Action Man (2000 TV series)

Action Man is a 2000 All CGI Cartoon based on the long-running "Action Man" toy line, and unrelated to the 1990s animated series of the same name, which was another adaptation of the toy line.

Action Man follows the adventures of Alex Mann, alias "Action Man," an extreme athlete who discovers he possesses an ability to analyze any situation and mathematically determine the best course of action, or as he perceives it, lots of complex math floating around in his head while time appears to stop. Alex maintains a friendly rivalry with fellow athlete Brandon Caine, who quietly resents always coming in second to Alex. The pair are approached by the mysterious Dr. X who offers to improve upon the two with cybernetic implants. Alex refuses but Brandon accepts. Soon an altered Brandon comes after Alex and Dr. X makes it clear that he wants the secret behind Alex's ability for himself. With the help of his former high school football coach (who is far more than he seems) and the rest of Team Extreme (Alex plus his camerawoman, manager, and pilot,) the Action Man must stop Dr. X's plans for "the future of humanity" and try to save his friend while still maintaining his career as an extreme sports star.

Tropes used in Action Man (2000 TV series) include:
  • Action Girl: Agnes "Fidget" Wilson, Diana Zerbas.
  • And I Must Scream: In the finale, this fate befalls Dr. X. He’s gained superhuman abilities, doesn't need food or air any longer, and becomes Nigh Invulnerable... and then Action Man traps him on an empty rock floating in the immense vastness of space with no means of escape. Note that he actually does scream Action Man's name one last time as the rock drifts away from earth
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: Action Man's signature Once an Episode move called the "AMP Factor" where Alex would mentally freeze time and evaluate his surroundings in Matrix-like slo-mo to save the day.
    • These became less and less impressive over time. Initially it would involve complicated sequences of moves that make Rube Goldberg Devices seem straightforward. Eventually it would simply involve him running around doing things really fast while everything else was in slow-motion.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Agnes "Fidget" Wilson.
  • BFG: The recurring BSU 10000?

Alex: "BSU? What's that stand for? Ballistic... Sub-harmonic... Ultrasonic...?"
Coach: *fires gun* "Blow Stuff Up".

Ricky: Isn't it your job to anticipate accidents before they happen?
Fidget: Maybe your parents should've followed the same advice.

  • Grand Theft Me: Brandon, whose body gets overtaken by Dr. X in episode 2.
  • Good Colors, Evil Colors: The bad guys wear an assortment of black, red, dark green, and purple[1]. Tempest averts it with his outfit, which uses heroic colors such as blue, yellow, and light grey.
  • High Heel Face Turn: Asazi, at the end of the series. Although it's questinable if she will realy quit being evil, since her only motivation for helping Alex was that Dr. X plan to destroy all of humanity would be bad for her business).
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Little hints of it. Alex Mann was somewhere around 6 feet. Fidget was canonically 4'11".
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Alex
  • Hyper Awareness: The AMP Factor.
  • Merchandise-Driven: The show's downfall appears to be closely linked with this. The story began with good writing and decently-paced arcs. Once season two began (and toys were on the shelf) the stories became more generic and tied to toy-related concepts. Episodes became more formulaic and a "Today on Action Man..." intro often spoiled the whole episode's plot. The show's initial goodness could be seen as Too Good to Last.
  • The Needless: After assuming his metallic form in the series finale, Dr. X no longer needs food, water, or air to survive.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Dr. X desires to destroy all of mankind to replace it with a neo-human race.
  • Obviously Evil: Dr. X and the rest of his evil team.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: The quiet version is executed with ease by Simon Grey.

Grey: (opens suitcase, shows big gun) The BSU-10000. It's still experimental, but quite potent.
Alex: BSU? What's that stand for? Ballistic... Subharmonic... Ultrasonic?
Grey: (takes out gun, blasts a car into sky-high pieces) Blow. Stuff. Up.

  • Robot Dog: Team Xtreme has a pet robotic dog.
  • Run the Gauntlet: happens in the series finale: Action Man has to fight all members of the Council of Doom, first one by one, then all of them at the same time, before facing off against Dr. X.
  • Scary Black Man: Simon Grey. Voiced by Stargate SG-1 alumnus Christopher Judge.
  • Shock and Awe: Tempest.
  • Super Window Jump: Asazi does this on a motorcycle in her debut episode. This was in a diner, so There Was a Door about three feet to her left.
  • Standard Female Grab Area: Alex uses this on Asazi in episode 25.
  • Take a Third Option: Alex has to fly up to his own team's plane and save his friends from a bomb on board. It's going to go off in a few seconds, and no one knows which wire will defuse it... so Grinder snatches the bomb and throws it off the plane. Problem solved.
  • Take Over the World: Dr. X's ambition, mixed with Evilutionary Biologist.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Dr. X has smuggled his trilobytes onto the plane, and a large one is monitoring the crew via video camera. They realize they'll need some privacy before forming a plan, so Grinder picks up a screwdriver and throws it directly into the camera's lens.
  • We Can Rule Together: Dr. X offers this to Alex in the finale.
  • You're Insane!: Alex's retort to Dr. X's We Can Rule Together offer.
  • Xanatos Gambit: Dr. X's plan in episode 25-26. He kidnaps Alex's friends, and puts them in deadly situations that will force him to use his AMP factor. If Alex succeeds in rescuing them by using his AMP abilities, then X will gain enough insight into it that he can replicate it on himself and become superhuman, and further his plans to create neo-humanity. If Alex fails in rescuing them, X will have killed Alex's friends.

  1. Alex also uses purple, but his is a blueish tint
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