< (P)lanets
Kazuoki Marin
- Apologizes a Lot: Marin’s always apologizing for reading people’s thoughts. Lampshaded in a string of apologies between her and Lucan.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Kaius.
- Friendless Background: The Newcomer type.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Although Marin is not entirely masculine, she seems so next to the very feminine and girlish Haruhi; it helps that Marin used to be very boyish complete with boyish haircut as a child. Ryuu lampshades this.
- Naive Newcomer: Marin has no idea where to go the first day she’s at school. If you’re not paying attention, she also forgets her class number.
- Second Year Protagonist
- Telepathy: Marin’s psych.
- Tomboy: Marin was this in her childhood. She even had the short haircut to match.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Marin.
- Brutal Honesty: Kaius doesn’t pull his punches in criticizing Marin.
- Friendless Background: The Loner type.
- Energy Blasts: Kaius’s psych, which activates whenever he feels strong negative emotion.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Kaius’s blue eyes get brighter and sharper when he’s angry.
- Hates Being Touched
- Icy Blue Eyes
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kaius has a rude personality, but Marin finds out that he also has a motherly side when she discovers that he has been caring for orphaned kittens.
- Jerkass: Ryuu even calls Kaius this verbatim at one point.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: Kaius has a soft spot for kittens. Also for cats when he and Marin adopt one together.
- Loners Are Freaks: The school’s perception of Kaius, since he refuses to talk to anyone, takes mostly private classes, and doesn’t reveal his psych to anyone.
- Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold
- One Head Taller: Kaius is six and a half feet tall, clearly much taller than anyone else in the school.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Kaius’s hairstyle. There are rumors that his hidden eye is cursed.
- Power Glows: Kaius glows bright blue when he’s using his psych.
- Psychotic Smirk: Kaius flashes one of these before he beats up the thugs trying to rape Marin.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Kaius is the Blue Oni to Ryuu’s Red Oni, resulting in a lot of fights between the two.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Kaius’s personality seems to shift into this when he uses his psych, regardless of whether he actually really has an evil side.
- Tsundere
Takishima Ryuu
- Adult Child: Ryuu has a few of these tendencies, such as his enthusiasm at getting to play in the rain or ride the swings at the park. His excuse is that he never got to do those things as a kid because he was either at home or in the hospital.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: According to Ruiko, Ryuu is popular because he’s such a bad boy.
- Attention Whore: Ryuu’s very photogenic, and loves the attention he gets from his fangirls.
- The Charmer: He's generally a very friendly, outgoing and flirty guy.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: He doesn't tell Marin about his heart condition because he wants her to treat him normally and not as someone to be pitied.
- Heavy Sleeper: Despite Lucan’s best efforts to wake him, Ryuu can sleep through being hit, being splattered with water, and having heavy objects thrown at him.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Ryuu doesn’t want to be treated as different, even if he has a life-threatening heart condition.
- Ill Boy: Due to his heart condition.
- Keet: Ryuu never seems to run out of energy or smiles.
- Lethal Chef: When Marin tastes the bento that Ryuu made, she notes that the meat is overseasoned, undercooked and practically raw. On the contrary, Ryuu thinks it’s delicious.
- No Sense of Personal Space: Ryuu has just met Marin, but he’s very friendly and never misses a chance to tease her about being romantically involved or get physically close to her in some way.
- Power At a Price: The reason why Ryuu faints so much is because he does not have enough energy to teleport as often as he would like due to his heart condition.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Ryuu is the Red Oni to Kaius’s Blue Oni. He seems to think they’re rivals.
- Stepford Smiler: He's very good at hiding his insecurities and health problems underneath his carefree disposition. It's most noticeable when he forces himself to smile after Marin initially rejects his love confession.
- Teleportation: Ryuu’s psych. He uses it to his advantage when in a fight with Kaius.
Saimori Lucan
- Apologizes a Lot
- The Beautiful Elite: Marin compared Lucan's looks to a prince’s.
- Big Brother Instinct: Lucan has four younger sisters, so taking care of Marin comes naturally to him.
- Big Man on Campus: Lucan’s the most popular guy in school, has his own Unwanted Harem and definitely qualifies as one of The Beautiful Elite. It's deconstructed on his route when it's revealed that he's actually terribly insecure, and the main reason he's so popular is that he unconsciously brainwashed the girls around him into loving him out of fear of being alone.
- Bishonen/Pretty Boy: More so because of his slightly longer hair and his acknowledged pretty boy looks in-universe.
- Broken Ace: Type 1 variant. While he seems like a Nice Guy and the resident Big Man on Campus on the surface, he's guilty of brainwashing the girls in the school to love him. Although, to be fair, Lucan contends that he did so unconsciously. However, there's no excuse when he intentionally brainwashes Marin into one of his fangirls after she rejects him.
- House Husband: He's an excellent cook, and good at sewing too.
- Luminescent Blush: Out of all the guys, he's the one that blushes the most by a wide margin.
- Mind Over Matter: Lucan’s psych.
- Nice Guy: He's consistently sweet, awkward, and an overall gentleman towards Marin. Unless Marin rejects him after she learns about his dark secret. Then he becomes not so nice anymore.
- Not Good with Rejection/Yandere: If Marin rejects Lucan after she learns about his unintentional Brainwashing of multiple girls, he intentionally brainwashes her into forgetting this and becoming as mindlessly devoted to him as his fangirls. Marin's profile even gains Mind Control Eyes after he does this. Brrr.
- Psychotic Smirk: Lucan has a secret creepy smile that really freaks out Ryuu.
- Real Men Cook/Supreme Chef: Lucan makes all his lunches by himself, which consists of only sweets and baked goods. He thinks it’s embarrassing, but Marin reassures him that it’s something to be proud of.
- Sweet Tooth: Lucan only eats desserts for his meals.
- Telepathy: Lucan found out that he was born with two psychs. This is the other one, although it’s less hearing other people’s thoughts and more Mind Control.
- Butt Monkey: In-universe, Ruiko seems to be this to the other students. She’s the target of their pranks, and all of her previous roommates requested a room change after having spent one day with her.
- Fan Girl: Ruiko is an avid fangirl of both Lucan and Ryuu. She even heads Lucan’s fanclub.
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals: At least Ruiko sure does. They’re all over her room.
- Intangible Man: Ruiko’s psych.
- Stalker with a Crush: Lucan really doesn’t like the attention Ruiko gives him. Especially concerning those compromising photos of him she posted on the internet.
Okazaki Haruhi
- Childhood Friend Romance: Of the unrequited kind. Haruhi has feelings for Marin, but he hasn’t confessed them and she doesn’t seem to feel the same way about him. That is, unless you choose him over Kaius.
- He's All Grown Up: When Marin is expelled from Planets and returns home, she finds that Haruhi has finally hit puberty and has adopted a boyish image.
- Keet: Haruhi is always happy to see Marin.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Haruhi thinks it’s amusing when people mistake him for a girl.
- Why Couldn't You Be Different?: Haruhi’s parents wanted a girl instead, which is why he dresses like one to try and please them.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: When he first meets Marin, Oginuma insists that she call him Ogi-chan and conveniently mentions the fact that Kaius doesn’t have a girlfriend.
- Older Than They Look: Marin comments that Oginuma looks more like Kaius’s brother than his father.
- Open-Minded Parent: Oginuma is oddly encouraging when he realizes that Kaius and Marin are a couple, going so far as to encourage them to have sex after their first date.
- Renaissance Man: Oginuma has mastered almost all of the psychics's powers.
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