Cage of Eden/Characters
Akira's Group
Akira Sengoku
Our hero. Formerly the class clown, Akira now finds himself forced to lead his classmates through an island filled with deadly animals.
- Accidental Pervert: The most frequent gag is him ending up in a compromising position with a girl, and Rion dragging him off by his ear.
- Badass: Coming in just behind Yarai and Kouhei.
- Big Eater: Though it hasn't really come up since the first chapter.
- Celibate Hero: Seems to be his primary reason for not acting on his feelings for Rion. They're more than a little busy.
- Childhood Friend Romance: With Rion.
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Class Clown: Before coming to the island.
- Clueless Chick Magnet: Though he has been getting more aware.
- Determinator: And as a result, so is everyone else on his team.
- Disappeared Dad
- The Hero: Might as well have it stamped on his forehead.
Mami (to Yarai): Have you ever seen Sengoku-kun's body? There are wounds all over his body! That's because Sengoku-kun is always standing in front of us, risking his life to protect us from danger!
- The Leader: A mix of types III and IV
- Magnetic Hero: He's not the strongest or the smartest, but he's very good at gathering friends.
Rion Akagami
Akira's childhood friend.
- Action Girl: As a gymnast, she isn't to be underestimated.
- Buxom Is Better: No one makes any secret why they find her the most attractive.
- Childhood Friend Romance: With Akira.
- Genki Girl: As genki as is possible when you're on an island filled with hostile wildlife.
- The Glomp: Rion is not subtle with her joy at Akira being alive.
- Hair Decorations: Two ribbons holding up her hair, based on a similar pair Akira gave her as a child.
- The Lancer
- School Idol: Gymnastics, specifically.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Shirou Mariya
The school prodigy and the first person Akira meets after crashing.
- Infinite Laptop: He carries around a foot pedal peripheral to keep it charged.
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: At least until the plane crashed.
- Megane
- Missing Mom: What finally gets him to empathize with Zaji.
- Mr. Exposition: With his laptop and database, he's the one who is usually in a position to explain everything.
- Nerd Glasses
- The Smart Guy/The Lancer: To the point where Akira designates him as the leader when he leaves to explore the pyramid.
- The Short Guy with Glasses
- Took a Level In Badass: After Zaji's death.
Kanako Oomori
A clumsy stewardess who Akira meets after crashing.
- Buxom Is Better: The only thing about herself she is proud of.
- The Chick: While she does her best to be useful, she's frustratingly aware that she can't contribute as much as the others.
- Dojikko: She insists that she is too clumsy to be helpful.
- Friend to All Living Things: Well, the squirrel-creatures, anyway. Everything else is far too violent.
- The Medic: She only has basic first aid training, but that's better than everyone else.
- Meganekko: In Chapter 4. Usually she wears contacts.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: The reason she became a flight attendant (in spite of failing the test 16 times) was to be with her former senpai, who was her first love. She insists that it was because she went to all-girl school and that she likes men now.
- Sexy Stewardess
- Team Mom
- Took a Level In Badass
Kazuma "Zaji" Saji
A boy from class 3 who Akira's group meets on the beach.
- The Big Guy: Not anywhere near as good a fighter as Yarai or even Akira, but definitely strong and tough.
- Friend to All Children: Back home he was never good with kids his age, but acted as a big brother to the neighbor kids.
- Likes Older Women: Absolutely shameless about his attraction to Oomori.
- Missing Mom: She left her family for another man.
- Sacrificial Lion
Yarai's Group
Kouichi Yarai
A notorious delinquent from class 4.
- The Ace: He isn't perfect, though. His leadership skills could use some work, and he refuses to take orders from someone else. However, these traits keep him from taking up the limelight too much.
- Badass: Oh yes.
- Delinquents
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Granted, he's not exactly a bad guy, but the reason he's so attached to Kurusu-sensei is that she reminds him of his (deceased) mother.
- Eyes of Gold: To emphasize his intense and dangerous nature.
- Face of a Thug: Some girls note that his face looks like a serial rapist's, and in color pages his eyes are yellow.
- Genius Bruiser: Much smarter than he lets on.
- Heroic BSOD: Has one when he loses to Akira.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: With Kurusu-sensei.
- Improvised Weapon User: His weapons of choice are car keys and 500 yen coins.
- Jerkass Facade: He was always a nice guy, but because but because of his looks, everyone thought he was a jerk and a delinquent, so he decided to play that role. Only his mother and Kurusu-sensei treated him for being him, rather than going by his looks.
- Kuudere
- Love Letter Lunacy: Led Saki Segawa to think he had a crush on her.
- Love Triangle: It remains to be seen whether or not he is in one with Kurusu and Segawa.
- Men Don't Cry: Averted in Chapter 141, where Saki points out that he's crying because doesn't want to kill Akira.
- Missing Mom: Twice, at that!
- The Rival: Sees himself as such.
- The Stoic
- Nerves of Steel: Hilariously subverted in Chapters 15 and 64, where he laughs at Akira being attacked by the Edwardsi and at the misunderstanding that led Saki to hold a grudge against him. In Chapter 141, he cries because he doesn't want to kill Akira, but Nishikiori won't save Kurusu-sensei if he doesn't.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: He isn't particularly villainous, though.
- Younger Than They Look: 14 years old, ladies!
Motoko Kurusu
The homeroom teacher of class 4.
- A-Cup Angst: This
- Animal-Eared Headband: Yarai told her that it would protect her from animal attacks and she believed him.
- Attempted Rape: The victim of it in the midst of the panic on the plane. Morita's video reveals that Yarai saved her.
- Badass Teacher: She tries, bless her heart, but she's not that good at it.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished
- Hot Teacher
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: With Yarai.
- Ill Girl: The first to contract the eye disease. And now Nishikiori's revealed that she has internal bleeding.
- Love Triangle: It remains to be seen whether or not she is in one with Yarai and Segawa.
- Mortal Wound Reveal
- Secretly Dying: Inverted. Her companions know, she doesn't. However, it appears she's figured out the truth on her own.
- Meganekko
Saki Segawa
A girl from a rich family who dislikes Yarai.
- A-Cup Angst: While she's not small, she's smaller than Rion, and well aware that this is why the latter is considered prettier.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Played with. Due to the love letter confusion, she had a small crush on Yarai, which went out the window when he tore up her letter (biiig misunderstanding). On the island, once she realizes what actually happened, she starts falling for him harder.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: To Yarai, when it seems like he sees Motoko as a love interest rather than just a teacher.
- The Glomp: After Yarai saves her.
- Just Friends: She suggested this to Yarai in response to his love letter. Since he never actually sent her a love letter, he had no idea what was going on.
- Love Confession: In the backstory, she thought Yarai was trying to give her one. Turns out that because the letter was unsigned, she had made a big mistake.
Yarai: I feel bad for the guy who wrote that letter.
- Love Letter Lunacy: Led her to think Yarai had a crush on her.
- Love Triangle: It remains to be seen whether or not she is in one with Yara and Kurusu.
- Non-Human Sidekick: In Chapter 115, she picks up a turtle and declares that it will be the group's dinner. In Chapter 133, we see that she's kept him and named him "Mr. Lucky".
- The Ojou
- Taking The Punch: Takes a punch from Yarai intended for Akira.
Makiko Shigeno
A girl who has joined Yarai's group with Saki. Other than the fact that she is good at encouraging others, not much is known about her.
- The Load: Hasn't really done much in the hundred chapters since her introduction.
- Those Two Girls: With Machika.
- Tomboyish Ponytail: Again, there's not enough detail about her personality to know how much she fits.
Machika Matsumoto
A girl who has joined Yarai's group with Saki. Originally mistrustful of Yarai, but she's been warming up to him.
- Hime Cut
- The Load: Hasn't really done much in the hundred chapters since her introduction.
- Meganekko
- The Quiet One: Pretty much nothing is known about her, since she rarely speaks.
- Those Two Girls: With Makiko.
Eiken's Group (Spoilers)
Makoto "Eiken" Morita
A friend of Akira's. Enjoys taking perverted pictures of girls.
- Blinding Bangs: As demonstrated in his picture.
- Camera Fiend: Generally used to get pictures of the girls. However, he was able to use the zoom from atop the mountain to spot the Antenna Tower.
- Sherlock Scan: He has a keen eye for details.
Aya Tokiwa
A girl from class 2 and a member of the track team.
- Action Girl
- Badass: One of the rare girls to fit this description.
- Blood Knight: She's referred to fights as fun--you know, the fights against the several hundred pound wild animals that they don't so much defeat as survive.
- Emotionless Girl: She doesn't really talk much, so we can't be sure what she's thinking.
- Hair Decorations: Her headband.
Seigou Komiyama
A perverted monk with no interest in girls over the age of 20.
- Chekhov's Skill: He didn't want to become a monk, but the training he received has saved his life multiple times on the island.
- Enjo Kosai: Was involved in a scandal revolving around this.
- Ephebophile Monk
- Locked Away in a Monastery: To avoid the aforementioned scandal, his parents made him become a monk.
- Lolicon: Very much so, and of course Played for Laughs.
- Hidden Depths: Yes, he's an unashamed lolicon, but he also gives Sengoku a speech on the nature of evil (specifically, in reference to Nishikiori).
Hideo Igarashi
A manager at a successful publishing firm who had thousands of people working under him.
- Adults Are Useless: His skills might be useful for organizing people, except he's too stuck up for anyone to listen.
- Jerkass: He's not happy that he's stuck on an island with a bunch of kids.
Miina Isurugi
The real one. Carries around a sketchbook filled with drawings of extinct animals.
- From the Mouths of Babes: Has been known to lapse into bouts of cursing unbefitting her age.
- Girlish Pigtails
- No Nudity Taboo: Cheerfully takes off her panties to give to her body double without a second thought.
- No Social Skills: Due to being raised in isolation by her grandfather.
- The Ojou: She doesn't act like it due to her amnesia, but she is ridiculously rich, as the only heir to a massive Mega Corp.
- Overprotective Grandfather: He got her a body double for no explained reason other than paranoia.
- Rescue Romance: Is developing a crush on her body double.
- Spoiled Sweet: Doted on by her ridiculously rich grandfather, to the point that she had no social skills. With her memory gone, she rarely speaks, so its hard to get a good bead on her character.
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: The improbability is heavily lampshaded, increasing the possibility that there's something more to it.
- Waif Prophet: She knows quite a bit about the extinct animals on the island, even stuff not in Mariya's encyclopedia.
Other Characters
Other than the fact that he is a student, little is known about him, since he refuses to take off his mask. He introduces himself by banging Akira on the head with a rock, then suspending him off a cliff.
- Cheap Costume: The mask probably cost him a thousand yen, tops (fifteen dollars).
- Cool Mask: It's just a cheap souvenir from Guam, but he makes it work.
- Hidden Agenda Villain: His plans and goals beyond mere survival are a complete mystery.
- Manipulative Bastard: Tricked Kouhei into killing an innocent girl for no real reason.
- Mysterious Protector: Saved Kouhei just because he felt like it.
- Mysterious Watcher: Has been shadowing Sengoku's group for some time.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: He introduces himself as Hades, King of the Underworld.
- The Social Darwinist: He's the first one to introduce Akira to the "survival of the fittest" mentality.
Kouhei Arita
Akira's best friend, and a popular boy on the volleyball team.
- The Ace: Good at pretty much everything, and immediately gained a large group of followers when they left the plane.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Initially picked on because of his curly hair. When Akira called it cool, the other children agreed and soon Kouhei became popular.
- Beauty Mark: A mole under his eye.
- Easily Forgiven: Sorta. Although Akira saves his life and still considers him his best friend, he agrees that what Kouhei has done is unforgivable.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Redemption Equals Death
- Never Found the Body
- Came Back Strong: Turns out Hades found him in a near-death state and saved him. And he aided Akira's group without revealing his identity by grabbing a giant monster and pulling it down a hole.
- Murder Makes You Crazy
- These Hands Have Killed
Miina Isurugi
A 10 year old girl (or not) in control of a group of 30 men. In reality, "she" is actually a body double for the real Miina Isurugi.
- Chekhov's Gunman: First seen running with her back to the camera on Eiken's Apocalyptic Log.
- A Child Shall Lead Them
- Deadpan Snarker
- Little Miss Snarker: For any given value of "Miss", anyway...
- Fan Disservice: She is very fond of squicking everyone out.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Harmful to Minors: Witnessed his group's assault and murder of Towa-senpai.
- Loli: Played for Laughs. She flashes her panties, poses seductively, and all in all does everything see can to turn on men who know "she" is actually a boy.
- Manipulative Bastard/Guile Hero: The former being how she accomplishes the latter.
- No Name Given: Has yet to give his real name. And no, it isn't "Naisho".
- The Sixth Ranger
- Transsexualism: Quite possibly. It's increasingly hard to tell how much of his identification as female is because he likes screwing with people's heads, and how much is because he genuinely feels more comfortable that way. It's certainly notable how little things change once everyone knows his secret, and he has no reason to hide it any more.
- Unsettling Gender Reveal
- The first time, when the group escaped from the adults, she pulled off "her" panties without warning to make sure she got her message across.
- The second time was when she and Rei went to bathe together. Implied to be set up by the boys as a prank on Rei.
- Wholesome Crossdresser
Kagura Mami
A student from another school who became famous due to her supposed psychic powers.
- The Cassandra: Twisted around. Her manager was faking her visions and killing to make them come true, but never believed Mami's real visions. Thankfully, Sengoku is willing to hear her out.
- Seer: She can see the future with an 80% success rate.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Quiet, gentle, and friendly at all times.
Yuki Sakuma
The class representative of class 4, Yuki was always scolding Akira for goofing around. Initially a member of Kouhei's group, she joins Akira's group after being rescued from drowning.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Has started falling for Akira, well aware he is head-over-heels for Rion.
- Class Representative
- Hair Decorations: Two blue hair clips.
- Secret Keeper: Is the only one who knows Kouhei is still alive.
- The Seventh Ranger
Takashi Yamaguchi
The student council president. Initially, he is working with his group to build a school on the island. However, once Akira reveals who assaulted Miina, he and his group decide to join Akira's.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Is willing to risk his life trying to save Yuki. Even after a three-year Time Skip, two other students comment that she still ignores his feelings, probably because she's still fixated on Akira.
- Megane
- Student Council President
Maya Miyauchi
A childhood friend of Zaji's and an initial member of Yamaguchi's group.
- Action Girl
- Alliterative Name
- Badass: Heir of a martial arts dojo.
- The Big Guy: Takes this role after Zaji's death.
- Tsurime Eyes
- Why Did It Have To Be Bugs?
Rei Ooguro
A 20-year-old university student and a childhood friend of Tooru.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Cosplay Otaku Girl: Her profile indicates that she is this, and she actually has an eyepatch she uses for cosplay with her.
- Dead Little Brother: Averted. Rei shows Miina a picture to show that her brother is successfully recovering.
- Ms. Fanservice: Subverted. She tries, but most of the boys are interested in the girls their own age, and the adult men are lolicons.
Tooru Rinzai
A university student and childhood friend of Rei's.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: A complicated example. He covered his face because he was ashamed of his scars, and his girlfriend started ignoring him. Once she is officially out of the picture, he takes off his bandages and reveals that he was just overreacting.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: First introduced with bandages covering his face because he's ashamed of them. During this time, he is silent and rather off-putting. Once the bandages come off, the group quickly points out that the scars actually look pretty cool. Tooru himself becomes much more open and friendly.
Nishikiori Takashi
A doctor who holds the Pyramid group in thrall. It's eventually revealed he's NOT a doctor, but a salesman, more or less, for a pharmaceutical company, which is how he picked up limited medical knowledge.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: He freaks out when he thinks he might end up with a scar on his face.
- Deadly Doctor: He uses his medical skills to inflict maximum pain without leaving any lasting injuries.
- Living Lie Detector: Through a combination of checking someone's pulse and pupil dilation.
- Manipulative Bastard: Has managed to turn the entire Pyramid group into his willing slaves through careful manipulation of groupthink and other psychological tricks.
- Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate: Whoever gave this man a medical license needs to be shot. Nobody did.
- Plaguemaster: Spread a disease among the Pyramid group and only gave people the cure when they swore loyalty to him.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: On top of everything else, he's a misogynist. The only reason he's not a rapist is because he thinks women are so far beneath him as to not bother.
- Shadow Archetype: To Sengoku.
- Smug Snake: Generally, his plans work perfectly, so he doesn't quite fit this. But when they don't (such as his various plans to kill or control Akira), this comes out full force.
- The Sociopath: Laughs as a man and daughter die in front of him from a disease he caused.
- Tyrant Takes the Helm: He wrested control of the Pyramid group away from the aforementioned father.
Kokonoe Ugen
The school science teacher, and a member of the Pyramid group. That is, until Nishikiori had him beaten and thrown in prison.
- Badass Teacher: Not physically, but he is willing to go to absurd lengths to protect his students.
- Mad Scientist: And proud of it.
- Smoking Is Cool: Where he keeps getting the cigarettes is less clear.
- Stuff Blowing Up: His specialty.
- Ultimate Job Security: Despite blowing up his classroom on a regular basis, he was never fired. None of the students know why.
- Back to Cage of Eden