< Adventure Time

Adventure Time/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • With the possible exception of Susan Strong, the only human in Adventure Time is Finn. So when the show's theme song refers to him as "Finn the human", that's because he's THE human in Ooo.
  • In the episode "City of Thieves", Finn and Jake end up getting dirtier as the show goes on, showing them slowly losing their "purity".
  • Adventure Time draws influences not only from other cartoons, movies and shows, but also from video games as well. In the episode "Tree Trunks", the Snake Arm Ruby Brain Beast has a magic gem weak spot, resembling obvious weak spots on enemies and bosses. In "Dungeon", Finn explores a dungeon a la the Legend of Zelda. In the dungeon, he encounters two boss like foes, the Demon Cat and the Bucket Knight, and when he finds a key to open a dungeon door, it's suspended in midair. In "The Other Tarts", Finn and Jake are carrying the Royal Tarts in an anti-gravity tote chamber, which has a red bar to indicate it's full. When tarts are removed from the, the size of the bar lowers like a health bar.
  • Finn's phobia of the ocean (and only the ocean - he's fine with other bodies of water, like rivers or lakes) seems totally irrational at first - until, in "His Hero", Billy is described as having "slayed an evil ocean". Think on that for a minute...an entire ocean can potentially be evil. It's absolutely massive, fully capable of wreaking terrible destruction on land (think tsunamis) and pretty much impossible to kill (unless you're Billy, in which case you can just punch it to death). With that in mind, Finn's Thalassophobia makes a lot more sense.
    • If you dont think the ocean is scary , What was 1 of the 2 reasons that japan was wreaked and so many people died , and there were no new episodes of Pokémon lately?
      • Because of tectonic shifts that caused disruptions in the ocean, independent of the ocean itself?
  • In "To Cut A Woman's Hair", we get to see Finn's incredibly long, luscious blonde hair. Why is his hair so long? He's still a child and there's not a single parental figure around to make him cut it. Well, there's Jake and his parents, but being dogs it's doubtful that they'd force him to cut his wild hair.
  • In the Mortal Folly/Mortal Coil two parter, The Lich possessing a snail is a pretty smart joke considering he was built up upon in a snail's pace.
    • And it goes with the running gag of the snail hidden in every episode suddenly being front and center.
    • Not to mention he used the snail to free himself.
  • In the pilot for the cartoon, which became an internet sensation and spawned the series, Abraham Lincoln says Finn (Named Penn at the time) has traveled "Back in time, and to Mars." While this was obviously just a great non-sequitur joke at the time, it becomes more funny and interesting after the series admitted that the world is a post-apocalyptic one, as you can clearly see a whole, normal, modern-day Earth in the background of the dream sequence.
    • According to Peppermint butler in "Too young", food apparently comes from Mars. The Earl of Lemongrab was eating a plate of mashed carrots, and humans and other beings are known to grow their own crops. What if there are humans on Mars? What if there were survivors from the nuclear attacks? If Finn had survived as a baby, then there must be someone else that survived, too.
    • The little people in "The Monster" grew their own crops. It could be them...
      • Yes, but the pilot cartoon shows a perfectly normal world in the background, and seems to be a place where human beings would reside in
  • This troper didn't really understand why Finn used words like, "Mathematical" and "Rhombus" for catchphrases when it's obvious that he's horrible at math. Then it came to me: Finn knows Princess Bubblegum is a scientist and super smart: and what better way to impress her than by using super smart math words? Not too bright a plan, but Finn is a thirteen year old boy; hero or not, he probably knows next to nothing about girls.
    • Or it's a joke based off of the classic 80's kid cry of 'Radical', itself a mathematical term. They've simply taken it to it's algebraic extreme.
  • Bob Rainicorn was saved by a dog. He later named his daughter Lady.
  • The name "Finn" is an Irish name meaning "blonde"; plus, the name comes from a mythological Irish hero. Make of that what you will.
    • Billy's name means "protector".
  • The trinket Billy wears on his head. At first it seems like a normal accessory. But, you realize after "Mortal Folly" That he must wear it to defend from the Lich's mind control.
  • Remember when Finn attacked a black hole with a sword and actually won? Well, that whole storyline is filled to the brim with fridge brilliance. First of all, why did the 4th dimensional bubble become a black hole anyway? Because that 4th dimension doesn't have any mass and a bubble sustains itself through air pressure, so the bubble basically kept expanding in that 4th dimension while collapsing in the first 3. And why was the 4th dimensional sword able to destroy it? Because even though it's a 4th dimensional bubble, it's still a bubble. And why didn't he get his sword back? Because of the black hole, it's in a completely different dimension now.
  • Back in "The Real You", Jake cracks a joke about Finn's saliva model of The Candy Kingdom being made for PB out of a desire to "give her your spit." Come "Too Young", he does just that in both the implied way and in a useful, literal way to stick the candy pieces to PB.
  • When most other shows have reoccurring antagonist, they're usually the hero's archenemies or at least dangerous adversary. The only reoccurring antagonist in Adventure Time is the Ice King, who for the most part is pathetic and harmless.
  • Lemongrab is basically a living triple pun. His name is a pun on "sourpuss" (it was originally "Lemonsnatch," but the network wouldn't allow for it, so they added an ADDITIONAL PUN.) Lemongrab's wardrobe consists of nothing but grey clothes (his jumpsuit, and his pajamas.) He's also an earl. Earl Grey. And all of this was intentional.
    • ß is used in German, where it stands in for an "ss" so Lemongraß would be Lemongrass, but as Princess Bubblegum said, he came out wrong.
  • From "Fionna and Cake", one of the lyrics for Fionna and Gumball's love song is "your fist has touched my heart." Gumball sings this line. Gumball is actually the Ice Queen in disguise, and if there's anyone who'd have experience with Fionna's fist (or kicks, or sword slashes, etc.) it's her.
    • Also, the Ice Queen is noticeably more competent then her male counterpart. At first it seems like Positive Discrimination until it's revealed the whole episode is Ice King's fanfic. Ice Queen is a gender-flipped self-insert.
      • And again, Lord Monochromicorn seems unable to speak. The Ice King can't speak Korean, so he wrote Monochromicorn without any dialogue!
      • It may sound weird that Fionna had a crush with the Ice King by the end of the episode, then again it's not only because it's the Ice King's fanfic, it's the Ice Queen who made Fionna's day by disguising as Prince Gumball. Since she prefers guys, she presumed that there's a male version of the Ice Queen, the Ice King, who would treat her the same way as the Ice Queen.
        • Going off the Ice King, after the revelation in "Holly Jolly Secrets" that the human Simon Petrikov was driven insane by the crown, leading him to become the Ice King, Fionna's otherwise offhand remark to Cake that the Ice Queen's crown would make her crazy makes a lot more sense. And since it's the Ice King's fanfic, that means after hundreds of years of fully being the Ice King, he still subconsciously knows that the crown has driven him insane.
          • He also refers to his ex-fiancee as "Princess", possibly providing a source for his obsession with kidnapping princesses.
  • It seems that many fans didn't get Jake's joke from "Power Animal" until they started thinking about it more deeply or until it was explained to them. He said "Did ya hear about the goblin who got his left arm and left leg cut off?" The nymphs respond, "No," to which Jake responds, "That's okay; he's alright now!!" See, it's funny because the goblin has nothing but right limbs now.
    • Similarly, the water nymph's song is almost a joke.

Okay. Why did the merman sea the movie?

  • In the episode "What Was Missing," the 'Best Friends in the World' song was an excellent opportunity for Finn to bust out his autotuned singing voice, but for some reason, he doesn't. In other words his autotuned voice was missing.
    • Alternatively, Finn chose to sing the song in his TRUE voice in order to satisfy the conditions for opening the door.
    • Or he'd just passed the computer by then...
      • ...except Finn uses his autotuned singing voice in "Another Way," which takes place after "What Was Missing."
  • Why didn't the Door Lord steal Jake's viola or Marceline's bass? Because he wanted them to contribute to the band with their instruments!
    • The Marecline example is even more brilliant: Her Bass, already established as her most treasured item in "It Came from the Nightosphere" wasn't stolen, giving an early tipoff that she hadn't actually had something taken.
    • Alternatively, nothing was stolen from her because her most precious item, Hambo, had been sold by Ash.
  • While the chours of "You Are My Best Friends in the World" is meant to apply to Jake, Bubblegum and Marceline, it actually applies to Bubblegum most of all the more you think about the lyrics, especially after Too Young.

Finn: What am I to you? Am I a joke, your knight, or your brother?. What am I to you? Do you look down on me because I'm younger?

    • During the second time the chorus is sung, Marceline joins in, and leaves before the "because I'm younger" part. Given the amount of subtext already in the episode...
  • In the pilot, Jake claims to be in his 20s, but doesn't act any older than Finn(And arguably acts younger than him at some points in the series). Of course, this is because dogs age faster than humans.
  • Another piece of brilliance can be found in "Mortal Folly:" When the Lich is traveling through water, he leaves behind a trail of oil. And what are oilspills linked with?
  • In "Dungeon", Finn says that he'll get the Crystal Eye "within 11 minutes." Each episode of Adventure Time is about 11 minutes long.
  • What kind of dog is Jake? A mini corn-dog.
  • In "Mystery Train" Finn turns thirteen. This episode originally aired on March 14th (3/14), also known as "Pi day". This sort of means that Finn's birthday is on Pi day. You can't get much more "mathematical" than that!
  • There are many clues in "Mystery Train" which make sense and tie together if you know what happens at the end of the episode. A list of the clues can be seen here.
  • In Adventure Time, Marceline says she just sucks color out of things, not blood, then turns a strawberry white to demonstrate. But when she bites Jake, he shrivels up. He was faking it, sure, but she didn't find it odd. Well... do you know what color strawberries start to turn when they rot? Sure, Finn eats it, but he seems more interested in Marceline than the strawberry.
    • Actually, if you look back at the scene carefully when Jake is bitten, Marceline did find it odd for a split second, but immediately dismissed it. In her monstrous form, the expression doesn't come off well but you can tell she suspected something was up for a second before tossing Jake. This is especially evident after we discover that she's not entirely evil.
  • The episode "No One Can Hear You" is a reference to Alien as evident by its title. It is a reference to the Tagline of the movie: "In space, no one can hear you scream". Why didn't they put "scream" in the episode title? Because Finn and Jake are screaming in the title card!
  • There'll obviously be a lot of this after "Holly Jolly Secrets", but one that stood out was a part in "What Have You Done" where the Ice King's crown cries and says, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." after being put on the Shelf of Penitence. In "Holly Jolly Secrets", we find out that a long time ago, the Ice King was a normal human being named Simon Petrikov with a fiancee named Betty. Simon was sold the crown and decided to put it on to give Betty a laugh. The crown showed him visions and caused a flash of insanity, however, and after a Noodle Incident Betty was mortified and left him. The crown causes Simon to go into loneliness and insanity, leading to the Ice King we know and laugh at. So in "What Have You Done", the crown is apologizing for the horrible things it did to Simon.
  • Marceline owns several bass amps with her name as the brand. Guess who her gender-bent counterpart is?
  • Maybe obvious to some, but the setting of the show is in the Land of Ooo. And some pretty incredible and weird stuff happen there, making the viewer amazed enough to say "Ooo."
  • The meaning behind the title "Holly Jolly Secrets". You've gotta admit, Adam Muto states a damn good case.
  • After the final video diary in "Holly Jolly Secrets", it suddenly makes sense why the Ice King would consider Finn and Jake his friends. They're the only ones who stop him from hurting people and committing horrible acts, which in his final sane entry was his last desperate request to the viewer. In stopping the Ice King, Finn and Jake are fulfilling Simon's final wish and deep down the Ice King realizes this causing him to view Finn and Jake as thankful friends instead of bitter enemies, which otherwise would make more sense.
  • In “What Is Life?” NEPTR can also stand for Never-Ending Princess Taking Robot.
  • "Here lies Princess Beautiful. She was so beautiful, but died of baldness." I wonder what else might cause hair loss before killing it's victim...
    • I'll bite , What is the answer?
    • CANCER, dude!
      • Cancer doesn't make you lose your hair. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy make you lose your hair. Which makes perfect sense considering the shows setting.
  • It's Lupus
    • Nah, it's never Lupus.
  • In "Dad's Dungeon", Finn's adoptive canine father refers to him as a crybaby. At first, it seems like this is just part of his attempt to toughen Finn up. However, if the canines of Ooo mature as rapidly as normal dogs, then Finn would have been struggling to walk by the time Jake and Jerome would have been considered adolescents. Joshua thinks Finn is a crybaby because humans mature very slowly compared to dogs.
  • With her destructive personality, no WONDER Flame Princess was sealed inside that glass chamber!
  • Why have we never seen Flame Princess before? Two reasons: 1. It wouldn't make much sense for the Ice King to go to the Fire Kingdom. 2. She's Finn's age, so even if Ice King was Suicidal enough to go for her, he wouldn't touch her since she's underage.
    • A couple more: no one but fire people can enter the fire kingdom (unless they have Flame Shield), and they would probably start a huge fire if too many of them got out. Also, Flame Princess is crazy and destructive, so it's no wonder she's stuck in the kingdom.
  • In "Incendium", when the Flame Princess attacks Finn's house, the picture of PB is destroyed. It's probably symbolic of the Flame Princess destroying Finn's crush on PB!
  • "Videomakers" has Finn and Jake fight over making an action movie and a romantic comedy, respectively. Finn, an energetic 13 year old would love a non-stop action movie while Jake, a 28 year old dog in a relationship would want a romantic comedy to snuggle up and make out with his girlfriend Lady Rainicorn.

Fridge Horror

  • The rainicorns ate "soy people" a delicious human substitute... the thing is, considering all the sentient candy in Ooo, how much of a stretch is it to believe that there are sentient people made out of soy?
  • In "The Other Tarts" what would have happened if Finn's plan had worked, and he had delivered his tarts first?
    • On the subject of that episode, I think I understand what the Royal Tart Toter meant. Now remember, he's blind and deaf and senses people through their movement. After no one appears to be around he muses to himself: "This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace." The Tart Toter knows there are people in the room and is hopelessly trying to reach out to them. "Bursting decadence" = his entrance. "Withheld permissions" = everyone purposely holding still to hide themselves from his only sense. The rest basically explains his torture and hope to redeem his own insanity in the eyes of his peers through "sweetness" by constantly committing himself to his job despite his ailments. "I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday" = he's blind, deaf and insane. Everyday has been the same day for him, but he acknowledges that time moves on for others. In that sense, he'll forever continue to try and reach out in hopes of returning to that feeling he once knew.
    • Also, thinking about the Tart Toter, notice that the episode cuts to black right after Finn moves? Remember how the Toter can FEEL movement?
    • Another thing to remember, what's the candy kingdom doing about it? It seems more interested to sweep him under the rug instead of locking him up to help cure whatever happened to him.
      • On the same note, why isn't LEMONGRAB receiving some kind of mental help for whatever the hell HIS problem is?! PB's like the Regan of the Candy Kingdom- she just doesn't care about the mentally ill.
  • It's often hinted that The Land of Ooo is a post apocalyptic wasteland, which means that all of it's fun, quirky characters are not the result of fantasy or magic, but the result of radiation and genetic mutation.
    • Though Pen has said in interviews the state of the world is a combination of radiation and mutation and the return of magic.
  • The Lich is shown with the ability to Body Surf if his present body is defeated. How do we know his rotten, decaying body was his original one?
    • On this subject, at the end of "Mortal Recoil," Princess Bubblegum appears to act younger to go along with her literally becoming younger. Is she still the same person? Has she lost her memory of most if not all of her life after age thirteen, or even earlier?
      • She probably is the same person, just more...hormone-y. After all, she recognized Finn as a hero...
        • Pretty much everyone recognizes Finn as a hero.
          • True, but so far it's really just implied she's become younger physically. It never really gave any indication if she has lost memory or anything like that. Or if what your saying is true, at least it hasn't shown this yet.
    • Also on the subject of the Lich... He was imprisoned above Princess Bubblegum's castle all this time? Just imagine if the candy people found out... Explosions everywhere.
  • In "The Pods" it apparently turns out the Baby Pigs from the 1st pod are evil, but here's a thought: What it it was the Fairy Wands that were actually evil? What if they have the ability to corrupt the minds of anyone that uses them and turns them evil as long as they hold onto them, but they need someone with a weak free will, such as little baby piggies. This could mean that Finn and Jake essentially exploded... meaning KILLED... innocent baby piglets...
    • I had not only that thought, but the thought that the ice cream pod could also be evil, in a fashion. It's shown leaking melted ice cream out of the pod, meaning that the ice cream doesn't just sit there inside until it gets eaten, it oozes out, and then presumably regenerates inside the pod. If no one ate the ice cream (doesn't seem likely in the context it was opened, but what if it opened in a world where everyone was lactose intolerant?), it would drip out infinitely until the entire world drowned in the stuff. Plus, it kills pigs. It seemed to me that none of the things in the pods were inherently good or evil; the pigs are fine until they use the wands unsupervised, the wands are fine if their powers are used responsibly, and the ice cream is fine unless no one eats it (or kills it at the source by chopping the plant down).
    • It is very likely the pod with the wands was the evil one. Why? Because the pig pod and the ice cream pod look like healthy, green bean sprouts. The bean sprout containing the wands is a sickly yellow color and covered in barbs.
  • It's often overlooked in Mortal Folly (probably overshadowed by all of the other horror in the episode) that on the other side of the ocean there's the post-apocalyptic remains of civilization, which brings up the question of why the lich's lair was there and might bring up some more ideas to explain Finn's fear of the ocean...
    • It wasn't the ocean, it was Iceberg Lake, which is why Finn's ocean phobia never came up.
  • One intended one in "Morituri te Salutamus". When Finn defeats the Fight King, he notices that all of the freed gladiator ghosts are walking off in pairs. Finn guesses that they are friends, much like him and Jake. Keep in mind that the Fight King hypnotized Finn with raw power to kill his best friend. Not to mention that, during their fights, the ghosts kept asking for forgiveness, presumably from the friends that they killed.
  • Not really a Horror as such but it doesn't really fit in Headscratchers either. In one episode, The Ice King wonders if he just needs to have a good night's sleep to be happy. He's about 600 according to Pen Ward. So has the Ice King just never slept, or at least not properly? That's... horrible.
  • In the Nightosphere episode, Gunther is described as absolute evil. What does this mean for his baby?
    • I always thought that Gunther is a different penguin each time or the Ice King loves the name Gunther.
  • Adam Muto claimed that "Lemongrab isn't evil." He's "just completely unadjusted to living." So in that sense, Too Young is a whole episode consisting of Fridge Horror, because everything is probably super-scary for poor Lemongrab, who's only about a year old, and doesn't seem to have all his marbles together! From his warped point of view, everything, and everyone, seems to be out to get him.
  • The Reveal in "Adventure Time with Fionna and Cake" causes so many Fridge Horror thoughts that it's not even funny.
    • One thing I noticed is that when it is revealed that the episode is a fanfic the Ice King wrote, even though he has the characters heap praises and adoration on him, he still had his gender flipped insert character lose. He wrote Ice Queen to be more competent and evil than him, but she still fails to get Prince Gumball. Does anyone else think that this is a sad reflection on how Ice King views himself?
    • The bag of catnip given to Cake by Prince Gumball, who turned out to be the Ice Queen... what was really in it? Could the Ice Queen have tried to poison Cake? And since Cake didn't necessarily ever find out that it was really the Ice Queen that gave it to her, she may have even used it!
  • In the Mortal Folly/Mortal Recoil two-parter, this is one based more on Hey, It's That Voice!. In it Lich King is voiced by Ron Pearlman, and Posessed Bubblegum is voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson. In esscence, Starfire was mind-gangbanged by Slade and Trigon. And with Slade's history with Robin, Terra and Raven, it gets worse.
  • Could the Lub Glubs be something that born from the Lich King? Think about it...
    • There's also the fact that one of them was munching on a skull with a hat identical to Fionna's on it...
  • Marceline's Dad is a giant dick. No, seriously. When Marceline's Dad reveals his true form in his gigantic state he takes the shape of a round head with a vertical smile and two sacks that contain thousands of white, round-headed, squiggly-tailed souls who's only fiendish delight is becoming bigger with every soul he consumes. Not to mention, even before that, when you first see a glimpse of his true form when he tries to suck out Finn's soul, doesn't it kinda look like a deep, fleshy tunnel to a small, round entrance where souls are contained? To be perfectly honest, one could interpret this to represent either gender's genetalia. How this got past the radar is nothing short of Fridge Brilliance in this troper's opinion.
  • Finn trying to leave to Jake in "No One Can Hear You", considering Jake's mental state at the time. The most important thing in the world to Jake was his surprise birthday fantasy, which he believed to have been waiting six months for. It must have been heartbreaking for Jake when even his best friend didn't believe him, and then lied and tried to escape twice. That was probably what caused him to completely lose it in the sewer.
  • Adventure Time has a really huge one. The series is implies that Finn and Jake are running around in post-apocalyptic Earth. Multiple times throughout the series, they reference a great war that took place many years ago. Finn is apparently the only human left in this multicolored world riddled with artifacts of human life, like broken down cars, computer stuff, and the occasional human skull. Now if you look at the opening sequence to every Adventure Time episode, there are three nukes, embedded into the hillside. The entire world of Adventure Time is full of sentient candy, giant monsters, evil creatures, and humanoid animal crosses. What kind of horrible radiation storm took place to make all of that?
    • In the first episode, the character Cinnamon Bun is seen attempting to do a backflip after. He fails. Episodes after that, Cinnamon Bun speaks like and acts like a person with serious brain damage. We just watched a character get brain damage and laughed at it.
    • In Too Young, Princess Bubblegum is seen attempting to create an heir/son named Lemongrab. She fails. Scenes after that, we see he's clearly mentally unstable, and yet she doesn't have a problem with pushing him, making him cry, and calling him names. We just watched a more or less retarded character get abused by his only parent and laughed at it.
    • In Adventure Time, the episode "The Pods" has a group of baby pigs, wands and a large supply of ice cream come out of three separate pods, one of which is evil. But add in Alternate Character Interpretation, and it would make it look like the wands were truly evil and possessing the baby piggies, which would explain why one of them put ice cream as an allergy. It means that it would kill them and it was being honest.
    • Think about The Lich for a moment. Ageless, endless creature who is also known for trying to end the world as we all know it? Who's to say he didn't succeed the first time. Perhaps HE is the cause of the Apocalypse.
    • In "Guardians of Sunshine", Finn and Jake get inside Beemo. One can't help but wonder if Beemo felt violated afterwards, especially after they literally tear a hole breaking out of him.
      • Another question would be how those monsters in the game got in there? Does this mean when people play videogames they're playing with prisoners of a video game prison?
  • There was a lot of this in the episode "New Frontier". What if Jake actually did kill himself in that episode? Imagine what Finn would do if Jake ever died...
    • Especially because Finn considers himself to be related to Jake, so the impact on Finn would be like losing every friend he'd ever had.
  • In "Holly Jolly Secrets" Ice King AKA Simon just put on the crown once and it made him do terrible things. What was in that crown? Was it the previous owner that gave Simon the wizard eyes? Add in the fact that Simon seemed obsessed with the crown more and more each couple of times he had it on. Was that part of the crown too?
    • Why he obsesses over girls with "Princess" in their name? That's the only remnant of his memory of his fiancé, Betty. He called her his princess...
      • Here comes the kicker. Early production of Adventure Time had Princess Bubblegum's first name as Betty. If indeed we're dealing with the same person, every time Finn defeats the Ice King and saves PB, he is keeping the fiancees apart. This makes Finn the evil one.
    • There's also line from "Fiona and Cake" were Fiona tells Cake not to wear Ice Queen's crown or her crazy might rub off on her. Since it was all a fanfic by Ice King...
      • Wouldn't this mean that deep down, waaay deep down, the Ice King knows he's crazy and he's asking his help? It's like he's imprisoned inside his own mind...
    • One has to wonder what other horrifying events caused things in Ooo to be the way they are. Besides the whole nuclear holocaust thing, anything weird and quirky could be a horrifying Deconstruction in disguise.
    • The episode "When Wedding Bells Thaw" has a helpless princess trapped by an ice based object with the real person screaming for help in her mind. Harsher in Hindsight does not begin to describe it.
    • In the final video diary, Simon is almost at full Ice King appearance and he is tearfully telling whomever finds the tapes to watch over him to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone. Did he realize how far gone he was at that point or did he hurt someone very badly, even killed them?
    • Considering Jake has already put the Ice King's crown on his head, on multiple occasions, could he eventually become like the Ice King as well?
  • The crown Ice King's using still turning Ice King more and more insane as the series goes on.Look at him in the Animated Short and look at him in "Still" .One can tell Ice King isn't exactly stable compared to when he was first shown.
  • The rhyme Finn says in "Marceline's Closet" could be about a nuclear bomb and it's mushroom cloud, similar to how "Ring Around the Rosie" refers to the Black Death:

Over the mountain the ominous cloud, coming to cover the land in a shroud, hide in a bushel, a basement, or cave, but when the Cloud comes a' hunting, no one is safe!

  • Why does Wildberry Princess have so much meat around, anyway?
  • The Reveal about Ice King's past is bad enough, but think about it from Finn's perspective at realizing Ice King used to be human.
  • In "Marceline's Closet", Finn's paper airplane lights the stove on fire. Nobody ever puts it out. There's a fire brewing in Marceline's basement for the rest of the episode.
    • The kitchen is on the ground floor. Point still stands, though.
  • Why does Finn actually keep a piece of PB's hair? He may have a crush on her, but it seems their relationship could go beyond just flirting or talking....
  • When it was stated that after the war all the magic on earth returned, that must mean that humans were the reason it couldn't exist.
  • In "Freak City", there's a town on fire that is near to where Gork and the other Freaks are. Gork has the ability to spit out lava,and sense the towns inhabitants hate the freaks, Gork was the reason that town was on fire.
    • He was likely trying to get revenge, but it could have been accidental or something else.
  • Princess Princess Princess. This is five girls meshed together by something... or someone...
  • If there is a consistency to how the afterlife in Ooo works, then the events of "Ghost Princess" suggest that a person could potentially be doomed to not remembering anything about their life and not being able to ascend for eternity. Now that's a depressing thought.
  • I'm a little surprised that this isn't on here already, but think about it. Finn is the LAST human on the entire planet, that we know of, and then there just happens to be candy people and other things that shouldn't talk but can, and magic. Who's to say that Finn truly IS alone in the world and that the ones he interacts with are in HIS MIND?
    • That's a good theory but how would they be in his mind if he PHYSICALLY interacts with them.Finn also gets depressed, and has realistic emotions which wouldn't usually be shown in some kids imagination.Still Fridge Horror though.
  • I don't know if this was mentioned on this page already. Jesse Moynihan recently said that Princess Bubblegum isn't just Lemongrab's creator... She's his MOTHER. That's right- Too Young was basically a whole episode about a mother abandoning her mentally unstable child, and bullying him. It isn't as funny to watch her push him to the ground, call him names, incessantly cause him physical pain by spicing, cause him to fall out of a castle window and smash his head into the ground, fall out of a tree... He may not be a nice person, but it's Princess Bubblegum's fault that he's like that. Instead of helping him, it seems as if she's more content to stick him a castle and have him raised by servants in isolation, and be borderline abusive to him. With this knowledge in mind, Too Young isn't really as funny anymore- it's really freaking depressing and disturbing. Even more-so that the creators of the show always manage to justify PB's abuse and neglect.
  • Here's one involving, once again, the Lich, possibly also involving What Could Have Been. Wrap you head around this: as we know, the Lich was originally called the Lich King (changed because of a villain from World of Warcraft with the same name). As we also know, throughout the series, we've met a series of royalty who each rule over their own land and people. Bubblegum Princess has the Candy Kingdom (all of the people are sweets/pastries and the main city is one big gingerbread castle), the Ice King has the Ice Kingdom (a large frozen tundra), Lumpy Space Princess (lives in Lumpy Space), Hotdog Princess is ruler of the hotdog people, Wildberry Princess has Wildberry Kingdom, Duke of Nuts with the Duchy of Nuts, Fight King has the Fight Arena, etc., etc.. With this in mind, I can only ask this: does/did the Lich King have his own kingdom? And if he does, is it occupied by the undead or Liches?
    • This is possibly what he was trying to achieve by killing everything in Ooo.
    • The Lich King might be the King of the Humans returned from the dead.
  • From the recent two-parter Nightosphere special. First of all, the horrible condition the horrible, literally hellish condition the demons live in.
    • Secondly, the two major cases of Fate Worse Than Death- the demon who was forced to continuously vomit bananas forever (especially considering that, for demons, bananas are basically excrement), and the demon whose head was transformed into abs.
      • Third, the implications that Hunson's father is an even worse person than Hunson.
    • The demons you see are drawn in a different style than most of the characters, notably the wide, almond eyes with dull pupils and their lemon-shaped heads. Who else is drawn in this style?
      • Lemongrab was on vacation in the Nightosphere. The agonized screams make him feel more at home. He was white because he slathered his naked self in sunscreen, to avoid having his butt set on fire.
  • Goliad was locked in PB's basement.
    • Goliad is made from the DNA in PB's tooth, went crazy and turned more or less evil. What does this say about PB? Especially when one considers that the counter to Goliad is a Sphinx made from Finn's DNA that turns down ruling the kingdom just to keep Goliad in check, locked in a psychic battle. FOR ALL TIME. Finn is too good for PB.
    • Also, there is the fact that Goliad and Stormo are both immortal, so when they say they will battle for all time, they mean it.
  • The fact that we are seeing the Ice King, though seemingly nicer after "Holly Jolly Secrets" but batshit insane during "Princess Monster Wife", in the final days of his sanity, a man who for a brief moment seemed to be slightly normal. The crown would have none of that and somehow forced the Ice King to forget his past and continue his descent into pure madness.
  • Does Lemongrab know that he's a failed experiment, and know how messed-up he is in the head? For a combination of Fridge Horror and a HUUUGE Fridge Tear Jerker, we have Princess Bubblegum saying: "He was the first one of my experiments gone wrong," RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Also, Ian James-Quartey said, about Lemongrab's birthday, it's the day he remembers that "someone tried to play God and messed up." What kind of horrible, twisted, mangled excuse for a self concept does this poor bastard have?!
    • Imagine suddenly waking up in a dark, creepy room- having no idea who or where you are or what is going on, and trying to run away or call for help, only to be rendered immobile and unable to communicate in any way but screaming hideously. Then imagine learning a little about your situation- learning that you're a failed experiment that your own creator doesn't even want or like. THEN imagine what it must be like to be totally unable to read social cues, talk normally, or express yourself in a way that doesn't cause people to be put off by you, leading to an extremely isolated, friendless life. THIS is Lemongrab's whole life. Holy shit.
    • Also, as previously noted under the Nightosphere entry, Lemongrab is drawn in the same slightly different style as the demons. In fact, one of the demons seen near the beginning of that episode outside of Finn and Jake's cell looks eerily similar to Lemongrab.
      • That ain't creepy. Many characters drawn by Jesse Moynihan and Tom Herpich have very similar Lemongrab-ish characteristics, especially those eyes. But yeah. I had to rewind that Nightosphere episode when I thought I saw what appeared to be Lemongrab's albino twin. Weird...
      • Perhaps LG takes his naked vacations in the Nightosphere, and likes walking around naked, covered in sunscreen (hence why he was white?)
  • Goliad is no longer heir to the throne, seeing as how she is physically unable to rule. If PB dies... that means Lemongrab will inherit the throne. *shudder* Imagine Too Young, on a much more epic scale; only imagine Lemongrab after he's been informed that his creator (who has been implied to be his mom, and therefore the only family he has) has passed away. Take a guy who's emotionally unstable already, then kill his mom, and make him the ruler of a kingdom he DESPISES. Yup- the candy people are doomed.
  • Lemongrab is unable to read social cues, has intensely narrow interests and obsessions, lacks social recipricocy and empathy, is often angry, depressed, and anxious, doesn't understand humor, has an irregular manner of speaking, has difficulty controlling the volume of his voice, is an exceedingly picky eater, is obsessed with order, has few self-help skills, and expresses his emotions in ways that confuse people. The earl clearly meets all of the diagnostic criteria for autism, and nobody is helping him to adjust or be happy. This autistic troper is horrified that even the earl's own MOM doesn't give a damn about the poor sour bastard's mental well-being.
  • Goliad is a Physical God level being, as well as immortal, and clearly has no value for life in the slightest. Imagine what would happen if her corruption wasn't discovered until she got the idea to kill the one standing between her and the throne, the only one smart enough to create another Candy Spinx capable of combating her.

Fridge Logic

See here.

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