Bibliography (web comic)/Characters
Main Character and Friends
Benjamin Hewitt
"Through science, mankind has overcome our naturally frail bodies, our ancient superstitions, and other factors that have hindered our growth. Science is humanity's greatest weapon."
A fifteen year old, bespectacled bookworm, Benjamin Hewitt is our main character here. He's a huge bookworm, and has an obsession with science, not to mention a quick wit.
- Badass Bookworm
- Deadpan Snarker: When he loses his glasses, he becomes Sarcasm Man!
- Genius Bruiser: Ben admits that his greatest weapon is his mind.
- Mega Manning: His Bibliography's signature ability
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: The denial seems off when one considers that most of the time Ben spends with Eve is doing things that most people would attribute to a dating couple.
- Shounen Hair
- Unfazed Everyman: Ben is as new to the world of Pages as we are, so we get to learn everything at the same pace as him.
Eve Wolfgang
A member of the Lunar Codex, and a friend of Ben's. She's the main source of exposition, being a part of the world of Codices and Librarians all her life. Quite cheerful most of the time.
- Action Girl
- Beware the Nice Ones: A skilled fighter and member of Zero Union
- Cute Little Fangs
- Expy: The Melty Blood incarnation of Arcueid Brunestud "inspired something like 50% of Eve".
- Genki Girl
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: To Ben, considering the reason she saved him was that she liked his scent and was following him when he ran into Roy
- The Nose Knows
- Our Werewolves Are Different: Eve is a Werewolf, the title given to pages of the Lunar Codex, who resemble mythical werewolves in weaknesses, but not in powers (too much) no shapechanging, infection through bite, or such.
- Super Speed: Werewolf staple
Raoul Torres
Friend of Ben's, was chosen by the Cretan Codex to be a minotaur after an incident with Zero Union.
- Badass Abnormal
- The Big Guy
- Honor Before Reason: Stopped playing basketball after becoming a page due to having an unfair advantage.
- No Sense of Direction: The cost of becoming a Minotaur.
- Super Strength
Satomi Kojima
Other friend to Ben, and the only normal in the group, although awakened.
All-Seeing Chapter
The main chapter of the All-Seeing Codex.
- Body Motifs: Eyes.
- Disability Superpower: See below
- Eye Scream: all eyedolls have their eyes removed as a price.
Anthony Montague
One of the first pages met by Ben, and childhood friend to Roy.
- Cool Shades: Although he has glass eyes anyway.
- Cool Sword: Ocular Blade
- Eye Beams
- The Stoic
- What Could Have Been: in the original concept, he was the protagonist and Ben his sidekick.
Mr. Reeve
Anthony's "Retainer".
- The Big Guy
- Cool Shades
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Ocular Knuckle.
Roy Marshall
Tony's childhood friend, became a Page to avoid going blind as a child. Infiltrated Ink circles, and was unwillingly turned into an Abyssal because of it. The first page introduced to the comic.
- Alas, Poor Villain: especially since he was turned into one unwillingly
- Ax Crazy: because of his descent.
- Blindfolded Vision
- Dramatic Irony: His Abyssal form looks just like a toy he had as a kid, a woodent robot-like knight. For extra points, his form is called Optic Knight.
- Playing with Fire
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: And a nice guy, before descending.
Uther Montague
Tony's father. High-ranking member of the All-Seeing chapter.
Humans who use sigils and whitebox weapons to fight abyssals. Kinda like the police force of the pages. Funded by the Catholic Church.
Samuel Fong
Ben's uncle and a master librarian. Knows a lot more than he lets on. His sigil is one twenty crosses, Infinite Cross.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Improbable Weapon User: fights with a cross
- Red Baron: Fong the Gravemarker.
- Retired Badass: though it remains to be seen how retired...
- The Obi-Wan
Aaron Lambros
Friend to Samuel and a powerful librarian. His sigil is his superhero cape, Hero's Mantle.
- An Axe to Grind: His former weapon, the Voltage Ripper.
- Alter Ego: Jupiter.
- Badass: Single-handedly eliminated Abyssal Roy whereas three other pages and a librarian-in-training could not.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: A very competent librarian... despite dressing like a superhero. And he gives out autographs!
- Shock and Awe
A librarian who came to Tiltstone to learn under Fong, whom she has a crush on. Her sigil is a parasol, Parasolar.
- Canada, Eh?: transferred from Toronto (although sh's said to have an Italian background).
- Improbable Weapon User: Seems to be a trend with librarians.
- Two Guys and a Girl: with Aaron and Fong
Chester Belmont
Head of the Belmont Children's Home. Expert in whitebox weapons.
- Badass Grandpa: presumably, as he's a master librarian.
- Old Master
- Reasonable Authority Figure
Gloria Alba
Although she looks like a mummy from Ma'at's Codex, she's just a librarian. Assinged to train Ben and Terry. Her sigils are Sarcophagus Ogres.
- Book Dumb: according to herself.
- Golem: her sigils.
- Jerkass: Somewhat.
- Most Common Superpower
- Mummy: Nope. The bandages and sigils make her look like one, though.
Terry Kurogane
Librarian trainee. Uses three sword-shaped sigils: a katana, a rapier and a Chinese straight sword.
Ben: "Did someone piss in your cheerios this morning?"
Terry: "I only eat frosted flakes you ignoramus."
- Triple Wielding
- Jerkass
- Master Swordsman
- Years Too Early: says this to Ben
Bart Hewitt
Ben's father. Little is known about him other than him being a powerful librarian who once fought off a great threat. His sigil was (is?) a flag.
- Disappeared Dad
- Red Baron: Better known as White Bart.
- Shrouded in Myth
Global Minds
A page gang that gathers codices without pages and pages without chapters.
Jacques Desmarais
Member of the Halloween-esque Candle Codex, he's a powerful page.
- Badass: He's skilled enough in page combat to beat Sokolov without breaking a sweat.
- Badass Longcoat
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Munchkin: knows how to use smalls amounts of aura to cast several spells with minimum effort.
- Playing with Fire
- Red Baron: Jacques o'Lantern.
- Smoking Is Cool
Molly Haggs
A witch of the Codex of Salem, and member of Global Minds.
- Cute Witch
- Genki Girl
- The Medic: can make healing potions.
Matthew Ginger
A mummy and member of Global Minds. Refuses to fight despite a background in boxing.
- Good Old Fisticuffs
- Nice Guy
- Mummy
- Punny Name: Matt of Ma'at's Codex.
Thornton Turner
A senior member, who appears to have strayed from the gang's original intentions.
- Badass Longcoat
- Motive Decay: seemingly
Zero Union
Jackie Sokolov
Big member of Zero Union. A page from the Russian Freezing Codex.
- An Ice Person
- Bishonen
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: name doesn't help
- Gender Blender Name
- Jerkass: almost killed Raoul to make a getaway.
- Kick the Dog: Freezing Raoul.
- Kill It with Ice.
- Red Baron: Jackie Frost
Page from the Shambling Codex.
- Bad with the Bone.
- Expy: of Jacob Deegan from Dominic Deegan.
- The Undead
Kane Ledger
Member of the Trickster Codex. Sleeps whenever not fighting.
Charlie Wright
A harpy from the Zephyr Codex and regular contestant at the Arena. Easygoing.
- Blow You Away
- Meaningful Name: Wright. Flying. Ring a bell?
- Red Baron: Tornado
- Slasher Smile
- Stuff Blowing Up: Eggbomb!
- Winged Humanoid
A page from an unknown codex. Close friends with Charlie.
- Playing with Fire
- Red Baron: The Enigma.
- Shrouded in Myth: almost nothing is known about him
Raymond Bishop
A harpy, like Charlie. An Ink user.
Arena Battlers
Eric Lopez
A page from the Lunar Codex, three times Arena Champion. Seems to have some history with Eve.
- Lunacy: If his title's any indication
- Our Werewolves Are Different
- Razor Wind
- Red Baron: Lunatic
- Super Speed
- Warrior Prince: About as close as anyone can get. Given he's the heir apparent to the Lunar Codex, and sees all of Tiltstone as his territory to defend.
William Adams
A gargoyle from the Petrified Codex. A very powerful fighter.
- Berserk Button
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Implacable Man: refuses to stay down.
- Let's Get Dangerous: his Berserk Mode.
- Megaton Punch
- Nigh Invulnerable
- Non-Indicative Name: His Berserk Mode is actually a state of Tranquil Fury, with edges of a split personality.
Lucian and Robin Jones
A librarian couple who fight as a team in the arena.
- Battle Couple
- Henpecked Husband
- Improbable Weapon User: Lucian fights with irons.
- Lady of War: Robin
- Playing with Fire: LucianĀ“s Inferno Irons.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife
- Weapon of Choice: Robin has Lucian Whipped.
- Whip It Good: Robin again.
Garnie Piper
A ratking from the Bubonic Codex. Doesn't like getting his hands dirty.
- Anticlimax Boss: was fairly hyped up, yet all he did was leave rats as decoys and get his ass handed to him off panel.
- Trickster Archetype: allegedly