
Turbonilla is a large genus of ectoparasitic sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Pyramidellidae, the pyrams and their allies.[1][2][3]

live Turbonilla acutissima
Two shells of Turbonilla tenuicula
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda
Subclass: Heterobranchia
Superfamily: Pyramidelloidea
Family: Pyramidellidae
Subfamily: Turbonillinae
Genus: Turbonilla
Risso, 1826
  • Amamimormula Kuroda, 1928
  • Chemnitzia d'Orbigny, 1839
  • Cyrtoturbonilla F. Nordsieck, 1972
  • Dunkeria Carpenter, 1857
  • Lancea Pease, 1868
  • Lancella Dall & Bartsch, 1904 (unnecessary replacement name for Lancea Pease, 1868, by Dall & Bartsch erroneously believed to be a junior homonym )
  • Odostomia (Turbonilla) Risso, 1826
  • Paramormula Nomura, 1939
  • Pyrgolampros Sacco, 1892
  • Turbonilla (Chemnitzia) d'Orbigny, 1839
  • Turbonilla (Cylindriturbonilla) Nordsieck, 1972 · accepted, alternate representation
  • Turbonilla (Cyrtoturbonilla) Nordsieck, 1972· accepted, alternate representation
  • Turbonilla (Graciliturbonilla) Nordsieck, 1972· accepted, alternate representation
  • Turbonilla (Turbonilla) Risso, 1826
  • Variturbonilla F. Nordsieck, 1972

General description

The generally slender, bluish-white to milk-white, semitranslucent shell is more or less elongated and has a cylindro-conic shape.

The apex is sinistral. The reversed, flattened or projecting protoconch consists of 1½ to 3 whorls that are oblique or tilted from transverse to the axis.

The teleoconch contains many planulate or more or less convex whorls. These are sometimes shouldered and are generally ornamented with less prominent longitudinal ribs ( = costulate).

The intercostal spaces are smooth or crossed bv more or less distinct, incised, sometimes raised, spiral llines. The spiral ines often also appear on the base of the shell, which varies from short, little rounded (the body whorl is subangulated at the periphery), to elongate and well-rounded.

The shape of the aperture varies from subquadrate with a straight columellar lip, to an elongate-ovate shape, well-rounded and produced below, with a curved columellar lip. The peritreme is generally discontinuous, rarely continuous.

The outer lip is always thin and entire. The inner lip is more or less thickened and reflected, often with a plication or fold that is not always visible externally.

The columella is vertical, not plicate. The columellar fold is single, varying in strength. The horny operculum is subspiral. The shell is usually smaller than in Pyramidella and larger than in Odostomia.

The animal has wide tentacles, an elongated, flattened mentum, usually bilobed in front. The foot is large and anteriorly auriculated.[4][5][6]


Species within the genus Turbonilla include:[1]
















The following species were brought into synonymy:[1]

List of synonyms
  • Turbonilla aartseni Schander, 1994: synonym of Turbonilla melvilli Dautzenberg, 1912
  • Turbonilla abrardi (Fischer-Piette & Nicklès, 1946): synonym of Pyrgiscus abrardi (Fischer-Piette & Nicklès, 1946)
  • Turbonilla abrupta Clessin, 1902: synonym of Turbonilla nesiotes Pimenta & Absalão, 1998
  • Turbonilla acosta Bartsch, 1919: synonym of Derjuginella rufofasciata (E.A. Smith, 1875)
  • Turbonilla acuticostata (Jeffteys, 1884): synonym of Turbonilla postacuticostata Sacco, 1892
  • Turbonilla affectuosa (Yokoyama, 1927): synonym of Parthenina affectuosa (Yokoyama, 1927)
  • Turbonilla aglaia Bartsch, 1915: synonym of Polyspirella aglaia (Bartsch, 1915)
  • Turbonilla albella Lovén, 1846: synonym of Odostomia unidentata (Montagu, 1803)
  • Turbonilla albella A. Adams, 1861: synonym of Turbonilla orientica Corgan, 1970
  • Turbonilla alma Thiele, 1925: synonym of Nisiturris alma (Thiele, 1925)
  • Turbonilla ambigua Weinkauff, 1868: synonym of Chrysallida emaciata (Brusina, 1866): synonym of Parthenina emaciata (Brusina, 1866)
  • Turbonilla ambulatia (Laseron, 1951): synonym of Asmunda ambulatia (Laseron, 1951)
  • Turbonilla anfraconvex Peñas & Rolán, 2010: synonym of Nisiturris anfraconvex (Peñas & Rolán, 2010)
  • Turbonilla angusta Thiele, 1925: synonym of Turbonilla magister van Aartsen & Corgan, 1996
  • Turbonilla angustissima Melvill, 1904: synonym of Nisiturris angustissima (Melvill, 1904)
  • Turbonilla areolata A. E. Verrill, 1873: synonym of Turbonilla interrupta (Totten, 1835)
  • Turbonilla attenuata (Jeffreys, 1884): synonym of Turbonilla micans (Monterosato, 1875)
  • Turbonilla bartschi Aguayo & Rehder, 1936: synonym of Bacteridium bermudense (Dall & Bartsch, 1911)
  • Turbonilla bathyraphe Sowerby III, 1901: synonym of Peristichia bathyraphe (Sowerby III, 1901)
  • Turbonilla bedoti Dautzenberg, 1912: synonym of Turbonilla subulina Monterosato, 1889
  • Turbonilla bella Dall & Bartsch, 1906: synonym of Turbonilla varicosa (A. Adams, 1855)
  • Turbonilla buttoni Dautzenberg, 1912: synonym of Turbonilla penasi Nofroni & Gubbioli, 2000
  • Turbonilla caelatior Dall & Bartsch, 1906: synonym of Babella caelatior (Dall & Bartsch, 1906)
  • Turbonilla callista Bartsch, 1915: synonym of Polyspirella callista (Bartsch, 1915)
  • Turbonilla cancellata W.H. Turton, 1932: synonym of Pyrgiscus altenai van Aartsen & Corgan, 1996
  • Turbonilla candida de Folin, 1870: synonym of Syrnola etiennei (Dautzenberg, 1912)
  • Turbonilla chitaniana Yokoyama, 1926: synonym of Acirsa chitaniana (Yokoyama, 1926)
  • Turbonilla clavula Lovén, 1846: synonym of Liostomia clavula (Lovén, 1846)
  • Turbonilla compressa (Jeffreys, 1884): synonym of Turbonilla amoena (Monterosato, 1878)
  • Turbonilla cornelliana (Newcomb, 1870): synonym of Turbonilla varicosa (A. Adams, 1855)
  • Turbonilla costulata Risso, 1826 †: synonym of Turbonilla lactea (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Turbonilla crebrifilata (Carpenter, 1865): synonym of Turbonilla tenuicula (Gould, 1853)
  • Turbonilla crenata (Brown, 1827): synonym of Pyrgiscus crenatus (Brown, 1827)
  • Turbonilla crystallina Dall & Bartsch, 1906: synonym of Nisiturris crystallina (Dall & Bartsch, 1906)
  • Turbonilla darnleyensis (Brazier, 1877): synonym of Nisiturris darnleyensis (Brazier, 1877)
  • Turbonilla decussata Pease, 1861: synonym of Turbonilla varicosa (A. Adams, 1855)
  • Turbonilla delli Powell, 1976: synonym of Planpyrgiscus lawsi Dell, 1956
  • Turbonilla delpretei Sulliotti, 1889: synonym of Parthenina indistincta (Montagu, 1808)
  • Turbonilla densecostata (Philippi, 1844): synonym of Pyrgiscus rufus (Philippi, 1836)
  • Turbonilla delpretei Sulliotti, 1889: synonym of Chrysallida indistincta (Montagu, 1808)
  • Turbonilla dextra Saurin, 1959: synonym of Exesilla dextra (Saurin, 1959)
  • Turbonilla diezi Peñas & Rolán, 1997: synonym of Nisiturris diezi (Peñas & Rolán, 1997)
  • Turbonilla digenes Dautzenberg & Fischer H., 1896: synonym of Eulimella digenes (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896)
  • Turbonilla edgari [sic]: synonym of Turbonilla edgarii (Melvill, 1896)
  • Turbonilla elegans (d’Orbigny, 1841): synonym of Turbonilla elegantula A. E. Verrill, 1882
  • Turbonilla elegantula (A. Adams, 1860): synonym of Asmunda elegantula (A. Adams, 1860)
  • Turbonilla elizabethae Pilsbry, 1918: synonym of Styloptygma lacteola Preston, 1903
  • Turbonilla elongata Castellanos, 1982: synonym of Turbonilla zulmae Pimenta & Absalão, 1998
  • Turbonilla elongata Pease, 1867: synonym of Turbonilla aulica Dall & Bartsch, 1906
  • Turbonilla emaciata Brusina, 1866: synonym of Chrysallida emaciata (Brusina, 1866)
  • Turbonilla engli Peñas & Rolán, 1997: synonym of Afroturbonilla engli (Peñas & Rolán, 1997)
  • Turbonilla erna Thiele, 1925: synonym of Pyrgiscus thielei van Aartsen & Corgan, 1996
  • Turbonilla eumenes Melvill, 1910: synonym of Pyrgiscus eumenes (Melvill, 1910)
  • Turbonilla evermanni Baker, Hanna & Strong, 1928: synonym of Cingulina evermanni (Baker, Hanna & Strong, 1928)
  • Turbonilla fernandezantoni Peñas & Rolán, 2010: synonym of Nisiturris fernandezantoni (Peñas & Rolán, 2010)
  • Turbonilla filiola Yokoyama, 1927: synonym of Iravadia yendoi (Yokoyama, 1927)
  • Turbonilla fluminensis Pimenta & Absalao, 2004: synonym of Nisiturris fluminensis (Pimenta & Absalão, 2004)
  • Turbonilla formosa (Jeffreys, 1848): synonym of Turbonilla bushiana A. E. Verrill, 1882
  • Turbonilla franciscoi Peñas & Rolán, 1997: synonym of Turbolidium franciscoi (Peñas & Rolán, 1997)
  • Turbonilla fulvocincta Thompson, 1840: synonym of Turbonilla rufa (Philippi, 1836)
  • Turbonilla gabrieli Hedley, 1910: synonym of Nisiturris gabrieli (Hedley, 1910)
  • Turbonilla gisela Thiele, 1925: synonym of Exesilla gisela (Thiele, 1925)
  • Turbonilla gracillima Gabb, 1865: synonym of Chemnitzia gabbiana J.G. Cooper, 1867
  • Turbonilla grossa Marshall, 1894: synonym of Turbonilla sinuosa (Jeffreys, 1884)
  • Turbonilla hannoni Pallary, 1912: synonym of Turbonilla pumila Seguenza G., 1876
  • Turbonilla hannoni Pallary, 1920: synonym of Turbonilla subulina Monterosato, 1889
  • Turbonilla haroldi Laws, 1937: preoccupied by Turbonilla haroldi E. A. Smith, 1890, but no replacement name has been proposed (April 2015)
  • Turbonilla hebridarum Peñas & Rolán, 2010: synonym of Pyrgiscus hebridarum (Peñas & Rolán, 2010)
  • Turbonilla helena Bartsch, 1915: synonym of Pyrgiscus ninettae van Aartsen & Corgan, 1996
  • Turbonilla helena Thiele, 1925: synonym of Turbonilla indonesiae van Aartsen & Corgan, 1996
  • Turbonilla hemphilli Bartsch, 1917: synonym of Turbonilla vix Pimenta & Absalão, 1998
  • Turbonilla hoecki (Dautzenberg & Fischer H., 1896): synonym of Turbonilla hoeki (Dautzenberg & Fischer H., 1896)
  • Turbonilla humboldti Risso, 1826: synonym of Euparthenia humboldti (Risso, 1826)
  • Turbonilla incisa Bush: synonym of Houbricka incisa (Bush, 1899)
  • Turbonilla inclinata Bush: synonym of Turbonilla penistoni Bush, 1899
  • Turbonilla inclinella Corgan & Van Aartsen, 1998: synonym of Nisiturris obliqua (Saurin, 1959)
  • Turbonilla indistincta (Montagu, 1808): synonym of Chrysallida indistincta (Montagu, 1808)
  • Turbonilla innovata Monterosato, 1884: synonym of Turbonilla pumila Seguenza G., 1876
  • Turbonilla internodula (S.V. Wood, 1848): synonym of Pyrgolidium internodulum (S. V. Wood, 1848)
  • Turbonilla irma Thiele, 1925: synonym of Pyrgiscus irma (Thiele, 1925)
  • Turbonilla isseli Tryon, 1886: synonym of Cingulina isseli (Tryon, 1886)
  • Turbonilla jansseni van Aartsen, 1981: synonym of Turbonilla postacuticostata Sacco, 1892
  • Turbonilla kahoolawensis Pilsbry, 1918: synonym of Turbonilla lirata (A. Adams, 1855)
  • Turbonilla kauaiensis Pilsbry, 1918: synonym of Turbonilla lirata (A. Adams, 1855)
  • Turbonilla kobelti Dautzenberg, 1912: synonym of Eulimella kobelti (Dautzenberg, 1912)
  • Turbonilla krumpermani De Jong & Coomans, 1988: synonym of Trabecula krumpermani (De Jong & Coomans, 1988)
  • Turbonilla laysanensis Pilsbry, 1918: synonym of Styloptygma lacteola Preston, 1903
  • Turbonilla limitum Brusina in de Folin & Périer, 1876: synonym of Chrysallida limitum (Brusina in de Folin & Périer, 1876): synonym of Parthenina limitum (Brusina in de Folin & Périer, 1876)
  • Turbonilla lordi (E. A. Smith, 1880): synonym of Turbonilla lordii (E. A. Smith, 1880)
  • Turbonilla ludovica Thiele, 1925: synonym of Asmunda ludovica (Thiele, 1925)
  • Turbonilla lydia Thiele, 1925: synonym of Turbonilla crystallina Dall & Bartsch, 1906
  • Turbonilla manorae Melvill, 1898: synonym of Turbonilla mumia (A. Adams, 1861)
  • Turbonilla marteli Dautzenberg, 1912: synonym of Turbonilla haullevillei Dautzenberg, 1912
  • Turbonilla microscopica Laseron, 1959: synonym of Turbonilla mumia (A. Adams, 1861)
  • Turbonilla miyagiensis Nomura, 1936: synonym of Turbonilla aulica Dall & Bartsch, 1906
  • Turbonilla modesta C. B. Adams, 1851: synonym of Turbonilla rixtae De Jong & Coomans, 1988
  • Turbonilla monocycla A. Adams, 1860: synonym of Parthenina pagodula (A. Adams, 1860)
  • Turbonilla morsei Yokoyama, 1926: synonym of Acirsa morsei (Yokoyama, 1926)
  • Turbonilla multigyrata Dunker, 1882: synonym of Turbonilla candida (A. Adams, 1855)
  • Turbonilla nitida Angas, 1867: synonym of Turbonilla hofmani Angas, 1877
  • Turbonilla nitidissima Issel, 1869: synonym of Costosyrnola nitidissima (Issel, 1869)
  • Turbonilla normalis Corgan & Van Aartsen, 1998: synonym of Turbonilla ambigua (Saurin, 1962)
  • Turbonilla obeliscus Gould, 1861: synonym of Turbonilla secura Dall & Bartsch, 1906
  • Turbonilla oblectamentum Pilsbry, 1918: synonym of Turbonilla lirata (A. Adams, 1855)
  • Turbonilla obliquastructionis Peñas & Rolán, 2010: synonym of Nisiturris obliquastructionis (Peñas & Rolán, 2010)
  • Turbonilla obliquecostata Dautzenberg, 1912: synonym of Turbonilla subulina Monterosato, 1889
  • Turbonilla octona Guppy, 1896: synonym of Bacteridium resticulum (Dall, 1889)
  • Turbonilla oscitans Lovén, 1846: synonym of Odostomia eulimoides Hanley, 1844 represented as Brachystomia eulimoides (Hanley, 1844)
  • Turbonilla pallaryi Dautzenberg, 1910: synonym of Turbonilla pumila Seguenza G., 1876
  • Turbonilla pallaryi Nordsieck, 1972: synonym of Turbonilla syrtensis van Aartsen, 1981
  • Turbonilla palmerae Aguayo & Jaume, 1936: synonym of Turbonilla krebsii (Mörch, 1875)
  • Turbonilla peasei Dall & Bartsch, 1906: synonym of Turbonilla aulica Dall & Bartsch, 1906
  • Turbonilla pellucida (Sowerby III, 1897): synonym of Polyspirella pellucida (Sowerby III, 1897)
  • Turbonilla perscalata Hedley, 1909: synonym of Linopyrga perscalata (Hedley, 1909)
  • Turbonilla petri Bartsch, 1919: synonym of Derjuginella rufofasciata (E.A. Smith, 1875)
  • Turbonilla phaula Dautzenberg & Fischer H., 1896: synonym of Eulimella phaula (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896)
  • Turbonilla philippiana Dunker, 1860: synonym of Mormula philippiana (Dunker, 1860)
  • Turbonilla pilsbryi Bush, 1899: synonym of Turbonilla riisei (Mørch, 1875)
  • Turbonilla planulata Thiele, 1930: synonym of Turbonilla bayensis van Aartsen & Corgan, 1996
  • Turbonilla pointeli de Folin, 1868: synonym of Ebala pointeli (de Folin, 1868)
  • Turbonilla polita (A. E. Verrill, 1872): synonym of Eulimella polita (A. E. Verrill, 1872)
  • Turbonilla portseaensis Gatliff & Gabriel, 1911: synonym of Linopyrga portseaensis (Gatliff & Gabriel, 1911)
  • Turbonilla princeps Preston, 1905: synonym of Terenolla pygmaea (Hinds, 1844)
  • Turbonilla prolongata W.H. Turton, 1932: synonym of Pyrgiscus prolongatus (W.H. Turton, 1932)
  • Turbonilla protracta Dall, 1892: synonym of Turbonilla ornata (d'Orbigny, 1840)
  • Turbonilla pseudocura Nomura, 1938: synonym of Turbonilla dunkeri Clessin, 1902
  • Turbonilla pseudogradata F. Nordsieck, 1972: synonym of Turbonilla gradata Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1883
  • Turbonilla pseudostricta F. Nordsieck, 1972: synonym of Turbonilla pumila Seguenza G., 1876
  • Turbonilla punctiperpherarta [sic]: synonym of Turbonilla punctiperipherata Nomura, 1936
  • Turbonilla punicea Okutani, 1964: synonym of Turbonilla corgani Okutani, 1968
  • Turbonilla pygmaea Brusina, 1865: synonym of Chrysallida emaciata (Brusina, 1866): synonym of Parthenina emaciata (Brusina, 1866)
  • Turbonilla qenenoji Peñas & Rolán, 2010: synonym of Turbolidium qenenoji (Peñas & Rolán, 2010)
  • Turbonilla ratisukunai Peñas & Rolán, 2010: synonym of Turbonilla ratusukunai Peñas & Rolán, 2010
  • Turbonilla romeasaina [sic]: synonym of Turbonilla romeasiana Saurin, 1962
  • Turbonilla rosea von Maltzan, 1885: synonym of Turbonilla internodula (S. V. Wood, 1848)
  • Turbonilla rufa (Philippi, 1836): synonym of Pyrgiscus rufus (Philippi, 1836)
  • Turbonilla rufescens (Forbes, 1846): synonym of Pyrgiscus rufescens (Forbes, 1846)
  • Turbonilla rugosa de Folin, 1870: synonym of Syrnola rugosa (de Folin, 1870)
  • Turbonilla ryalli Peñas & Rolán, 1997: synonym of Nisiturris ryalli (Peñas & Rolán, 1997)
  • Turbonilla scalaris (Philippi, 1836): synonym of Turbonilla jeffreysii (Jeffreys, 1848)
  • Turbonilla scrobiculata Schander, 1994: synonym of Turbonilla angelinagagliniae Schander, 1997
  • Turbonilla sculpturata W.H. Turton, 1932: synonym of Pyrgulina scripta van Aartsen & Corgan, 1996
  • Turbonilla sculpturata Oliver, 1915: synonym of Graphis sculpturata (Oliver, 1915)
  • Turbonilla smithi [sic]: synonym of Eulimella smithii (A. E. Verrill, 1880)
  • Turbonilla smithii A. E. Verrill, 1880: synonym of Eulimella smithii (A. E. Verrill, 1880)
  • Turbonilla speciosa A. Adams, 1860: synonym of Pyrgiscus speciosus (A. Adams, 1860)
  • Turbonilla speciosa A. Adams, 1869: synonym of Turbonilla macandreae H. Adams, 1871
  • Turbonilla striatula (Linnaeus, 1758): synonym of Pyrgostylus striatulus (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Turbonilla stricta Pallary, 1904: synonym of Turbonilla pumila Seguenza G., 1876
  • Turbonilla stricta A. E. Verrill, 1873: synonym of Turbonilla nivea (Stimpson, 1851)
  • Turbonilla stricta Clessin, 1902: synonym of Turbonilla sinensis Pimenta & Absalão, 1998
  • Turbonilla striolata [sic]: synonym of Pyrgostylus striatulus (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Turbonilla subangulata (Carpenter, 1857): synonym of Bartschella subangulata (Carpenter, 1857)
  • Turbonilla subulata (C. B. Adams, 1850): synonym of Turbonilla peilei Dall & Bartsch, 1911
  • Turbonilla susanna Thiele, 1925: synonym of Nisipyrgiscus susanna (Thiele, 1925)
  • Turbonilla swiftii Bush, 1899: synonym of Turbonilla penistoni Bush, 1899
  • Turbonilla syrnoliformis Nomura, 1938: synonym of Ptycheulimella syrnoliformis (Nomura, 1938)
  • Turbonilla tenuis Pallary, 1904: synonym of Turbonilla rosewateri Corgan & van Aartsen, 1993
  • Turbonilla tenuis W.H. Turton, 1932: synonym of Turbonilla jozinae van Aartsen & Corgan, 1996
  • Turbonilla theresa Thiele, 1925: synonym of Turbonilla funiculata de Folin, 1868
  • Turbonilla tribulationis Hedley, 1909: synonym of Asmunda tribulationis (Hedley, 1909)
  • Turbonilla turrita (C. B. Adams, 1852): synonym of Asmunda turrita (C. B. Adams, 1852)
  • Turbonilla umbilicaris Malm, 1863: synonym of Odostomia umbilicaris (Malm, 1863)
  • Turbonilla unifasciata (Forbes, 1844): synonym of Tibersyrnola unifasciata (Forbes, 1844)
  • Turbonilla unilirata Bush, 1899: synonym of Turbolidium uniliratum (Bush, 1899)
  • Turbonilla varicosa Dunker, 1860: synonym of Turbonilla aulica Dall & Bartsch, 1906
  • Turbonilla vitiensis Pilsbry, 1917: synonym of Turbonilla varicosa (A. Adams, 1855)
  • Turbonilla vladivostokensis Bartsch, 1929: synonym of Derjuginella rufofasciata (E.A. Smith, 1875)
  • Turbonilla weinkauffi Dunker, 1862: synonym of Tragula fenestrata (Jeffreys, 1848)
  • Turbonilla whitechurchi W.H. Turton, 1932: synonym of Pyrgulina whitechurchi (W.H. Turton, 1932)
  • Turbonilla xenophyes Melvill & Standen, 1912: synonym of Atomiscala xenophyes (Melvill & Standen, 1912)
  • Turbonilla yanamii Yokoyama, 1926: synonym of Tachyrhynchus yanamii (Yokoyama, 1926)
  • Turbonilla yoritomoi Nomura, 1938: synonym of Pyrgiscus yoritomoi (Nomura, 1938)
  • Turbonilla zetemia Melvill, 1910: synonym of Nisipyrgiscus zetemia (Melvill, 1910)

Taxa inquerenda

  • Turbonilla abbreviata W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla admirabilis W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla becki W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla columna W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla distincta W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla erecta W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla intersecta W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla liratula W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla multistriata W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla retusa W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla perexilis W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla perminima W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla producta W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla rietensis W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla rufanensis W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla subcancellata W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla subconica W. H. Turton, 1932
  • Turbonilla subglobosa W. H. Turton, 1932
gollark: Okay, fixed THAT.
gollark: Interesting.
gollark: I don't think so. You can try it.
gollark: The second one is actually what loads of CC "viruses" did.
gollark: Anyway, things I *can* do about the potatOS removal tool and similar things:- be annoying and compress/encrypt user files to make it mildly more irritating for users once they uninstall it- copy the potatOS install code to `rm`, `ls`, and all other commands, so the tool would have to remove that and until it does potatOS would reinfect you when you did anything- hack the server and stop it working using 1337 h4xx abilities- ???


  1. Bouchet, P.; Gofas, S. (2011). Turbonilla Risso, 1826. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=138421 on 2011-11-10
  2. Gofas, S.; Le Renard, J.; Bouchet, P. (2001). Mollusca, in: Costello, M.J. et al. (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50: pp. 180-213
  3. Spencer, H.; Marshall. B. (2009). All Mollusca except Opisthobranchia. In: Gordon, D. (Ed.) (2009). New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity. Volume One: Kingdom Animalia. 584 pp
  4. Dall & Bartsch, A Monograph of West American Pyramidellid Mollusks, United States National Museum Bulletin 68, p. 19: 1909
  5. G.W. Tryon, Manual of Conchology vol. VIII p. 317
  6. K.J. Bush (1899), Descriptions of New Species of Turbonilla of the Western Atlantic Fauna, with Notes on Those Previously Known; Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Vol. 51, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 1899), pp. 145-177
  7. P. Bartsch (1915), Report on the Turton collection of South African marine mollusks, with additional notes on other South African shells contained in the United States National Museum; Bulletin of the United States National Museum v. 91 (1915)
  • Aartsen, J.J. van, 1981. European Pyramidellidae: II. Turbonilla.— Boll, malac. 17: 61-88.
  • Vaught, K.C. (1989). A classification of the living Mollusca. American Malacologists: Melbourne, FL (USA). ISBN 0-915826-22-4. XII, 195 pp.
  • Howson, C.M.; Picton, B.E. (Ed.) (1997). The species directory of the marine fauna and flora of the British Isles and surrounding seas. Ulster Museum Publication, 276. The Ulster Museum: Belfast, UK. ISBN 0-948150-06-8. vi, 508 (+ cd-rom)
  • Gofas, S.; Le Renard, J.; Bouchet, P. (2001). Mollusca, in: Costello, M.J. et al. (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50: pp. 180–213
  • Spencer, H.; Marshall. B. (2009). All Mollusca except Opisthobranchia. In: Gordon, D. (Ed.) (2009). New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity. Volume One: Kingdom Animalia. 584 pp
  • Frøydis Lygre, Jon Anders Kongsrud and Christoffer Schander, Four new species of Turbonilla (Gastropoda, Pyramidellimorpha, Turbonillidae) from the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa; African Invertebrates Vol. 52 (2) Pages 243–254 Pietermaritzburg December, 2011
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