Chad Vader
Chad: May I speak with you a moment, my master?
Randy: It's just Randy, okay Chad?
Chad: Yes, my master.
Chad Vader is the younger brother of the more famous Darth Vader. Due to not being quite as authoritative and charismatic as his sibling, instead of conquering the galaxies, Chad works as the day shift manager at Empire Market, a grocery store in America. The show follows Chad's daily life trying to get along with his co-workers, who consider him a rather rude fellow, possibly due to his strange voice and his habit of force-choking those who annoy him.
The series originated and gained fame on Channel 101, where it was cancelled by the Cinespace audience after two episodes. The creators then decided to move it to other venues such as YouTube and Myspace. The clips hold a quality level clearly above what one can expect on Youtube, with good action and overarching story lines. It also sports a wide cast of talented actors. The series currently consists of the first season, featuring eight episodes, the second season, featuring eleven episodes, and the third season, featuring ten episodes. Chad also has a six-episode series of educational videos for improving your mastery of the grocery store clerk calling.
The series is produced by Blame Society Productions, an enterprise consisting of Aaron Yonda and Matt Sloan, which has also made a wide variety of other clips that can be found on their YouTube channel or on their official homepage. He was also a guest riffer for Riff Trax for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
- Acting for Two: Aaron Yonda plays Hal Thompson and Chad's body in the Vader suit.
- Affectionate Parody: Of Chad's older brother, Darth Vader, of course.
- Damien Nightshade is an obvious parody of Twilight.
- Damien Nightshade may not be such an affectionate parody, though.
- Damien Nightshade is an obvious parody of Twilight.
- Ascended Fanboy: Chad Vader himself got to voice the actual Darth Vader in Soul Calibur IV. He would go on to play the role in Empire At War, The Force Unleashed and its sequel.
- Backstory: Weird Jimmy tells his to Chad, and by extension, the audience.
- Berserk Button: Don't ever take Baby Cookie away from Hal Thompson.
- Big Bad: Clint Shermer in the first season, Maggie McCall in the second. She also held the role for part of the third, then Clint Shermer returned only to be upstaged by Crazy Randy working for Baby Cookie.
- Bigger Bad / Not-So-Harmless Villain: Baby Cookie. Although its sentience is debatable, there's no doubt that it's the single most dangerous force in the Chad Vader universe. It got Randy to try and wipe out the entire store, after all.
- Butt Monkey: Lloyd the guy at the Deli Counter whom everyone hates. Chad and Maggie BOND over their hatred of him.
- Character Development: Baby Cookie provided Randy with some, before he got baby cookie he could be described as "well meaning boss who has to deal with the typical frustrations of incompetent employees"(namely chad) but as of the most recent episodes, thanks to baby cookie, he has pretty much filled the void left by Weird Jimmy mixed in with just a bit more Ax Crazy then Jimmy had
- The Chosen One: Jeremy as Weird Jimmy says is "the one"
- Christmas Cake: Maggie. A villainous one, but hey, she still counts.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Weird Jimmy, Empire Market's janitor, and Chad himself and his apprentice, Commander Jeremy Wickstrom, to some extent.
- And the guy who works the cash register. "Randy says I wander..." * wanders*
- His name is Lionel
- Marshmallow Bandito
- Damien Nightshade
- And the guy who works the cash register. "Randy says I wander..." * wanders*
- Companion Cube: Weird Jimmy's mop, named Mop.
- Also Hal Thompson's doll, Baby Cookie.
- Creepy Doll: Baby Cookie is slowly turning into this.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Hal Thompson is a complete idiot, but get between him and Baby Cookie...
- The Ditz: Jeremy, though Hal Thompson, a rather creepy guy with large glasses and long hair who keeps randomly appearing in different parts of the store, asking for really weird things, such as live chickens (to sacrifice for a Pagan ritual) is a better example. He is also the star of his very own Spin-Off series, Complete Idiot.
- Older Than They Think: Hal debuted in a different series that was going on simultaneously with Chad Vader called 'Fun Rangers'.
- The spin-off series "eHal" reveals that Hal is "an expert", meaning that he has some... unusual skills, many of which have to do with goats and more recently, a miniature couch... for obvious reasons.
- Enemy Mine: In the season 3 finale, Chad and Clint discover there are several bombs placed around the store, forcing them to work together. Clint is about as blasé about this team-up as he is about anything else, however.
- Face Heel Turn: Jeremy.
- Fallen Princess: Weird Jimmy used to be the Day Shift Manager, then became the Night Manager, and then lost his sanity and became the janitor.
- As of season 2 Randy have been going through the exact same process, except that it seems to have made him way more deranged than Jimmy ever was.
- Gambit Pileup: In the making with Maggie, Baby Cookie, and a returned Clint having unknown agendas sure to collide in Season 3.
- Disappointedly subverted in that the gambits neither collide, nor even reach execution. Baby Cookie is taken back by his previous owner, effectively having him Put on a Bus and ending any possible gambits. Clint becomes the manager of another Empire Market store, ending his plans against Chad with the unlikely exception of a store rivalry. And Maggie is stripped of her Empire Market liaison status courtesy of J Pepper, ending any of her unknown previous plans.
- Grand Finale: Which ends with Chad having his date with Michelle, Maggie getting her comeuppance as Night Shift Manager, Clint is manager of another store and Jeremy goes on a journey of self-discovery.
- Harmless Villain: The Marshmallow Bandito who cause minor annoyances by throwing marshmallows at people! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
- Heroic Sacrifice: Damien with the final Baby Cookie bomb
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Jeremy, who is still a little odd, but much more competent than Chad.
- Ironic Echo: "And who is responsible for you?"
- Kavorka Man: Chad manages to attract some pretty female co-workers, despite the fact that he's a deformed, rude, socially awkward nutcase who spends all of his time in a black body suit and helmet, ordering everyone around like the crew of an Imperial Star Destroyer.
- Killed Off for Real: Weird Jimmy
- Love Triangle: Between Chad,
MarisaClarissa, and Clint in Season 1. - Mundane Utility: In addition to being able to cut through anything, Chad's lightsaber apparently functions as a lighter.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Baby Cookie! Didn't see that one coming...
- Sanity Slippage: What happens to those in the Night Shift Manager position with Clint being the one known exception.
- Screwed by the Network: Well, the Cinespace audience, to be more precise. Thankfully, it was Uncancelled.
- Shock and Awe: Chad gains the ability to use force lightning in the season 2 finale while seething with rage at Maggie.
- Shout-Out: The store's cleaning droids constantly chant: EXTERMINATE!!!
- Spin-Off: Hal (the guy who was looking for live chickens and goat's milk) has his own show, Fun Rangers which tells the odd misadventures he has with his even weirder friend, Cody.
- Hal also became the central figure for a spin-off series called eHal (originally "eHow" but presumably changed due there being a website with that name), where he is "an expert" who he answers strange questions from fans often relating to the supernatural, such as how to catch a unicorn, how to summon a shuggot, how to deal with calls from Cthulu, ect. While the cast is pretty much limited to Hal (aside from occasional appearances by his rival Munt and his unseen girlfriend Kritch), Baby Cookie, Cody, and Chad Vader have made guest appearances.
- Talking to Himself: Matt Sloan also plays Clint. Chad is voiced by Matt but played in body by Aaron Yonda.
- Temporary Love Interest:
MarisaClarissa (Season 1) and Libby (Season 2). - Tyrant Takes the Helm: Maggie stars in the Season 2 story arc.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Chad himself.
- Villainous Breakdown: Maggie whines upon losing her manager status. She's slightly disheaveled at Champion's awards ceremony where she gets the Night Manager position. Combine the night manager position's sanity destruction with her already borderline sociopathic personality, the breakdown is gonna snowball...