Telephone numbers in Benin

Country Code: +229
International Call Prefix: 00
Trunk Prefix:

Calling formats

  • +62*********98 Calls within Benin
  • +229 yyxx xxxx Calls from outside Benin

The NSN length is eight digits.

List of area codes in Benin

Area/RegionArea Code
Atacora, Donga, Alibori, Borgou23
Littoral, Atlantique21
Mono, Couffo, Zou, Collines22
Ouémé, Plateau20
City/TownOld NumberNew Number
Ouémé, Plateau
Ongala21 XXXX20 21 XXXX
Kandiévé22 XXXX20 22 XXXX
Sèmè24 XXXX20 24 XXXX
Pobè, Kétou25 XXXX20 25 XXXX
Sakété, Igolo26 XXXX20 26 XXXX
Adjohoun27 XXXX20 27 XXXX
Fixed cellular29 XXXX20 29 XXXX
Littoral, Atlantique
Cadjehoun30 XXXX21 30 XXXX
Ganhi31 XXXX21 31 XXXX
Jéricho32 XXXX21 32 XXXX
Akpakpa33 XXXX21 33 XXXX
Ouidah34 XXXX21 34 XXXX
Godomey35 XXXX21 35 XXXX
Abomey-Calaci36 XXXX21 36 XXXX
Allada37 XXXX21 37 XXXX
Kouhounou Fixe38 XXXX21 38 XXXX
Fixed cellular39 XXXX21 39 XXXX
Maritime radio73 6XXX21 73 6XXX
Mono, Couffo, Zou, Collines
Lokossa41 XXXX22 41 XXXX
Come43 XXXX22 43 XXXX
Dogbo46 XXXX22 46 XXXX
Fixed cellular49 XXXX22 49 XXXX
Abomey50 XXXX22 50 XXXX
Bohicon51 XXXX22 51 XXXX
Covè52 XXXX22 52 XXXX
Dassa-Zoumé53 XXXX22 53 XXXX
Savalou54 XXXX22 54 XXXX
Savè55 XXXX22 55 XXXX
Fixed cellular59 XXXX22 59 XXXX
Atacora, Donga, Alibori, Borgou
Parakou61 XXXX23 61 XXXX
Nikki, Ndali62 XXXX23 62 XXXX
Kandi, Gogounou, Ségbana63 XXXX23 63 XXXX
Banikoara65 XXXX23 65 XXXX
Malanville67 XXXX23 67 XXXX
Djougou80 XXXX23 80 XXXX
Natitingou82 XXXX23 82 XXXX
Tanguiéta83 XXXX23 83 XXXX
== Mobile phone numbers == Mobile phone numbers in Benin, are prefixed by: 40 42 44 60-69 90-93 95-98  == Nomor telepon seluler == Nomor telepon seluler di Benin, diawali oleh: 40 42 44 60-69 90-93 95-98 <! - memiliki lebih banyak detail yang bisa ditambahkan nanti ->
gollark: It should, however, stop it being added to your recommendations.
gollark: Oh, SponsorBlock sounds neat.
gollark: I mostly just used the whole recommendation thing to keep music I vaguely like on, but since it completely messed it up today I'm using my random shuffling script instead.
gollark: Ft?
gollark: YouTube seems to have changed their ALGORITHMS™ because the video recommendations are much worse now.


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