Calvin and Hobbes: The Series/Characters
A list of characters in Calvin and Hobbes The Series.
- Big Damn Heroes: They have their moments, though it rarely goes by without comment.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: They all have their moments of badassery.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits
- Nakama
- Weirdness Magnet: The group attracts all kinds of stuff to them. Calvin really enjoys it.
Voiced by: Pamela Segal
The leader of the group. He's invented many weapons and gadgets that are usually of some use.
- Adaptational Badass
- Anime Hair: Lampshaded by the narrator in the very first episode:
"No one knows why his hair does that. Is it static electricity? Is it hair gel? No, probably not.
- Anti-Hero: Type I.
- Book Dumb: Lampshaded in "Pharaoh Andrew":
Hobbes: You know, if you actually studied, you'd get a few things done school-wise.
- Brilliant but Lazy: Taken Up to Eleven; he's invented several amazing objects, later turning into The Chessmaster, and yet still fails at school.
- Captain Crash: Invoked: he makes it a point that the wagon needs to be crashed at least twice each week.
- Captain Obvious: He keeps having to explain things to Hobbes in "The Pharaoh Andrew".
- Character Exaggeration: His knack for inventing is much more prominent here.
- The Chessmaster
- Deadpan Snarker
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Genre Savvy: As shown here:
Hobbes: (to an evil voice) Well, we're here now, so what do you want?
Calvin: Hobbes, don't ask questions like that! Don't you ever watch those science fiction movies?
- The Hero
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Though he Took a Level In Kindness.
- The Leader: Type III.
- Limited Wardrobe: Parodied: his closet are entirely made of red shirts with black stripes and black pants.
- Mr. Imagination: Rather downplayed in comparison to his comic counterpart.
- Took a Level in Badass: Though he was already an Adaptational Badass, he becomes a lot more serious about dealing with bad guys during Season 4 (seen most prominently in the climax of "Our Solemn Hour").
- Took a Level In Kindness: While still something of a Jerkass, this iteration is more prone to doing the right thing.
Voiced by: Tom Hanks
Calvin's best friend. Has a penchant for running away from danger, at least until "Thunderstorm".
- Character Exaggeration: His reluctance for adventure. This is eventually reversed.
- Cowardly Lion
- Deadpan Snarker
- Genre Savvy: He knows the outcome of Calvin's constant misadventures.
- The Lancer
- Lovable Coward: He's usually this.
- He started to become more of a Dirty Coward. Word of God says that this was an unintentional Flanderization, as they inadvertently made Hobbes so cowardly he was almost unlikeable. To resolve this, they took Hobbes' cowardice Up to Eleven in the Season 3 finale, until Calvin finally calls him on it with a Reason You Suck Speech, prompting Hobbes to subsequently make an effort that seems to have stuck in the seasons that followed.
- Not-So-Imaginary Friend
- Offscreen Teleportation: His preferred method of cowardice.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Constantly. Played for Drama, and downplayed thereafter, in "Thunderstorm".
Voiced by: Ryan Stiles
A tiger who looks exactly like Hobbes, except with red stripes on his tail. Also the weird one. Tends to be annoying.
- A Day in the Limelight: "Confessions of A Prank-Loving Tiger"
- Bad Liar: As "Mission: Socrates" shows.
- Big Eater: He once made a real-life food pyramid and tried to eat it.
- The Big Guy: Something of a Boisterous Bruiser.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Somewhat fits, as mentioned above.
- Cloudcuckoolander: For one, he listens to heavy metal music to fall asleep.
- Identical Stranger: Looks exactly like Hobbes, save for the red stripes on his tail.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Although he delights in the suffering of others, he does show concern when it seems his pranks may have injured someone.
- Living MacGuffin: He has an alien transmitter in his head (implanted by Sherman as revenge for being pranked) that can only be activated when he says the number 98,562.
- The Load: Often.
- The Nicknamer
- Not-So-Imaginary Friend: He takes on a similar form to Hobbes when anybody other than Calvin, Andy or Elliot is around.
- The Prankster
Voiced by: Andrew Lawrence
Originally The Generic Guy of the team, Character Development made him evolve into the Only Sane Man.
- A Day in the Limelight: "Insanity is In The Air" and "New Year, New Disasters".
- Casting Gag: He's named after his voice actor.
- The Chick: He's the most level-headed person in the group, and thus the one that keeps it together.
- Deadpan Snarker: Soon became one of his defining character traits.
- The Generic Guy: For a while. Lampshaded in "Insanity is In The Air":
Hobbes: (discussing why Andy won't come out of his room) Maybe he's hiding something from us.
Socrates: What would he hide from us? He's not exactly known for having a personality here.
- Identical Stranger: He discovers a pharaoh that looks just like him in "Pharaoh Andrew".
- Only Sane Man: As mentioned above.
- Mistaken for Special Guest: Inverted; he is mistaken by several mummies to be their master (who looks just like him) in "Pharaoh Andrew".
- Nerd
- Not So Above It All: "Insanity is In The Air", which also gave him some Character Development.
- The Quiet One: Lampshaded by Socrates:
(trying to find Andy) "Well, [he] was never the talkative one. Admittedly, he's gotten better this season, but...
- The Stoic: The fact that he has no qualms about the fact that Calvin lives with a tiger is only one example of how open-minded he is. In fact, Word of God has said that it's that open-mindedness that allows him to take part in Calvin's adventures.
Voiced by: Colin Mochrie
The Smart Guy. Something of a Jerkass as well.
- Bungling Inventor
- Catch Phrase: "You know, when I was at the university..."
- Deadpan Snarker: From "Pharaoh Andrew":
- Jerkass: Zig-zagged. He actually cares a great deal for Andy, and he and Calvin become friends later on. Still on bad terms with Hobbes and Socrates, though.
- The Load: During "The Genius Hamster".
- Mix-and-Match Critters: Briefly forced to become one in "Time Terror" to sell... something.
- Picky Eater: From "The Genius Hamster":
(asking Hobbes to make him a sandwich) "Now cut the turkey thin, but not too thin. Now put the mustard on the turkey in a clockwise motion, and then place a slab of cheese on top. Pour the mayonnaise on top of that, but in a counterclockwise motion. Add an extra slice of turkey on top, and then place the second slice of bread on top, and make sure the two slices of bread are even."
Arguably the most useful of Calvin's inventions. Gained speech in "An MTM Episode".
- A Day in the Limelight: "An MTM Episode"
- British Accents
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defictionalization: Inverted: this CD player was the inspiration behind his appearance.
- Do-Anything Robot
- The Faceless: He is often described as looking like an "electronic pancake".
- Forgotten Phlebotinum: His time machine function is mostly forgotten about later in the series.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: He can fire them.
- Fun with Acronyms: He's a Mini Time Machine.
- Kill It with Fire: Emergency Protocol #5557490 is a large burst of fire.
- The Load: During "An MTM Episode".
- Non-Indicative Name: He started as a smaller time machine, but eventually became a Do-Anything Robot.
- Our Time Machine Is Different
- Shock and Awe: Can fire lightning bolts.
- Sixth Ranger: Technically he was with Calvin since the start, but he became more prominent once he gained speech.
- Spell My Name with a "The"
- Talking Appliance Sidekick: He's a CD player.
- Teleporters and Transporters: Functions as one.
- Evil Laugh: Most of them have done this at one point or another.
- Rogues Gallery
Franklin J. Brainstorm
Voiced by: Neil Crone
A Mad Scientist. Very inept. Always shouts.
- Always Someone Better: Thunderstorm is this to him.
- Anime Hair
- Bungling Inventor
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Catch Phrase: See below.
- Do Not Call Me Paul: "IT'S DOCTOR BRAINSTORM!"
- Enemy Mine: Tries his hardest to defy this trope in "62 Percent More Evil"; ends up falling into it anyway.
- The same thing ends up happening in "Thunderstorm".
- Green Eyed Red Head: He's not beautiful, but he still fits.
- Harmless Villain
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: He's actually saved the world more times than he's taken it over.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: When he's not trying to take over the world, he's actually a pretty decent guy. He once fell into a panic when his dramatic chase scene ended up injuring Andy.
- Mad Scientist
- No Indoor Voice
- Sibling Rivalry: With Sheila.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Very often.
Jack T. Robot
Voiced by: Michael Brandon
A snarky robot. Not really evil, but he did have a Morality Dial (that was thankfully removed).
- Arm Cannon: Gains a Type 2 when evil.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Evil Counterpart: Can be seen as one to the MTM, as they're both snarky Do Anything Robots.
- Good Thing You Can Heal: Given that he lives with Dr. Brainstorm, this is highly likely.
- The Load: During "Robot's Day Out".
- Losing Your Head: Happens occasionally.
- Morality Dial: He has a Simpsons-esque one that gets flipped by accident in "62 Percent More Evil".
- Pulling Themselves Together: Which is exploited by Calvin in "Robot's Day out", taking him apart in order to fit him in his backpack.
- Punch Clock Villain: He regularly chats with the heroes and doesn't care much for Brainstorm's schemes.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When his Morality Dial is flipped.
- Snarky Non-Human Sidekick
- Trademark Favorite Drink: Soda.
Sheila Brainstorm
Brainstorm's sister who thinks Calvin's an alien.
- Big Eater
- Harmless Villain: Even more so than her brother.
- No Indoor Voice
Sheila's Distaff Counterpart to Jack.
- Distaff Counterpart: To Jack.
- Granola Girl: She's much more active than Jack, at least.
- Punch Clock Villain: As with Jack.
- Trademark Favorite Drink: Lemonade.
Mother Brainstorm
The mother of the above two Brainstorms.
- Big Eater: She ate an entire turkey in a few bites.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Has traits of this.
- No Indoor Voice
A Technopath that takes over Calvin's electronics twice.
- Big Bad: Of "The Night of The Living Television".
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Holographic Retro in the Sequel Episode.
- Shock and Awe
- Technopath
- We Will Meet Again: In his first appearance, which is epically lampshaded by Calvin.
Holographic Retro
After the real Retro was trapped on Galaxoid and Nebular's planet, he sent this hologram in his place.
- Big Bad: Of Season 4.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Electro in "The Night of the Living Television II".
- Brought to You by the Letter "H": An "H" adorns his forehead.
- Conspicuous Trenchcoat: Wears one in "The Genius Hamster".
- Hard Light
- Killed Off for Real: "Alien Nation" reveals he didn't survive the previous season finale's cliffhanger.
Rupert and Earl
Two aliens out to get Calvin.
- Aliens Speaking English
- Artistic License History: The only reason they believe that Calvin is the Supreme Earth Potentate is because Galaxoid and Nebular told them. They steadfastly believe this to be true, despite all evidence to the contrary (including Calvin flat out telling them).
Rupert and Earl's Crew
A crew of harmless villains under the former two's command.
- Aliens Speaking English
- Harmless Villain
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Trademark Favorite Drink: Peanut butter milkshakes, oddly enough.
One of the monsters under Calvin's bed.
Dr. Thunderstorm
Brainstorm's Chaotic Evil brother that was freed by Shadow.
- Anime Hair: Dyed jet black to boot.
- Blue Eyes
- Evil Twin: To Brainstorm, who isn't really all that evil.
- Mad Scientist
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Sibling Rivalry: With Brainstorm.
- Palette Swap: Of Brainstorm.
A Killer Robot that was trapped in a chrome sphere and accidentally freed by a laser blast of Brainstorm's.
- Evil Counterpart: To Jack.
- Killer Robot
- Me's a Crowd
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Wall Crawl: He can also walk on the ceiling.
Calvin's Parents
Calvin's mom is voiced by: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Calvin's dad is voiced by: Bill Murray
- Bourgeois Bohemian: Calvin's dad, big time. He gets a big kick out of suffering.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Drowning My Sorrows: In "New Year, New Disasters":
Dad: Come on, dear. You can drown your sorrows in the cider.
- Misery Builds Character: Taken Up to Eleven with Dad, who thinks hanging on a cliff on the edge of the Grand Canyon builds character.
Susie Derkins
Voiced by: Dakota Fannings
Calvin's neighbor. She is his age and goes to school with him. She is constantly being annoyed by him.
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: When Calvin nearly drives himself insane trying to be good so that Karma won't hurt him, it's Susie who talks him down.
Susie: Calvin, you live by your own rules! You make things up! You create! You destroy! You tease temptation! You do all sorts of horrible things, most of them to me, yes, but then there are days you do good all on your own! You shouldn't let something like Karma run your life! You need to be rude and nasty and gross and weird, so that you can be good on your own accord.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: While it is still downplayed like it was in the comic strip, Calvin and Susie have had the odd quasi-romantic moment.
- Berserk Button: While she's harmless enough at face value, all it takes is Calvin throwing a water balloon or a snowball at her to unleash the wrath of hell upon him.
- Repeat What You Just Said: Sometimes Hobbes will go off on a hypothetical romantic tangent about Calvin's supposed secret feelings for Susie. While the comic strip's Calvin would've usually started fighting him, this version of Calvin prefers the more subtle approach: "I'm sorry. What did you say?" in a dangerously low voice. Hobbes tends to shut up after that.
- Tsundere: Type B
Voiced by: Elizabeth Daily
The Bully who is constantly harassing Calvin.
- Dumb Muscle
- Gang of Bullies: Moe has a gang sometimes.
- Jerkass: Constantly and purely.
- Karma Houdini: Frequently. Finally subverted on one occasion when Susie found out and tattled on him, and Miss Wormwood forced him to apologize to Calvin.
- Stealth Insult: Calvin usually manages to whip these out at Moe.
Miss Wormwood
Calvin's teacher. She's constantly disciplining him.
- The Alcoholic: Calvin says to Mr Spittle she still drinks Maalox right from the bottle.
- Stern Teacher: She really seems to dislike imagination. Then again, Calvin's imagining stuff during class...
Calvin's babysitter still appears from time to time.
- Badly-Battered Babysitter: In her first appearance, Rosalyn finds herself involuntarily riding with Calvin and Hobbes in their wagon all across town!
Galaxoid and Nebular
Some aliens who appeared towards the end of the original strip. They keep in contact with Calvin and Hobbes during the series.
- Aliens Speaking English
- Innocent Aliens: Unlike Rupert and Earl, these two are friendly and come from a peaceful planet.
The Klein Family
A family of Inexplicably Identical Individuals. The only adults Calvin considers "cool".
- Casting Gag: They're named after their voice actor.
- Competence Zone: As mentioned above, they're an aversion.
- Inexplicably Identical Individuals
- Motor Mouth: The Klein at the prank store listing the items the Prank Starter Kit contains in "Let Us Prank the Fool":
"Well, we have your standards. We got your whoopee cushions, we got your squirting flowers, we got your spinning bowties, we got regular ties that roll up like noise-makers, we got your trick wires, we got pies, we got joy buzzers, we got silly string, we got condiments, we got fake gum, water balloons, disguises and mustaches and roller skates and fake hands and fake thumbs and fake toes and a fake nose and wigs and exploding figs and bending twigs and fake wings and ding-a-lings and loads and tons of other things! We got yo-yo's with invisible strings! We got sunglasses with songs to sing! We got dental floss and balls to toss, action Diana Ross! We got magnets and fragments and flip flops and garden crops! We got worms in a bag! We got a suit with a tag! We have also a TV that doesn't change channels! Air conditioners stocked from air from our air conditioned air condition factory!"
(he then wipes sweat from his brow and gasps for air)
- Tough Room: Averted with the Klein at the carnival; his jokes are apparently uproarious.