead
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Sacrificed his friendship with Chuck to give Chuck a chance at a normal life.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Rank/Job: Engineer
Affiliation: CIA (formerly)
- Stephen J. Bartowski / Orion
Portrayed by Scott Bakula
Chuck and Ellie's estranged father, he is later revealed to have been a CIA spy, engineer, and creator of the Intersect - codenamed Orion. After discovering what the Intersect was truly capable of, he abandoned Chuck and Ellie to protect them from Fulcrum and The Ring.
He was later shot and killed by Daniel Shaw.
Tropes associated with Stephen:
- The Atoner: He feels really bad about abandoning his kids.
- Badass Bookworm: The man was on the run from the government and Fulcrum for ten years and regularly kicks the crap out of secret agents.
- Chekhov MIA
- Disappeared Dad
- Hot Dad: I guess we know where Chuck and Ellie got it from.
- I Always Wanted to Say That: "This disk will self-destruct in 5 seconds."
- Ironic Nickname: Orion the Hunter yet he has spent most of his adult life being the hunted.
- Killed Off for Real
- Properly Paranoid: He thinks that "the bastards are watching [his] every move." He says that in a room with Sarah, and he's completely right.
- Techno Wizard
Rank/Job: Director
Affiliation: CIA
- Langston Graham
Portrayed by Tony Todd
Graham was the Director of the CIA, and the direct supervisor of the Intersect Project, along with Sarah's superior. He recruited Sarah when she was in high school after he apprehended her father for conning a dangerous individual - claiming he saved them both. It is assumed he is the only other person to have known Sarah's real full name.
He was killed at the beginning of Season 2 after the rebuilt Intersect was sabotaged by Fulcrum.
Tropes associated with Graham:
- Bald Black Leader Guy
- Da Chief
- Jerkass
- Killed Off for Real
- Mission Control
- The Stoic
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Seems to have this attitude even more than Beckman.
Rank/Job: Special Agent
Affiliation: FULCRUM (cover) / MI 6
- Cole Barker
Portrayed by Jonathan Cake
Barker is a MI 6 agent who infiltrated the ranks of Fulcrum as one of their top operatives - only to have his cover blown by Chuck and crew after a case of mistaken identity. Throughout his stay in Castle, some static was caused between him and Chuck, with Barker shamelessly hitting on Sarah at every chance he got. Regardless, he proved he was ultimately a good guy, and a dependable agent.
Tropes associated with Barker:
- The Ace
- Anti-Hero: Type III.
- Badass
- Big Damn Heroes
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Was on the receiving end of so many of these, he's developed a case of Too Kinky to Torture.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- MI 6
- Quintessential British Gentleman: A lecherous, suave Anti-Hero variation.
Rank/Job: ???
Affiliation: Volkoff Industries
- Mary Elizabeth Bartowski / Frost
Portrayed by Linda Hamilton
Mary is Chuck and Ellie's mother. She disappeared for currently unknown reasons when they were children, leaving Ellie to raise Chuck. She first appears in "Chuck Versus the Anniversary" where she is a prisoner of Marco, an agent of Volkoff. She escapes, effortlessly killing her captors. It is still uncertain where her loyalties lie. The only thing that is somewhat clear is that she does not want to hurt her family.
Tropes associated with Mary:
Rank/Job: Special Agent
Affiliation: DEA
- Carina Miller
Portrayed by Mini Anden
One of Sarah's old spy buddies (they were part of a four-woman team called the CAT Squad), Carina is a spy who is equally comfortable with either kicking ass or seducing unwitting marks.
Tropes Associated with Carina:
- Action Girl
- Badass
- Big Damn Heroes: Pulls one in the Season 4 finale.
- Classy Cat Burglar
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Femme Fatale
- Ms. Fanservice
- Vitriolic Best Buds: She had no qualms double-crossing Sarah to make herself look better to the CIA brass.
Rank/Job: Special Agent / Computer Technician / Green Shirt
Affiliation: CIA / Buy More
- Greta
Portrayed by Olivia Munn, Isaiah Mustafa, Stacy Keibler, Summer Glau (pictured left)
A unique agent under Beckman's direct orders who is stationed at the rebuilt, CIA-run Buy More, many different individuals assume the identity of Greta, for mission ambiguity.
Eventually, it is revealed that the Gretas were candidates for a new NCS project in which they were candidates vying to be new Intersect Agents. Greta-2 and Greta-3 and became the first members of this program, before a nearly catastrophic disaster resulted in the program being taken under Chuck's lead, and the two Gretas are subsequently de-Intersected.
Tropes Associated with Greta:
- The Ace
- Badass: Implied.
- Emotionless Girl: Munn's portrayal of Greta.
- Knife Nut: Summer's Portrayal of Greta really likes her knife.
- Legacy Character
- Mission Control
- Mr. Fanservice: Mustafa's portrayal.
- No Name Given: Of the four Gretas, two are eventually named: Isaiah Mustafa's Greta-2 (Richard Noble) and Stacey Keibler's Greta-3 (Victoria Dunwoody).
- Stealth Hi Bye: The Summer Glau Greta is a master.
Rank/Job: Special Agent
Affiliation: CIA (formerly)
- Roan Montgomery
Portrayed by John Laroquette
Was one of the best spies in the US government and known for his legendary exploits with the ladies, but is now... past his expiration date. Has a historical relationship with Gen. Beckman.
Tropes Associated with Roan:
- The Alcoholic: Loves his martinis.
- The Casanova: For God and Country.
- Cool Old Guy
- Leitmotif: "65 Bars And A Taste Of Soul" by Watts 103rd St Rhythm Band.
- Counts as both Crowning Music of Awesome as the theme perfectly fits him, AND a Crowning Moment of Funny as the song actually accompanies Chuck's intersect flash of him. Yes. His own personal theme song is inside the Intersect database.
- Non-Action Guy: He has yet to display his spy skills aside from pointing his gun.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
Rank/Job: Director
Affiliation: NCS
- Jane Bentley
Portrayed by Robin Givens
NCS Director in charge of the GRETA project to find field agents to imprint with the Intersect. After the project was scrapped, she was demoted to work directly under Chuck himself, much, much to her displeasure.
Tropes associated with Bentley:
- Defrosting Ice Queen: By the end.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted in that Chuck saves her when she was prepared to die.
- Jerkass: Casey calls her "...our Beckman but without the sparkling personality."
- Smug Snake: Is she ever. Or was anyway.
Rank/Job: Special Agent
Affiliation: CIA)
- Clyde Decker
Portrayed by Richard Burgi
Described as the CIA's toughest and most ruthless agent, Decker was hell-bent on getting rid of Volkoff and foiling Chuck. In the final season, along with a team of corrupt CIA agents, he was once more determined to destroy Carmichael Industries and eliminate Chuck, for rather mysterious reasons. Those reasons were blackmail: Daniel Shaw discovered traces of his corruption, and used it to blackmail him into acting as his lackey. He was killed by Verbanski.
Tropes Associated with Decker:
- Big Bad: Of the first half of the final season.
- The Dragon: To Shaw.
- Jerkass
- Manipulative Bastard
- Smug Snake
Rank/Job: CEO / Engineer / Director
Affiliation: FULCRUM / Roark Instruments
- Theodore "Ted" Roark
Portrayed by Chevy Chase
The CEO and founder of Roark Instruments, Ted Roark is secretly the head of FULCRUM and is in charge of developing FULCRUM's own intersect. He also has quite a bit of history with Stephen Bartowski: The two were former college buddies, and supposedly, Ted stole all of his best ideas. Sound familiar?
At the end of Season 2, he was apprehended and killed by Miles, after he had outlived his usefulness to The Ring.
Tropes Associated with Ted:
- Affably Evil/Faux Affably Evil: The reigning champion of these tropes within the show.
- Big Bad: Of Season 2.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: The king of this trope.
- Deadpan Snarker: Yet another trope he's a king of.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Manipulative Bastard
- No Celebrities Were Harmed
- Rival Turned Evil: It started as friendly rivalry with Stephen Bartowski. Now it's FULCRUM versus CIA.
- Shout-Out: He's the Bill Gates to Stephen's Steve Jobs.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The Ring assassinates him after he's captured.
Rank/Job: Operative
Affiliation: FULCRUM / The Ring
- Vincent Smith
Portrayed by Arnold Vosloo
Vincent heads FULCRUM's search for Orion, and is under direct command by The Ring Elders as well as Ted Roark. For three years, he's been looking for him to no avail - that is until Chuck finally made contact with him.
He was killed by an air strike in "Chuck Versus the Colonel".
Tropes Associated with Vincent:
- Badass: He's willing to go to pretty far-out lengths in his bid to capture Orion, which includes and not limited to, getting blown up and poisoning himself.
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Blessed with Suck: With his track record of getting hurt, no one wants to be in Vincent's shoes.
- Book Ends: He gets caught in an air strike in his first and last appearances.
- Butt Monkey: Should be the poster-boy for this trope. Vincent was, in direct order: blown up, shot, poisoned, shot again, beaten up by Stephen, run over by a car, knocked out by Sarah, then finally blown up by an air strike. He is by no means incompetent, just extremely unlucky.
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Dragon: To both Ted Roark, and The Ring Elders.
- Enigmatic Minion
- Faux Affably Evil: Vincent prides himself in a sense of professionalism.
- Rasputinian Death
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- They Killed Kenny: To the point where some people are still debating whether he was truly killed during Beckman's air-strike...
- Training from Hell: Implied to have gone through one.
Vincent: It's called Tetradotoxin. FULCRUM agents are trained to withstand it's death-like state.
Chuck: Sounds like a fun class.
Vincent: Not really.
- The Worf Effect: He's undeniably a top-class operative, who regularly gets beaten and blown up.
Rank/Job: Operative / Biochemist
Affiliation: FULCRUM
- Dr. Jill Roberts
Portrayed by Jordana Brewster
Jill is Chuck's ex-girlfriend back from his Stanford days. Right after Chuck was kicked out for "cheating", she dumped Chuck and fell for Bryce - the very guy who got him kicked out. In truth, she was by then recruited by FULCRUM and was forced to dump Chuck. Since then, there's been some bad blood between them - but at the same time, lingering traces of their love.
She was freed by Chuck in "Chuck Versus the First Kill", and is now on the run.
Tropes Associated with Jill:
- Badass Bookworm
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- The Dragon: To Leader.
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- Put on a Bus: Her family thinks she moved to Finland.
Rank/Job: Operative
Affiliation: FULCRUM
- Tommy Delgado
Portrayed by Anthony Ruivivar
Tommy is a cold and ruthless operative who attempted to use Bryce to steal the Intersect. Tommy's appearance marks the first time the viewers become aware of FULCRUM.
After Bryce's supposed death, Tommy saved him and used the Demetrios crime family to smuggle his body back into the US. The plan failed, but he was later able to deduce that Bryce was just a decoy, and that Chuck was the real Intersect.
He was then captured and placed in a CIA prison, though he is still somehow involved with the tracking of the Intersect from his cell.
Tropes Associated with Tommy:
- Badass
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Big Bad: Arguably, for Season 1. Though he is captured only after appearing in two episodes, he remained the "face" of FULCRUM to many fans.
- Cold Sniper
- Deadpan Snarker
- Enigmatic Minion
- Faux Affably Evil
- Genre Savvy
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Sharp-Dressed Man
The Ring
Rank/Job: Director
Affiliation: FULCRUM / The Ring
- The Ring Elders
Portrayed by... a bunch of old people?
The five superiors who both command The Ring, as well as Fulcrum. Their motives are unknown, but they have been sticking their hands in many different cookie jars - from creating their own Intersect, to the assassination of global leaders.
They were captured at the end of Season 3 by Team Bartowski.
Tropes Associated with the Elders:
- Big Bad: For a good chunk of the show, they have been more or less the main bad guys.
- Elaborate Underground Base: They seem to have several of these.
- Evil Old Folks: After The Reveal, most of them have been shown to be nothing but a bunch of helpless old farts.
- Manipulative Bastards
- Nebulous Evil Organisation
- They Who Must Not Be Seen: A good deal of their screen time includes their faces being completely shadowed out.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
Rank/Job: Director
Affiliation: The Ring
- The Director
Portrayed by Mark Sheppard
The Director is the direct head of The Ring - of seemingly equal authority as The Elders, he is the driving force of many, if not all of their operations. He has somehow obtained surveillance footage of Sarah's red test, and was directly responsible for Shaw's Face Heel Turn.
He was soon captured by the then civilian Casey, who traded him to earn back his rank, a new Crown Victoria, and making Morgan an official spy of Team Bartowski.
Tropes Associated with The Director:
- Affably Evil/Faux Affably Evil
- Big Bad
- Genre Savvy
- Manipulative Bastard
- No Name Given: He is only ever referred to as "The Director".
- Schmuck Bait: Easily pulls one on Chuck and Sarah.
Rank/Job: Special Agent
Affiliation: CIA / The Ring
- Daniel Shaw
Portrayed by Brandon Routh
A special agent who worked for the CIA, Shaw specialized in The Ring intelligence and was sent in as the supervisor of Operation Bartowski to make progress against The Ring. During his stay there, he developed a romance with Sarah, but was ultimately short-lived after it was revealed that she killed his wife. What followed suit was a prompt Face Heel Turn with a subtle form of a Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
Mid-season, he was shot and killed by Chuck, but ultimately survived - cementing his status as the season's Big Bad. He was finally beaten and apprehended at the end of Season 3.
Tropes Associated with Shaw:
- The Ace
- Anti-Villain: Type II.
- Back from the Dead: Double Subversion. Morgan Lampshades his Never Found the Body death, and then Chuck and Sarah learn that The Ring was after his will-thing so they assume he is dead.
- Chekhov's Gunman: He is first introduced as a silent figure whom Beckman talks to as he walks away, and appears as a CIA agent targeted by The Ring not long after.
- Crazy Prepared
- The Determinator: Not only does he survive a double-tap to the chest and falling into a river, but he also brushes off a rocket explosion with little more than a mild KO.
- The Dragon
- Dragon-in-Chief: As of "Chuck Versus the Living Dead", he has an Intersect.
- Evil Counterpart: To Chuck, as of "Chuck Versus the Living Dead".
- Face Heel Turn: After learning that Sarah's red test was to kill his wife.
- Gambit Roulette: Most of his plans; see Omniscient Morality License below.
- Genre Savvy: "Mu. Ha. Ha."
- Love Makes You Evil
- Magical Database: Well, the Ring just got an Intersect agent. Oh Crap.
- The Man Behind the Man: In Season Five, it's revealed that he was the one giving orders to Clyde Decker in another attempt at taking over the CIA.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Omniscient Morality License: His plans tend to rely on an obscene amount of luck, and generally put Chuck in far more danger than someone with his lack of training is accustomed to.
- Rival Turned Evil: A variant on the theme.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Largely averted, although he did come in very conveniently after Bryce's death. His relationships with the other characters are quite different.
- Tragic Villain
- Tyrant Takes the Helm: Discrediting the Intersect project was his first step in taking over the CIA and destroying it from the inside.
- Yandere: Over his deceased wife.
Rank/Job: Operative
Affiliation: The Ring
- Justin Sullivan
Portrayed by Scott Holroyd
Justin was a CIA agent and security coordinator for Doctors Without Borders, who truly worked for The Ring. He poised Awesome, and got close to Ellie to manipulate her into giving away her father's location.
In the end, he was captured whilst escorting the Elders to safety.
Tropes Associated with Justin:
- Affably Evil
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- The Dragon: To Shaw.
- Jerkass
- Manipulative Bastard
- Villain with Good Publicity
Rank/Job: Operative
Affiliation: The Ring / Volkoff Industries
- Hugo Panzer
Portrayed by Steve Austin
A Ring operative who was transporting a lock-box key on a flight to Paris. He is an expert at close-range combat, and a master swordsman.
He was knocked out a total of three times by Chuck during the flight, and was apprehended in Paris. He returns in "Chuck Versus the Cubic Z", now allied with Alexei Volkoff.
Tropes Associated with Hugo Panzer:
- Awesome McCoolname To Run Away From Really Fast: When a giant guy named "Hugo Panzer" walks in, you'd damn better run away...
- Badass:
- As of Season 4, it's official: Hugo is one of the few, if not the only guy to soundly beat Chuck (whilst uploaded with the Intersect 2.0) in a fair one-on-one match.
- Bald of Awesome
- Bald of Evil
- Bare-Fisted Monk: Implied to be a master of bare-hand combat.
- Butt Monkey: He's knocked out a total of three times during his flight: first time, he's tranq'd by Chuck. Second time he's knocked out by falling luggage. Third time he's... knocked out by more falling luggage.
- Giant Mook
- Katanas Are Just Better: Prefers to use a sword.
- Mook Face Turn: Following The Ring's destruction, he was more than happy to ally himself with Alexei Volkoff.
- Super-Persistent Predator: A variation. While he's no dinosaur, and isn't hellbent on eating Chuck for breakfast, he's still a predator, and still fairly damn persistent.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Subverted. Introduced as an expert in "close quarters combat", it turns out he's actually an expert with a sword.
Volkoff Industries
Rank/Job: CEO / Director
Affiliation: Volkoff Industries
Alexei Volkoff / Real name - Hartley Winterbottom
- Portrayed by Timothy Dalton
Born Hartley Winterbottom, Alexei Volkoff is the insane CEO and founder of Volkoff Industries, an arms manufacturer. He is a recluse, described by Casey as the "Russian Howard Hughes". He is first mentioned in "Chuck Versus the Anniversary" by Marco. He makes his first onscreen appearance in "Chuck Versus the First Fight".
Tropes associated with Mr. Volkoff:
- Affably Evil
- The Atoner: In a rather hilarious manner, as he's trying to make amends to everyone he's hurt or rubbed the wrong way using his prison therapy's 12-step-program, starting with his cutting in line of the prison cafeteria. Because he has "entitlement issues".
- Ax Crazy: Well, more like full on armored assault armed to the teeth with assault weapons and a bomb crazy.
- Badass: The world's biggest badass. At least, according to him.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass/Obfuscating Stupidity: Suffice to say he is not "just a handler".
- Heartbroken Badass: Volkoff may be a crazy, psychotic arms dealer and international terrorist. But he's also a loveable psychotic arms dealer and terrorist, which makes you feel all the more sorry for him when his daughter betrays him, and leaves him for dead.
- Becoming the Mask: Turns out that Alexei Volkoff was originally just a cover identity. Also see Gone Horribly Wrong and Tomato in the Mirror below.
- Big Bad
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Catch Phrase: "So!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: The scary, mentally unstable sort.
- Control Freak: Self-confessed.
- Cool Ship: The Contessa, which he bought from Craigs List Dubai. He calls it his Floating Fotress... of Fun.
- Crazy Prepared: Not only is his ship The Contessa loaded with state-of-the-art stealth weaponry, and a back-up supercomputer, but it's also got a genuine ice cream parlor.
- Also counts as a Crowning Moment of Funny: not five minutes after the revelation, he's seen plotting while snacking on a double-scoop.
- Has a receptacle ready for whenever he uses a Q-tip to take a DNA sample from his mouth to get into secret lair.
- Diabolical Mastermind
- Earn Your Happy Ending: He and Vivian so far are the only "villains" in the series to have received a Happily Ever After, made even more awesome with how in the ending he gives all of his Volkoff assets to Chuck and Sarah... a total of 884 million dollars!
- Evil Genius
- Evil Gloating: He loves it so much that Chuck's Batman Gambit against him was entirely based on getting him to gloat so he could harvest various words to reconstruct his voiceprint password.
- Gone Horribly Wrong: He was a test subject (Agent X) for a prototype Intersect, intended to imprint a cover personality. Then the cover personality started to take over...
- Hannibal Lecture: He gives one to Chuck after The Reveal.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: The first few episodes only; he gets his first real appearance in "Chuck Versus the First Fight".
- Jekyll and Hyde
- Large Ham: Delicious ham, too.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Morality Chain: He sincerely regrets being a Disappeared Dad, and now desperately wants any kind of connection he can get with his daughter.
- Nebulous Evil Organisation: Volkoff Industries.
- Psychopathic Manchild
- The Reveal: Mary Bartowski's MI6 handler? He is actually Alexei Volkoff.
- He is actually a deep-cover CIA agent; his Volkoff identity was created from whole cloth by Orion's original Intersect.
- Rule of Cool: The Contessa has laser grid defenses, the entrance to the bunker with the last Norseman component can only be entered by beating the computer in chess and he hid the Hydra network in the glass eye of one of his mooks, among other things. Volkoff is undoubtedly the cartooniest villain in the show. But only because it was the personality grafted onto him by the Intersect prototype.
- Sweet Tooth: If the fact that his ship has an ice cream parlor is anything to go by...
- Tomato in the Mirror: Alexei Volkoff is actually a false identity created by an early Intersect program for a CIA agent. However, that identity ended up taking over completely.
- Villainous Crush: On Frost.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Has he reunited with his mother?
- Yandere: Over Frost.
Rank/Job: CEO / Director
Affiliation: Volkoff Industries
- Vivian Volkoff
Portrayed by Lauren Cohan
A young woman targeted for assassination by one of Volkoff's old lieutenants. She is believed to have the key to Volkoff's Hydra database, which is needed to take over his association. She is Volkoff's daughter and originally had no knowledge of what her father did. He had been sending her to various schools to groom her as his successor. The key turns out to be a necklace he gave her as a child. Vivian uses it to access Volkoff's bank account though it is unclear if she will follow in her father's footsteps. She helps Team Bartowski infiltrate a criminal bank in exchange for a visit with her father, but Beckman denies her request. She is suspected of hiring a bomber to infiltrate Castle and kill Chuck. She then tricked her father into helping her obtain a powerful DNA tracking weapon and then takes over his company.
Tropes associated with Vivian:
- Action Girl/Faux Action Girl: Has a black belt but has yet to be shown doing any hand-to-hand combat. However, she's no Damsel in Distress either.
Boris: You were skeetshooting at age 7, had your black belt by 13, and by the time you graduated from the London School of Economics, you were fluent in 5 languages.
- Anti-Villain: Type II.
- Badass Normal
- Break the Cutie: You can't blame her for being pissed, her father and the CIA both lied to her, she had no other place to go for answers.
- Catch Phrase: "Nobody can/will be able to touch me, ever."
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- Karma Houdini: At the end of Season Four, she's given a blank identity so that she can start afresh and faces no consequences for the numerous attempts she made on the lives of Team Bartowski, actual successful murders of several other people, and whatever other crimes were committed either by her or on her behalf while running her father's company.
- Lonely Rich Kid: Grew up as one.
- Parental Abandonment: Though her father did pay for her schooling, Vivian says that he was never a part of her life.
- Talking the Monster to Death: How she was defeated.
Rank/Job: Operative
Affiliation: Volkoff Industries
- Heather Chandler
Portrayed by Nicole Richie
Heather was a high school friend of Sarah Walker, who attended under the alias Jenny Burton. She married Mark Ratner, a high school nerd who ended up as a wealthy engineer. She illegally sold several of his secrets on the black market and was eventually captured by Team Chuck. She later reveals that she was working for Volkoff Industries. She first appeared in "Chuck Versus the Cougars" and returned in "Chuck Versus the Cubic Z".
Tropes associated with Heather:
- Alpha Bitch: Heather was this in high school and remains one into adulthood.
- Chekhov's Gun: Turns out that deal she made with with the Russian Mafia during Season 2 was for Volkoff from the start.
- Hannibal Lecture: In her second appearance, Heather is able to figure out that Sarah and Chuck are together as well as prey on Sarah's insecurities about their relationship.
Rank/Job: Operative
Affiliation: Volkoff Industries
- Marco
Portrayed by Dolph Lundgren
A Giant Mook under the employ of Mr. Volkoff, Marco was in the process of smuggling a powerful EMP device until he was thwarted by Chuck and his crew.
He was shot and killed by Mary Elizabeth Bartowski.
Tropes associated with Marco:
- Badass: It's Dolph Lundgren...
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones:
Marco: Please, I have a family.
Mary Bartowski/Frost: So do I.
- Genius Bruiser
- Giant Mook
- Red Scare: Casey's attitude towards Marco.
- Torture Technician: A pretty lousy one, though...
Rank/Job: Lawyer
Affiliation: Volkoff Industries
- Mr. Riley
Portrayed by Ray Wise
Volkoff Industry's attorney who takes Vivian under his wing.
Tropes associated with Riley:
- Amoral Attorney
- The Dragon
- Evil Mentor
- Large Ham: For the life of him, he tries. ...At the insistence of Alexei, naturally.
- Manipulative Bastard: He knew Volkoff and Hartley were one and the same.
Everyone Else
Rank/Job: None
Affiliation: None
- Alex McHugh
Portrayed by Mekenna Melvin
The daughter of Alex Coburn (alias John Casey) and Kathleen McHugh. Kathleen was told that Alex was killed in combat in 1989 (actually volunteered for a special unit) while she was pregnant with their daughter. John first found out about his daughter twenty-one years later in "Chuck Versus the Tic Tac". After being targeted by The Ring agents, she becomes aware of her father's true occupation. She is currently dating Morgan Grimes with her father's reluctant approval.
Tropes associated with Alex:
- Action Girl: The potential is there, seeing as she managed to stun Casey with a five-hit combo. Of course, she's his daughter.
Alex: I got an A in my self-defense class!
- Dead Guy, Junior
- Disappeared Dad: Alex Coburn died during an operation in Honduras in 1989 while Kathleen McHugh was pregnant. His death was faked; he then joined a Black Ops team and takes on the name John Casey.
- Extremely Dour Colonel's Beautiful Daughter
Rank/Job: Dictator / General
Affiliation: The Republic of Costa Gravas
- Generalissimo Alejandro Fulgencio Goya
Portrayed by Armand Assante
Dictator of fictional Latin American country Costa Gravas. Four presidents (Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George Bush) issued a kill order on him but failed. Those orders were carried out by John Casey, who Goya calls the "Angel of Death". He gained many enemies, both inside and outside his country, when he decided to allow democratic elections. He is deeply fond of Captain Awesome, the man who saved his life, and even fonder of his wife Ellie. He also respects Casey, who (unwillingly) gave donated blood to save him, and gives him a new nickname "Angel of Life".
Tropes associated with Goya:
- Affably Evil/Faux Affably Evil
- Badass: Several decades, 4 US presidents, rogue black ops agents, John Casey hiding in his wall for two weeks, and dozens of assassination attempts, and the guy is still walking as healthy as ever.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Captain Ersatz: He shares qualities with Fidel Castro but his larger than life persona and love of the good life (not to mention his middle name) is more reminiscent of Fulgencio Batista.
- Chewing the Scenery
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Friendly Enemy: To Casey.
- Large Ham
- Rasputinian Death: Had a few of these.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Despite his quirks, the guy is a relatively efficient dictator.
- Spicy Latina: Married to one.
Rank/Job: CEO
Affiliation: Verbanski Corporation
- Gertrude Verbanski
Portrayed by Carrie Anne Moss
A (presumably) Russian or Slavic PMC soldier who had a moment with John Casey in the past. She has now returned and is helping the team as well as providing Casey with some romance.
Tropes associated with Verbanski:
- Action Girl
- Badass: She once disarmed Casey (and even encased the weapon she took from him)!
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Is an efficient operative and businesswoman in her own right. But whenever Casey is involved, she either gets weak in the knees, flustered, or just plain weird.
- Dark Action Girl: Depends on the job.
- Official Couple: With Casey.
- Private Military Contractor
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Is a "master" of these. When flustered enough, she'll begin ranting for no reason - even as no one brought anything up!
(Both Sarah and Verbanski silence a couple of mooks during a mission...)
Verbanski: "...Fine! I love Casey! Just stop grilling me!"
Sarah: "..."
- Tsundere
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Somewhat. She seriously assumed at one point that Morgan was the "Luke Skywalker" of his team.
Rank/Job: None
Affiliation: None
- Jack Burton
Portrayed by Gary Cole
Sarah's somewhat estranged father. He is a two-bit Con Man who frequently involved Sarah when she was a kid in his schemes, and often rewarded her with ice cream or sometimes hard cash. Sarah claims that her experiences with him rubbed her the wrong way, but Jack (correctly) deduced that she had way more fun conning people than she should have. That said, he always kept her well-being and happiness at heart, and in his own way, looked out for her.
When Sarah was in high school, Director Graham arrested him "for his own protection" after he conned a particularly dangerous man - this same incident was when she was recruited into the CIA. Jack however found out about her much later, and despite being on opposite sides of the law, he's proud of her. Using his skills as a confidence man, Jack helped out Chuck and his team on two separate occasions: freezing the funds of a powerful Sheikh, and obtaining Iranian nuclear missile plans.
Tropes associated with Jack:
- Affably Evil: Absolute bottom feeding scum of the Earth. But he's a hell of a dancer.
- Affectionate Nickname: Calls Chuck "schnuck" and Casey "cop face".
- Con Man
- Cool Old Guy
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: A magnificent jerk with the biggest heart ever!
- The Nicknamer
- Wild Card: No matter how much he loves Sarah, he's still a Con Man to the core, and can never really be trusted.
Rank/Job: Special Agent (formerly)
Affiliation: CIA (formerly)
- Nicholas Quinn
Portrayed by Angus Macfadyen
A rogue freelance spy who has something of a vendetta against Chuck, to put it very mellow. He was a top-grade CIA agent who was set to be the agency's first true Intersect Agent. However, Bryce Larkin happened. After that, his life and career began a downward spiral until he left the CIA and began to work freelance. ...For Fulcrum, The Ring, and Volkoff Industries, all organizations which Chuck himself put out of commission, and Quinn out of business. Quinn snapped, and made it his life's mission to make Chuck's life a living hell even worse than his own, and get the Intersect while he's at it, which technically is rightfully his anyway.
Tropes associated with Quinn:
- Action Survivor: He has an incredible talent of escaping extremely dangerous situations. Practically an expy of Sark.
- Badass
- Big Bad: Of the second-half of the final season.
- And given his history, arguably of the entire series.
- The Chessmaster
- Complete Monster: A few villains somewhat treaded this line... Quinn stomps across it in spades when he decides to erase Sarah's memories and brainwash her against Chuck.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Moral Event Horizon: He crosses it a few times, but brainwashing Sarah is definitely the one.
- Sanity Slippage: Chuck has, for the lack of better words, completely ruined his life, even if unintentional. The constant repeats have driven the guy completely insane.
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