Chronicles of the Misplaced Prince
Chronicles Of The Misplaced Prince is a series of young adult novels by Canadian comedian Sean Cullen.
It centers around the adventures of Brendan Clair, an Ordinary High School Student whose life is turned upside down when he discovers that he is actually a Faerie prince who was raised as a human.
The first book in the series, The Prince Of Neither Here Nor There, was released in late 2009. The second novel, The Prince of Two Tribes was released in October 2010. It has been confirmed that this will be a trilogy.
Tropes used in Chronicles of the Misplaced Prince include:
- Adorkable - Brendan
- Pretty Boy - Mr. Greenleaf. His description makes him sound like a Code Geass character, for goodness sakes! This also applies to latecomer Ariel...and, apparently, faeries in general.
- Greenleaf's sister, Deirdre, is also (fittingly) beautiful.
- Bratty Teenage Daughter - Brendan's sister, Delia Clair.
- Cool Teacher - Also Mr. Greenleaf.
- Covert Pervert - Dmitri, of all people, comments on how he doesn't want to miss street hockey practice because he wants to see girls in short skirts hitting each other with sticks.
- Cute Clumsy Boy - Brendan is a rare male version. He runs into doorframes, bumps his head, trips on everything...and it somehow manages to make him more appealing.
- Crowning Moment of Funny - Skreet + sugarfree gum and everything with BLT. Also, the above bit with Dmitri commenting on the "finer" side of street hockey.
- Along with several of the footnotes, some of which are even funnier if you are familiar with Toronto.
- I Am Who? / Locked Out of the Loop - Brendan on his true identity.
- New Transfer Student - Dmitri
- Old Retainer - Crusty Caretaker Finbar, who worked at the orphanage where Brendan was left as a baby. We later find out that he is a faerie himself, exiled from the faerie world after falling in love with a human.
- Orphan's Plot Trinket - Brendan's pendant.
- Power Tattoo - Though not a tattoo, per se, Brendan's spiral-shaped scar fits this trope. That is, until it gets taken off, revealing that it was really a sort of charm that hid his Faerie nature to everyone around him.
- Petting Zoo People - A lot of the Lesser Faeries have this sort of flavour.
- Sweet Tooth - BLT. Oh, so very much...
- Technicolor Eyes - Grey, lavender, and 'flecked with gold' are all mentioned in the text. Kind of justified by the fact these are magical beings we're talking about...
- Tsundere - Kim
- UnfortunateName - BLT. These are the initials of a faerie who was found in a sandwich.[1]
- ↑ I swear this Makes Sense in Context.
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