< Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo
Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo/YMMV
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: The announcement of Don Patch getting his own spin-off manga.
- And S'more Entertainment acquiring American DVD distribution rights.
- Non Sequitur Scene: The entire series is like this, but one incident stands out: during the fight in Z-block base, Beauty suddenly snapped and started going along with the series insanity, scaring the crap out of Heppokomaru. Eventually, when Bobobo and Don Patch finally got back into the screen, she went back to normal. This was never mentioned again, nor did it ever happen again.
- Alas, Poor Villain: Captain Battleship/Gunkan. All he wanted was to be acknowledge for his skills by his one friend, yet he is constantly left to die and being defeated easily in a fight.
- Sort of off set by his being glad at the destruction of the hair empire (although that's set off by the fact that they're potentially racist), destroying Gasser's home town, and most likely killing his master.
- Complete Monster - Czar Baldy Bald/Tsuru Tsuruina III who wanted to destroy humanity. After he was defeated, he secretly intrudes through the Hair Kingdom easily due to Bo-bobo & co. defeating many of the Disrict leaders, and kills the weakened Bi-bibi by taking the Hair Ball out of him and gains it's power. His actions resulted the next part of the story, Shinsetsu Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo.
- Crack Pairing: Softon and Torpedo Girl.
- Crazy Awesome: THE ENTIRE SERIES!
- Critical Backlash / Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch: Very, very unfortunately...
- Crowning Music of Awesome: "Say BIMBIM macho-de! (O-way o-way) GONGON e-tonay! (O-way-o-way-o)
- Absolutely EVERY song from the Japan-only PlayStation 2 game, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo: Hajike Matsuri, in which you fight off enemies with your nose hair to the beat. Yes, it's a MUSIC GAME based on the Bobobo franchise and it rocks. Hear for yourself.
- "Shiawaseeeeeeeeee, shiawase! Itsu made MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, shiawaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Pickles, who appears in the first chapter and is not fondly liked by Bobobo. He topped a Supporting Characters character poll.
- Don Patch himself has topped all of the character popularity polls in Japan. The show referenced/parodied this.
- And in Shinsetsu, we have Namero and Pokomi, the former an eternally stoic Deadpan Snarker who eventually becomes the newest emperor of the Neo Maruhage Empire, the latter being a lolita-bait, bubbly magical girl and Gasser/Heppokomaru's younger sister.
- Arguably, Gasser is one as well; he topped second in the character popularity polls, despite him barely doing anything in the show.
- Don't forget Rice. He's in about four episodes, and yet is insanely popular in the fandom.
- We also have Jelly Jiggler. Originally appeared once in the beginning for a joke, but was liked so much he was given status as the Big Bad of a Story Arc, then pulled a Heel Face Turn and became one of the show's main trio.
- Arguably, Gasser is one as well; he topped second in the character popularity polls, despite him barely doing anything in the show.
- Evil Is Sexy - LOVE's Dark Fist of Sexy is based on this. Subverted in her One-Winged Angel form.
- Shinsetsu's villaness Princess Chinchiro also qualifies: large breasts and ridiculously short kimono and all. Pokomi, being a lolicon magical girl, could be interpreted as this also.
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: One possible reason for why this show was well-received in America was that it's basically the kind of thing Jay Ward would write if he did LSD; the dub just increased this.
- Mainland Spain absolutely loves this series, possibly as much as Japan itself does. Two types of dubs (Spanish and Galician) exist there, even.
- Memetic Mutation - All of it; the entire thing
- "Call me Bo-bobo. But it's Bobobo-bo BO-BOBO!!!!!"
- "And that's because...I'M A TORPEDO!"
- ___ Shinken Ougi ("Super Fist of the ___")
- Anything the title character says; ANYTHING.
- (shoots previous editor out of a cannon) That's what HE said!!
- MAJI DE!? ("Are you serious!?")
- ANY of his Bo-bobo fusions
- "Puu-puu, puu-puu! Ii niyo-i, ii niyo-i! Puu-puu, puu-puu! Ii niyo-i, ii niyo-i! (Honk honk, honk honk! Smells good, smells good! Honk honk, honk honk! Smells good, smells good!...)"
- Beauty, whenever she screams at the others for their ridiculous stunts
- And so, SO many others...
- Moral Event Horizon - Bi-bibi is the one who caused the Hair Hunt in the Hair Kingdom because Bo-bobo was about to become the next king! Later in the battle, he used his true power, Kegari Shinken (Fist of Hair Hunt), to pluck out the Hair Balls out of Be-bebe, Bu-bubu, and Hatenko; and Bo-bobo engages him in a sword duel while protecting them. However, Bu-bubu's Hair Ball was broken when Bi-bibi stabs it and she dies. Then Bi-bibi took this opportunity and stabs Bo-bobo in the body, destroying the Hair Ball and killing him. But Bo-bobo came Back from the Dead thanks to Landmine Dandy replacing his Hair Ball with the Landmine Ball and defeats Bi-bibi with the help of the power from his allies. After Bi-bibi is defeated, he is spared because despite his evil ways, he's actually a good father to his daughters.
- Needs More Love
- Sequelitis: Many fans on both sides of the pond find Shinsetsu Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo to have this for various reasons. Sadly, this plays out when Sawai was forced to end the manga after 73 chapters due to demand from Shonen Jump's staff and loss of interest from fans in general.
- Stupid Sexy Don Patch: as Beauty in the first opening actually looks feminine. Bo-bobo looks disturbing, but Don Patch..... yeah.
- Tastes Like Diabetes: In Den-bo(-chan)'s first appearance, she sings really cutesy songs, and in her second appearance, she is reading aloud a strange childrens book she wrote.
- This Is Your Premise on Drugs: Duuude... are those squirrels in his Afro? And they're on a date! And so on. And that's just the first episode.
- If you want to know what KIND of drugs, wait until the 2:37 mark.
- Woolseyism: Much of the humor was untranslatable and based off Japanese pop culture. The dub basically rewrote the whole script. They even poke a bit of fun at that fact.
Bo-bobo (sobbing): "I can't read this -- It's in JAPANESE!!"
- Also, it should be noted that the English VAs were not allowed to ad-lib nearly as much as one would expect according to Bobobo's VA.
- ↑ ...ING!
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