< A Certain Magical Index

A Certain Magical Index/Awesome

  • The first real fight, the one between Stiyl and Touma, is pretty cool in the anime and manga. But in the light novels it's narrated from Stiyl's point of view, and we see how a magician views Touma and why he becomes The Dreaded. At one point, Stiyl seriously thinks he might be fighting God.
    • The ending of the fight where Touma destroys Innocentius with an Offhand Backhand before running up and punching Stiyl out.
  • When Touma and Stiyl face off against Aureolus Izzard, a Reality Warper. After immobilizing and toying with them, he instantly completely removes all of Stiyl's skin and severs Touma's right arm, the source of his power. Touma cuts off Aureolus's subsequent Evil Laugh with an Evil Laugh of his own, walking steadily towards him--blood squirting out of his stump--with an insane smirk on his face and mocking Aureolus's frantic attacks as they pass right through him or are otherwise negated. Turns out that Aureolus's power was controlled by his thoughts, and Touma's insane behavior so terrified Aureolus that he started believing that his incredible powers had been rendered completely ineffective. By the time Touma reaches him, his imagination has granted Touma a huge dragon head in the place of his missing limb. Even after seeing his companion's skin ripped off and getting his special arm chopped off, Touma was still able to bluff his way to victory with a Slasher Smile on his face.
    • Before that, the 13 Knights of the Roman Catholic Church blow up Misawa Cram School... only for Aureolus to literally reverse the damage and annihilate the Knights.
    • The reality warping technique, Ars Magna, was thought to be impossible because one needs to chant for 100-200 years to get it. Aureolus cut that time drastically by brainwashing everybody in Misawa Cram School to chant for him.
  • Misaka Imouto using her powers to make ozone in an attempt to suffocate Accelerator. He saw through the tactic and attacked her, but he complimented her on finally figuring out a way to hurt him.
  • During Touma's fight with Accelerator when he starts making plasma, Sister's make good use of their powers by making wind turbines turn dissolving Accelerator's plasma in the process. Complete with Theme Music Power-Up!
  • "Clench your teeth. Because a punch from someone strong is gonna be hurt."
  • Touma's fight with the Unabara impostor in the construction site.
  • Touma blocking the giant stone golem Ellis' punch with one hand.
  • Index herself gets one when, after discovering her Sherry Cromwell decides to use her golem to attack Index and get the 103,000 grimores that she has memorized Index then shows even without going into her emergency survival mode she has complete control over those grimores and uses them to show that the giant golem she is fighting and that Sherry's abilities aren't even on her level as she proceeds to methodically destroy the golem all while the song Jellyfish plays in the background.
  • Touma's Big Damn Heroes moment in episode 26 of Index, when he comes out of no where and defeats the enemy with a single punch, all while reassuring a friend. Nice.
  • Touma saving Kuroko by leaping up using furniture thrown up by Mikoto was epic. Finishing it by punching a partially teleported object backwards through dimensions. There are no words.
  • Immediately after above scene, Awaki was seen escaping Cue Accelerator, of all people, showing up to wreck Awaki in the face.
  • Volume 7: Touma finds out he's been tricked into handing a woman over for execution to the Roman Catholic Church and charges into their local HQ, alone, to declare war on an army of 250 killer nuns while they're kicking the dog. Good Is Dumb, but that doesn't make it any less Badass!


  • Touma knocking Biagio Busoni's giant cross away with his left hand.
  • Accelerator, pissed off after a call from Kihara Amata who tells him that he holds Last Order captive and threatens to kill her, activates his remaining esper power, shoves his arm in the wall of the building besides him and THEN PROCEEDS TO THROW THE WHOLE BUILDING AGAINST ALEISTER'S FORTRESS. Just wow...

Aleister: Seems like there's some commotion outside...

    • In the novels, although he doesn't throw an entire building, he borrows a huge amount of energy from the planet's rotational vectors to fuel his attack - enough to slow it down by 5 minutes.
    • And as a testament to how invulnerable Aleister's fortress is, the building remains unharmed. To hammer in the point, Accelerator's attack used enough energy to slow down the Earth's rotation for five minutes!
  • Accelerator awakening for the first time and reducing Kihara to plasma. Soundtrack Dissonance that could put Evangelion to shame? You bet!
  • The Academy City Invasion arc as a whole can be considered a single Crowning Moment of Awesome for anyone involved. Especially for Accelerator.
  • Accelerator outwitting the leader of Skill-Out and defeating him. Touma vs Hamazura, a few minutes after Touma had been shot in the side.
  • Mr. Misaka's phone call in the end of SS2, asking someone at Academy City why girls who look exactly like his daughter have been attacking military and research targets (in an attempt to rescue the gemstones). He makes remarks about what he'd do to anyone hurting his daughter, and then the truly awesome part hits: He's talking directly to Aleister. Yes, that's right. A wandering consultant is threatening possibly the most powerful man on the planet.
  • Volume 14: After Acqua of the Back learns that Terra of the Left slaughtered a bunch of tourists, even the children, Acqua punches Terra so hard he breaks in half at the waist. Acqua leaves Terra to bleed out, and tells him that he'll go to Hell.
  • Volume 15: Accelerator utterly wtfpwning Kakine Teitoku, by taking control of his powers, nontheless.
  • Volume 16: Touma showing up to save Kanzaki and the rest of the Amakusa Catholics from Acqua of the Back when he is already heavily injured from a fight with the same person. Not only that but this gave the Amakusa Church a chance to take down Acqua with a Heroic RROD-inducing spell.
  • Touma proves in Volume 17 that despite his label as one of the idiot trio, he's much smarter than he lets on. He pulls one over a terrorist by pouring boiling tea into a narrow air vent and causing it to expand, making the terrorist on the other side think that there's someone inside the air vents. The terrorist decides to check the air vent... and gets boiling hot tea poured on his face. This, by the way, was meant to distract the terrorist so Touma could enter the cargo hold through the door safely. Also, he ends the fight by giving the terrorist a lesson on thermodynamics.

Touma: “Hey, terrorist. Do you know about thermal expansion?

  • Volume 18: After Fiamma steals Index's remote control, Touma simply says: “Stiyl,” Kamijou called out to the red-haired magician. “I’m gonna go punch Fiamma. While I’m gone, you take care of Index.” BADASS!
  • Volume 22: Touma drops the "Star of Bethlehem" on an Archangel. And because this was not enough, he runs through the entire thing at the same time, so HE COULD PUNCH THE ARCHANGEL PERSONALLY!
    • Also, when Fiamma of the Right severs Touma's right arm and absorbs it, becoming La Persona Superiore a Dio aka The Person Higher Than God. Fiamma gloats and attempts to kill Touma, but "The Invisible Thing" emerges from his stump, terrifying Fiamma. The dragon attempts to kill him, but Touma declares that he doesn't need its help and absorbs him, regenerating his arm. He proceeds to talk to Fiamma, making him doubt whether his plan was actually worth it, then charges up and punches him out.
  • Shiage Hamazura proves his awesomeness: not only did he kick Mugino's ass and poke out her eyeball, he, in the process also completely screwed over Aleister and shot all his plans up to heaven. Since then, things have only been going downhill for Aleister...
    • This might have more repercussions than you would think. By New Testament 2, Aleister is backed into a corner so deep, he took NO actions out of fear of disrupting his plans further, even when AC was about to be destroyed.
  • In the Short Story, Uiharu SS, Uiharu jumps atop a vehicle that's moving at 120 kph, then ties herself to it and uses a parachute to turn herself into a human brake!
  • New Testament 2: Birdway got away with trolling Aleister, and pretty much ensuring that Touma, Accelerator, and Shiage will involve themselves more in the next battle using her skills at analyzing charismatic figures. No wonder she's the author's favorite.
    • In New Testament 3, she's even more Badass. The other heroes are facing a magician who's basically Cinderella and curbstomping everyone, when she simply hits her with a Tanker truck and then blew it up.
  • New Testament 4: One-Eyed Othinus curbstomps everyone, even Touma. She severs his right arm, but when "The Invisible Thing" emerges from the stump, she curbstomps it too!!! Then, Ollerus and Fiamma of the Right arrive and manage to fight her to a draw and make her retreat.
    • Touma storms Baggage City and takes on Marian Slingeneyer. When Marian tries to use Dáinsleif to scare Touma to death, Touma is completely unafraid. When Marian threatens to draw Dáinsleif and trigger Ragnarok, Touma confidently points out that if she had the guts to do that, she would have done it already. She doesn't have the guts, and Touma punches her out.
  • New Testament 5:
    • A number of magicians have managed to sneak into Academy City over the course of the series. However, Ollerus' group manages to do this while carrying an unconscious person (Touma) with them.
    • After spending the entire series acting as the Unwitting Pawn to someone else, Touma manages to turn the tables in this volume. With Thor's help, he manipulates both GREMLIN and Ollerus' group at once. In the latter case, he tricks Leivinia Birdway, the same person who'd exploited his faction two volumes ago.
  • New Testament 6:
    • Beetle 05 is torn between his desire to help Fremea and Last Order, and the original Teitoku's attempt to reassert control. However, he realizes that he is also Teitoku, and gains control over the Dark Matter network.
    • Despite being shot multiple times in the previous volume, Touma fights against Leivinia and then Thor. He actually defeats the former (but only with external help, and it's later implied she was holding back) and forces Thor to use his full power to win.
  • New Testament 7:
    • After Maika was threatened, Motoharu goes on a rampage through the dark side of Academy City. Despite having to use magic twice and being shot, he's still in good enough condition to climb up a 50 storey building with his bare hands.
    • Seria manages to almost defeat Motoharu, despite lacking a (useful) esper ability or any combat skills. Using psychological warfare, she's able to make her superior opponent miss all his attacks and get close enough to shoot him. If she knew about Motoharu's magic, she would have won.
    • Touma rescues Shiage and Umidori from Rensa, who can use the powers of all 7 Level 5s and any other espers within range. He negates, dodges or prevents her from using her powers, and would have won outright if she wasn't also physically stronger.
    • The Level 5s against the 7500 heroes called in by Agitate Halation. Accelerator defeats 1000 just with the shockwave of landing, without killing a single one. Mikoto and Misaki fight each other as much as their actual opponents. Shizuri (along with the rest of ITEM) casually walk in to look for Fremea, treating the fight as an everyday occurrence. Gunha focuses on protecting the trees, extinguishing the fires with the air pressure of his punches.
    • Teitoku makes his entrance by disarming all of Rensa's bombs, having thrown off her control. He and Touma then team up against her, and he puts up a good fight, despite Rensa using the superior power of Vector Control.
    • Rensa gets these as well. She deliberately allows herself to be driven into a corner so that she can awaken the same black wings that Accelerator used in Volume 15, allowing her to easily defeat Teitoku. She then controls her body to the point that Touma's precognition is useless. When Hisako is forced into her body, she is able to awaken the white wings as well, out of a desire to protect her. She finally pulls a Heroic Sacrifice by destroying herself to release Hisako and prevent her from dying.
    • Last, but certainly not least, there's Fremea. After spending her previous screentime as a Damsel in Distress, she's the one who foils the villain's plan. Despite being a Level 0, she's able to interact with the AIM thought being Hisako and force her into Rensa's body, leading to the latter's defeat.
  • New Testament 8:
    • The original Teitoku is brought back to life by GREMLIN, and announces that he'll crush them for thinking they could use him as a tool. Othinus easily manhandles him and forces him to obey.
    • Loki shows how being Properly Paranoid can pay off. He creates an entire artificial sky above GREMLIN's base, ensuring that any spy would give incorrect information on its location. He manages to completely fool Ollerus, of all people.
    • The entire Traintop Battle between Touma and Freyja. Both of them have no trouble moving around on a speeding subway train, which is especially impressive for Freyja. Touma deals with the army of monsters Freyja summons by negating some, and tackling others off the train. When Freyja manages to knock him off, he clings to the side, moves ahead of her, and throws his jacket to temporarily blind her.
    • Mikoto, for the entirety of the battle in Tokyo. She doesn't just land safely after the plane is destroyed, she saves Index in mid-air. Using magnetism, she's able to move so fast that the pursuing Muspell can't catch up. Finally, she completely obliterates a Níðhöggr with several Railgun shots - the same Níðhöggr that can destroy a train by charging it.
    • Ollerus reveals himself and engages Othinus in a Wizard Duel. He then stops attacking and charges at her, allowing his body to be blown away by Othinus' attacks. He unveils his trump card - the Fairy spell, which can transform even a Magic God into a much-weaker fairy. But it turns out that Othinus had tricked him with an illusion, causing the spell to miss. She instantly masters the spell and uses it successfully on Ollerus. Then Fiamma of the Right appears and successfully hits her with the spell, having managed to hide from Othinus and the rest of GREMLIN the entire time. And then Othinus reveals that even this is within her plans - being turned into a fairy also allows her to become a full Magic God.
    • At the end, Touma and co. reach Sargasso to confront Othinus. But there isn't anything like a final climactic battle - Othinus reveals that she could create Gungnir herself the entire time. She proceeds to do so, pulling the spear out of her eye socket. Finally, she completely destroys the entire universe.
  • New Testament 9:
    • Touma for the entire first half of the volume. Despite being subject to countless hells - everyone in the world wanting him dead, someone taking his place without anyone noticing, slowly dying while completely immobilized, or simply being destroyed by overwhelming force - he's able to force himself to keep going. Only the final, Omega World causes him to break.
    • Othinus manages to accomplish something that no one else had, not even Fiamma of the Right. She makes Touma completely give up hope.
    • After regaining his resolve, Touma fights Othinus in a one-on-one battle to decide the course of the entire world. Despite being utterly curb-stomped each time, he keeps going. After countless deaths, he manages to learn how Othinus acts and evade her attacks. This culminates in his greatest example of negation to date - he destroys Gungnir by punching it, merely breaking two fingers in the process.
    • Even after losing the cornerstone of her power, Othinus proves why she's a god of war. She uses the fairy spell and conjures up a crossbow, one that shoots arrows capable of piercing through a planet. Touma dodges nine of them, but the tenth and final one is launched from behind Othinus herself, ensuring he can't see it until it's too late.
    • As he's dying, Touma admits that he wouldn't have won even if he'd beaten Othinus, having no way of restoring the world. With his final words, he advises Othinus to use Imagine Breaker in the best way possible. These words - the culmination of an eternity of pain and suffering that allowed him to understand Othinus' experiences - are what finally push her to a Heel Face Turn.
    • With the world returned to normal, Touma has achieved what he originally wanted. All he has to do is stand aside and let Othinus be killed, and everything will be over. However, he can't accept the death of someone he knows to now be harmless. In his final line, he declares that he'll save her, even if it means facing the wrath of the entire world.
  • New Testament 10: As a non-stop Boss Rush, every single chapter contains at least one example:
    • Accelerator makes the most Dynamic Entry possible - he crashes to Earth in a capsule fired from a space station, and emerges from the centre of a nuke-level explosion. He proceeds to No Sell Touma's punches with ease, requiring Touma to smash a rock into his own fist to knock Accelerator out. And then it's revealed that Accelerator had been trying to lose. Without even knowing the truth of the matter, he had immediately sided with Touma against the rest of the world.
    • The Roman Catholic Church's anti-god countermeasure, the Fish of the Supper, is a magical laser fueled by the combined power of the church's two billion worshippers. Imagine Breaker barely negates it, causing Touma to dislocate his shoulder every time he blocks it. After Touma manages to convince her that Othinus is planning on giving up her power, Agnese also sides with him, lying to her own superiors to let Touma and Othinus escape.
    • The Russian Orthodox Church's countermeasure is a spell that weakens the target proportionately to the number of sins that the caster can attribute to them. With a brutally-effective Breaking Speech, the Patriarch renders Touma unable to even stand. But Touma realizes that the spell doesn't work if the target hasn't actually committed a particular sin - in his case, he can't be greedy for Othinus' power because he knows she doesn't have it any more. He manages to turn the spell back on its caster, pinning six out of seven sins on the Patriarch.
    • On board a floating fortress, Touma is surrounded by four Saint-level opponents - Kaori, Carissa, Acqua of the Back and Knight Leader. He doesn't hesitate to try and escape, by breaking through the enchanted floors. He tricks Kaori and Knight Leader into colliding with each other, creating enough of an opening for him to jump out of the fortress. By doing so, he exploits Kaori's unwillingness to let people die, forcing her to jump out and save him. Touma talks her into joining his cause in mid-air. Finally, Kaori destroys the fortress and holds off the other three for the rest of the volume.
    • Marian unleashes the full power of Dainsleif. It allows her to cut away phases - already a difficult achievement - and summon the evil figures of the world's mythologies. Touma nevertheless manages to defeat them and her - making this the only battle against a serious opponent that he wins, without any external help.
    • The US commandos demonstrate that Badass Normals are not useless in a world of gods, magicians and espers. They sneak right up to Touma and Othinus and knock both of them out, without suffering a single casualty. Touma then engages Roberto Katze in a debate, and wins.
    • An army of Railgun-model FIVE_OVERs are sent in, rapidly destroying a series of tanks. They're at enough of an advantage that they can announce their presence and give the US commandos an opportunity to retreat.
    • Mikoto makes her entrance by hacking all 150 FIVE_OVERs, simultaneously. She and then Touma then fight, with the latter releasing FIVE_OVERs to make them attack Mikoto. Even with this, she easily destroys them and manages to defeat Touma at close-range. After letting Touma go, she stays behind to fight the remaining FIVE_OVERs, all of which are breaking free of her hacking.
    • Leivinia and Index, by pooling their knowledge, manage to create a replica of Gungnir. It would only last for one attack, but that attack would be just as powerful as one from the original thing.
    • The "battle" against Silvia and Brunhild is, naturally, a Curb Stomp Battle by the two Saints. Ollerus saves the day, by redirecting Silvia and Brunhild to collide with each other and knock themselves out.
    • Thor makes his entrance by defeating every other member of GREMLIN (barring Othinus), all without being hit. He then challenges Touma to a rematch, this time using his "almighty" power from the start. Touma manages to win by luring Thor in front of an oncoming train.
    • Then there's the final match, against Othinus. Touma begins by saying - for the first time in New Testament - his usual catchphrase. The fight is identical to that at the end of NT Volume 9 (except that Othinus is obviously no longer trying to kill him, merely to keep him away until she dies). This time, he avoids the final arrow by deflecting it, and manages to reach Othinus.
    • At the end, the true GREMLIN is revealed - an entire organisation of Magic Gods, who'd managed to completely hide themselves from Othinus. However, it turns out that Aleister was able to find them, and he invades their sanctuary. The Magic Gods call Aiwass a mere failure, and Aleister battles them.
  • New Testament 11:
    • Misaki is approached by people claiming to be paramedics, but she notices the holes in their cover story. Before any of them could do anything, she controlled all of them and made them perceive someone else as her, causing them to knock each other out.
    • The battle between Misaki and the volume's antagonist. When her power proves ineffective, Misaki throws her remotes at the enemy, causing enough pain for her to get up close and rip out the device protecting their mind. She then puts them under her control - only for Ayu to reveal that she was wearing a FIVE_OVER as a suit, which then grabs and restrains Misaki. Ayu forces Misaki into her own mind, only for her real body to be attacked by her own FIVE_OVER. It turns out that Misaki had sent her clique to find all of Ayu's subordinates and steal their cameras, allowing them to take control of the FIVE_OVER. However, Ayu doesn't give up, and with the help of her other FIVE_OVER, manages to defeat Misaki.
    • Touma, as usual, arrives to save the day... only he doesn't even remember why, as he only knew Ayu before Index erased his memory, and his brain can't form new memories of Misaki. He only thinks to go there because of a tip from Seria. It doesn't stop him from doing what he does best.
    • Noukan pays a visit to The Man Behind The Man, who inhabits the body of a killer whale. Noukan unveils the Anti-Art Attachment, allowing him to completely curb-stomp his opponent, and announces that his mission is to take on immortal beings. He then speaks to Aleister, revealing that the latter survived his battle with the Magic Gods, albeit badly burnt.
  • New Testament 12:
    • Touma and Shiage get into a serious fight, with the latter in a Mini-Mecha. Touma manages to force Shiage out, but Shiage still manages to win.
    • A five-way example of Back-to-Back Badasses, with Touma, Shiage, Shizuri, Saiai and Stephanie standing together against an army of monsters created by the St Germains.
    • The Magic Gods arrive in Academy City and taunt Aleister over his previous loss. Aleister then proceeds to drastically weaken all of the gods, and reveals that he had already killed one of them.
  • New Testament 13:
    • The High Priest causes immense damage to Academy City using his power over the earth. But he doesn't cause a single casualty. Through Mikoto's connections, she and Touma managed to get the entire area evacuated in advance. This makes for a Crowning Moment of Awesome for Judgement, Anti-Skill and all of the other seemingly-minor characters that the High Priest had looked down.
    • After being forced to flee for the entire volume, Touma and Mikoto finally defeat the High Priest by blasting him into space with a giant railgun!
    • A small-scale but nevertheless noteworthy example: the volume's B-plot is about a schoolgirl named Mie trying to protect a valuable diamond from being stolen. When someone does take it from her, he's immediately punched out by Mie's father and an Anti-Skill officer.
    • Noukan uses an enormous drill to kill the High Priest, as he's descending to Earth on a comet. The drill completely destroys the High Priest and the comet.
    • Finally, when Niang-Niang is enraged at the High Priest's death and prepares to destroy the world, a right hand suddenly touches her. She's expelled from the world, and is actually in a state of utter bliss as it happens. This marks the introduction of Kakeru Kamisato, the third wielder of a unique right hand in the series. He reveals that he's already done the same to every Magic God that Noukan and Aleister didn't kill. He proceeds to banish Nepthys, though a portion of her lingers in the world due to her organs being outside her body.
  • New Testament 14:
    • Touma and Kakeru meet for the first time. It looks like the situation will devolve into a fight... then both of them attack something sneaking up on the other person.
    • Eventually, the two self-proclaimed normal high-school students do get into a fight. Since Touma has conflicting desires, Kakeru manages to banish his right hand. However, the Invisible Thing emerges and overpowers World Rejector.
    • A badly injured Kakeru staggers through the streets, and encounters Noukan. All of Noukan's weapons are useless, as they were made by someone with conflicting desires and so can be banished by World Rejector. However, Noukan himself has a firm heart and is thus immune, allowing him to physically maul Kakeru. In the end, Kakeru wins.
  • New Testament 15:
    • Salome's fight with Mikoto. She destroys Mikoto's iron sand sword and then her Railgun, allowing her to copy these abilities. And it's later shown that she was holding back...
    • In this volume and the previous one, the Kamijou Faction has come off poorly in comparison to the Kamisato Faction. This is rectified when Accelerator charges into the middle of the entire Kamisato Faction - which has more than a hundred members - and throws them into disarray.
    • Yuiitsu's first battle makes it clear that she's among the series' deadliest antagonists. She's acquired the tools of previous villains and modified them for her own use. Using the FIVE_OVER Outsider, she disguises herself as Asuka for the entire volume, completely fooling everyone else. With the St Germain virus, she's now able to use magic. Sample Shoggoth gives her a Healing Factor and, combined with the virus, lets her create realistic facsimiles of the Magic Gods. She manages to steal Kakeru's World Rejector and trick it into accepting her as its wielder, something Fiamma of the Right failed to do with Imagine Breaker. She's only defeated when Mikoto discovers and uses an Anti-Art Attachment to shoot her - and she survives!
    • Salome gets to go all out against Yuiitsu. By "consuming" the weapons offered by her allies, she's able to put together increasingly-powerful combination attacks that force Yuiitsu on the defensive.
  • New Testament 16:
    • The combined threat of the heat wave and the Elements forces the students of a certain high school (plus Index) to show just how resourceful they can be. They avoid the Elements by moving along the rooftops, using wires, ladders and even improvised hang gliders.
    • In the short time between this volume and the previous one, Mikoto has managed to more-or-less master the A. A. A., and uses it to exterminate all of the Elements around Tokiwadai.
    • Despite losing World Rejector, Kakeru is nevertheless able to defeat Elements by using their own great size against them.
    • At the end of the volume, Yuiitsu almost achieves a complete victory again. She forces Kakeru into using World Rejector when he now has conflicting desires himself, banishing him to the other world. She then takes the hand back and forces almost all of the Kamisato Faction into following her, claiming that they'll never get Kamisato back without World Rejector. If it weren't for the girls still hesitating, Touma would never have been able to escape the building.
  • New Testament 17:
    • Touma and Fran manage to elude the pursuit by the other members of the Kamisato Faction - over a hundred people with access to a huge range of abilities.
    • It turns out that Heaven Canceller had maintained his hospital as a shelter during the heat wave. Despite having no combat skills, he kept it safe from the Elements by studying them and creating ultrasonic emitters to repel them.
    • After a frantic battle through the streets of Academy City, Kakeru is successfully brought back to the normal world.
  • New Testament 18:
    • Mikoto and Misaki have never been able to get along with each other. But in this volume, they form a solid alliance to help out Touma. Mikoto allows Misaki to form a mental link with her, and the two of them are able to unleash a Combination Attack that blows a hole in the Windowless Building.
    • Aleister gets to finally show off why he's the most skilled magician in history. He inflicts a curse on Maika that causes an endless supply of magical constructs to appear around her. Said constructs are designed to counter Imagine Breaker - while it can destroy them, they release an aura that surrounds Touma and gradually impairs him the more he gathers. In his backstory (revealed in a series of flashbacks) he singlehandedly destroys the Golden Dawn cabal. When he fights in person, his Blasting Rod amplifies his magic to ten times what the opponent expects it to be - something that Touma admits would allow him to defeat a Magic God. Finally, he splits himself into over a million copies, each embodying one of his possibilities.
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