Imagine Me & You
A fairly standard but very sweet and heartwarming Romantic Comedy about a newlywed who finds herself falling in love with someone else - the lonely woman who arranged the wedding flowers. As she's walking down the aisle to her husband-to-be.
The film stars Piper Perabo as Rachel, Lena Headey as Luce, Matthew Goode as Heck, and Anthony Head as Rachel's father Ned.
Tropes used in Imagine Me & You include:
- Almost Kiss: Interrupted by a passing car.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall - Heck may have done this at the very end when he looks at the camera and smiles.
- The Casanova - Cooper.
- Chekhov's Skill - When Luce teaches Rachel how to project your voice, and later Rachel uses this to find Luce. It's really quite romantic. It's a shame if you've read this and not seen the movie yet.
- Cloudcuckoolander - Ned.
- Converse with the Unconscious: Well more accurately speaking with the plastered.
- Covers Always Lie: The wedding dress Rachel is wearing on the cover is not the same as the one she wears in the movie.
- Daydream Surprise - Rachel, in H's classroom with Luce.
- Foreshadowing - Used quite a lot, and very well at that.
- A woman comes into the flower show and breaks down crying because she is pregnant and her boyfriend doesn't know. Later, during the end credits we see Cooper walking around with a baby.
- Heck mentions early in the film that he wants to write a book about partying around the world. Later Heck does just that.
- Luce puts the missing ring on Rachel's finger.
- Flower Motifs - Pretty much inevitable, in a Rom Com starring a florist, but most important is Rachel's favorite, the lily, which Luce translates as "I dare you to love me".
- Also consider the origin of the term "Yuri" in the context of the film.
- Girls Love
- Hands-On Approach - When Luce teaches Rachel how to project her voice.
- Happy Ending - Even Heck gets one, despite his wife leaving him.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy - Explored rather deeply as a central theme of the film.
- Lipstick Lesbian: Luce, Rachel (eventually).
- Lost Wedding Ring
- Love At First Sight - Essentially the premise behind the romance in the whole movie.
- Love Triangle - More accurately a 3rd wheel.
- No Bisexuals: It is implied that Rachel was never truly attracted to Heck.
You are my best friend. That was enough before, and it will be enough again.
- One-Scene Wonder - Angel Coulby gets an adorable one in the final scenes of movie as part of the aforementioned Happy Ending for Heck.
- Orbital Kiss
- Race For Your Love
- Shout-Out - Some of the questions asked by H are the titles of books from the Imponderables series: When Do Fish Sleep? and Do Penguins Have Knees?
- "Shut Up" Kiss - More of a one sided variation of this by Rachel. She basically kisses Luce to shut herself up.
- Wise Beyond Their Years - H.
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