Captain SNES/Characters
Alex Williams
"Sweet Christmas, that's stupid fresh!"
- Anti-Hero: In the early strips Alex was pretty much antihero type I, not particularly caring about helping anyone (he was actually surprised when Zelda told him he's supposed to rescue Marle and was quick to point out that he didn't volunteer for this) and mostly concerned about entertaining himself. However, he does become more heroic as the story progresses, especially after episode 471.
- Ascended Fanboy: To the point where even after learning that being the Game Master isn't all roses, he still prefers it to his past life outside Videoland.
- Basement Dweller: Before being sucked into Videoland.
- Berserk Button:
- Butt Monkey
- The Chosen Zero: Assuming he's The Chosen One to begin with (which is far from certain - see below).
- Expecting someone different: Pretty much the standart reaction from every sprites when they learn he's Captain SNES.
- Four Is Death: The Scope can only fire four shots before it needs batteries.
- Freud Was Right: His great love for his Super Scope. Invoked in the title of episode 151.
- Glass Cannon: Alex is not overly impressive in terms of durability (though he seems to be getting better, plus, he's usually dealing with top-level opponents). Conversly, his Super Scope is basically a one-hit kill on anyone.
- God in Human Form: As a Creator, the sprites view him as such.
- Good Is Not Nice: He does do very heroic stuff on occasion, but also admits to enjoying being a dick.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath: WHATEVER Alex did to Wily here certainly counts.
- Very much so in the non-canon omakes, where he's responsible for the atomized murder of at least 25 people via plasma cannon, including but not limited to Link, Sonic the Hedgehog, Anne Robinson...and Ernest Hemingway. One wonders if it's begun to stray toward Crossing The Line Three Times or so, by now.
- His sociopathic tendancies are in fact so pronounced that Wily, a publicly-acknowledged villain (turned-unwilling-politician), is already horrified of what he might be capable of via his weapons and equipment.
- Hidden Depths: For all his vulgarity and selfishness, Alex is actually very well read.
- Jerkass
- Party in My Pocket: Apparently one of his powers.
- Perverse Sexual Lust: Alex really likes Sailor Mercury. Which makes their eventual team-up take a turn for the worse...
- To hear Wily say it, the responsibility for any 'perversity' has to start somewhere, and it ain't the Captain...
- Redheaded Hero
- Save Scumming: Effectively one of the Game Master's powers, though it only works when in the same gameworld as the save point he last used.
- Seven Deadly Sins: Well, five. And not the original deadly sins. But they do annoy him.
- Sir Swearsalot: Alex is a bit of a potty mouth. This gets lampshaded by Ryan in this strip.
- In The Legendary Swear-down on Sailor Street, Alex claims (sarcastically) that he not only might have achieved "a state of trascendent power" by swearing so much, but that the Great Old Ones might have been summoned.
- Not long after that, Dr. Light states a strong desire to wash that boy's mouth out, with Wily at first mistaking it for "wishing to blow up the Gamemaster for having a potty mouth"...
- In The Legendary Swear-down on Sailor Street, Alex claims (sarcastically) that he not only might have achieved "a state of trascendent power" by swearing so much, but that the Great Old Ones might have been summoned.
- Time Stands Still: A power he inherited from the previous Game Master, via the game controller
- Hillariously played with in a game world with a turn based battle system, as pausing will freeze everything, his allies along with the ATB meter, and when you can't attack until its full...
- Trapped in Videoland
- Trolling Narrator: At least from Ryan's perspective, Alex is constantly this in-universe. Quite a few times during his narration he alluded to secrets that, if revealed, would clarify what exactly was going on, only to make Ryan figure them out himself when questioned about them. He also decided to interrupt his narration of Kain's fight with Schrödinger to move on to something else despite Ryan's loud protestations. And finally, he ignored Ryan asking him to reveal what had happened to Magus and Mario, and later actually moved on to the subject of the Mushroom Kingdom... only to once again talk about something other than Mario's and Magus's exploits.
- The Unchosen One: He was told by the shadows from the Desert of Shattered Dreams that he's merely a substitute for the real Game Master (or, as he put it, second best Captain SNES). For some reason when the ultimate warp zone was opened for the first time to let the real Game Master enter Videoland, it got Schrödinger instead. Whether this will be confirmed remains to be seen, but either way Alex is determined to fight the Sovereign of Sorrow.
- Walking Pantless Scene: He spent nine years of the comic's run (i.e. more or less a day in-universe) parading around without pants. This finally got remedied by Protoman in episode 694.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Evil Otto terrifies Alex to his core.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Books can have more than one page Alex.
- Badass: Mario is called "The Great One". By Vegeta.
- Berserk Button: Does not like being called a druggy.
- Beware the Silly Ones: Mario has... a lot of quirks. But he's viewed with hushed awe by most of Videoland.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Despite Magus' complaints and his own actions, Mario knows the nature of Videoland quite thoroughly, is quite dangerous to anyone not enforcing their local reality on him, to the point where even Vegeta refers to him as 'The Great One'. He is rated 9 on the threat scale, second behind the Sovereign of Sorrow herself. To put this in perspective, the only other threat level 9 character shown so far was an insane end-boss god-being that was tearing Nexus apart block-by-block.
- No Hero to His Valet: Mega Man thinks he's a complete flake. He's wrong, but you can see where he's coming from.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: His solution to every problem is to jump on its head. He even refused to help Mega Man in a fight against giant radioactive Q-Bert because Mega Man didn't try jumping on his head before asking for help. (Not that Mario didn't have a point, though - jumping on Q-Bert's head was exactly what ultimately killed him.)
Samus Aran
- Action Girl: Hell yeah.
- Badass: It's Samus Aran. What do you think?
- Badass in Distress: Yeah, Eggplant Wizard gets the drop on her. That doesn't stop her from dominating almost every situation she's in with him.
- Combat Pragmatist: She does not care about Eggplant Wizard's plots. She just shoots him in the face with a mega bomb.
- Badass: This is the guy who attacked Rydia's and Spoony's entire Red Wings fleet all by himself, on foot, high in the air, armed only with his sword, and won. Nuff said.
- Berserk Button: Even the mere idea of something bad happening to Marle. And even the mere idea of some other guy rescuing Marle, as Alex learned the hard way.
- Heroic Mime: Subverted - it's only Alex who can't hear what he's saying.
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Redheaded Hero
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Against the Red Wings fleet upon hearing one of the monsters summoned by Rydia (incorrectly) stating that Marle is dead.
- Shock and Awe
Cecil Harvey
- Badass: So far we didn't really see him in combat much, but he did curbstomp powered-up Antlion.
- Last Second Chance: During his confrontation with Spoony he repeatedly warns him that serving the Sovereign will ultimately only bring sorrow even to Spoony himself and offers to help him.
- The Paladin
- What the Hell, Hero?: Spoony's reason for revenge on Cecil was because back in Final Fantasy IV, Cecil not only changed his name to Spoony, but also immediately killed him every time he was alive in a random encounter. Though in Cecil's defense, the fault lies with Alex as he was playing the game and controlling Cecil, and he wanted Edward dead because it meant more EXP for the rest of the party.
Mega Man
- Badass
- Brother-Sister Incest: While he does not partake in it, he can't actually show affection to his sister in public lest some jackass tabloid artist make that insinuation.
- Determinator: He will fight to protect Nexus and the multiverse, even if that means fighting an enemy that is much, much more powerful than him - such as Amon.
- Good Is Not Nice: He's a hardened Nexus cop who does not want to be your friend, but he does want to save the multiverse.
- Knight in Sour Armor
- My Greatest Failure: Failing to stop the Sovereign of Sorrow when facing her directly. Or at least that's how Green Mega Man sees it. The original Mega Man insists he's mad at Green Mega Man, not himself, for this. (Then again, whether they are separate beings is uncertain - see below.)
- Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Very much on the cynical end.
- Back from the Dead: Well, sort of. He does come back after being killed by Amon, but not before turning into...
Green Mega Man
- Badass Adorable: The Trope Namer
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: He even insists on saving Amon after he accidentally launched him into the Desert of Shattered Dreams.
- Does Not Know His Own Strength: Sort of. While he appears to be well aware of how strong he is, he does not quite know the formula for imparting kinetic energy. When he is told he forgot to square the velocity after hitting Amon, Amon goes from knocked back a few feet, to being launched several thousand fast enough to create a sonic boom, and through a few dunes into a desert that denies sprites their resistances.
- Heroic Mime: Like in Crono's case, it's only Alex who can't hear him.
- My God, What Have I Done?: After knocking Amon into a desert.
- Sharing a Body / Split Personality: In Captain SNES universe the original Mega Man and the Mega Man from Captain N may be two separate entities. More specifically, Green Mega Man is a program created by Dr Wright that may be only sharing a body with the original Mega Man. However, the relation between them isn't entirely clear - Mega Man insists that they are not the same being, while Green Mega Man wants to make him admit they are.
- Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Very much on the idealistic end, maybe even to the point when he can't understand why someone wouldn't share his beliefs:
Schrödinger the cat
- Badass Adorable: Well, the prettiest girl of the Mithril town seemed to find him adorable. Alex would probably disagree though. As for the Badass part...
- Badass Normal: He's supposedly a perfectly ordinary housecat... that nonetheless so far managed to steal the Met Hat and Yang's black belt, trick Kain Highwind into a fight that (thanks to the aforementioned items) turned out to be a Hopeless Boss Fight for Kain and take out upwards of 71 robot mooks by Deadly Dodging. Even Game Masters fear him.
- Badass Abnormal: He's a "perfectly ordinary house cat". From Videoland. Where the phrase is anything but.
- Cats Are Mean: What he did to the Blue Mecha ? That was just cruel.
- Didn't See That Coming: Nobody takes him into account when planning something in Videoland... so every time he's around, the plans in question go down in flames.
- Immune to Fate: Maybe.
- Killer Cat: Even Alex knows his limits, and the greatest of them all is trying to fight Schrödinger, rather than work with him. When Ryan shouted that he could do it, moments after the prison complex lost main power, Alex laughed in his face; for five minutes or so.
- Spanner in the Works: Oh dear God... He first appeared in Videoland when Hope initially tried to summon the new Game Master, but Schrödinger showed up instead. Since then, he kept derailing everything: he ruined Lucca's plan to bring Marle back from another dimension by getting Alex instead and later also her plan to save Marle by going to the Final Fantasy IV world instead of Crono. This simultaneously ruined Spoony's plan to kill Crono and corrupt Marle. Then he stole the Met Hat from Alex, making it impossible for Wily to track Alex's movements. Later he further hindered Spoony's plans by stealing the map from Kain, making it impossible for him to find the tower of Babil on his own. When Kain's Stalker with a Crush helped him find the tower and get crystals that Spoony needs to open a path to the moon for the Sovereign of Sorrow, Schrödinger just stole 3 crystals from Kain and tricked him into Hopeless Boss Fight, trapping him. So it's probably a bad news for Ryan that Schrödinger somehow managed to escape from Alex's cell...
- Anti-Hero: Type V. Just see his initial plan how to deal with Bowser.
- Badass
- Black Magic
- Even Evil Has Standards: Magus was surprised to find out he had them.
- Exact Words: He promised Roy he wouldn't use Dark Matter on him if he talked. He didn't say he wouldn't use any of his other spells.
- Large Ham: He is quite fond of Badass Boasts and delivering dramatic lines in general. It gets lampshaded by Mario.
- Odd Couple: He works with Mario to find Schala. He isn't too happy about it.
- Only Sane Man: As a result of an RPG character trying to learn how a platforming game world works.
- Sinister Scythe
- Sociopathic Hero: And apparently he wouldn't mind dropping the 'hero' part - see below.
- The Unfettered: Magus is willing to do anything (except jumping on his opponents' heads) to find and save Schala. He even offered to find the Shard of Tears for the Sovereign of Sorrow in exchange for information, stating that he didn't care what she would do to the Videoland afterwards.
- Genius Ditz: Alex sees him as this. He comes across as not overly bright, but put him in a situation that plays to his strengths and he's pretty damn good at it. Or as Bass would put it, pretty damn evil at it.
- Worf Has The Flu: The reason Vegeta doesn't swoop in and kick Daos' ass is because he's got hypertension and can no longer fight.
Doctor Wright
- Butt Monkey
- Genius Ditz: Dr. Wright has generally been shown acting like a complete moron, but he did reformat Mega Man into his super-strong Captain N iteration and helped build the Gate, which is essentially a Cosmic Keystone which keeps the reality of the desert from completely isolating, if not outright consuming, their universe. In addition, he has more than once realized things that Mega Man didn't -- most importantly, the fact that Roll was Sorrow-Touched.
The Sovereign of Sorrow
- Big Bad
- The Chessmaster
- Cosmic Retcon: Episode 771 reveals that one of her powers is the ability to alter the past of those who were Touched. Later strip specifies that she can't alter established events from the past, but she can fill in the blanks.
- Eldritch Abomination: Whatever the Sovereign is... she's a powerful super being from god knows where and is intent on destroying the universe. And considering how an aspect of her is able to shrug off the blasts of no less than three godlike entities without noticing as well as warp reality to her benefit, she seems capable of doing so.
- Flashbacks to when she was at full power make this even more clear. At that time, she was able to annihilate entire game worlds with little effort, if any.
- A Form You Are Comfortable With: Mortals cannot see the Sovereign of Sorrow in her true form, and can only interpret it. When Magus encounters the Sovereign of Sorrow, she appears to him as Queen Zeal. Gods like the Sinistrals are able to pierce the illusion and see a noblewoman wearing a mask. Her silhouette is eerily similar to Schala's.
- The Heartless: And all those Touched by her.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Reality Warper
- Super Empowering: Can enhance a Sprite's nature to impressive levels.
- Touched by Vorlons: More like she is the Vorlon... and it's not a good touch.
- Visionary Villain / Well-Intentioned Extremist: Or at least she claims to be this in her conversation with Magus. Apparently she doesn't want to destroy the Videoland simply For the Evulz; she considers the lives of its inhabitants to be full of pain and she wants to free them from their suffering by killing them.
- Beware the Silly Ones: He's an annoying, hyperactive pop-up virus. He's also working to end existence.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer/Obfuscating Stupidity: He's either putting on an act to get people to underestimate him, or he using his annoying, hyperactive personality to put people off. But he's pretty damn dangerous given his access to the environment systems.
Eggplant Wizard
- Achievements in Ignorance: You can't actually learn magic from a Mage: The Ascension book. That doesn't stop him.
- Body Snatcher: He cast a spell on the survivors of the Argo that made it possible for him to do this. Whenever he gets killed, he just takes over one of the survivors' bodies and transforms it into his own - while his victim dies in his place. This saves his life in a fight against Samus Aran.
- Evil Gloating: Tries this twice on Samus Aran. Gets shot in the face and frozen solid for trying.
- Gone Horribly Wrong: His attempt to Mind Probe Samus not only has her breaking him, but she also plants a telepathic suggestion that eventually makes him break her out.
- His Mind Probe on Golbez also doesn't work out so hot.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: The Mind Probe. Also, being a Body Snatcher made it possible for Golbez to threaten him with Fate Worse Than Death and he was saved only by the Monkeyspank virus's intervention.
- Mind Probe: Attempts this on Samus. It backfires. Horribly.
- He tries this again on Golbez. It backfires slightly less horribly.
- Pungeon Master: He constantly makes vegetable-themed puns—and, to add insult to injury, right after that he explains them.
Kain Highwind
Soon my dear Rose, you will be mine!"
- Badass: Spoony at least is confident that Kain would have no problems defeating both Crono and Cecil. Plus, so far all his fights with opponents other than Schrödinger (i.e. Cecil's guards, Bikke, Gato, Alex, the population of the Mithril town and two of Eblan's most elite ninja) ended with Kain curbstomping them.
- Berserk Button: As the population of the Mithril town learned the hard way, he really hates being mocked.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Ignored Epiphany: He has one about the nature of his love for Rosa in episode 157.
- No Sense of Direction: The side effect of his brainwashing.
- Stalker with a Crush: He is completely obsessed with Queen Rosa, to the point where he built a (disturbing) shrine to her. Eventually, he got his own stalker with a crush.
- Unwitting Pawn: As a part of Spoony's plan to summon the Sovereign of Sorrow Kain was ordered to kill Bob. He ended up being tricked by Bob into thinking that Bikke was Bob in disguise, letting him go (and eventually help Alex escape from prison) and killing Bikke. Spoony wasn't too happy about this.
- Weak-Willed: Lampshaded by Alex:
Kain is the reason you don't want your 3rd edition D&D fighter to have a Will save of -1. Because you'll end up getting manipulated by every asshole and their mother who can cast charm person.
- Abduction Is Love
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Determinator: The fact that he lost to Mario 463 times is no reason to give up for him.
- Evil Is Petty: He kindapped Princess Peach and tricked Max Force into trying to kill Mario. He is also guilty of being a pervert, hogging the remote, cable theft and not paying his library fines.
- The Fighting Narcissist
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Even though it ultimately didn't work, one has to admit that sending Max Force against Mario was actually a pretty clever idea.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: He tries to invoke this during his conversation with Princess Peach, presenting himself as the Nice Guy who's been with her during the worst of times and Mario as more concerned about his adventures than about Peach. Of course, his argument kind of falls apart when Peach points out that he's been with her all this time because he kept kindapping her.
- Small Name, Big Ego: He seems to genuinely believe that he's unbeatable and that he'll succeed in all his plans. Those 463 times Mario's beaten him up? Beginner's Luck! Obviously he will win the next time!
- Villainous Crush: On Princess Peach, naturally.
Daos, Gades and Amon
- Badass: All of them.
- Badass Boast: Probably a half or more of their lines are this.
- Big Bad Wannabes: Of "could legitimately be Big Bad if the real Big Bad wasn't even more Badass than they are" variety.
- Deader Than Dead: Daos and Gades, suggested by Word of God.
- Jerkass Gods: Alex certainly thinks so.
- Karmic Death: Daos and Gades die feeling for the first time the same feeling they tried to bring upon countless innocent people: terror.
- Mind Rape: Stated by Alex to be what they did to Sailor Mercury.
- Out-Gambitted: The Sinistrals wanted to get the Shard of Tears because the Sovereign of Sorrow told them it would give them power over her, which in turn would allow them to free Erim from her influence as well as make them practically invincible. They went to the Nexus because the Sovereign told them that's were the Shard was. She also told them that the Gamemaster is her champion, so when they met Alex in Nexus they wanted to kill him or at least make him serve them. It looked like the Sinistrals were on their way to become the Big Bads of the story... until Alex pointed out that going to the Nexus and fighting him was exactly what the Sovereign wanted them to do, as it meant that her enemies, instead of trying to fight her, would fight against each other. Which is what ultimately happened - Alex ended up killing two of the Sinistrals, but not before learning that he couldn't oppose the Sovereign without paying a price.
- Physical Gods
- Pride: One of their defining traits. As Alex pointed out, upon meeting someone who's more powerful than they are or at least refuses to bend to their will, the Sinistrals just refuse to let it go; their arrogance blinds them and they can only think about killing or subjugating their opponent. This eventually leads to Daos's and Gades's undoing and to Amon being trapped on the Desert of Shattered Dreams.
- Your Mom: Mega Man manages to enrage Amon by saying this. Why a physical incarnation would be so agitated over this is a mystery, seeing as how Amon doesn't actually have parents.
Alex's Flaws
- The Ditz: Which begs the interesting philosophical question: is the author telling us that hatred naturally makes you stupid?
- Look Behind You!: Fell for it 3 times.
- Crying Wolf: The fourth time there really was a naked Alanis Morrisette behind him.
- Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath
- Too Dumb to Live: He is actually the embodiment of Alex's hatred of what Alex hates the most. i.e.: stupid people
Alanis Morrisette
- Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?: She helps Alex out sometimes.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: She's naked. A lot.
- Although, judging from this comic, it's more a case of Innocent Fan Disservice Girl.
- Black Magician Girl
- Cosmic Retcon / Reset Button: She traveled in time and succeeded in preventing the accident that crippled her mother... but by doing so she retconned all of the Character Development she and her parents underwent after this accident in the original timeline. As result of this, Lucca's become... a bit eccentric.
- Determinator: Despite knowing her eventual fate due to being touched, she'll be damned if she goes down quietly.
- Deadpan Snarker: She doesn't have a particularly good opinion of Alex and sees no reason to hide it.
- Evil Laugh: Sometimes she has sudden urge to burst into maniacal laughter. And sometimes she can't resist it.
- Gadgeteer Genius or Mad Scientist
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath
- Love Triangle: With Crono and Marle.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Of Crono.
- Yandere: Maybe. Though obviously sending Marle to another dimension was a complete accident.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Although Gato is well behaved at first, Kain did serious damage to his programming with a well-placed spear to his processors. Before being Touched, he was an HK-47 wannabe with a micro-singularity. Now...
- Crush! Kill! Destroy!
- Even Evil Robots Love Their Creators: He seems to be genuinely devoted to Lucca.
- Face Heel Turn: Lampshaded by Alex.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath: He was this after Kain destroyed his ethical programming and before he started to work against Alex.
- Kill All Humans: Maybe except Lucca.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Considering Gato was created to be beaten up, and he's the easiest way to get Silver Points, and you have to get 40 Silver Points to resurrect Crono, you can start to understand him.
Max Force
- Ax Crazy
- Druggies VS Non-Druggies Morality
- Insane Troll Logic: During their confrontation, after Mario dodges his bullets and teases him for it, Max Force claims he did not miss Mario because he was actually shooting a drug tree, invisible drug beetles and drug-filled air molecules.
- Knight Templar: Max Force makes Miko Miyazaki look like a saint in comparison.
- Mind Probe: Subjected to one by Magus, whom was attempting to find out just what happened to him. Ended up as a...
- Mind Rape: When Magus tried to dig a little too forcibly.
- Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Pre-Great Change/Touch, he was incredibily idealistic. Pre-Touched Max was more than willing to fight an impossible battle not expecting to win, but because its moraly right. Post-Great Change/Touch on the other hand...
- Black Magician Girl
- Break His Heart to Save Him: She did this to Edge.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fallen Hero
- Hypocritical Heartwarming: Her reaction to Crono killing Valvalis and other summoned monsters can be seen as rather dark version of this. The monsters she summons clearly fear her, as she even threatens to kill them when they annoy her... but when Crono actually kills some of them, it's a huge Berserk Button for her and she instantly decides to kill Crono in revenge.
- Large Ham: She likes to make dramatic entries and deliver dramatic lines.
- Summon Magic
- Villain Team-Up: With Spoony (and technically Kain, though he isn't really an equal partner to the two of them). They work together to replace FFIV world leaders with dopplegangers controlled by them. Both Rydia and Spoony, however, try to keep some secrets from each other - in particular that they have different ultimate goals: while Spoony secretly works for the Sovereign of Sorrow, Rydia wants to stop her (which is why she was mad at Spoony for trying to kill Alex, as she was afraid he might be the only one who could defeat the Sovereign, and why she sent Marle to Nexus behind Spoony's back).
- Compelling Voice: Used on Queen Rosa, Fat Chocobo and Kappa the Imp. Spoony also tried to use it on Cecil, but he turned out to be immune to this.
- Despair Event Horizon: The moment he meets the Sovereign of Sorrow turns into this.
- Fallen Hero
- I Have Many Names: Edward, the Drab Lord, Spoony, Gilbert.
- Noticing the Fourth Wall: As a result of being Touched. This is what triggered his Face Heel Turn.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: The entire Drab Lord persona is this. By presenting himself as a buffoon, he not only causes potential threats like Rydia to underestimate him, but it also helps him keep his sanity despite being Touched, through giving him something to laugh at.
- Rage Against the Heavens: Due to his beef with the Creators.
- Revenge: The reason he serves the Sovereign of Sorrow is to get revenge on everyone who wronged him - including everyone from Alex's reality, as he considers them to be ultimately responsible for death of his parents and Anna as well as for humiliating him for their own amusement.
- Sdrawkcab Name: The Drab Lord
- Telepathy: As a result of being Touched he gained ability to read thoughts of other Touched characters (or, as he puts it, see into their hearts).
- Theres No Kill Like Overkill: Put 99x Packages into one of three unique colored treasure chests knowing that the Game Master will open them. The resulting explosion was so powerful it not only completely destroyed Castle Baron and the city, it also launched Gato and countless treasure chests into the stratosphere. Of course averted due to the explosion failing to kill Alex.
- The Scrappy: Alex saw him as one in-universe.
- Took a Level in Badass: Twice. First, when he's disguised as the Drab Lord in the beginning, and is presented as a credible threat until the Sovereign of Sorrow is revealed. The second time was after the Drab Lord's Villain Decay, when Spoony is revealed AS the Drab Lord, and catches Cecil and Rosa in a rather clever trap.
- Un Evil Laugh: He just can't get evil laugh right.
Edward: HO HO HO!
Rydia: That's Santa Claus's laugh, Golbez Jr.
- That is, until he stops playing around.
- Villain Forgot to Level Grind: Due to Alex playing FFIV and ordering Cecil to kill Spoony every time he was alive in a random encounter, the only EXP Spoony obtained was in his only mandatory story battle, otherwise he remains at the same level that he joined the party in the game. As a result, he can't even touch Cecil, since Alex level grinded him to Lv99.
Ryan (Alex's captor)
- Divided We Fall: He can't exactly be called truly evil. Both he and Alex want to protect the Videoland, but that doesn't stop them from fighting over which one of them should be the Game Master.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: He hates Alex's tendency to swear and tries to either completely avoid swearing himself (he even refuses to say 'bastard') or at worst use very mild (like 'heck') or made-up cuss words.
Ryan: What the frick just happened?!?!?!
Alex: (...) Don't use fake swear words. That's just dumb.
- Knight Templar: At least he has shades of this.
- Missed the Call: Possibly.
- Primal Fear: Of death.
- The Rival: To Alex.
- The Voice
- The Watson: Again, to Alex.
- We Used to Be Friends: Alex at least seems confident that they knew each other and were friends (though apparently of Vitriolic Best Buds variety) before they got sucked into Videoland.
Alex: For fuck's sake, we're friends.
Ryan: Don't... call me that!
Alex: I know it doesn't feel like it now, but we've got history together! Good history!
- However, the conversation they had after the exchange quoted above indicates that Alex's captor and the Ryan whom Alex knew may not necessarily be the same person. Or maybe they are. At this point it's hard to tell.
- Ambiguously Evil: He seems to have some goals he wants to accomplish, but we have no idea what they are or whose side he is really on. The fact that he likes to keep Alex in the dark, pretended he couldn't talk after being turned into chocobo, avoided any contact with Alex after being turned into Juan Valdez and apparently is in contact with Wily surely doesn't make him look particularly trustworthy.
- My Greatest Failure: Apparently for some reason at least once the entire Videoland suffered because of his weakness. It remains to be seen what exactly he was referring to.
- You Are Who You Eat
Doctor Wily
- Ain't Too Proud to Beg: In this strip. It's still unknown if Alex will kill him.
- Beleaguered Assistant: Ended up being this for Mike Haggar.
- Big No: Welcome to hell Willy.
- Enemy Mine: He gladly joins forces with Dr. Light, since there's no point in taking over Videoland if the Sovereign of Sorrow destroys everything. However, it's pretty obvious that he's simultaneously plotting something (most likely) evil.
- Evil Laugh: Well, you can't be a Mad Scientist without pulling one of these every now and then.
- Kicked Upstairs / Be Careful What You Wish For: Sure, he is vice-president of Videoland... but the president is Popular Is Dumb Mike Haggar, who even abolished every tax in Videoland and transformed the presidential palace in a motel to earn the governmental budget. As of Wily's most recent estimates, they're only $99 billion dollars in the red. Wily has to spend pretty much all his time trying to minimize the damage caused by Haggar's decisions.
- Not to mention that he can't try to quit or overrule Haggar, or Proto Man/Blues will take that as proof that he's a President Evil and kidnap him so he can force him to listen to Garth Brooks.
- Mad Scientist: Duh.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Girlfriend: Apparently he's dating Carmen Sandiego.
King Hippo
- The Alcoholic
- Drowning My Sorrows: He started drinking heavily after seeing someone Killed Off for Real for the first time in his life. Being a Nintendo character, he initially tried to do it using root beer instead of actual beer, but it seems that by the time he met Alex he had learned about alcohol.
- Mistaken For Rapist: By Alex when they first met. King Hippo really only wanted to keep Alex from slipping on dropped soap and later he just got a little excited after learning that Alex is the Game Master. Alex, however, thought Hippo had something else in mind.
- Punch Clock Villain: He was working for Mother Brain not because he wanted to take over Videoland or anything, but because it paid the bills. Despite being beaten up and humiliated time after time again by Captain N, King Hippo never held anything against him (he actually respected and admired him), and is rather grateful that Captain N didn't either.
- And of course he eventually stopped working for Mother Brain. After that we never saw him doing anything more evil than bullying other characters for their lunch money. Seeing how he helped Alex and wished him good luck, it's not unimaginable that he'll end up on the heroes' side.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Averted. His ex-wife is Seraphina.