Asura's Wrath/Characters
The Character sheet for Asuras Wrath.
This article contains unconcealed spoilers. Do not read this article if you wish to remain unspoiled about any aspect of the game.
Asura the Destructor
"I don't know how to save the world. What I do know is... if I save Mithra, THIS HELL WILL FINALLY END!!"
The main character of Asura's Wrath. Once one of the Eight Guardian Generals of Shinkoku Trastrium, Asura was betrayed and killed by his seven comrades. They framed him for the murder of Emperor Strada, killed his wife, and took his daughter away from him. Full of rage and a desire for revenge, he comes back to life with his wrath as his only weapon.
But the object of his wrath is not only revenge, but also the suffering of their world, Gaea. When his anger escalates, his Mantra activates and transforms him into a godly six-armed warrior.
His mantra affinity is Wrath.
- A God I Am Not: Refuses to go along with Chakravartin's scheme to make Asura into the world's new god since he believes that the world doesn't need a god like him.
- All Your Powers Combined: After he gets the mantra reactor of the Karma Fortress he is able to use the power of all the 8 mantras.
- Anime Hair
- Anti-Hero: Type III
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: As Asura the Destructor. He and Chakravartin's ultimate form completely dwarf even Sakra Devanam Indra Deus, and that REALLY says something.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The Penny Arcade pre-order comic has this. Asura throws his house into space while looking for his keys; throws an oil tanker at a gas station, causing the town to explode when a moped cuts him off; punches the ground hard enough that the Earth swallows North America just because an old lady asks him for the date while paying for groceries with a check; and when he receives no-bubble tea with bubbles, he doesn't even tip.
- Back from the Dead: Happens to him when he's betrayed and killed by the other demigods. Also happens 2 more times after. He comes back by sheer anger alone!
- Bash Brothers: Does this with Yasha in Episode 18/True Episode 18. Bonus points for them actually being brothers-in-law. Subverted in that they don't even try coordinating attacks. They just both Spam Attack the opponent and manage to stay out of each other's way. This does occasionally result in moments of surprising synergy.
- Badass: To the extreme. He even cancels out Shun Goku Satsu while fighting Evil Ryu and fights Oni Akuma to a standstill.
- Handicapped Badass: Twice during the game he punches things so hard that his arms shatter. Running around with only his legs and forehead as weapons does not hinder any of Asura's ass-kicking.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: Or the Buddhist equivalent. Bonus points for doing it three times.
- Berserk Button: Several but Mithra crying seems to be the most major one.
- Crying in general will set him off, though it's not the crying itself that angers him. It's the implication that someone is making someone else cry.
- Calling him a god is also not advised.
- Big "Shut Up!": a great many characters can be silenced mid-monologue.
- Blood Knight: Was this in his younger days, however after he got Mithra he mellowed out.
- Bring It: His response to having a demigod the size of a PLANET send down his mountainous FINGER down to crush him. He wins.
- The Berserker: The game is called "Asura's Wrath" for a reason.
- As the game revolves around berserking and makes wrath a central theme, it was perhaps inevitable that it would be deconstructed: Asura's anger in battle is so obscene and unfocused that he doesn't really get any pleasure from actually killing things. It's like an itch that he can't scratch. At first the fact that he can't calm down bugs him, then it genuinely confuses him, and then it starts freaking him out. In the end, he's able to focus his anger, but can find no way to quell it and even starts cursing his power. That is, until he killed Chakravartin/The Golden Spider in Part IV Nirvana]]. Sure, he died too afterward, but he managed to save Mithra, and [[Go Out with a Smile that was enough for him.
- Catch and Return: Does this with a god damned missile, a la The Incredible Hulk.
- Clipped-Wing Angel: A rare heroic example, Wrath form. He takes this form after his Berserker form took a blast from the Brahmastra, he is covered in black colored armour and looks cracked. Its concept art says that when Asura attacks in this form he does more damage to himself then he does the enemy. Although that doesn't stop him from gutting and head-stomping Sergei and putting up a decent fight with Yasha.
- Character Development: His rage at being betrayed and his daughter kidnapped is tempered with indignation at how the innocent masses are treated. He later goes to attack the demigods not only to save his family and get revenge, but also to free humanity from their tyranny. Despite being a Jerkass par excellence, his instinctive concern for mankind puts him head and shoulders above the rest of the demigods, ethically speaking.
- Colossus Climb: Does one on Wyzen, just to give him a good old fashioned punch to the face.
- Cutlass Between the Teeth: The remains of Wailing Dark. He holds it in his teeth due to losing his arms again at that point in the story.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Asura has the option to Shut Hannibals Up during cutscenes.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Yasha is kind to and sort of supportive of Asura, but Asura isn't having any of it. It doesn't help that Yasha also keeps trying to outdo him in battle, which pisses off Asura who sees competition as pointless when in battle. After beating up the Earth's core together, Asura is somehwhat less of an asshole to Yasha, a massive accomplishment in itself. Then, Asura is shown to be saddened once Yasha finally dies.
- Determinator: Keeps on fighting a guy who calls himself God after losing his freakin' arms! By the end of the game he's been killed, four times, and just keeps coming back on sheer fury and determination.
- Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: "I refuse."
- Disappears Into Light: After defeating Chakravartin, Mantra no longer exists. Because Asura's very life was tied into his Wrath Mantra, he dies like this, even when Mithra doesn't want it to happen. Definitely a Tear Jerker.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower: Mantra Asura. An even better example is his planet sized Destructor form, which is his main power source for the final battle even after not using it.
- Explosive Overclocking
- Evil Laugh: Lets one loose after having heard enough out of Chakravartin and before getting ready to fight him in ep 19.
- God Couple: Was this with Durga.
- Go Out with a Smile:
- Good Old Fisticuffs: His preferred method of fighting. He needs nothing else.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Has this permanently since his resurrection. They only return to normal in the True Ending. See Go Out with a Smile above.
- Handicapped Badass: He loses both his arms on a couple occasions, and has to fight without them. Of course this doesn't stop, or even slow, him at all.
- Heartbroken Badass: Was this when he found Durga slain.
- Even more so when The Girl is bombed to death along with her village.
- Heroic RROD: His RAGE proves to be too much for his own arms to handle. Multiple times. Good thing he can regenerate almost instantly.
- His own power becomes a major problem later on cause he can't go past his Mantra form without his own body being torn apart by his own power.
- His Wrath form is set on this by default
- This is fixed later thanks to Yasha implanting the Karma Fortress' Mantra Reactor into Asura.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Killed Chakravartin despite knowing that it would also be the end of himself.
- Hot-Blooded: VERY much so.
- Holy Halo: The cover of the concept artbook from the Game Stop pre order has him with one, shown to be present back before he was betrayed, and it's even grander and bigger than Deus or Mithra's.
- Humongous Mecha: His final form, Asura the Destructor, practically reeks of this.
- Idiot Hero: Played with, whenever Yasha's around, since Asura insists on killing things whenever Yasha tries to think. Suicidal recklessness aside, Asura's already done plenty of pontificating on his journey. At the end of the game it's brought around full circle. Yasha tries to reason that there must be a better alternative to Deus' plans, while Asura cuts through his hesitation (12,000 years of hesitation, as a matter of fact) by saying that ifs and hows were irrelevant, Deus needed to go down because the people of earth needed to be free of their torment—a fact he had learned only too well over the course of the game.
- In a Single Bound: Uses his fist to propel himself to extraordinary heights.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: The kindest word he has for his family is "Thanks" (though they sure as hell aren't fooled by the attitude). Nevertheless, he is visibly relaxed around them and fiercely protective of their safety, and it's otherwise clear that he loves them. Likewise, later in the game, though he's gruff to strangers and mostly yells, roars, or curses when he's irritated, he tries to protect The Girl when she follows him around and is deeply affected by the suffering he witnesses.
- The Juggernaut: Oh good lord... NOTHING will stop him from rescuing his daughter. In gameplay, he's a bit harder to knock down than the typical beat-'em-up protagonist, and he truly lives up to the trope in Unlimited Mode, where he'll more or less Won't Work On Me anything up to and including boss attacks.
- Ki Attacks: Shaped like his fists, and are his primary projectile.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Temporarily in the beginning of the game after being killed and thrown to earth 12,000 years prior to reawakening. And when he remembers...
- Leitmotif: "Furious" and "One who destroys the ring" as Asura the Destructor.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell
- Lightning Bruiser: Much more so than any video game protagonist has any right to be. Somewhat More Bruiser than lightning though, when compared to Yasha, the other playable character. Asura is stronger, better with crowds, and can knock enemies around more easily, including bosses.
- Interestingly, the final act of the game highlights another aspect of his Lightning Bruiser-dom, his sheer agility. He may not be as fast as Yasha, but he sure as hell is a lot more agile than him. This, more than anything else, is what allows Asura to outfight Chakravartin, who is borderline omipotent, while Asura is at his weakest.
- Meaningful Name: Asura can be interpreted as "powerful" or "mighty."
- Meditating Under a Waterfall: Before the final battle with Chakravartin.
- Megaton Punch: Quite Literally, as he punches through Wyzen's own Megaton Punch so hard, he punches him into OUTER SPACE!
- Not to mention the ones he pulls on later bosses, especially Chakravartin.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Up to six arms if he gets angry enough. Note that if you anger him to this point, you should start praying.
- Never Hurt an Innocent: Holds the greatest regard for innocent life out of all of the Divine Generals. Even as Wrath Asura he focuses his rampage on the Deities' armies and the Gohma.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: One of his possible counter attacks against Deus. He also delivers a very satisfying one to Chakravartin at the end of their battle.
- No Indoor Voice: He screams CONSTANTLY.
- One Demigod Army: However, when he enters his Berserker form then he cranks this concept Up to Eleven by decimating an entire space armada down to just a handful in just a few seconds.
- One-Winged Angel: Let's see
- Normal
- Vajra, his most common form.
- Six-armed Vajra, same as Vajra only with six arms.
- Mantra, the strongest form he can achieve without tearing himself apart. It is used with six arms in his final fight against Chakravartin.
- Wrath, a Clipped-Wing Angel form that is quite powerful but also scorches his own body. How much sense and reason he have in this form seems to vary depending on how he entered it.
- Berserker, an insanely powerful form where he looses all sense and reason where he destroys practically everything until he destroys his own arms.
- The Destructor, a gigantic form that puts him equal to a god. He could only achieve this form after getting the Karma fortress mantra reactor inserted into him in order for his body to handle the enormous amounts of mantra.
- Papa Wolf: Is trying rescue his daughter. And god have mercy on those foolish enough to get in his way. He's also rather protective of the human girl that bears a strong resemblance to Mithra.
- Even prior to the events of the game, it was shown that he was unwilling to let Mithra become the Priestess since he refused to have her becoming a tool of war, despite her protests.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Also to the extreme. He's pretty much a walking nuclear missile silo before he enters Berserker state.
- Physical Demigod: A REALLY powerful one, at that.
- Primal Stance/Limp and Livid: His wrath form does this sometimes. This shows that he has completely lost it.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Up close and can actually use them as PROJECTILES!
- Red Eyes
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red Oni to Yasha's Blue. Visually expressed through their auras.
- Rocket Punch: Somewhat, In his Mantra and Destructor forms he is able to shot massive amounts of mantra out of his elbows that he can use to propell him forward. He can also use it to enhance the power of his punches.
- The Scream: Nearly the entirety of Episode 12's conclusion once he sees the corpse of the Girl.
- The Stoic: Usually quiet outside of battle. But when he gets going, he really starts going.
- Large Ham/Chewing the Scenery: Always screaming every line he says when really angry.
- Stop Worshipping Me!
- Sucking-In Lines: His energy ball styled attacks as Berserker Asura does this.
- Superpower Meltdown: Happens to him in the end of episode 11.5.
- Taken for Granite: Happens to him in the end of Lost Episode 2. Not that it stops him.
- The Hero Dies: Unlike his previous deaths, He dies for good in the final ending, only to be hinted at being reincarnated at some point.
- Token Good Teammate: When he worked with the other demigods, believe it or not, he probably held the most regard for innocent life out of all of them. It's not really apparent until after the fact, though. Whereas every one of his teammates either doesn't have that instinct or suppresses it like hell.
- Tragic Monster: Berserker and Wrath Asura, post episode 12.
- Tranquil Fury: His Mantra Asura form. His anger hasn't diminished in the slightest, but he's much more focused in this form.
- Tsundere: Type A, before being betrayed. Gentle and kind to his Wife Durga and Daughter Mithra, angry and usually very aggressive towards everyone else.
- Unstoppable Rage: His whole character, but the second half of episode 12 is Up to Eleven.
- Unwitting Pawn: He was used as a scapegoat by the other deities, which quick-starts the plot of the game.
- Up, Up, and Away: Often does the arms out forward when flying or gliding in the air.
- Use Your Head: When he has no arms, this is his preferred finisher.
- You Gotta Have Platinum Silver Hair
- Walking Shirtless Scene: He doesn't seem to wear shirts that often, if at all.
- Weak but Skilled: Surprisingly, this is one of his greatest strengths, if not the greatest. When fighting Chakravartin, the most powerful being in the universe, he gets kicked all the way down to his base form. When fighting Chakravartin's final form, instead of overwhelming him with strength, he uses his agility to outmaneuver and redirect Chakravartin's attacks.
- Wipe the Floor with You: Does this to Wyzen at the end of the first part of their fight. Also does this to an Elite Mook in Chapter 9, and to Oni in Lost Episode 2.
"I will raise our daughter. You concentrate on making the world a safe place for her. Just do what you think is right. You're at your best when you're fighting for what's right. Please.
Asura's wife, Yasha's sister, and mother to Mithra.
Though gentle and considerate, she is a very strong-willed woman.
She is killed during Deus' coup d'etat.
- Go Out with a Smile: "Please, Be Safe."
- God Couple
- Hot Mom
- Leitmotif: "A place to return to".
- Opposites Attract: She fell in love with a man that didn't know what to do to stop a baby crying except punching the cause.
- Sacrificial Lamb
- Women Prefer Strong Men: Look at who she married. Though it's also clear that she genuinely loves him because she can tell that he's a good man under his angry shell.
Asura's only daughter and the sole Priestess of Shinkou.
She is able to freely manipulate and amplify the demigods' source of power - Mantra. Deus kidnaps her in order to use her power for his own. Before Emperor Strada's assassination, she was one of the candidates to succeed the throne.
- Blue-Haired Pretty Girl
- Brought Down to Normal
- The Chosen One: Was chosen to be Priestess specifically because she had the capacity to manipulate Mantra. Asura was not pleased. She is also the Golden Spider's chosen vessel.
- Demonic Possession: Happens in the game's true ending.
- Gray Eyes
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: Praying seems a bit...passive, for such a ultraviolent game, but it essentially exponentiates Power Levels if she's properly motivated.
- Holy Child
- Holy Halo: One of the biggest out of all of them, and tied with Lord Deus as the most flashy looking, but less than her father's.
- MacGuffin Girl: The priestess of the Seven Deities, and Asura's daughter, that gives them more power.
- The Messiah
- Narrator All Along: The end of the game reveals that she was telling Asura's story to two young children.
- Older Than He Looks: She's over 12,000 years old. Significantly older than her father, in fact. It's not known if she was conscious all that time or not, though.
- Somewhat subverted in the fact that she only looks to be around 13, even after 12,000 years. Asura is actually much older, looking to be around 27.
- Power Floats
- Powered by a Forsaken Child: Ends up becoming the unwilling power source for the Seven Deities - and the Brahmastra - when kidnapped by Deus.
- She's All Grown Up: After being sent home by Asura's remaining mantra, due to becoming mortal after Chakravartin is destroyed meaning mantra no longer exists.
- Tearful Smile: As Asura dies his final death.
"Asura the traitor; Asura the destructor; you do not belong in this world. Diiiiieeeeee!"—Voice Actors: Chafurin(JP) Brad Grusnick (EN)
One of the Seven Deities. An arrogant militant. Was once a brute who never thought things through.
But once he gained new power as one of the Seven Deities, he began to stand out for his discriminating way of speaking towards the humans.
He goes out of his way to speak condescendingly. He is the powerhouse of the Seven Deities.
His mantra affinity is Violence.
- Acrofatic
- A God Am I: Constantly proclaims how powerful he and the Seven Deities are.
- Beard of Evil
- Bigger Is Better: Subverted oh so hard. Despite being nearly the size of Gaea itself, he isn't really any stronger than he was before.
- It's even hinted this form is much Weaker than his previous ones, because it's hard to maintain any real speed he might of had before, making him pathetic compare do the other planet sized entities in the game.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- The Brute: Relies on solely his physical strength, and then pumps himself up with mantra in order to crush Asura as he's beaten.
- Butt Monkey: Along with being the very first demi-god fought in the game (And the only one besides Yasha and deus to be fought twice), not only is he the first one of the deities to die, but even the other deities see him as nothing more than a big joke despite being the biggest of them physically.
- Even his reincarnated form is this, as he's only a petty thug compared to the other reincarnated Demigods.
- Calling Your Attacks: KURIKARA FUDO UCHI!
- Climax Boss: Not quite as much as later bosses, but he does have chapter all to himself when he becomes the size of Earth itself.
- Clipped-Wing Angel: His Gongen form makes him ENORMOUS, but also severely limits his mobility, which bites him in the ass when Asura punches his finger so many times that it causes many chain reactions, and he's basically helpless.
- Dumb Muscle: Pretty much his role with the Deities. Especially when he uses more Mantra than necessary just to end up weaker.
- Fantastic Racism: Of humans.
- Fat Bastard: And gets bigger the angrier he gets.
- Fat Idiot
- Finger-Poke of Doom: Yes. But the catch is? It fails.
- Ground Pound: Does this to Asura during the second part of their fight, and then punches him repeatedly into the ground. It doesn't work.
- Hand Cannon: Fires missiles from the side of his arms
- Holy Halo: Best seen when he powers up.
- Jerkass: He's described as being condescending towards humans, and in-game, he's shown to be quite the unlikable fellow.
- Large Ham:
- Megaton Punch: Tries this against Asura. He fails.
- While falling from midair and dive bombing no less.
- Oh Crap: His expression when Asura shoots down his flagship.
- Also his expression when Asura fights back against his Finger-Poke of Doom.
- One-Winged Angel: He first starts out averaged size, then turns into Vajra Wyzen and then transforms again into Gongen Wyzen by releasing his Mantra.
- Power Fist: More prominent in his normal form, where it is barely about the size of him!
- Sequential Boss
- Shut Up, Hannibal!: You're able to interrupt him while he's gloating towards Asura via a punch to the face.
- Smug Snake
- Starter Villain: The first of the Seven Deities that Asura fights.
- That's No Moon: Nope, that's HIM.
- Yellow Eyes
"Relax my son. Enjoy every moment. You fight, then you eat good food. You fight, then you drink fine wine. You fight, then you sleep with beautiful women. Hell, fight with Beautiful women! That's what it truly means to live."—Voice Actors: Unsho Ishizuka (JP), Imari Williams (EN)
One of the Seven Deities, Augus is master and mentor to Asura and Yasha. Bold and big-hearted, Augus is the type to use his fists to do the talking for him.
He carries a giant katana at his side, but never uses it unless he's serious. He mainly uses his bare fists in battle. He sees fighting not as a means to an end, but as a purpose in life.
His mantra affinity is Greed.
- A Glass in the Hand
- Affably Evil: Not exactly evil, as he's shown to prefer hanging out with his servant girls at his mansion, but he's still an opponent of Asura's who is nonetheless quite affable indeed.
- Badass: Yep.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Grandpa: Oh hell yes.
- Badass Normal: For a demigod, at any rate. Augus believes that relying on Mantra makes one weak, and that this is why Wyzen and Karlow were defeated by Asura. He doesn't use Mantra at all, which says something pretty scary about his overall capabilities.
- Bash Brothers: He was this with Asura back in the day, according to him at least.
- BFS: Holy crap.
- Blind Seer/Disability Superpower: Turns out in his profile he actually IS blind. Even Asura says it outright. Subtle but noticeable in-game, too, as at first glance Augus' eyes look just like the enraged Asura's, but lack the slightly reddish pupils that mark Asura's eyes. Augus' eyes are pure white.
- Blind Weaponmaster
- Blood Knight: Incredibly so, just about every other line that comes out of this guys mouth has something to do about fighting and how much he loves it. Punctuated by the line:
"I don't fight for good, and I don't fight for evil! I just fight!"
- The Brute: The role he's meant to play among the Seven Deities, given that's he relies purely on his strength. That being said, he's actually a pretty good guy when you get right down to it.
- Blood Knights Cannot Comprehend Parental Protectiveness
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Cool Old Guy
- Climax Boss
- Development Gag: His design and personality were based off of a very early design of Asura, who had two swords back then.
- Dirty Old Man
- Eccentric Mentor:
- Flash Step: Can move really damn fast when fighting him, especially when he uses his sword.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Graceful Loser
Walk the path you must, Asura...
- Go-Karting with Bowser: What's the first thing he does when Asura's weak after just killing Kalrow? Take him to a hot spring resort to rest and relax just before their battle.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: How he met his end by Asura using Wailing Dark against him.
- The Hedonist: "I have had carnal knowledge of the fairest maidens in Heaven. I have partaken of the finest wines of Gaea. But nothing excites my blood more than drawing my sword!"
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Asura kills Augus with his own broken sword.
- Holy Halo: Like the other deities, more prominently seen when powering up.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: Only draws his sword when the fight is worth it. Prior to that, he'll fight only using his firsts or with the sheathed blade.
- I Fight for the Strongest Side: as shown in episode 15.5's interlude, Augus wasn't interested in joining the eight Guardian Generals at first, stating that they were "weaklings". Then Deus came along and fought him to a tie. After the fight, Deus promises Augus that all battles will be like the one they were in if he joins his cause. Augus complies.
- Implacable Man: Asura at base strength without any extra arms can't even move him a budge from where he stands.
- Klingon Promotion: Inherited the position of Guardian General from the one he killed.
- Large Ham: Just like his pupil.
- Leitmotif: "Broadminded", and the fourth movement from Dvorak's Symphony No. 9, "From the New World".
- Let's Get Dangerous: When he brings out his sword, which he's only used against Deus.
- Lightning Bruiser: Like his pupil more bruiser than lightning, though with his sword out, he gains a lot more lightning.
- Meteor Move: In the most literal, and most amazing, way possible. Must be seen to believed.
- Named Weapons/I Call It Vera: Wailing Dark.
- Noble Demon: Augus may only live to fight, but he wants Asura to be at the top of his game when he does. So he takes him to Kanazuki Spring to rejuvenate and relax for once in the game since everything hit the fan.
- Old Master: Asura's and Yasha's, to be exact.
- Occidental Otaku: His reincarnation in the Japanese version, who came to Japan to collect Japanese swords, and tries his best to speak Japanese to locals that look like former Demi-god minions.
- Punch Clock Villain: Augus doesn't care at all for Deus' cause, and actually expresses some disgust at the idea of ending the war with the Gohma. In fact, he's the only Guardian General not present when Deus throws Asura from space.[1] He only works with Deus because he promised an endless slew of good fights, with them culminating in his final confrontation with Asura.
- Sequential Boss: You fight him when he just uses his fists, and then when he uses his sword.
- Shut Up, Hannibal!: Though when it's done to him, he tanks it while looking amused.
- Sink or Swim Mentor
- Sword Beam: Spams this after unsheathing Wailing Dark.
- Training Boss: Episode 3 in the tutorial level.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- You Kill It, You Bought It: The 15.5 DLC reveals how Augus became a Guardian General. He killed one, which piqued Deus' interest in him. After the two fought, Augus agreed to serve him as long as all his fights were as great as the one they had (which was enough for him to take out his sword).
"Oh, how beautiful life is at its end. True beauty only manifests itself in death."
One of the Seven Deities and an admirer of the arts. He is Deus' (slightly psychotic) right hand man.
Sergei is constantly looking for all things beautiful. Despite his artistic airs, he never hesitates in making decisions, which makes him look cruel at times. He is the one who kills Durga, Asura's wife, during the coup d'etat.
His mantra affinity is Vanity.
- Agent Peacock
- Axe Crazy
- Camp
- Combat Sadomasochist
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Is gutted by Wrath Asura, who then stomps on his head. He deserved it.
- The Dragon: To Deus. Thus was the one he entrusted with killing Durga. Given his flamboyant mannerisms, you could also make a case for him being The Dark Chick
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: And how.
- Expy: Of Endrance.
- The Fighting Narcissist: And with a god complex, to boot.
- Giggling Villain
- Holy Halo
- In Love with Your Carnage: His last words has him going on about how beautiful he finds Asura's destructive rage to be.
- Laughing Mad: After being sliced up by Wrath Asura.
- Meaningful Name: His name is derived from the Italian name Sergio wich means servant or the high one further emphasizing his position as Deus' right hand man.
- Oh Crap: Looks terrified right before his death.
- Troll: Revealed that he was Durga's killer for the sole reason of evoking a reaction from Yasha.
- It is also implied by some texts that he didn't have have orders to kill Durga but did it anyway in order to seriously piss of Asura.
- The Unfought: Killed off by Wrath Asura.
- Visual Kei: His reincarnation is basically a Visual Kei dancer.
-- Voice Actors: Chikao Ohtsuka (JP) Keith Szarabajka (EN)
The eldest of the Seven Deities. A cunning and sly tactician, Kalrow has others carry out what he has planned and rarely makes an effort to do anything himself. He is researching an easier way to manage both the humans and the Gohma.
Kalrow is quite skilled at fooling others with his illusions.
His mantra affinity is Sloth.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: His crimes are killing civilians, trying to kill Asura after wards, and His Reincarnation does literal Jaywalking, and is ratted out by Chun-Li for doing so.
- Beard of Evil
- Beam Spam: Has his entire fleet focus its Exorcism beams on Asura. Twice. It doesn't take.
- Cruel Mercy: Thinks he's attempting this with Asura at first.
"Enjoy your new lease on life."
- Cutscene Boss: For all purposes, the guy doesn't even put up a fight.
- The Evil Genius: Plays this role among the Seven Deities, given that he was the one who suggested the coup to Deus.
- Evil Old Folks
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Squashed inside an escape pod by Asura. And we see the entire thing.
- Holy Halo
- Mad Scientist
- Magitek: Has a staff with wheels and a platform in the shape of a segway.
- Mismatched Eyes: One normal with an eyelid, one robotic without.
- Oh Crap: When he realises Asura latched on to his escape pod. He also has this reaction when Asura survives a GIANT LASER fired at him point blank.
- Power Floats
- Shut Up, Hannibal!: Ineffective, as Asura punches a hologram instead of the real thing.
- The Strategist
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: He attempts to escape from Asura via an escape pod. It doesn't go well for him though.
- Villain Teleportation
-- Voice Actors: Takako Honda (JP) Anna Vocino (EN)
One of the Seven Deities and Deus' adjutant general. Completely devoted to Deus, there is almost never a time when she is not seen by Deus' side.
She burns with hatred for anyone or anything that attempts to interfere with Deus' plans.
Olga speaks in an intellectual manner and a bewitching scent trails behind her wherever she goes.
She commands the fleets stationed in Gaea's orbit.
Her mantra affinity is Lust.
- Action Girl: Commander of the space armada of Shinkoku
- An Ice Person
- All Women Are Lustful: Her mantra affinity implies this, though it's only directed at lord Deus.
- Bare Your Midriff: Her armor exposes her stomach.
- Blondes Are Evil: Platinum Blonde, but still Blonde.
- Bodyguard Crush: Very noticable in the true ending.
- Climax Boss: Berserker Asura versus her Massive space fleet. She loses. Badly.
- The Dragon: Along with Sergei, she plays this role to Deus, serving as the main commander of the Seven Deities fleet of airships.
- Dragon Their Feet Doesn't meet her end until after her other comrades are dead.
- Evil Brit
- Holy Halo
- Sexy Secretary: Her Reincarnation.
- Single-Target Sexuality: Lord Deus.
- Undying Loyalty: For Lord Deus.
- The Unfought: Killed by the Golden Spider in the true ending.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
-- Voice Actors: Junichi Suwabe (JP), Robin Atkin Downes (EN)
The second main character of Asura's Wrath. A Demigod and one of the Seven Deities, he is Asura's rival and brother-in-law.
Cool, calm, and collected, Yasha is well versed in both literary and military arts. He and Asura both joined the Eight Guardian Generals at the same time.
He is the older brother of Durga, Asura's wife. Though she is tragically killed in Deus' coup d'etat, Yasha's beliefs in the cause are stronger than his feelings for family. Due to the world's suffering, he always has a melancholy expression on his face.
His mantra affinity is Melancholy.
- A God Am I: As shown in his Badass Boast, though he proves to be more empathetic to the mortals than the other deities.
- Anti-Villain: Is the only Deity who feels any form of guilt for his actions.
- Badass: He manages to beat up ASURA for god's sake!
- Badass Boast:
Asura: Who do you think you are?!
Yasha (calmly): God.
- Bash Brothers: Does this with Asura in Episode 18/True Episode 18. Asura later lampshades it after his death.
Asura: You were always a brother, never an enemy.
- Char Clone: Aside from the lack of blonde hair, his face mask, demeanor and level of powerful make him seem to be one.
- Cool Corvette
- Died Standing Up: In the middle of a punch.
- Face Heel Turn
- Flash Step
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Performs this on Wrath Asura.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Handshake Substitute: Receives a fist bump from Asura. Or rather, his corpse does, right before he dissipates.
- Heel Face Turn: Fittingly enough, this happens when he can no longer hide his face beneath a mask.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Rips out his own Mantra to infuse Asura's Mantra Reactor... then duels Asura to the death to awaken his new power.
- Holy Halo: Curiously averted considering the rest of the demigods, excluding Asura obviously, have one. Until he fights Wrath Asura.
- Implacable Man: Asura's attacks don't even so much as faze him, until Asura headbutts him.
- Possibly a Justified Trope, as along with the massive power upgrade the Deities have taken over 12,000 years, Asura didn't have any arms at the time he fought him after defeating and killing Wyzen. He was also probably low on energy as well.
- Leitmotif: "Orphan wolf legend". It has three variations, "Wind", "Fang" and "Bonds".
- Lightning Bruiser: In a contrast to Asura, he is more lighting than bruiser, though he is still really strong. He's a little weaker, much quicker, easier to control, and can keep pressure on single enemies like bosses more easily.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Believes in Deus' cause in spite of all the suffering that comes from it. Until he fights Wrath Asura. He even calls himself a demon for being willing to follow the cause.
- Not So Different: In-universe, he has his moments of fury expressed while doing something amazing. In gameplay terms, he shares the same controls as Asura. He even admits as such in Episode 21.
Yasha: It seems your anger is rubbing off on me...
- Not So Stoic: Happens during and after his Heel Face Turn.
- Plotline Death: Episode 21.
- Razor Wind: With his freaking hands.
- Really Dead Montage
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue Oni to Asura's Red. Visually expressed through their auras.
- Samurai Cowboy: Has a bit of this going for him. Just listen to this theme music, Wind, and it's made even more obvious. Angry Joe even lampshdes it.
- The Rival
- The Stoic: Took on this personality when acting under Deus' orders.
- Tragic Villain: Prior to his Heel Face Turn.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Went along with Deus' cause because he felt that it was best for the world. Until he fought Wrath Asura, that is.
"Power without a purpose is meaningless and worthless. A purpose that is firm can change the impossible to the possible."—Voice Actors: Masashi Ebara (JP) David Pizzuto (EN)
The leader of the Seven Deities.
A Demigod who once was the Commander of the Eight Guardian Generals. After betraying Emperor Strada and framing Asura for his death, Deus took the rest of the generals and formed the Seven Deities.
They rule over Shinkoku Trastrium as self-proclaimed gods. Deus takes much pride in being the "protector" of the world, and believes that his actions are righteous.
He has a brash way of speaking, though since he has absolute confidence in his abilities, it does not come across as offensive or unpleasant.
His mantra affinity is Pride.
- A God Am I: Played quite interestingly. He sees his god status as more of a title that he needs to wear during this time until the great rebirth where he plans to resign.
- However at the end of the game it seems as the power have gone him a little up to the head.
- Awesome Ego: A defining characteristic In-Universe. While he could be described as arrogant or a braggart, most people who know him consider him to be endearingly and sincerely frank about his capabilities, because he can back any of those claims up.
- Anti-Villain: A definite type III.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: After fusing with the Karma Fortress to become Sakra Devanam Indra Deus.
- Badass: Did you expect anything else?
- Big Bad
- Bling of War
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Killed the Emperor to gain control of the world.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Avoided with his reincarnation, as he takes time out of his work to help an old man cross a street (who is Emperor Strada reincarnated).
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Determinator: It took several battles to slow him down at all, with him stepping up his game each time. At many points, you get to see him Won't Work On Me Asura's and Yasha's combined might through sheer force of will. He even refuses to die once he'd gotten 12,000+ years of power beaten out of him!
- Expy: Looks a lot like Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda series.
- Fighting with Chucks: The Sakras, his weapon of choice.
- Chucks that shoot lighting bolts no less.
- Final Boss: Subverted
- Flash Step: With lightning streaks.
- Holy Halo: One of the most grand looking, second only to Asura's.
- Ignored Expert: He was ignored by Emperor Strada despite having fought Gohma for a long time.
- Leitmotif: "Show justice" and "Already you must recite it".
- Lightning Bruiser: No pun intended.
- Meaningful Name: "Deus" is the latin word for god and he's well...a god
- However his name is actually derived from Dyas Piter, the Indo-European sky deity that is the prototype for lightning-wielding celestial king gods from Indra to Odin to Zeus.
- The Messiah: His reincarnation.
- Necessarily Evil
- Nice Guy: His reincarnation is a high-ranking corporate executive who risks being late for an important meeting in order to help a struggling old man crossing the street, and absolutely refuses to think of doing otherwise.
- Scary Black Man: Not so noticeable when the protagonist is blood-red, but he is notably dark skinned in a world of seemingly light skinned south/central asians.
- Sequential Boss: Especially in the second fight against him.
- Shock and Awe
- Teleport Spam: Either that or Flash Step but it's just too damn fast to tell.
Deus: Over here.
- Tragic Villain: Shows definite signs of this, however he is better at hiding it than Yasha.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Everything he did was for the purpose of permanently destroying Gohma Vlitra.
The Shinkoku Forces
"Destruction, destruction, destruction."—Voice Actors: Tomohiro Tsuboi (JP) Jon Olsen (EN)
"General Asura has gone mad!"—Voice Actors: Nobuaki Kanemitsu (JP) Keith Silverstein (EN)
"Surrender your soul to us. It must be saved."—Voice Actors: Ryusuke Obayashi (JP) Joey Camen (EN)
"All Troops, commence purification!—Voice Actors: Kunihiko Yasui (JP) Tim Blaney (EN)
- Badass Baritone: Rasho.
- BFG Taison's tend to have these, and Taison Nyudo has a Big Friggen Laser Gun!
- Butt Monkey: Dojis and Taisons tend to be the butt of jokes, especially in episode 10
- Elite Mook: Rasho and Taison.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: Taison Nyudo, as stated above.
- Giant Mook: Taison.
- Mission Control: Kagebosh tend to monitor the weapons on many of the ships.
- Rubber Man: Kagebosh have extendable arms not unlike Dalshim.
- Sword Beam: Some Rasho's have a weapon that does this.
- Zerg Rush: Doji's basic strategy.
The Girl
"Everyone did nothing but pray. But he took action!"—Voice Actor: Rie Kugimiya
A girl of the village that enshrine Asura's remains after his first battle with Yasha. She bears a striking resemblance to Asura's daughter, Mithra. Though faithful and worshipful towards Asura, after the Seven Deities massacred her village, she began to harbor hatred for the gods and is the only one to renounce them.
- Everyone Calls Her Girl: At least the narration does.
- Morality Pet: To Asura. She is the only one shown to be able to calm Asura down. And Asura goes to great lengths to keep her safe. When she dies he loses it, and goes completely berserk.
- No Name Given
- Sacrificial Lion
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To Mithra, right down to the japanese voice actress.
- Also Asura supposedly looks a lot like her father.
- Too Long; Didn't Dub: Just like the random villagers through the game, her dialogue is not translated, having no English VA and no subtitles in her appearances; this appears to have been a stylistic choice. However, you are privy to her lines in episodes 8 and 11's interludes.
- What The Hell Villagers
Emperor Strada
-- Voice Actors: Ryusuke Obayashi(JP) Keith Silverstein (EN)
The 128th Emperor of Shinkoku. The highest authority in Shinkoku, he had the Eight Guardian Generals under his direct command. Without any gains being made in the endless war with the Gohma, the Emperor began to lose hope in their victory. He was betrayed and killed by one of his own Guardian Generals, Deus.
- The Emperor
- Sacrificial Lamb
- Too Dumb to Live: Deus requested that he build a strong army to permanently defeat the Gohma. He didn't listen.
The Gohma Forces
General Tropes:
- The Corruption/The Heartless
- Everything's Better with Monkeys/Maniac Monkeys: Gohma Howlers.
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods: Gohma Lashers.
- Expy: Of the Space Monsters.
- Flying Aircraft Carrier: While not sharing the look, Gohma Carriers have this as a primary funtion of deploying other, smaller gohma into space.
- Gaia's Vengeance
- Leitmotif: "Demon ruination". Larger Gohma have "Demon curse".
- Magma Animals
- Rhino Rampage: Gohma Chargers.
- Stock Dinosaurs: Gohma Strikers (They have the look, but they have the body of the turtle and the head and neck of a King Cobra, but it gives off this appearance)
- Turtle Power: Gohma Squashers.
- Unstoppable Rage: They are the very will of Gaia that have become completely lost to rage and hatred.
- War Elephants: Gohma Crushers
Gohma Vlitra/The Will of Gaea
The most powerful of all Gohma. It appears every few thousand years to wreak havoc upon civilization. It is the embodiment of the planet's rage, unleashing Gohma upon any who threaten to harm the planet.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Big Bad: The other big bad of the game, and the leader of the gohma.
- Bishonen Line: Vlitra's Core. In a unique twist, it exists independant alongside the outer form on the earths surface.
- Climax Boss: Possibly an even more standout version of this than Jubileus, if that is possible.
- Eldritch Abomination: It certainly has no definitive age or Gender, at least.
- Leitmotif: "Star's Outcry".
- Magma Monster
- Mirror Boss: The humanoid core looks like a bigger, even meaner version of Berserker Asura.
- One-Winged Angel: After Deus is defeated, it steals all the accumulated souls the Deities gathered and grows even bigger and into an...
- Orochi: It takes this form, with eight giant heads that has a wide enough circumference to tower over the planet, and is probably one of the biggest representations of this ever.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Hides inside the planet earth and is usually resting in order to prepare to come back out on the surface.
- Sequential Boss: You fight his forces that come up from the earth first, then one of its heads, then all its heads and then its face, then its core in the earth's center.
- True Final Boss
- Turns out that Vlitra Core is just a warm-up for The Golden Spider.
- Unwitting Pawn: In the end, Chakravartin exploited Gaea's rage for his own purposes. While he gave the planet mantra and in turn the ability to summon the Gohma, it all the time did exactly what Chakravartin expected it to do.
The Golden Spider/Chakravartin, The Creator
-- Voice actors: Hiroshi Otake, Hiroshi Ito (JP) Joe Hanna, Al Rodrigo (EN)
The ruler of Naraka. After Asura is killed, it guides his soul back to the real world. He is in reality Chakravartin, the omnipotent god that controls the world of Gaea. He is attempting to give birth to the redeemer to take his place (as the next god) through the trials that he puts the world through. No one on Gaea is aware of his existence.
- Action Commands: In a major surprise, The computer deigns to show us Chakravartin's own which show up at the end of the final fight with him, showing his gradual weakening as the game pits Asura and your action commands against Chakravartin's. Eventually, Chakravartin will start messing up his inputs.
- While cathartic as all hell, the mechanic is suddenly introduced at the end of an extremely tough battle at which point most players nerves are frayed into shreds. Cue a frantic minority of players searching desperately for the blue swirly button on their controllers, only to miss Asura's actual commands.
- A God Am I: Just like the rest of the enemies in the game, except this time it's truly a Justified Trope.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: Claims to represent Samsara.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: His giant form, so powerful and so big it not just dwarfs Destructor Asura and every other character in the game, but also draws in ENTIRE GALAXIES just by existing.
- Bigger Bad: The real final bad guy of the game, as hinted in the ep 18 recap.
- Big Damn Villains: Saves Mithra from Olga.
- Climax Boss: In comparison to him, Gohma Vlitra is nothing more than an ant...
- Cosmic Entity
- Deader Than Dead: He doesn't reincarnate like the rest of the characters do.
- Demonic Possession: Of Mithra.
- Determinator: Much like Deus before him, Chakravartin does not give up, and takes quite a few stages to whittle down. As pointed out elsewhere on this page, you have to fill up and use your Instant-Win Button ten times on him to defeat him. And even then, he goes down fighting as you slowly overpower him.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good/ This Cannot Be!: He Just doesn't understand why Asura was able to defeat him.
- Evil Counterpart: To Asura. He's a glowing gold deity of life, while Asura is a demonic red entity of wrath, and both are the only things in each other's power level. His final form is more clearly a counterpart to Asura's Wrath form, in the same way that the Vlitra Core was a counterpart to his Berserker form.
- Faux Affably Evil: He appears to be a calm, friendly, polite god who is doing what needs to be done, but he's truly a heartless, cold monster of a god, and that side comes out once Asura defies him.
- God: He spins the threads of life and govern the life of all of existence.
- Gone Horribly Right: He claims that Asura has finally stumbled upon the power that can save the world... while his body is in Berserker form.
- He also claimed him to be his successor and next ruler of Gaea, willing to be civil and reunite him with his daughter. Asura refuses, if only recalling that every bad thing he caused wasn't going to be forgotten by a peace offering, and proceeds to kick his ass. Asura far exceeded Chakravartin's expectations... not only in potential, but also in considering to be his heir.
- Holy Halo: Consisting of a massive number of hands.
- This is a Shout-Out to Kanon.
- Humanoid Abomination: His creator form.
- Humiliation Conga: Near the last leg of the final battle, Chakravartin the Creator sports his own Sanskrit lettered Action Commands. But after getting hit repeatedly by Asura's barrage, he physically staggers and the action commands start to fail. Asura is just casually pummeling him and countering his attempts to fight back at this point, giving a rather epic and angry speech how he's not going to take anymore shit from anyone that calls himself a god and/or makes his daughter cry. So he takes quite a beating before finally dying.
- Hurl It Into the Sun: Inverted. In ep. 22, he hurls suns at you.
- He even casually causes the real sun to go super nova just to kill you!
- Killed Off for Real
- Leitmotif: "One who spins ideas", "Aurora borealis", and "One who spins samsara".
- Light Is Not Good
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Close to the end of the Creator form fight you start to see his QTEs.
- Man Behind the Man: He tells Asura that he is the one responsible for the Gohma apparition, using them as a way to test the gods' resolve.
- Meaningful Name: Chakravartin means "ideal universal ruler" in Indian religions...But he does not fit the ethical and benevolent part, or the "ideal" part. This is apparently what he wanted to turn Asura into.
- Mirror Boss: His final form. Even more so than Vlitra.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: He has even more arms than Asura, and that's not counting them that make up his halo.
- Names to Trust Immediately: Subverted.
- One-Winged Angel: Twice, with his Giant Form as the first time (Though it's also just an extention of his raw aura and power), and the second time being his grotesque creator form.
- Alternately, the creator form may be considered a Bishonen Line as Chakravartin trades an ostentatiously divine image for a slimmer, more subtle form.
- Physical God
- Powers That Be: a Big Bad Example. Asura kills him.
- Pummel Duel: When he's been hit one too many times, he absolutely looses his shit and tries to beat Asura to a pulp with his bare hands.
- Rasputinian Death: This guy took no less than 10 bursts before finally dying.
- Reality Warper
- Rubber Man: His skin looks very rubbery and stretchy, which is more apparent when he gets punched in the face.
- Serial Escalation: The ultimate pinnacle of this in the game as far as bosses and enemies go. His giant form is many many times bigger than any other character in the game, to the point while even being out of the solar system he's still visible from the planet earth, he can casually fire really strong, really fast laser beams that goes across the solar system at several times faster than light, Throws entire planets and even STARS at you, and even tries to make the sun go super nova JUST TO TRY AND KILL YOU!
- Sequential Boss: First your fight his giant golden metal form in space, then you fight a smaller version in Naraka, then his human form, than his Creator form, as well as a QTE Battle against him!
- Smug Snake: He just oozes arrogance and condescendence when things are going his way. When he's defied by Asura however, he gets PISSED.
- The Sociopath: He appears to be charming and affable when speaking to Asura, but he's truly an unfeeling bastard of a god who can't even be bothered to watch over humanity, and like most sociopaths, he expresses extreme rage when Asura refuses to become his Redeemer.
- Sphere of Destruction: One of his final forms basic projectiles.
- Spotting The Golden Thread: In the final boss fight with the Vlitra Core, the core seems to have glowing golden spikes sticking out of it. A few distant shots show that the core is actually suspended in a giant golden web.
- Storm of Blades: Another one of his Final form's basic Projectiles is this.
- Sucking-In Lines: His giant form's laser attacks do this before firing.
- Time Stands Still: One of his attacks does this accompanied with Color-Coded Timestop.
- Treacherous Advisor
- Trickster Mentor: Helps Asura to escape Naraka by angering him with probing questions that restore his memory.
- Troll: What he does to the audience in the true ending.
- True Final Boss
- Villainous Breakdown: It begins when you "extend your arm", but becomes especially apparent when he ditches his magic and attempts a Pummel Duel with Asura after he lands yet another punch on him.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He tries to come across as one of these, saying he was causing the world suffer in order to get an heir after countless Eons of destroying and recreating the planet of Gaea, so that he can explore other worlds and guide others. Asura calls him out on this immensely, and as he beats down Chakravartin, it's obvious that Chakravartin's intentions are nothing but shallow.
- ↑ Save Wyzen, who was busy being unconscious after he tried taking on Asura earlier