Telephone numbers in Cameroon

On November 21st 2014, numbers were expanded from 8 to 9 digits, by prefixing with 2 or 6. [1]

Cameroon telephone numbers
Access codes
Country calling code+237
International call prefix00

The last expansion occurred in 2007, when 7-digit numbers were expanded to 8 digits. (See last the section.)

Current calling formats

For calls within Cameroon, use just the 9 digits : 664032997
For calls from outside the country, add the code for Cameroun : +237 664032997


Changes 2014 november 21

Old numbersNew numbersService/Carrier
+237 xxxxxxxx+237 2xxxxxxxfixed, CAMTEL
+237 xxxxxxxx+237 6xxxxxxxxmobile


Previous changes in 2007

Old numbersNew numbersService/Carrier [2]
+237 2xxxxxx+237 22xxxxxxfixed, CAMTEL
+237 3xxxxxx+237 33xxxxxxfixed, CAMTEL
+237 45xxxxx+237 45xxxxxxmobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 46xxxxx+237 46xxxxxxmobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 47xxxxx+237 47xxxxxxmobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 48xxxxx+237 48xxxxxxmobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 49xxxxx+237 49xxxxxxmobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 5909963+237 59xxxxxxmobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 7xxxxxx+237 7xxxxxxxmobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 8xxxxxx+237 88xxxxxxspecial services, all carriers
+237 40xxxxx+237 40xxxxxxmobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 41xxxxx+237 41xxxxxxmobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 42xxxxx+237 42xxxxxxmobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 43xxxxx+237 43xxxxxxmobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 44xxxxx+237 44xxxxxxmobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 9xxxxxx+237 9xxxxxxxmobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 9xxxxxx+237 6xxxxxxxmobile, Orange Cameroun
gollark: There are just lots of upsidedown mints.
gollark: Possibly not.
gollark: *multiscrolling intensifies*
gollark: Auto-AR-refreshing.
gollark: Mine is by age. Seriously considering changing.


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