< Ōkami


Ammy's "past self" is her future self who has traveled back in time.

Amaterasu has no memories of any of the stuff that "happened" to her past self. And her past self dies; that should've paradoxed out her present self. Since Ammy's still there to finish the game, that wasn't her past self who died. No, the white wolf who makes the Heroic Sacrifice to save the player is Amaterasu from the future, who came to the past to insure that her old self would succeed.

  • Except we knew that Ammy had died in the past right from the beginning, she just Came Back From The Dead.

Yami ultimately wins at the end

Since Yami is the god of technology, the industrial revolution meant that beings like Ammy will never return to their full power, while Yami will very likely get stronger. However, it may be an example of Dark Is Not Evil, depending on whether one believes the Science Is Bad message at the end is true.

  • Also, the Sequel Hook at the end suggests that Ammy took a UFO with Waka to clean out the Celestial Plain, possibly never to return.
  • Here's how I see it, Yami didn't win, humans moved on to making the technology, eventually creating it without Yami, but Yami didn't get his way, he didn't take over the world, so he tries to manipulate those who have evil in their hearts to misuse technology to try and make a second coming.
    • In fact, it could be the opposite; the destruction of Yami freed technology from his power, leaving it in the hands of humanity for good or ill.

The moral of the game is a caution against overreliance on anything, rather than just Science Is Bad

The Moon People are characterized as a technologically advanced race, yet aren't explicitly identified as villans (Waka's more of a Trickster Mentor at worst, and Kaguya is a textbook Oujo). Their worst act- bringing the youkai to Earth in the first place-happened by accident: Waka forgot to check what was actually ON the Ark before mounting a rescue of the Celestial Plains. For all we know, the Moon People were just going to launch it into the void. Waka's Tao Troopers work to do good in the world, and have no problems using tech to do so (look at all the computers in their base). The old inventor in Seian City tinkering with precursor tech is a perfectly amiable guy; heck, helping him fix the clock tower BOOSTS Amaterasu's holy powers in the form of upgrading her lightning powers. There's just too many examples of good tech users to justify saying that science is completely bad. Just as Issun warns about relying too much on the gods for help, Yami's appearance an almost fetal creature in an unholy mech suit warns about going too far in the opposite direction: becoming too reliant on one's own works and losing faith in spiritual aspects like hope, mercy, and compassion. Unfortunately, the game designers failed to properly clarify this aspect of the aesop.

  • So the game's moral isn't that 'resolve' thing or 'it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, as long as you try'. Wait, that only came up at the very end of the game.
  • Maybe it's warning against the use of Spiral Energy?

The universe is connected to Viewtiful Joe.

After Yami was defeated, technology moved on it's own, he eventually got sealed in a movie, the people who did this thought that movies would never catch on, but when they did, they desperately tried hiding what they now called the "Black Film", which eventually made its way into the hands of Jet Black.

The entire timeline is one big Stable Time Loop.

Building on the 'Shiranui is Ammy's future, not past self' idea at the top of the page, it's completely possible that some time after Amaterasu arrived at the Celestial Plane, at the peak of her power, she went back in time to save herself from the Twin Demons, sustaining a fatal injury while doing so, before using the last of her strength to save Nagi from Orochi. After dying, Amaterasu is turned to stone (In a similar way to how people in the cursed zones do too) and forms the statue that Sakuya brings back to life as the game begins.

    • This Troper wrote the earlier WMG, and this is exactly what he meant.

Okami is actually in an alternate Timeline to the Mega Man series.

Where Waka is actually Zero, and Yami was the final creation of Dr. Wily, well, the mech anyway...

The series takes place in a world where the robots went amuck, but humans survived and decided to revert to the past so nothing like that would ever happen again, but, with Duo, there was proof that there were alien races out there...

  • I'm more of the opinion that the Dr. Light and Dr. Wily are from the Moon Tribe.

Waka can use Brush Techniques.

He cured the tree somewhere, who's to say he doesn't have the ability?

  • He doesn't use them against Ammy, though... probably because he's deliberately holding back against her.

Ninetails is a Celestial Being in exile.

He's given new power after his constellation is drawn, and is the only boss who can draw on canvas. His brush technique is duplication. He moved the Island by re-drawing it somewhere else on a whim, which is why it was impossible to find. It also explains how he duplicated a copy of Rao to get back the Fox Rods, and why Rao never runs out of prayer slips during the sunken ship. He was banished for being too powerful/malicious, after all, he could duplicate any of the other gods' techniques (including Amaterasu's).

  • Its heavily implied that anyone can use the brush techniques if they practice enough. The only power unique to Ninetails is the cancelling power, the one which nullifies Ammy's attempts to draw on canvas. Therefore, if anything, Ninetails would probably be the Nullification God.

The universe is connected to Persona 4.

Yami is actually another creation/aspect of Izanami like Ameno-sagiri based on the perceived desires of the Moon Tribe and/or humanity.

Okamiden will have a re-telling of the Rabbit of Inaba story

Considering all the references to other Japanese stories in the first game, I'd be shocked and saddened if they didn't.

  • Given, according to the developers, the rabbit was only named Inaba after the director, therefore making the relation to the Hare (yes, hare) of Inaba a fortunate coincidence, I certainly hope the next game involves at least one line of crocodiles over a body of water.

Yami returns in Okamiden as something of a Anti-Anti-Christ

Specifically, Yami will be encountered by the heroes at some point in his Fishbowl form rather than his Mecha form, weakened from being beaten by Ammy. The heroes not recognizing Yami for what it is, they take it in as a sort of Team Pet. After bonding with it, the revelation of their fishy being the God of Darkness will come, leading to a sad moment for both the heroes and Yami, who by this point will have become part of a Nakama and actually doesn't want to destroy the world, but ultimately You Can't Fight Fate and once again might end up becoming the Final Boss (or perhaps helping out in the end in a sort of Yin-Yang Bomb with Chibi).

Okami is a retelling of Humanities' first contact with Chaos from Warhammer 40000

Basically the Ark of Yamato was an interstellar cargo-ship carrying a Chaos artifact (Yami), and upon landing on Earth the artifact opened a portal to the warp and released various demons onto Earth. Eventually they were driven back into the warp, and the Chaos artifact was destroyed. The original story changed after centuries of storytelling and The Chaos Gods were replaced by other characters, mainly:

  • Nurgle= Blight (Both have heaps of Body Horror and both spread sickness and infection)
  • Tzeentch= Lord Ninetails (Both fit the role of Chessmaster and both are Dangerously Genre Savy)
  • Khorne= Crimson Helm (According to Lore, Crimson Helm was born from Orochi's distilled BLOOD, THINK ABOUT IT!)
  • Slaanesh= Spider Queen (The Spider Queen IS based on the Prostitute Spider from Japanese Mythology, other then that I have nothing)

Amaterasu is Haruhi Suzumiya

Eccentric and a Reality Warper. What do you expect?

Chibiterasu will be crowned Emperor

Historically, the Imperial Family of Japan has claimed descent from the goddess Amaterasu, something backed up by Japanese mythology. Plus, the image of a kingdom crowning a puppy as emperor is hilarious.

Yami is still around to this day

You know him as Dr. Keith Fetus.

Issun is a Time Lord

All of those times you fail a timed mission, and then -- blink.. back to normal with Issun scolding you for your carelessness? He did it. Issun simply jumps you back in time a few seconds to try again. And how does he carry all those posters and leaflets? Obviously it's because his pockets are bigger on the inside.

Besides, I think Tropers are contractually required to have one of these on every WMG page.

Yami is a Reaper

Yami is the Reaper that helped jump-start the technological evolution of mankind, therefore causing the diminishing belief of deities.

Chibiterasu's father is Waka.

At the end of Okami, Waka and Ammy left for the Celestial Plain together, and obviously have history, even though Ammy doesn't remember it due to being reincarnated. It's entirely possible that Ammy could have a human form on the Celestial Plain, and that her memories could return as well. Waka calls her "my dear" and "baby" and waited over 200 years for her to return, which shows he cares about her. Plus, Ammy acted VERY happy to see Waka at the end after his "sacrifice".

So when they return to the Celestial Plain, they get some alone time (*Nudge, nudge, wink wink*) and Ammy ends up pregnant. Then Chibi is born and somehow goes to Earth, where he is forced to assume wolf form (*hasn't played Okamiden, so has no idea why Chibi is on Earth in the first place*). And since Chibi seems more like a young child than a baby, time on the Celestial Plain could possibly pass faster than on Earth. And Chibiterasu might not be his real name, since if this Troper is correct, Chibiterasu is just Issun's name for him, like Shiranui was the villagers' name for past Ammy. And it also seems plausible for Chibi to be only half-god, since not only is he much weaker than Ammy, but he also lacks many of her pretty swirlies.


Plus, even if Chibi's father is officially revealed, I find Okamiden's canon a little iffy, what with the whole "Shiranui was really male and Ammy's father" deal, so this Troper is sticking with Waka as Ammy's baby-daddy since AmmyxWaka is my Okami OTP.

  • Well, Okamiden didn't answer much of anything about Chibi's parentage (it did raise those questions about the whole Shiranui/Ammy reincarnation thing, but that's neither here nor there). The only mention given to it is at the beginning, where Issun says something along the lines of, "Wait, you're Ammy's kid!? Then who did she...? Never mind, it's not my business." and then nobody makes anything of it. For the rest of the game. So either Ammy is a Truly Single Parent, or...
  • Ewwwwwwww......

I can't be the only one to have thought about this.

Kyubee is a Japanese Brush God.

Compare how the Brush Gods of Okami (especially Chibiterasu from Okamiden)) look and QB.

  • Very No.
    • A rogue evil sunovabitch brush god, maybe.
      • Actually, he could be the God of the Moon Tribe. I mean, he is from an Alien Race where they're trying to prevent the heat death of the universe through the energy of humans. Not too far from the Moon Tribe's own methods of getting rid of their demons by putting them on an Ark as a Trojan Gift to the Celestials. Plus, he looks like a bunny so it fits with the whole Moon Rabbit thing.

The Big Bad of the next Okami game will be Amatsu-Mikaboshi.

As god of evil and the stars, Amatsu-Mikaboshi is fundamentally opposed to Amaterasu, who is associated with good and the sun. With the Celestial Plain emptied, Amatsu-Mikaboshi has taken it over with the intent of returning the world back to the primordial darkness. Instead covering the world in darkness like Yami, he intends to destroy it completely.

  • He would also have a brush, with techniques similar to Ammy's but more destructive. For example, his 'wind' brush stroke summons a hurricane, and his 'fireburst' brush stroke creates a volcano.
    • Somewhat Jossed, but Akuro is probably as close as we're gonna get to Amatsu Mikaboshi.
      • The next next game, I meant.
  • I'm pretty sure Yami is supposed to be an Expy of Amatsu-Mikaboshi already. He is considered the Ultimate Evil in both the first game and the sequel after all. However, Yami could be a piece of Amatsu-Mikaboshi, and the theoretical Okami 2 (not Okamiden) could have him as villain after all. Ammy will need a major power boost to face him though.
    • Maybe Chibi will fight along side her and they become a Badass Family?

Yami is an ordinary fish turned vengeful god!

  • For one, Yami appears to be what looks like some sort of fish in a bowl under that huge, mechanical suit. Next, consider that you're only interaction with fish throughout the whole game otherwise is by catching them and selling them to the nearest item shop leaving the shopkeeper to do whatever they may please with them (most likely eat them). You even feed fish to some of the other animals you encounter in the game. Who's to say that fish your feeding to the appropriate animals wasn't originally that whopper you caught and afterwards retrieved Yumigami from? Hell, the brush god of water isn't even a fish. It's a snake!

Tama originally was a pirate named Usopp before settling down and changing his name.

Am I the only one who thought they looked and acted exactly the same? They both are obsessed with making fireworks / explosives, they both wear a funky looking hat with goggles, they both are tan... The only difference is the lack of a long nose, but NOBODY in this game seems to have one, sans Susano.

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