< Bones


  • Booth's speech to Brennan in "The Parts in the Sum of the Whole".

Booth: Hear me out. Alright? You know when you talk to older couples who have been n love for thirty or forty or fifty years, it's always the guy who says I knew. I knew. Right from the beginning. I'm that guy, Bones. I'm that guy. I know.

    • Followed with a one-two punch with a Tear Jerker moment when she turns him down.
  • Hodgins, who has spent all of "The Bikini in the Soup" trying to find Angela a Valentines Day gift, finally comes up with one. He creates a hybrid slime that smells like roses and names it after Angela.
  • After discovering that he and Angela both carry a gene that gives their child a 25% chance of being born blind, Hodgins decides to take up piano and suggests Angela do the same with sculpting so they will be able to share their passions with the child if he/she can't see.
  • In "The Beaver in The Otter," Booth attributes the typical stupid frat behavior of the people involved in the case as basically, "you have to be bad and do stupid things to become a good person." Brennan begins to worry about this, since she's never done a bad thing in her life. Booth encourages her to run out on their bar tab. She does, and he's right behind, but not before slipping some cash on the bar. Brennan got her "bad" moment, the bartender didn't get cheated, everyone was happy.
  • Brennan reading to Russ's daughter in the hospital at the end of "The Knight in the Grid."
  • When Brennan decides to leave at the end of Season 5:

Bones: I can give you a list of forensic anthropologists who can do this job.
Camille: No, Dr. Brennan, you can give me a list of forensic anthropologists.

  • While saying their last goodbyes to Mr. Nigel-Murray, the Squints sing his favorite song as they load him into the hearse.
    • And even before that, Brennan bringing a potted flower to put on the casket.

Brennan: Did I do something wrong?
Angela: No, sweetie, you did something just right.

    • And the fact that it was Brennan, of all people, who knew his favorite song.
  • The team gathering around Micheal Staccato Vincent Hodgins at the end of The Change in the Game. It's the true essence of friendship.
    • Even the kid's name is a CMOH! Michael Staccato Vincent Hodgins.
  • From the same episode, Brennan telling Booth that she's pregnant and he's the father. He just gets this grin on his face and looks so damn happy.
    • Doubly heartwarming on a meta level. A lot of writers would have gone with a cheap shot--made Booth look ambigously shocked or stunned, and leave us with that to chew on over the summer. But that would have been unfair and OOC, and we had the entire summer to look forward to the happiness that we know will ensue.
  • After being told that Sweets had inprinted on Booth and Bones as parental figures.

Bones: What? Like a baby duck?
Booth: ..."Come on Bones, we're going duck hunting."

  • Early on, when her then-boyfriend Sully leaves for the Caribbean and Bones is waving him off heartbroken, the camera pans out to show Booth standing behind her. Then he visibly cheers her up as they walk away.
  • During the show's first season, Brennan tended to be abrasive and empathy-challenged. However, at the end of "A Boy in The Tree", only the show's third episode, she was able to say just the right thing to the grieving mother of the boy whose murder Brennan and Booth had just solved:

"Ambassador Olivos, you told me that all a mother wants is to know that she's raised her child well, that your biggest regret is that you'll never know if Nester would've grown up to be a good man. But he was a good man. He died because he was trying to do the right thing."

  • When the team manages to re-unite the kidnapped deaf and mute abused child with her original birth parents in "The Signs in the Silence".
  • When Bones is stabbed by the Harbinger doctor in the season five premiere:

Booth: Bones! Bones, you alright?
Bones: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm okay.
Booth: Bones, your arm.
Bones: Oh God... [pulls the scalpel out]
Booth: Bones... easy, I got you. I got you, it's okay. It's alright.
Bones: He tried to kill me.
Booth: Alright, easy. Ambulance is on its way, okay? [holds her tightly]
Bones: Gotta keep the pressure on the wound...
Booth: I got it. I got it, just relax. Just trust me, alright? I'll take care of you. Ssshhh, I got you. Breathe. I'll take care of you. [kisses the top of her head] I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere, I got you. I got you, baby.

  • This promo for Bones Season 7, emphasizing the Booth/Brennan relationship, has Brennan changing her long-held stance on the concept of love(from the Season 5 ep, "The Dentist In the Ditch"), in what may be the most romantic example of Spock Speak ever:

"When Booth and I first met, I never believed that such a thing as love existied. I maintained that it was simply brain chemistry. But perhaps Booth is correct. Perhaps love comes first and then creates the reaction. I have no tangible proof, but I'm willing to accept Booth's premise."

  • Season 7 premiere where Angela shows Brennan a video of her and Hodgins when Brennan felt unsure about her blooming babyship.
  • Also in the season 7 premiere, the opening and closing scenes of Bones and Booth as a couple. As well as when they tell each other they love each other- Bones especially, and Booth's reaction ("I know").
  • Season 7 episode 2, where Booth and Brennan see the ultrasound video of their daughter.
    • from the same episode: what does a pregnant genius forensic anthropologist listen to while studying bones? She plugs her earbuds into a fetal heart monitor! Geek-Dawww!!
    • Also, when Brennan and the latest Squint Finn Abernathy bonded while analyzing a skeleton. Abernathy, a Southern-Fried Genius thought Brennan was teasing her when she spoke with a drawl, but she then told him, "I love John Wayne movies."
  • The Prince In The Plastic: Booth reassuring Bones that she'll be a great mom, and Bones planning to spend quality time with her daughter...dissecting frogs. Also Bones and Booth playing with toys she bought together at the end of the episode.
  • The Male in the Mail: Brennan is there to comfort Booth at the end of the episode when he deals with the death of his estranged father. David Boreanaz turned in a strong performance as he displayed Booth's grief.
  • The Crack In The Code: When Booth and Brennan are examining their new house, this troper teared up when Brennan talked about planting a cherry blossom tree outside their unborn daughter's window. In general, the whole scene is heartwarming.
  • The team surprising Booth and Brennan in their new home when they return from the birth of their daughter.
    • Following in the tradition of Hodges and Angela's son's name, Booth and Brennan named their daughter Christine Angela Brennan, after Brennan's late mother and her best friend.
  • Parker meeting his baby sister in The Warrior in the Wuss: initially, Brennan is concerned that Parker may be jealous of Christine, especially when she sees evidence of him cutting up family photos. At the end of the episode, Parker reveals that he was cutting up photos to create a mobile to hang over Christine's crib.
  • The fourth season episode The Science in the Physicist has a nice scene between Brennan and Hodgins, where Hodgins expresses his distaste for the Collar Institute, which Brennan once wanted to join but they rejected her because her specialty involves studying the past. This exchange in particular shows the genuine respect that the Jeffersonian team have for each other;

Hodgins: To eternity, to glory, to the future. (scoffs)
Brennan: You disapprove of the Collar Institute?
Hodgins: Up and forward are only two directions. Science should look in all directions. You taught me that.
Brennan: I did?
Hodgins: Every day.
Brennan: Thank you.

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