Stabilization, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction Operations

Stabilization, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction Operations (SSTRO) are a U.S. Department of Defense doctrinal concept. They are military operations designed to establish a safe, secure environment and simultaneously work with the inter-agency, coalition, multinational, and host nation partners to support the establishment of a new domestic social order in countries where a national government is:

  • weak
  • corrupt
  • incompetent
  • has no governing authority

A triggering shock can seriously exacerbate the already difficult situation, producing widespread suffering, growing popular grievance, and often civil unrest, all of which can be intensified by several interrelated factors: the absence of key government functions, widespread lawlessness, poor economic performance, pronounced economic disparities, and in some cases, a serious external threat.

Once such difficult conditions emerge, the drivers of instability and conflict tend to reinforce one another, creating a degenerating cycle in which conditions continue to deteriorate, and the feelings of insecurity and the grievances of the local population intensify. Without a countervailing force to break this cycle, these developments can eventually destabilize the interlinked political, economic, and social systems that make up the fabric of a society.[1]

The Deputy Secretary of Defense Mick Mulroy said at an October 2019 workshop at RAND that the Irregular Warfare Annex is a critical component of the U.S. 2018 National Defense Strategy. He said irregular warfare (IW) included not only counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism, unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, sabotage and subversion, but also stabilization and information operations.[2]

See also


  1. "Military Support to Stabilization, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction Operations (SSTRO) Joint Operating Concept (JOC)", Version 2.0, Department of Defense, December 2006 []
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