< Bokurano


The Character Sheet for the series Bokurano

The Pilots

Takashi Waku

Waku: Can I shout when I attack?
Koyemshi: Whatever floats your boat.

  • Chick Magnet: In the manga, girls made a point to go to his soccer games just to see him
    • Averted in the anime. The only girls you see at the soccer game are cheerleaders who would have been there whether-or-not Waku was playing.
  • Daisuke Sakaguchi
  • Death by Falling Over (Subverted. The kids thought that Ushiro accidentally killed him by pushing him off Zearth's shoulder, but Waku was already dead)
  • Decoy Protagonist
  • I Know Madden Kombat
  • Posthumous Narration: It's presumably Waku's voice that we hear in the opening of epsiode 1 where said voice talks about the game as if it's already happened.

Masaru Kodaka aka "Kodama"

Daiichi Yamura

Mako Nakarai aka "Nakama"

Isao Kako

Chizuru Honda aka "Chizu"

Kunihiko Moji

Maki Ano

Yousuke Kirie

Takami Komoda aka "Komo"

Aiko Tokosumi aka "Anko"

  • Armor-Piercing Slap (In the anime she applies several to Youko while giving her a heartfelt What the Hell, Hero? after Kirie outs her before dying.)
  • Dance Battler (Manga only, where she uses her dance experience to catch upon her elusive opponent)
  • Darkskinned Blonde (Partially. Her hair is light brown, but her skin tone is darker than the other kids)
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight and Go Out with a Smile (anime, when she perishes in Kanji's embrace)
    • She dies in her father's arms in the manga, but not smiling.
  • Freak-Out (After the aforementioned incident with Youko, Koyemshi punishes the girl by choosing her as the next pilot. Understandably, she shuts down. And then she gets better)
  • Caught with Your Pants Down (By Koyemshi, in the manga. It wasn't anything sexual, mind you! Just her indulging into her Idol's fantasies.)
  • Idol Singer (What she wanted to be, at least in the manga.)
  • Out of Focus (In the anime. She didn't received as much attention as other pilots during her episode, which focused a great deal of time on the media exploits regarding Zearth. Her TWO crowning moments of awesome were also missing on the adaptation.)
  • Plucky Girl (Specially in the manga, where she continues fighting even after having her legs burned off)
  • Rousing Speech (In the manga, before dying)
  • Ship Tease (Her interactions with Kanji in the anime can be seen as this, to a degree)
  • Stepford Smiler ( In the anime, when her dad is caught in an affair and her Hot Mom goes Lady Drunk mode, Anko hides her distress at both this and her position as the next pilot. She acts happy and sweet, but when she and her friend Kanji are alone, she cries in his arms.)
  • Taking the Bullet (In the manga, she pushes Machi out of the way of corrosive substance that an enemy robot injected into the cockpit. Because of it, she got her legs burned off.)
  • Token Romance (With Kanji, but only in the anime. Since it occurs with no build up prior to the episode where it happens, it comes as kinda awkward.)

Kanji Yoshikawa

Youko Machi

  • Becoming the Mask (She was raised in our Earth, comes to truly love our world and, in the anime, she sacrifices herself for us. Her crush on Ushiro helps a bit, too.)
  • Dead Little Sister (in the manga, for Koeyemshi)
  • Dying Alone (in the anime)
  • It's All My Fault (Blames herself for the whole mess as she's the one who brought the kids to Kokopelli's cave.)
  • The Mole
  • Nice Hat (Has a very cute white one)
  • Not Funny Anymore (In the manga, Machi says the kids might have assassins sent after them, which causes a pretty funny effect on the kids. She's shot to death some episodes later, and Koyemshi has to kill her to ease her suffer.)
  • Plucky Girl
  • Redemption Equals Death (in the anime)
  • Snow Means Death
  • Spanner in the Works (in the anime, upon Ushiro's request she out-gambits and kills Koyemshi, undoing his cruel manipulations on him and Kana and forcing her way into the contract.)
  • Tomato in the Mirror (She is Koeyemshi's little sister)
  • Unrequited Love (for Ushiro)
  • Wham! Episode ( Before she can fight her battle in the manga, she gets shot in the head.)
  • Yuko Sanpei

Kana Ushiro

Jun Ushiro


Kokopelli ( or better said, Garaku-sensei.)

Koyemshi/Dung Beetle ( or better said, Shirou Machi)

  • Akira Ishida
  • Aloof Big Brother (To Youko)
  • The Atoner:: In the manga.
  • Cluster F-Bomb
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars (As Shirou, he has a huge scar on his face)
  • I Always Wanted to Say That: Koyemshi at the start of his battle at the end of the manga: "Zearth, take-off."
  • The Imp
  • Jerkass (to Complete Monster levels in the anime. He's not a saint in the manga either, but Youko's death softens him a little.)
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Out-Gambitted (In the anime, by Ushiro and Youko)
  • Nay Theist: Manga only-- Koyemshi believes that it's better to think of the mecha battles as natural phenomena and God as a yet-undiscovered law of physics, because "it's better that way" ... Probably because the idea that God might be behind the pruning is not a comfortable thought.
  • Pet the Dog: Koyemshi can appear nearly sympathetic in the manga, when he displays some signs of care for Machi.
  • Perpetual Smiler: His human form in the manga.
  • Redemption Equals Death (In the manga becomes the last pilot of Zearth)
  • Robot Buddy: Subverted—Koyemshi doesn't always tell the kids things they really ought to know.
  • Sadistic Choice (His treatment of Kana and Jun by the end of the anime, when he tries to manipulate Kana into becoming a pilot and threatening her with forcing Ushiro to do so if she hesitates. Ushiro, however, had asked Youko for help behind his back, and she out-gambits and kills him)
  • Stern Teacher (In the manga he retakes his human form, becomes the new Kokopelli and goes to another Earth with Zearth. When he recruits the new pilots, he straightforwardly tells them that they'll die after piloting (unlike Garaku/Kokopelli, who couldn't bring himself to do so), but then he adds that he will be the first pilot and show them how to do it right, which triggers the Redemption Equals Death mentioned above.)
  • Shoot the Dog (has to put a mortally injured Youko out of her misery in the manga, which lets him show a slightly softer side.)
  • Trickster Mentor: Subverted in the anime; Koyemshi is such a Jerkass that he torments the children simply because he enjoys seeing them suffer.

Captain Misumi Tanaka

Masamitsu Seki

Morihiro Hatagai



Akira Tokosumi

Kunio Shouji

  • Fingore (Threatens Koyemshi with a gun, gets his fingers severed. He later gets them reattatched.)

Tamotsu Sakakibara

Kouichi/Tomoe Komoda

  • Adults Are Useless (Averted, as mentioned)
  • My Greatest Failure (Komo's death is this for him, in the manga.)
  • Reasonable Authority Figure (in the anime, he's a congressman. In the manga, he's in the military)
  • Spell My Name with an "S" (He is Kouichi Komoda in the anime, and Tomoe Komoda in the manga. Those two versions could be considered separate characters altogether, as their character designs are different as well: Kouichi looks quite younger than Tomoe, to start.)

Ichiko Honda

Miko Nakarai


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