Brat Halla
The Norse gods as a family? With the kids going to school? Hel as a teacher? Loki playing with dolls? An undersized thunder god? A girly girl Sif going Action Girl a lot? The pantheon version of the Olympics? A blind Chessmaster? The villain hardly ever being what it seems? Now why the hell would we want to see that? I mean, it's not like those sexy Fan Service Valkyries can make us change our mind, right guys? Guys? Where'd everybody go?
In other words, a fairly amusing web comic with a fun and sometimes dramatic plot. There will be in-jokes for those familiar with mythology.
Can be found here.
Tropes used in Brat Halla include:
- Blessed with Suck - Balder. Invulnerable, but able to feel pain, and used, among others, as a hammer by his brothers.
- Big Bad Multiple - during flash-forwards, but mostly Odineye, who is also Affably Evil
- Big Eater - Thor. Heimdal. Thor. And Thor.
- Bottle Fairy - Frig. And Vodun Loa Erzulie. Being a goddess of wisdom is apparently likely to involve booze.
- Brown Note - Invoked by Balder when he suggests that Hod disorient a monster with his poetry.
- Crossover Cosmology - Showcased during the Pantheon Games, the mythological equivalent of the Olympics with the various pantheons competing against each other.
- Department of Redundancy Department - here
- Faceless Eye - Odineye doesn't have a lid, but for some reason it does have a brow. And somehow he can drool...
- Fan Disservice - Hel ends up pulling her pants down to cure Balder of his Raging Stiffie. Turns out she's half-corpse.
- Fountain of Youth - Loki used to be Odin's age but was adopted after overdosing on rejuvenating apples.
- Fridge Logic - How does Hod write if he's blind?
- Good Angel, Bad Angel - Expertly parodied in this strip.
- Grievous Harm with a Body - Before Thor gets Mjolnir, he tends to break every weapon he uses. At one point, having so disarmed himself, he suddenly realises that his brother Balder is invulnerable... so he uses him as a weapon.
- Hot Mom : Freya/Frigga, who looks barely 21.
- Human Doorstop: Balder, in oh so many ways.
- Imagine the Audience Naked - When Hod gets stage fright, his powers of darkness and cold go awry. One guy has everybody present strip to the underwear, until he's reminded that Hod is blind.
- Innocent Innuendo - In his introductory strip, Loki sounds like he's masturbating when his "strokes" are actually brushing his doll's hair.
- Iron Butt Monkey - poor Balder.
- My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad - This strip.
- Nature Adores a Virgin - Part of the reason for Balder's strong showing in the beauty contest.
- Orphaned Punchline ...then the teacher made him eat all the chalk.
- Raging Stiffie - Happens to Balder after seeing several goddesses of beauty in "swimwear" (i.e. completely nude).
- Also leads to an awkward moment in the middle of Odin and Zeus's brawl.
- Thor has to deal with one after switching bodies with his adult self.
- Real Men Wear Pink - Or, play with dolls... for a given value of man.
- The Rock Star - Fenrir. He eats his roadies.
- Running Gag: "Curse you, foul blindness!"
- Loki taking giant form against an enemy and being promptly incapacitated.
- Shown Their Work - The comic stays amazingly close to mythology, and when it does differ from the source material it’s usually due to Rule of Cool or Rule of Funny.
- Super Strong Child - Thor.
- Unishment: Loki is constantly being sent to his room. Which is where he keeps his dollhouse.
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