Ame-iro Kouchakan Kandan
Seriho had a dream of running a succesful tea house. Luckily for her, she won a fair amount in the lottery and got enough to start up The Amber Teahouse. Unfortunately for her she gets no customers... that is until highschool girl Sarasa shows up.
Sarasa finds herself enamored with Seriho, and constantly gets teased by her friends about it. She notices that Seriho often is overworked running the tea house by herself, so Sarasa works up the nerve to ask Seriho for a job there to which Seriho gladly accepts.
Still... The tea house doesn't have enough customers to be profitable so the question remains on how to make the place successful before all the funds run out.
Ame-iro Kouchakan Kandan, also known as Chatting at The Amber Teahouse is a Yuri Genre Manga by Miyabi Fujieda. It started off as a one-shot in the second volume of Eternal Sisters but continued to be serialized quarterly in Yuri Hime, concluding after fifteen chapters in 2012. Like Fujieda's other works in the genre, it's completely devoid of Gayngst and almost completely consists of Squee-inducing scenes.
- Accidental Public Confession: Sarasa and Seriho unknowingly confess their feelings for each other, in front of a huge cadre of their customers.
- Bland-Name Product: Googla
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Hinoka is very good at construction and carpentry but she has fairly unorthodox methods.
- Cameo: In the Spin-Off manga Marble Colour, several characters from Fujieda's other works have shown up as customers in the cafe, including Letty and Tsumugi from The Mikos Words and The Witches Incantations as well as Iono and Eto from Iono the Fanatics.
- Christmas Cake: Seriho is exactly 25.
- Class Trip: Haru, Hinoka and Sarasa take one in Chapters 4 and 5.
- Everyone Can See It / Yuri Fangirl: There are a lot of comments by characters on how Sarasa and Seriho should be together.
- Four-Girl Ensemble
- Genius Ditz: Seriho as she's a master of making and serving tea but fairly bad when it comes to business or technology.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: In the drama CD C.C. runs a tea house and is the object of affection for Fate Testarossa. Komachi Tsugumi and Yukari occasionally bother them.
- I Will Protect Her: Sarasa to Seriho. Sarasa constantly worries when they're separated by a Class Trip, and even changes her career path in order to help out more with the teahouse.
- Les Yay: Haru and Hinoka.
- Love Allegory: Seriho's teapot and cosy allegory.
- Luminescent Blush: Used primarly as Ship Tease between Sarasa and Seriho.
- Meganekko: Haru
- Moe Couplet: Sarasa and Seriho.
- Nobody Over 50 Is Gay: Averted in one scene with an elderly lesbian couple.
- Oblivious to Love
- Older Than They Look: Seriho, who can pass for a teenager.
- One Head Taller: Sarasa to Seriho.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: Sarasa and Seriho, as one of the stages of their developing relationship.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians
- Slice of Life
- Subordinate Excuse: Sarasa
- Super-Deformed
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Sarasa
- Twice Shy: Sarasa and Seriho love each other, but each is worried that her feelings aren't reciprocated. This seems to be changing, though, especially with the exchange of rings in chapter 13.
- Unequal Pairing: Averted. Even though Seriho is Sarasa's boss, they work more as a team than as a boss and subordinate. The age difference doesn't matter much, either, given that Seriho so often seems younger than Sarasa.
- Unsound Effect: occurs frequently, with examples such as "cling" or "blush"
- What Happened to the Mouse?: The author has no regrets about this story, except for this trope. So, he's going to do something about it, with Chatting over Tea at the Amber Teahouse Golden & Silver Tips.
- Will They or Won't They?: Sarasa and Seriho. Recently, they've gone on a date as of chapter 12. Still waiting to see if it goes anywhere. At least one of them admits to loving the other.
- A recent drama CD called White Engage makes it official that their recent actions, including exchange of matching rings, make them tantamount to fiancees in the eyes of the world (or at least Miyabi Fujieda's world).
- They Do: Chapter 15 ends the story on the line "I'm sure they will always be here, together".
- Yuri Genre