< Bokurano


  • Anvilicious: In the manga only: Kana Ushiro, Jun Ushiro, and Kirie Yousuke each spend time lecturing the reader that people should care more about everyone else in the world, even if they aren't the "main characters" of a story.
    • Also in the manga: there are also Take Thats towards America along these lines; despite American characters rarely being depicted, characters in the manga show disgust for a perceived American selfishness whenever actions by the United States are mentioned.

Japanese Government Agent: Sorry, that was a little AMERICAN of me. Forget I brought it up.

  • Complete Monster: Hatagai.
  • Ear Worm: Uninstall, uninstall...
  • Woolseyism: The official English translation of the manga explains the name "Zearth" as a case of Xtreme Kool Letterz rather than delving into a lengthy explanation of the mechanics of the Japanese language that can put a "z" at the start of "The Earth."
  • Esoteric Happy Ending: In spite of saving the world and (generally) leaving behind a legacy to be proud of (not to mention Koyemshi's Heel Face Turn at the end of the manga), most people tend to dwell on the fact that all the main characters died.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Mr Hatagai goes straight over this with what he does to poor Chizu in the manga. So much that he had to be seriously toned down in the anime.
    • Koyemshi threatening to kill Ushiro to force Kana to join the game. Fortunately, Jun himself out-gambits him with the help of Youko.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: At first glance its a show about 15 kids, Humongous Mecha fights, and a flying plushie named Dung beetle.
  • The Woobie: All the main characters get this at one point or another. It's a Mohiro Kitoh series, what would you expect?
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Chizu. If we only count THIS world, that is.
    • And until the last fight in the manga we only had pilots destroying worlds indirectly, by defeating the enemies' mecha. NOW MEET USHIRO, forced to kill 'EVERYONE IN THAT UNIVERSE to save ours..
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