< Bones

Bones/Tear Jerker

  • From "Aliens in a Spaceship" Bones and Hodgins have been burried alive by the Gravedigger and convinced they are going to die despite their Plot Armour
    • Also from "Aliens in a Spaceship" is when they realize that one of the brothers had killed himself in hopes of giving the other brother enough air to survive.
  • Booth's anguished declaration of love to Bones in "The Parts in the Sum of the Whole". And her heartbreaking reply.

Booth: Hear me out. Alright? You know when you talk to older couples who have been in love for thirty or forty or fifty years, it's always the guy who says I knew. I knew. Right from the beginning. I'm that guy, Bones. I'm that guy. I know.

  • Pretty much the entire last portion of the Season 3 finale.
    • Zack's tear-filled confession of the crimes and revealing the location of Gormogan..
    • Brennan going through the logical process that led Zack to do what he did... and then pointing out that he risked everything so that he wouldn't hurt Hodgins.
    • The gang looking in on Zack through the hospital window.
    • The fact that all of Zack's favorite things were items giving to him by his friends, including Brennan's acceptance letter for Zack's internship.
  • Bones' breakdown in "The Doctor in the Photo".
  • "The Hole In the Heart": The death of Vincent Nigel-Murray and the team's reaction to it, including Bones' breakdown.
    • " I love it here.... Please don't make me leave...." This troper is usually quite stone-faced, but she chokes up even thinking about that scene.
    • That is the only episode this troper has ever seen (it was for work) and she was getting misty as well. Geez.
  • The episode The Plain in the Prodigy made this troper cry so hard it has never been rewatched since it's initial viewing and it still makes me choke up just thinking about it.
  • "The Man in the Fallout Shelter": The team's brief visits with their families, separated by a glass wall, while they're quarantined in the Jeffersonian during Christmas, set to "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" sung by Tori Amos.
  • Cam reading out the names of the slaves who died in the sinking of the Amalia Rose as their portraits light up one by one behind her is incredibly moving, especially when she chokes up on reaching the one with her great-grandmother's name.
  • In the season seven finale, Brennan takes Christine and goes on the run after being framed for a murder. Booth manages to just catch the car driving off and says in the most heartbreaking little voice "That's my family..."
    • Cam breaking down in tears while telling Hodgins that the hair recovered from Dr. Brennan's trunk matches the victim's.
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