
A Campione – a Godslayer – is a supreme ruler.

Since he can kill a celestial being, he can therefore call on the sacrosanct, divine powers wielded by the gods.

A Campione – a Godslayer – is a lord.

Since the power to kill a deity is in his hands, he therefore looms over all mortals on Earth.

A Campione – a Godslayer – is a devil.

Since of all mortals who live in the world, none can assume a power to match his!

The gods and goddesses appearing in the legends of mankind since the beginning of time rarely descend to earth. Having lost the restraint of their legends, those gods willfully wander the earth and bring disaster wherever they go. We magicians call those gods "Heretic Gods". Man cannot go against god. Even if you gathered all of mankind's power and wisdom, it would still be far from matching a heretic god. But there are also those comparable to the gods on this earth. They are godslayers. While being human, they murdered a god and stole a part of their sacred authorities. We call those seven people campione.

Kusanagi Godou, a 16 year old boy who played in the senior league as catcher and fourth hitter - that is, the cleanup - when he was in Junior High. However, an injury put an end to baseball. Though that was not the end for him. During the spring break of his third and last year in Junior High, he got involved in an adventure and ended up slaying one of the Heretic Gods, Verethragna. Thus, he became the youngest - and seventh - Campione. Now that he is a Campione, a godslayer, the young Godou must defeat the troublemaking gods, with the help of his followers!

Because of this, Godou now has the powers of the god he killed. Godou, of course, wants nothing to do with the world in question, but he also has a rather strong sense of justice. Unable to simply turn a blind eye to those in need, he uses his new found powers to fight Heretic Gods, other Campione, and random bad guys.

And along the way, he gets surrounded by several girls. All of whom try and pull him deeper into the world of Magic.

Tropes used in Campione! include:
  • Anti-Magic: The sword of the Warrior can work like this, sealing and destroying a god's power.
    • Hikari, Yuri's sister, has this ablity.
  • Badass: All of the Campione, all of the gods, as well as many magicians.
  • Berserk Button: Do NOT, under any circumstances, threaten one of the girls. Godou killed a god, so you don't want to piss him off!
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Many people deliberately piss off Godou, only to discover to their chagrin that he's just as deadly as any other Campione, if not more.
  • BFS: Several, somewhat Averted Trope with Salvatore. His blade is normal sized but he can make it big.
  • Big Badass Wolf: Voban can summon hundreds of them, each the size of a small pony. Or he can become one the size of a 'BUILDING'.
  • Bifauxnen - Kaoru. nuff said
  • Blood Knight: Salvatore,Voban,and Luo Huo. Although all the campiones are this troop to a certain extent (yes even Godou) because of the psychology required to defeat a god requires extreme competetiveness.
  • Can't Catch Up: a justified example. Despite greater experience and training, there isn't really a way for a normal magician to compete with a god or a Campione.
  • Casanova: Godou's grandpa was one (still is, actually), and he has been molding Godou in his image from a young age.
  • Chick Magnet: Godou despite insisting that's he's normal attracts almost every girl that has appeared thus far. Plus Salvatore.
  • Cool Versus Awesome : Gods from every mythology, versus godkillers, versus magicians, versus divine beasts, versus ... you get the idea.
  • Combo-Platter Powers: Campione powers tend to be very random, since the different Authorities taken don't normally have much relation to one another. Also, Godou in particular has one Authority, with ten seperate and seemingly random powers.
  • Fan Nickname: Voban is called Bobby due to a certain lazy editor calling him Bobby instead of using his actual name. It somehow caught on.
  • The Gadfly: Amakusa and Erica.
  • Harem Series: Godou has four "main" girls gunning for him: Erica, Yuri, Ena, and Liliana.
  • Kill the God: Happens often, given the nature of the series.
  • Immortality: All over the place.
    • Campione do not die of old age, though they can be killed.
    • Both Godou and Voban have an Authority that allows for resurrection.
    • Even if they die, gods will eventually revive if enough people know their story.
  • Just Friends: Godou does this... to a huge list of girls that Liliana asks him about.
  • Made of Steel: Salvatore, due to one of his Authorities.
  • Not So Different: Voban implies he was similiar to Godou in his youth. Godou isn't hearing any of it.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: While all the campiones are one Godou takes the cake. His destruction of historical sites have already became world famous despite only being a campione for a few months.
  • Physical Gods: Gods and campiones both have strong ablities far above that of most ordinary magicians.
  • Ordinary High School Student: Godou was, but not anymore.
  • Really Gets Around: Godou's grandfather. So, so much.
  • Samus Is a Girl: John Pluto Smith. No one saw that coming.
  • Ship Tease: Godou with everyone. Yes even some of the guys.
  • Spell My Name with an "S" - Averted Trop for the most part. Many, many characters are named after soccer players. Voban plays it straight however.
  • Unwanted Harem: Godou doesn't really want to deal with the trouble his harem brings. To bad for him.
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