Celebrity Bric-a-Brac Theater
Celebrity Bric-a-Brac Theater is a Web Original series on Youtube. Christopher Walken, John Madden, Morgan Freeman, and other various celebrities lend their voices and larger-than-life personalities to fictional stories and historical re-enactments, usually with a tried and true moral to tell. Of course, this is a lie. Almost all voices are done by Jason Stephens, with the writing, directing, and producing coming from the minds who brought us Chad Vader.
- Actor Allusion: The entire point.
- Bat Deduction: How Morgan Freeman figured out who killed Dennis Hopper. "Bees, Cos-bees, it's obvious!"
- Bee-Bee Gun
- Non Sequitur Scene: Jack Palance singing about Christmas.
- Captain Obvious: John Madden is master of the obvious, as usual. "Hey, y'know- y'know, this ice is as cold as it gets!"
- Catch Phrase: "Boom!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: Surprisingly, not Christopher Walken. John Madden, though, is a stammerin' madman.
- Dull Surprise: Natalie Portman
- Expy: Jason Stephens also appears in John Madden: Dungeon Master as the title character, bringing over a lot of the mannerisms and character... obviously.
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: Dennis Hopper's death in Burning Man Bric-a-Brac kills the mood somewhat.
- Gone Horribly Wrong: "'Ey, I bet if I hit the guy with one of my love arrows, then he'll be in, I dunno, super love!"
- Heterosexual Life Partners: "Oh no, those two bears are bitin' their thumbs at each other! I better use one of my love arrows, and-and make 'em have manly affection for each other instead! Boom!"
- "Oh no, that was a regular arrow and I accidentally killed that guy! I better be more careful."
- Hope Spot
Cupid:"Okay, Madden, this is your last chance. Hey Romeo! This arrow will make you not drink the poison, okay?" *shoots him with a love arrow*
Narrator:"Of course, Romeo immediately drinks the poison and dies."
- Ho Yay: Madden in Eat Around the Razors: Trick or Treating Tips
- Ironic Echo: "Buzz kill", from Burning Man Bric-a-Brac.
- Kill It with Fire: John Madden and George W. Bush try to burn pre-colonial America to the ground in The Story of Thanksgiving.
- Lemony Narrator: Most of the episodes based on stories have a celebrity narrator.
- Make Wrong What Once Went Right: Romeo and Juliet was "the greatest love story ever, and Cupid fucked it up."
- "Ey, I bite my thumb at you!"
- Noodle Incident: Somehow, Morgan Freeman embarrassed Christopher Walken and John Madden in front of Joss Whedon.
- Power of Friendship: How Christmas is saved.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The team of eight tiny reindeer would seem to be this, judging from our brief glimpse of them.
- Rule of Funny
- Running Gag: John Madden becomes a religious/philosophical/mythological concept and fails at his job. Christopher Walken is the only sane man. Morgan Freeman is the uptight straight man. And then they eat Marlon Brando. "How'd it get burned, how'd it get burned?!"
- Shmuck Bait: The lake of pudding created by the Spirit of Christmas. Remember, it's yummy, but don't go anywhere near it because it's also very dangerous, y'see.
- Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: "Merry Christmas to everybody, a-and also, uuhuhh, goodnight to everybody!"
- Too Dumb to Live: All too often. Maddenclaus almost got Rudolph killed by shoving him into a lake of pudding.
- Totally Radical: The entirety of Burning Man Bric-a-Brac.
"Hand me some of those disco biscuits!"
- Verbal Tic: John Madden has it worst, sometimes devolving into almost verbal seizures.
- Whole-Plot Reference: Independence Day fuses the sci-fi action film with the actual revolutionary war with... interesting results.
- And the "British Aliens" are, naturally, Daleks.
- Romeo and Juliet re-tells the story as the disastrous events following Cupid's first day on the job.
- World of Ham
- You Fail Biology Forever: "Ah! The bees! They're biting me!"
- You Fail Religious Studies Forever: The First Christmas is not about the birth of Jesus, but about Santa and Rudolph being enslaved by the Spirit of Christmas.
"Christmas? That's- that's never even been invented!"