Street names in Chișinău
Chișinău is the capital of Moldova. This page gives an overview of street names in the city that refer to famous persons, cities or historic events.
A large number of streets have been named after persons that played an important role in Moldovan history:
- Vasile Alecsandri, Romanian writer
- Nicolae Anestiade
- Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni, metropolitan of Romanian orthodox church
- Alexandru cel Bun, Moldavian voivode between 1400 and 1432
- Dimitrie Cantemir, Moldavian voivode
- George Coșbuc, Romanian writer, 1866 - 1918
- Decebal, Dacian king, 87 - 106
- Dosoftei, Moldavian metropolitan
- Mihai Eminescu, Romanian writer
- Yuri Gagarin, first man in space
- Octavian Goga, Romanian poet and politician, 1881 - 1938
- Pan Halippa
- Alexandru Lăpușneanu, prince of Moldavia, 1552 - 1568
- Titu Maiorescu, Romanian writer
- Stefan cel Mare, prince of Moldova between 1457 and 1504
- Alexei Mateevici, Moldavian Romanian poet, 1888 - 1917
- Veronica Micle, Romanian writer
- Petru Movila, metropolitan of Kiev, 1633 - 1646
- Constantin Negruzzi, Romanian writer
- Anton Pann, Wallachian poet and composer, 1790s - 1854
- Vlaicu Pircalab
- Alexander Pushkin, Russian writer
- Alexey Shchusev
- Varlaam, Moldovan metropolitan
- Mihai Viteazul, prince of Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania in 1600
Other streets are named after cities in Moldova or elsewhere
- București, capital of neighbouring Romania
- Hîncești, town in Moldova
- Ismail, town in southern Ukraine
- Tighina (or Bender)
- Tiraspol, second largest city in the country, capital of the disputed republic of Transnistria
Some other references:
- Sfatul Țării, the national council that declared the Moldavian Democratic Republic on January 24, 1918
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