< Blackadder < Recap < S1

Blackadder/Recap/S1/E04 The Queen of Spain's Beard

With kingdoms all over Europe joining forces and waging wars with each other, Britain needs to find a new ally quickly. The best way of doing this, of course, is through an arranged marriage. Unfortunately, the only heir to the throne, Prince Harry, has already been engaged to several princesses. With no way to forge a new alliance, all hope seems lost for the House of Lancaster...

Wait, the king has another son?!

With another prince, another alliance is made possible. The royal officials quickly make plans for wedding between Edmund Blackadder, Duke of Edinburgh, with the Spanish Infanta. Only as it turns out, the deal might not be as beneficial to Edmund as it seemed...

  • Abhorrent Admirer: The Infanta isn't exactly what the tales made her out to be, to say the least.
  • But You Screw One Goat!: The Queen reveals an embarrassing habit of Englishmen while chatting with the Infanta.
  • Casanova: Harry.
  • Fake-Out Make-Out: Edmund tries to feign homosexuality, with predictable results.
  • May-December Romance: Edmund ends up with Princess Leia (no, not that Leia!) of Hungary, who is supposedly very young and beautiful. Unfortunately for him, by "young", they meant 10 years old.
  • Pet the Dog: Edmund reading a bedtime story to Princess Leia at the end. On their wedding night, no less.
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