Ace Attorney Abridged

Not even the Ace Attorney games have immunity from being made into Abridged Series.

Get it? "Attorney"? "Immunity"?

Okay, anyway, Cardboard Lawyer has made a pretty good one, managing to turn the games into a Black Comedy.

Needs a Better Description.

Tropes used in Ace Attorney Abridged include:

Franziska: What in the hell kind of foolish language is it speaking?
Miles: Dutch.
Franziska: You bastard! Only you would make a Judge-Bot that speaks a dead language.
Miles: I'm pretty sure Dutch isn't a dead language.
Franziska: Of course it is, you fool.
Miles: You may be more ignorant than Wright.
Franziska: Hah! Fool! Don't even compare me with Wright. My ignorance knows no limits!
Miles: This is going to be a long trial...

Travolta3335, who is also responsible for Apollo Justice Abridged, has also made one. It provides examples of:

  • Butt Monkey: Phoenix, even moreso than in the games.
  • Catch Phrase: Several characters have one.
    • Judge: "You lose the internet!"
    • Ema: "I'm completely oblivious!"
    • Mia: "...with a totem pole!"
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Phoenix convicts all the culprits from the first four games in 23 seconds, in a montage set to the tune of "Scatman". The Judge then declares court adjourned... for several years.
  • Dirty Old Man: The Judge. Frequently lampshaded.

Judge: "I'm old, Mr. Wright. Didn't you learn anything from anime? All old men are perverts!"

  • Early-Bird Cameo: Godot, who refers to his actual debut, season 3, as "season negative one."
  • Everythings Funkier With Disco: In a certain flashback, everyone had afros, and the Judge was referred to as "Your Grooviness" rather than "Your Honor".
  • Fate Worse Than Penalization: Losing the internet is supposedly the worst thing that can ever occur to a character in the series, so much that Phoenix wishes for a ridiculous supply of them from Santa Claus to both make up for the ones he lost and the ones he inevitably will lose.
  • Meaningful Name: Subverted by Bellboy, who is actually a NASCAR driver.
  • Me's a Crowd: In the first episode Phoenix defends Ema Skye... with Hobo-Phoenix as the Prosecutor and pink sweater University-Phoenix as the witness. Guess who the victim is? Hilarity Ensues.
  • Shout-Out: The Judge shuts down a confrontation with Phoenix by shouting "I was FROZEN today!"
  • The Internet Is for Porn
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