A spanish webcomic centered in the adventures of an Anti-Anti-Christ turned supernatural detective/exorcist and his ghostly sidekick.
Fiona Gibbons was a succesful writer with quite the normal life... until she suddenly realizes she has been killed by a demon and now she is a ghost. But don't worry! She's gonna get help. But what would happen if the person who is in charge of helping her is The Antichrist? Fortunately, he doesn't want to be the AntiChrist. He is Christian D. Crowley, paranormal detective and demon slayer, and he looks like an ordinary man... except for his supernatural powers, of course. Together, They Fight Crime... or try to stop the Apocalypse, or wathever.
This spanish webcomic shifts between humor, horror and a little Gorn and even if the art is quite amateurish, it's getting better with time.
You can read it (if you know spanish, there isn't an english traslation... yet) here.
- Action Girl: Jane Orleans,
- The Antichrist: Crowley, though he's more of a...
- Anti-Anti-Christ: ... because he's not very keen on that Apocalypse thing.
- Art Evolution: The art is still very, very amateurish... but heck, compare Fiona (the ghost girl) from here to here.
- Badass: Crowley, Fiona, Collins, Jane, etc.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Fiona.
- Berserk Button: Do something against Crowley and he will be angry. Do something against an innocent person or his loved ones and he will be extremely furious. Do something against Fiona and he will go full antichrist on you.
- Big Bad.
- Black Magic.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Saturday Collins. Maybe.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Collins. Oh, so much.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Collins.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: The gabbada demon didn't see that coming...
- Cute Ghost Girl: Fiona.
- Cute Witch: Mariah.
- Deliberately Cute Child: Little and adorable Dee... also known as Death.
- Demon Slaying.
- Eldritch Abomination: Some demons, but also some angels in their alternate forms.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: Fiona Maisie Gibbons.
- Fan Service: If you think about it, Fiona is technically naked all time.
- And without thinking, Theran is topless all the time.
- Fallen Angel: Lucifer is the most important, but he's not the only one.
- The third story arc introduces the Four Fallen Ones: Azrael, Berithasel, Azazel and Taslel.
- Gorn: Oh, yes.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Crowley (Fallen angel father, human mother).
- In Mysterious Ways.
- In the Blood: Of course, when your father is Lucifer...
- Magic A Is Magic A: Somewhat... there are a few basic common rules/laws, but at the end Magic is and works different for every person able to do it.
- Manipulative Bastard: Wilhem Waldemar... at least with Elda.
- Mooks: The gabbada demons, the lowest of the lowest in Hell hierarchy.
- Also, Waldemar's zombified victims.
- Meaningful Name: Crowley. His christian name's relevance is obvious given his real nature; his surname, meanwhile, is a Shout-Out to Aleister Crowley, who actually identified publicly (and was labelled by many others) as The Antichrist (although it should be noted that he himself was just playing to controversy; actually believing himself to be The Antichrist would have required a belief in the Christian God).
- Most Common Superpower: Almost all the female characters.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Crowley has a big supply of minor spells. And major spells. And the villains too.
- Occult Detective.
- Our Angels Are Different: They are Winged Humanoids Proud Warrior Race Guys with a lifetime of million years, able to reproduce, generally good guys and girls... and the most powerful/old of them are able to turn into Eldritch Abominations to fight.
- Our Demons Are Different: A lot of variety, but all of them are Exclusively Evil except those few hybrids with human or angelic heritage.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Both angels and demons... the best example is Kleah, she looks like a 12 year old but is really 500.
- And Dee.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Crowley.
- All the angels, fallen angels or those with angelic heritage like Crowley, actually. On the other hand, the demons have Eyes of Gold.
- Satan Is Good: Ok... a little explanation. Satan is NOT Good... but Satan and Lucifer are not the same person.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Satan'el. With that name you can guess who is he, can't you?
- Serial Killer: The first gabbada demon.
- Stripperiffic: Theran only wears a loincloth.
- And the succubi... er... well...
- The Dragon: Elda Hedebrant, to Wilhem Waldemar.
- The End of the World as We Know It: What Crowley is trying to avoid even if he was supposed to start it.
- The Legions of Hell.
- They Fight Crime: He's an Anti Christ trying to fool fate. She's a blue ghost. Together... They Fight Crime!!
- Took a Level in Badass: Fiona takes multiple levels in badass very quickly. At the beginning? Traumatized ghost girl. Half way the first story arc? Dealing with her trauma throwing things painfully. At the second arc? Punching people in the face and fighting against zombies...
- And in the current third arc she's able to beat up fallen angels.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Four Fallen Ones. They believe that killing Crowley is the key to save the world.