People Who First Wrestled in 2002
Blind Rage
A Indy worker in the New York area who trained under Mike Quackenbush. As he debuted in 2000, he is not counted as a member of the original class, but is a honorary member. Led the Night Shift, a Power Trio of himself and two of the original class rookies in Hallowicked and Ichabod Slayne (the future Icarus), until Slayne broke away from them. Then he continued on in a tag team with Hallowicked until UltraMantis went to the dark side dubbing himself Ultra-Mantis Black. This unit was called the Dark Breed. He continued to lead this unit until his retirement in 2004. But, he would return in the 2005 Tag World Grand Prix, and would still be aligned with the Dark Breed. In 2006, he sided with UltraMantis Black when the Dark Breed split, and served as a brief member of the Order of the Neo Temple. His last match in November of 2006 saw him making peace with Hallowicked, and staying out of CHIKARA for good.
- Big Bad: Of seasons one and two.
- Goth: Was identified as such.
- Power Trio: Led both the Night Shift and Dark Breed.
- Put on a Bus: Retired in May of 2004.
- The Bus Came Back: Wrestled a sizable amount in 2005 (even in the tag World and Cibernetico) and 2006 before going back into retirement for good.
BlackJack Marciano
One of the members of the second class, who debuted in 2002. From the very start, he was a tag partner of his childhood friend Eddie Kingston dubbed the Wild Cards. For much of his time in wrestling, the duo caused much trouble in CHIKARA, fueding with Team F.I.S.T. and Ultra-ZERO. However, he suddenly retired early in 2005, and has not been seen since then.
- Brother Chuck: Vanished by the start of 2005. Some explanations outside of CHIKARA is Chris Hero kicking him out of all of wrestling or retiring of a knee injury he got in Canada in the winter of 2004, and to this day remains perhaps the most notable CHIKARA trainee to have never returned.
- The Dragon: Was this in the Toxic Trio of him, Kingston and a still-Rudo Jigsaw.
- The Jannetty: Is this to Eddie Kingston.
- What Could Have Been: Was a in a prototype of the Kings of Wrestling with Hero and Double C in the winter months in Combat Zone Wrestling. Whether he was going to join or not if he stayed in wrestling is unknown, though.
Chris Hero
- Big Bad: For 2005-2007.
- Technico Rudo Turn: Had a big one in the finals of the 2005 Tag World Grand Prix.
- Knight of Cerebus: His turning shaped the very future of all events of CHIKARA to this very day.
DJ Skittles
- Brother Chuck: Just up-and-up vanished from CHIKARA by 2005 with no explanation. Has only appeared once since then, in the "retired guys battle royal" that happened in 2010.
- Pretty Fly for a White Guy
- Sweet Tooth: Was acknowledged as having one.
Don Montoya
- Acrofatic
- The Big Guy: For the Black T-Shirt Squad.
- Brother Chuck: Was gone by the end of 2003 to go back to Jersey All-Pro Wrestling.
- What Could Have Been: Was offered a teacher spot by Quackenbush, but declined.
- Flat Character: Didn't have much of one, especially compared to the others.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Was pretty well this by the rest of his fellow rookies.
- The Bus Came Back: After about six years away, Dragonfly returned near the end of 2008 for an alumni battle royal and has since generally made at least one appearance each year.
Eddie Kingston
- The Ace: Ever since turning tecnico to fight the BDK.
- Badass: Or rather Badbutt, maybe.
- Blood Knight: From 2007 to 2009.
- Cassandra Truth
- Tecnico Rudo Revolving Door: Started as a Rudo, became a Technico in 2005, went back to being a Rudo in 2007, and is now currently a Technico again since 2010.
- Token Evil Teammate: Even after going Technico in 2010, he's hardly heroic, and is mostly in just to fight the BDK.
Gran Akuma
- Bald of Evil: Post un-masking.
- Put on a Bus: Kicked out of F.I.S.T. in 2010. Strangely, he's been seen in other Indies just fine, which has caused much speculation of a falling out, or it being a angle.
- The Bus Came Back: Finally returned to seek revenge on his ex-stablemates at the end of season ten, and appears to be returning to the CHIKARA roster altogether.
- The Stoic
- Tecnico Rudo Turn: Turned in 2005 and didn't look back.
- The Dragon: To Blind Rage and UltraMantis Black.
- The Unintelligible
Icarus (formerly Ichabod Slayne)
- Embarrassing Tattoo: To the point where many fans don't even know him as Icarus, just "that guy with the stupid back tattoo".
- Tursas has referred to him on Twitter (in-character) as "Backstain."
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: Was one as Ichabod Slayne, dropped when he turned Technico and when he lost the mask and became Icarus.
- Jerkass
- Large Ham
- The Chew Toy: Truly a rudo everybody loves to hate, probably the single most hated rudo in CHIKARA history.
- The Hero: Of 2004 against Larry Sweeney.
- The Lancer: In recent years, to Quack.
- Old Shame: His brief unmasked run in Ring of Honor is treated as such.
- Rudo Tecnico Turn: In 2004.
Lester "Darkness" Crabtree
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Ring Oldies: Parodied without mercy.
Melvin Snodgrass
- The Jannetty: To Lester Crabtree.
- Ring Oldies
Mike Quackenbush
Mitch Ryder
- Large Ham
- Playing with Fire: Used the old Memphis Fireball a couple of times, surprisingly enough.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Briefly was one, then become a Good one.
- Put on a Bus: By Icarus. He's returned a couple of times but is more or less retired from wrestling.
Reckless Youth
- Big Good
- Brother Chuck
- The Lancer: To Quackenbush.
Sumie Sakai
- Action Girl
- Genki Girl
UltraMantis Black (formerly just UltraMantis)
- Large Ham
- Super Villain: Even after turning Techncio in 2010.
People Who First Wrestled in 2003
- Bald of Evil
- Beard of Evil
- Big Bad: Currently from 2010 onwards.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Was in the 2003 Tag World Gran Prix, had a match in 2005 against Quackenbush, and went back to Europe until the BDK formed.
Claudio Castagnoli
- The Ace: In 2008/2009.
- Break the Haughty: Losing to Sara Del Rey at Chikarasaurus Rex: King of Sequel. In fact, this caused both Del Rey AND Daizee Haze to be kicked out of the BDK.
- The Dragon: To Chris Hero in the Kings of Wrestling and Ares in the BDK.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Wicked Cultured: Very European.
Jolly Roger
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
- Put on a Bus: By Icarus.
Private Eye
- Brother Chuck: He just sort of vanishes.
- Faceless Eye: His head is literally one giant Eye.
Robbie Ellis
- Badass Grandpa: Capable of hitting moves that no wrestler his age should even think of doing.
- Ring Oldies: Is a legit one, well into his 60's.
- The Jannetty: Was The Garfunkel to Jigsaw even when they were still tagging.
- Lean and Mean
- Fallen Hero: The whole 2010 King of Trios scandal made him a real one in CHIKARA.
People Who First Wrestled in 2004
Allison Danger
- Action Girl
Arik Cannon
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Despite the fact that he's spent his career in CHIKARA as a lackey and hasn't ever really been a top tier guy, he has a very vocal fanbase.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Motor Mouth
- Put on a Bus: By Delirious in 2010. The Bus Came Back in the fall of 2011.
- Stout Strength
Lance Steel (both I and II)
- Antiquated Linguistics: The first (the second was much more modern).
- Knight in Shining Armor: Both
- Black Knight: The first one after turning Rudo.
Larry Sweeney
- Big Bad: In 2004, arguably the first one in CHIKARA history.
- Brother Chuck: Disappeared from CHIKARA in 2009 due to personal issues. He made a one-night return in 2010 but tragically passed away the following year.
- Large Ham: The largest.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: So many things, but especially every time he'd challenge his opponents to a strut-off.
Mano Metallico
- The Brute: In Sweet 'n' Sour International
- Butt Monkey
- Made of Iron: His gimmick his hand was, but about all of him was due to the abuse he would take from everybody in and maybe not in a match
- Mighty Glacier
- With Friends Like These...: Crossbones was a lousy partner back then, he was usually the one who started Dragon Kicking him when he as seated on the ring!
- Nice Character, Mean Actor: Is not loved in his home promotion of CZW.
- Odd Friendship: With Jigsaw. Originally they tagged so Sabian could get a shot at Jigsaw's YLC, but continuted teaming for a while anyways.
The Sharecropper
- The Dragon: To Larry Sweeney in Sweet 'n' Sour International
- Odd Friendship: With Larry Sweeney
STIGMA (formerly Shane Storm)
- Darker and Edgier
- Even Evil Has Standards: Invoked when he left Vin Gerard and the UnStable.
- Evil Costume Switch: When he became STIGMA. Of course, no way was his Shane Strom get-up going to work as a Rudo.
- Wrestling Doesn't Pay: Originally a unionized traffic regulator.
People Who First Wrestled in 2005
Cheech Hernandez (formerly just Cheech)
- Surfer Dude: His gimmick change in late 2008.
CP Munk
- Funny Animal
- Take That: To CM Punk after he no-showed and acted snotty about it.
Daizee Haze
- Dark Action Girl
- Put on a Bus
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Something she exploited on a regular basis.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Oh yeah.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Delirious has never been treated like a complete joke, but after being broken out of his Brainwashed and Crazy status of the Eye of Tyr, he has been stalking UltraMantis Black looking for revenge, and come across as a major threat.
- Team Pet: To the BDK.
- The Unintelligible
- Until he destroyed the Eye of Tyr. Now he speaks intelligibly, and he's not happy about what he went through while brainwashed by it.
Dragon Dragon
- Funny Animal
- Our Dragons Are Different: No wings or horns, can't breath fire, mostly green, and a big head.
Dr. Cheung
- Affectionate Parody: Of John Cena of all things.
- Stealth Pun: Nowadays it's harder to figure out why a chubby Mexican guy with a Doctor gimick has anything to do with him, but back then, remember Cena's old Badass Nickname The Doctor of Thuganomics".
Jervis Cottonbelly
KC "Cloudy" Day (formerly Cloudy)
- Surfer Dude: His gimmick change in late 2008.
Milano Collection AT
- Rule of Funny: Him being an Italian supermodel when he's obviously Japanese.
The North Star Express (Darin Corbin & Ryan Cruz)
- Dork Age: Cruz's "Version 2" gimmick of being a Matt Hardy rip-off.
- Redheaded Hero: Corbin
Retail Dragon
- Flat Character: Didn't dress or act like a Dragon or a Retail Supermarket worker. Add in the fact he was kind of mediocre in the ring, and you can see why most people didn't really care about him.
The ROH Students (Anthony Franco, Davey Andrews, Matt Turner & Shane Hagadorn)
- Better Then Canon: Got treated much better in CHIKARA then they could ever be in their own home promotion, with the possible exception of Hagadorn.
Vin Gerard (formerly Equinox I)
- Big Bad: Of season eight.
- From Nobody to Nightmare
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Equinox was a truly dire high-flyer, talking about a guy who had a 50-50 chance of pulling off his finishing move. Gerard now works a style more fitting to him, and improved a lot.
People Who First Wrestled in 2006
Chuck Taylor
- Lethal Joke Character: Sure, he's goofy, but he won the 2007 Young Lion's Cup, the inagural Rey de Voladores, 1/3 of the winners of 2009 King of Trios, and retired Worker Ant.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain
- Sissy Villain: To a degree.
- Screams Like a Little Girl
El Hijo del Ice Cream
Fire Ant
Helios (formerly Ricochet)
- Charlie Brown From Outta Town: The whole Helios thing.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: It's not much of a secret he was Ricochet.
Ice Cream Jr.
- Garbage Wrestler: Parodied with his use of Sprinkles like Thumbtacks.
- Harmless Villain
Max Boyer
- Villainous BSOD: When his mentor Chris Benoit died, he left wrestling for a while to cope.
- Hard Head: And the Thomasellies are the first to know.
Player Uno
- One of Us: It doesn't take much to figure out Uno is a huge video game geek.
Sara Del Rey
- Action Girl -> Dark Action Girl -> Action Girl
- Break the Haughty: Oh, she broke Claudio Castagnoli bigtime.
- Hot Amazon
- Mean Character, Nice Actor
- Meganekko: She's quite beautiful without glasses on, but whenever she puts them on...
Shane Matthews
- Large Ham: Oh my...
- No Indoor Voice
Scott Parker (formerly Jagged)
- Adorkable: I mean, c'mon!
- The Lancer: To Shane.
Soldier Ant
- The Lancer: To Fire Ant.
Worker Ant
- The Heart: Of the Colony.
Yoshiaki Yago
- Badass: People get hurt when they step into the ring with him.
People Who First Wrestled in 2007
- Dance Battler
- Game-Breaking Injury: Was forced to retire in 2011 due to a serious spinal injury.
- Salt and Pepper: Snake and Pepper, with Ophidian.
- Soul Brotha
Brodie Lee
- Badass Beard: Approaching Mike Knox levels now.
- Lightning Bruiser
Buck Hawke (formerly Shayne Hawke)
- Evil Redhead
- The Renfield: To Mitch Ryder.
- Small Name, Big Ego
Colin Delaney Olsen
- Harmless Villain: At first.
- Took a Level in Badass: When he joined the UnStable, he became a much more serious opponent.
Dasher Hatfield (formerly Create-A-Wrestler, MosCow & Ultimo Breakfast)
- Antiquated Linguistics
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: Justified.
El Pantera
Jimmy Olsen (formerly Equinox II)
- Harmless Villain: At first.
- Took a Level in Badass: When Colin joined the UnStable and turned on Jimmy, he became much more serious to deal with the threat.
Lince Dorado
- Catgirl: The male version.
- Creator's Pet: Started in 2008 with winning the King of Trios, and went downhill from there.
- Put on a Bus
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: He first got much better in the ring, and then turned rudo to great effect.
- The Wesley
- Evil Costume Switch: In Season 11.
- Hearing Voices: After stealing the "souls" (masks) of Amasis & Hieracon.
- Sssssnaketalk
- Salt and Pepper: With Amasis, sort of.
- Sanity Slippage: In Season 11, after turning on Amasis and stealing his mask, Ophidian has undergone a major Evil Costume Switch and claims to hear the voices of Amasis and Hieracon, and will argue with them as well.
Tim Donst
- All-American Face: Until he joined the BDK.
- Hollywood Tone Deaf
- Jerkass
- Sanity Slippage: When Hallowicked stole his YLC trophy, Donst has been slowly going more and more insane, to the point where Donst tries to MURDER him by hitting him with a forklift, throwing him off a balcony, and threatening him with a power drill.
People Who First Wrestled in 2008
Da Soul Touchaz (Acid Jaz, Marshe Rocket, Willie Richardson)
- Acrofatic: Willie.
- Soul Brotha: Three of them.
Escorpion Egipcio
- The Brute: To the Osirian Portal.
- Put on a Bus
Grizzly Redwood
- Badass Beard: Sure, he's short, but that beard sure isn't.
Johnny Gargano
- Replacement Scrappy: Poor guy has gotten ALOT of flak for replacing Gran Akuma in F.I.S.T.
Madison Eagles
- Action Girl
Marc Roudin
- The Jannetty: To both Claudio Castagnoli and Ares. They had been a trio called Swiss Money Holding, but Claudio had gone on to become a major fixture in the American independent scene. Ares remained in Europe, and Roudin had actually retired - booking problems with the Tag World Grand Prix 2008 caused Chikara to beg him out of retirement for the show.
Pinkie Sanchez (formerly Carpenter Ant)
Player Dos (formerly Stupified)
- One of Us: Like Uno, he is pretty dorky and loves video games.
People Who First Wrestled in 2009
Green Ant
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To Worker Ant.
Sugar Dunkerton
- Salt and Pepper: His relationship with Dasher Hatfield
- Shout-Out: His name is taken from the basketball comedy film Semi-Pro.
- Soul Brotha
People Who First Wrestled in 2010
Hieracon (formerly Jonathan Gresham)
- Put on a Bus: Completely failed to get over and after a while he just disappeared from the cards.
- Back for the Dead: Sort of. Hieracon came back for one match with Ophidian, which resulted in Ophidian stealing his mask and "killing" Hieracon.
- Sixth Ranger: To the Osirian Portal.
- Blue Oni Red Oni: The Blue to Obariyon's Red.
- Blue Oni Red Oni: The Red to Kodama's Blue.
- The Dragon: Was this to Sinn Bodhi.
- The Brute: For the BDK, big time.
- The Giant
- Horny Vikings
- Mighty Glacier
- Somewhat subverted, as he's actually done a moonsault.
People Who First Wrestled in 2011
Archibald Peck
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Harmless Villain: And then he became Mixed Martial Archie.
- Large Ham
- Put on a Bus: Forced out of CHIKARA after losing a Loser Leaves Town match at CHIKARAsaurus Rex: How to Hatch a Dinosaur. To add insult to injury, he was then officially dumped by Veronica.
- Talking to Himself: On the August 11th Event Center video.
- That Man Is Dead
- Who's Laughing Now?: After beating up Mr. Touchdown so bad he was disqualified for excessive violence.
Jakob Hammermeier
- Ambiguous Gender: Considered male by the announce team and CHIKARA officially, though even they were confused. The fact that Kobald wears earrings, jewelry and struts around the ring with a feminine edge doesn't help.
- Enigmatic Minion
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Our Goblins Are Wickeder
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics
- Action Girl
Sinn Bodhi
- Cloudcuckoolander: Almost as bad as Delirious
- Hey, It's That Guy!: The first time a former WWE Superstar has been on the official CHIKARA roster.
- Monster Clown: Not played up as much as his time as Kizarny, however.
- Put on a Bus: Ultra-Mantis Black gives him the (fake) Eye of Tyr at the end of season 11 on the condition that he leave CHIKARA.
- Tattooed Crook
- Tempting Fate: Made a comment saying "being bi-polar has its benefits" and adjusted his tie during the King of Trios preshow. A couple weeks before King of Trios, Larry Sweeney, a loved member of Chikara, hanged himself. While it was Bodhi playing up his character (he wasn't aware of Sweeney and apologized profusely afterwards), no one was amused.
People Who First Wrestled in 2012
Mark Angelosetti
- Jerk Jock
- Red Baron: Mr. Touchdown
- Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up: Bullied Archibald Peck in high school, although Marchie Archie appears to have been somehow oblivious to it.
GEKIDO (combatANT, deviANT, assailANT [These three are called "The Swarm"], 17 & The Shard)
- Badass: 17 made Mike Quackenbush tap out and broke his wrist in the process, The Shard is tough enough to shrug off opponents' chops, and The Swarm are at least a match for The Colony.
- Big Bad: Seemingly the new ones in town.
- Deceptive Disciple: Quackenbush outed three of the GEKIDO members as "Jose and the two Franks," Wrestle Factory students who washed out of the program before they could debut.
- Evil Counterpart / Psycho Rangers: To The Colony, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw