
Spellemannprisen, often referred to as the Norwegian Grammy Awards in English,[1] is a Norwegian music award presented to Norwegian musicians.[2] The award was established by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), an organization that represents the interests of the recording industry worldwide. First awarded in 1973, the prize honours musicians from the previous year; it is still awarded annually. The Spellemann committee, composed of members of IFPI Norway and FONO, manages the award and acts as the judge.[3] Twenty-one categories are currently awarded and the committee may award additional honorary and industry awards.

The awards are usually held in January or February.

Juries and scoring

Separate juries convene for each category. Members are confidential from both the general public and the other juries. The juries score each nominee separately, then convene to deliberate until there is a winner. Usually, three nominees are presented to the jury.

The Spellemanns committee nominates three categories: Newcomer of the Year, Fiddler of the Year and Hit Artist. A nomination jury nominates the rest of the videos, which are then presented to the juries.

Newcomer Award

Starting in 2007, the winner of the Newcomer of the Year Award takes home a prize of 200 000 kroner. The scholarship is awarded by Gramo, a Norwegian music industry funding agency.[4]

Multiple award winners

As of 2014, sixteen artists have won the prize more than five times. Leif Ove Andsnes has the most wins with 10 awards.

Broadcast channels

In 2011, the live award show returned to NRK for the first time since 2001, and remained on the same channel afterwards. From 2002 to 2010, the show was broadcast on TV 2.[5]

Awards by year


Erik Bye was awarded the first Spellemannprisen for best male artist in 1972.
Class Artist Title
Female artistKirsti Sparboe
Male artistErik Bye
GroupPopol Vuh
Classical musicFilharmonisk Selskaps Orkester Conducted by Miltiades Caridis
Folk albumBirgitte GrimstadFolk songs by Geirr Tveitt
Open classEinar SchankeKjære lille Norge
Music for childrenKnutsen & Ludvigsen
Special award: The jury's honorary awardEgil Monn-IversenBør Børson Jr.
Special awardJens Book-Jenssen
And for arranging SpellemannprisenSigurd Jansen


Ketil Bjørnstad was awarded Spellemannprisen 1974 in the class instrumental album.
Class Artist Title
JazzChristiania Jazzband
Female artistInger Lise Rypdal
Male artistBenny Borg
Classical musicTorkil Bye and Brynjar HoffMozart's Obo Quartett/Flute Quartett
Folk albumLillebjørn NilsenPortrett
Open classBjørn Sand and Totto OsvoldStutum Speaking
Music for childrenDizzie TunesDen aller siste ra-ta-ta/Hei-hå, hei-hå
Traditional musicOddvar Nygaards Kvartett
Special awardSigbjørn Bernhoft Osa


Class Artist Title
JazzStokstad/Jensen Trad.BandMer glajazz
Female artistKarin Krog
Male artistOdd Børretzen
Classical musicValen-koret med dirigent Sverre ValenFjell-Noreg
Folk albumAlf CrannerTrykt i år
Instrumental albumKetil BjørnstadBerget det blå
Music for childrenRigmor LangeColargol
Special award: The jury's honorary awardNora Brockstedt
Special awardJens Book-Jenssen
And for arranging SpellemannprisenSigurd Jansen


Class Artist Title
Jazz albumLaila DalsethJust Friends
VocalistAnne Lise GjøstølAnne Lise Gjøstøl
Pop albumPrudenceTakk te dokk
Instrumental albumKjell BækkelundVillarkorn
Classical musicHallgerd Benum DahlHalfdan Kjerulf – romanser
Folk albumStein Ove BergVisa di
Open classPer Aabel
Music for childrenThorbjørn EgnerOle Brumm og vennene hans
Traditional musicSture Rogne og Ragnar Danielsens ensembleDet glade Aalesund – Per Bolstad 1875–1975
Special award: The jury's honorary awardOtto Nielsen


Class Artist Title
JazzBjarne NeremEverything Happens to Me
VocalistWenche MyhreWenche
Dance-pop albumMatch med Wenche HallanMatch
Pop-rock albumArbeidslagetGrovarbeid
Classical musicEinar Steen-NøklebergNorsk barokk og galanterier
Folk albumOle PausI anstendighetens navn
Open classMorten Gunnar LarsenClassic Rags & Stomps
Music for childrenVisvasMaleri av Visvas
Traditional musicToradertrioenTakk for sist
Honorary awardRobert Levin


Class Artist Title
Jazz albumPål Thowsen og Jon ChristensenNo Time for Time
VocalistRadka ToneffWinter Poem
Pop albumAlexAlex og Handle With Care
Classical musicGrex VocalisGrex Vocalis
Folk albumAlf CrannerVindkast
Open classArve TellefsenSindings fiolinkonsert/Du milde Mozart
Music for childrenThorbjørn EgnerFolk og røvere i Kardemomme by
Traditional musicÅnon Egeland og Per MidtstigenI heitaste slåtten
Originator avardJan EggumHeksedans (his own texts, music a.o.)
The jury's honorary awardToralf Tollefsen


Jan Garbarek was awarded the special Spellemannpris 1978.
Class Artist Title
Jazz albumLaila DalsethGlad There Is You
Female vocalistGrethe KauslandA Taste of...
Male vocalistJahn TeigenThis Year's Loser
Instrumental albumCompiled Band from the Forsvarets musikk, Conducted by Rolf AndersenForsvaret spiller
Verbal albumHarald Heide-Steen jr.Harald Heide-Steen jr.
Classical musicKnut NystedtContemporary Music from Norway
Folk albumVårsøgSola e komma
Traditional musicSven NyhusDovregubben danser
Special awardJan Garbarek
The jury's honorary awardErik Bye


Class Artist Title
JazzBjørn AlterhaugMoments
Pop albumAnita SkorganIngen vei tilbake
Rock albumPål ThowsenSurprise
Classical musicOslo TrioFelix Mendelsohn og Frank Martin komposisjoner
Choir albumBergen DomkantoriFolketoner i glass og ramme
Folk albumJan EggumEn sang fra vest
Open classDet Norske TeatretSå lenge skuta kan gå
Open classJon EikemoLeser Jacob Sande
Traditional musicBjørgum/Berg/Kvifte/StubseidSlinkombas
The jury's honorary awardReidar ThommessenGarden of Memories
Special award: diplomaPete Knutsen


Class Artist Title
Jazz albumFrode Thingnæs QuintetDirect to Dish
Rock albumÅge Aleksandersen & SambandetRamp
New-rock albumThe Aller Værste!Materialtretthet
Pop albumDollieFørste akt
Classical musicArve TellefsenSerenade
Folk albumBallade!Ballade! Ekstranummer
Open classContemporary Music from NorwayVarious albums
Music for childrenRolf Just NilsenAsbjørnsen & Moes eventyr 1 & 2
Traditional musicLand SpelmannslagGammeldans og springdans fra Land
The jury's honorary awardKari Diesen


Dirigent Mariss Jansons was awarded in the classical musikk/contemporary music, as a conductor for Oslo Philharmonic in 1981.
Class Artist Title
JazzThorgeir StubøNotice
New rockDe PressBlock to Block
Jazz rockSidsel Endresen/Jon Eberson GroupJive Talking
PopTrond GranlundPleasant Surprise
Classical music/contemporary musicOslo Philharmonic Conducted by Mariss Jansonsfor three albums with the music of Grieg
FolkHalvdan SivertsenLiv laga
Open classGeirr LystrupSongen om kjærligheta
Music for childrenTrond-Viggo Torgersen & George KellerDet by'ner nå!
Traditional musicHørkelgaddanTøffelmusikk
Special award: the silver harp / 10th anniversary awardTerje Rypdal
The jury's honorary awardHenning SommerroLitt ta me
Special award: diplomaSvein Dag HaugePleasant Surprise


Class Artist Title
JazzKnut Riisnæs QuartetFlukt
RockStavangerensembletPå bommen
PopOlav StedjeTredje Stedje
FolkLillebjørn NilsenOriginal Nilsen
Classical music/contemporary musicEva KnardahlNorwegian Music for the Piano
Open classOppsal Skoles PikekorOppsal Skoles Pikekor
Music for childrenThorbjørn EgnerDe beste Egner-viser
Traditional musicSondre BratlandPilgrimens sangbok
Special award: diplomaJan Erik Kongshaug
The jury's honorary awardÅge Aleksandersen
Sector award as record producerErik Hillestad


Class Artist Title
PopThe MonroesSunday People
FolkLars Klevstrand/Hege Tunaal med Ålesund KammerensembleKirans viser
Classical music/contemporary musicGrex VocalisRenessanse for kor
Traditional musicTone HulbækmoKåmmå no....
Open classSteinar OfsdalHat Trick
Music for childrenKnutsen & LudvigsenJuba Juba
This year's SpellemannThe MonroesSunday People
The jury's honorary awardJahn Teigen
Sector award as record producerEirik WangbergAlways (Alex)


Class Artist Title
JazzLaila DalsethDaydreams
RockCan CanEn lek i forhold
FolkTove Karoline KnutsenVeintetid
Classical music/contemporary musicOslo PhilharmonicTchaikovsky 5. symfoni
Roots & countryCato SandenCato Sanden
Open classBalkansembletBalkan samlet
Music for childrenVisvasKompis med Albert Åberg
Traditional musicAgnes Buen GarnåsDraumkvedet
This year's SpellemannÅge AleksandersenLevva livet!
The jury's honorary awardTotto Johannessen
Sector award as composer/lyricistJon Eberson/Sidsel EndresenCity Vision


Morten Harket was awarded Spellemannprisen 13 times, first time in 1985
Class Artist Title
JazzPer HusbyDedications
RockJonas Fjeld BandNeck n' Neck
Popa-haHunting High and Low
FolkHalvdan SivertsenAmerika
Classical music/contemporary musicRobert RieflingBach: das Wohltemperierte Klavier
Roots & countryClaudia Scott/Ottar «Big Hand» Johansen/Casino SteelOh Yeah!
Open classKalenda MayaKalenda Maya - Medieval and Renaissance Music
Music for childrenHarry Halvsjuk & the Håpløse (NRK Halvsju)Harry Halvsjuk
Traditional musicElisabeth KværnePå langeleik
This year's Spellemanna-haHunting High and Low
The jury's honorary awardBobbysocks/Rolf Løvland
Sector award as producerHallvard Kvåle


Class Artist Title
JazzMasqualeroBande a Part
RockJonas Fjeld BandTime and Motion
Popa-haScoundrel Days
FolkHenning SommerroNeonlys på Ivar Aasen
Classical music/contemporary musicTellefsen/Knardahl/Kvalbein/BratlieGrieg sonater for fiolin/klaver og cello/klaver
This year's music videoa-ha«Hunting High and Low»
Open classDet Norske KammerkorVinjesvingen
Music for childrenMaj Britt AndersenFolk er rare!
Traditional musicDalakopaDalakopa
This year's SpellemannSissel KyrkjebøSissel
The jury's honorary awarda-ha
Sector awardSvein Gundersen


Class Artist Title
JazzBjørn JohansenTake One
RockTNTTell No Tales
PopTomboyBack to the Beat
FolkKari BremnesMitt ville hjerte
Classical music/contemporary musicOslo PhilharmonicSjostakovitsj: symfoni nr. 5
Roots & countryCato SandenOnce a Hero
Open classDollie de LuxeWhich Witch
Music for childrenGustav LorentzenLudvigsens Hostesaft
Traditional musicArve Moen BergsetArvesølv
This year's SpellemannJørn Hoel
The jury's honorary awardDissimilis


Class Artist Title
JazzOslo 13Off Balance
RockDumDum BoysBlodig alvor na na na na na|-----
PopDance with a StrangerDance with a Stranger
FolkGeirr LystrupEgg og champagne
Classical music/contemporary musicDet Norske KammerorkesterBritten/Mozart/Tsjaikovski
Roots & countryOttar «Big Hand» JohansenGame of Hearts
Open classArve TellefsenPan
Music for childrenTone Hulbækmo/Hans Fredrik JacobsenLangt nord i skogen
Traditional musicKirsten Bråten BergMin kvedarlund
This year's SpellemannDet Norske Kammerorkester
The jury's honorary awardHarald Sæverud


Class Artist Title
JazzEgil KapstadCherokee
RockDumdum BoysSplitter pine
PopDance with a StrangerTo
FolkJørn Simen ØverliLevende bandasjer
Classical music/contemporary musicHåkon AustbøSkrjabin – pianosonater
Roots & countryMostly RobinsonRoll Down the Highway
EntertainmentØystein SundeKjekt å ha
Open classMari Boine PersenGula Gula – hør stammemødrenes stemme
Music for childrenKnutsen/Nellie NeufPå frifot
Traditional musicSteinar Ofsdal/Per MidtstigenSjøfløyta
This year's SpellemannØystein Sunde
This year's newcomerMatchstick SunFlowerground


Class Artist Title
JazzOslo Groove CompanyAnno 1990
RockDumDum BoysPstereo
PopSigvart DagslandAlt eg såg
FolkGitarkamerateneTypisk norsk
Classical music/contemporary musicOslo Philharmonic/Mariss JansonsMahler Symphony No. 2
Roots & countrySteinar AlbrigtsenAlone Too Long
UnderholdningBjørn EidsvågAlt du vil ha
Music for childrenGustav Lorentzen (alias Ludvigsen)Bli blid!
Traditional musicTorleiv & Hallvard BjørgumSkjoldmøyslaget. Faremoslåttar frå Setesdal
This year's newcomerCC CowboysBlodsbrødre
This year's SpellemannGitarkameratene
The jury's honorary awardMarie Foss and Torstein Grythe


Class Artist Title
RockJokke & ValentinerneFrelst!
PopTre Små KinesereLuftpalass
FolkKari BremnesSpor
Chamber musicTruls Mørk/Håkon AustbøVerker av Franck, Chausson, Debussy, Poulenc
Orchestral and choral musicLeif Ove Andsnes/Bergen Philharmonic OrchestraGrieg: Piano Concert/Liszt: Piano Concert No. 2
UnderholdningArthur «Oluf» ArntzenLatterkula
Open classKnut Reiersrud and Iver KleiveBlå koral
Music for childrenAnne Cath. VestlyMarte og mormor og mormor og Morten 1–4
Traditional musicSør-Fron SpelemannslagDen lykkelige frier
This year's SpellemannDance with a Stranger


Class Artist Title
JazzKnut Riisnæs & Jon ChristensenKnut Riisnæs/Jon Christensen
RockBarbie BonesDeath in the Rockinghorse Factory
PopBel CantoShimmering, Warm and Bright
FolkVidar SandbeckLegende
Chamber musicLeif Ove AndsnesChopin: Sonater, mazurkaer og etyder
Orchestral musicTruls Mørk/Det Norske Kammerorkester/Iona BrownJoseph Haydn: Cello conserts
Roots & countryEriksenTwo Blue
EntertainmentHanne KroghTa meg til havet
Open classOle Edvard AntonsenTour De Force
Music for childrenGustav Lorentzen1. klasse
Traditional musicHauk & Knut BuenFykerud'n
This year's SpellemannDumDum Boys
The jury's honorary awardVidar Sandbeck


Class Artist Title
JazzRadka ToneffLive in Hamburg
RockdeLillosNeste sommer
PopPogo PopsCrash
FolkVampGodmorgen, søster
Chamber musicLeif Ove AndsnesGrieg; Piano sonate op. 7/Lyriske stykker op. 43 og 54
Orchestral musicTruls Mørk/Oslo Philharmonic/Mariss JansonsDvorák; Cello-konsert/Tsjaikovskij; Rokokko-variasjoner
Roots & countryHellbilliesPela stein
UnderholdningTrio de JaneiroBrazilikum
Open classMari BoineGoaskinviellja
Music for childrenBukkene Bruse/Geirr Lystrup/Anne Kari Hårnes/Kirsten Bråten BergVåre beste barnesanger 2
Traditional musicBjørn Odde og Amund BjørgenSlåttemusikk frå Lom
This year's newcomerTrine ReinFinders, Keepers
This year's SpellemannThe September When


Class Artist Title
Female artistAnne Grete PreusMillimeter
Male artistJonas FjeldNerven i min sang
BandTre Små KinesereHjertemedisin
JazzEgil Kapstad TrioRemembrance
Classical music/contemporary musicHåkon AustbøMessiaen – Vingt Regards
Music for childrenTerje FormoeKaptein Sabeltann og hemmeligheten i Kjuttaviga
Traditional musicKnut Buen/Leif Rygg/Kåre NordstogaBjølleslåtten (slåttar etter Ola Mosafinn)
Best album coverKim HiorthøyMotorpsychos Timothy's Monster
This year's songAnne Grete PreusMillimeter
This year's albumAnne Grete PreusMillimeter
This year's newcomerWeldNatural Tools
This year's SpellemannØystein Sunde


Class Artist Title
Female artistLynni TreekremHaugtussa
Male artistMorten HarketWild Seed
BanddeLillosSent og tidlig
JazzVigleik Storaas TrioBilder
Chamber musicCikada StrykekvartettBlack Angels
Orchestral musicTruls Mørk & London Philharmonic Orchestra with Mariss JansonsSjostakovitsj: cellokonserter
Open classTerje RypdalIf Mountains Could Sing
Music for childrenGustav LorentzenKanskje kommer kongen
Traditional musicNye RingnesinFrå vals til vise
Best album coverKim Hiorthøy v/Racer BKKan det være nødvendig å være så sint?
This year's songMorten Harket & Håvard RemA Kind of Christmas Card
This year's albumMorten HarketWild Seed
This year's newcomerGreen CortinasSleep
This year's SpellemannMorten Harket
The jury's honorary awardArne Bendiksen


D.D.E. anno 2009 (Foto: Jarle Vines)
Class Artist Title
Female artistUnni WilhelmsenTo Whom It May Concern
Male artistIvar EidemMissions of a Clown
BandBel CantoMagic Box
JazzBugge WesseltoftNew Conception of Jazz
Dance/technoBel CantoMagic Box
Dance OrchestraOle IvarsDans på Skjermertopp
Chamber musicVertavokvartettenCarl Nielsen: strykekvartetter op. 5 og 13
Orchestral musicDet Norske Kammerorkester med Iona BrownGrieg og Nielsen: musikk for strykeorkester
Folk album13 humler13 humler
Open classMari BoineEallin
Music for childrenEventyr-ensembletManndattera og kjerringdattera/Huldra som var så giftesjuk
Traditional musicArne M. SølvbergNordfjordslåttar
This year's songOdd Børretzen/Lars Martin Myhre«Noen ganger er det all right»
This year's albumUnni WilhelmsenTo Whom It May Concern
This year's newcomerHelén EriksenStandards
This year's SpellemannD.D.E.
The jury's honorary awardOdd Børretzen


Class Artist Title
Pop soloEspen LindRed
Pop bandVelvet BellyLucia
JazzVigleik Storaas TrioAndre bilder
RockPoor Rich OnesFrom the Makers of Ozium
HardrockMotorpsychoAngels and Daemons at Play
Dance/technoPalace of PleasureEmperor Norton
Folk and Folk RockOdd Børretzen og Lars Martin MyhreVintersang
Open classNils Petter MolværKhmer
Music for childrenPetter Moen og Øyvind GravdalLivet i Lyriaka
Traditional musicRagnhild FurholtSegner syng
Dance Orchestra/Norwegian folkGluntanLevandes live
This year's songEspen LindWhen Susannah Cries
This year's artistEspen Lind
This year's newcomerLocomotivesSpin
This year's SpellemannBjørn Eidsvåg
The jury's special awardLene Nystrøm


Class Artist Title
Pop Solo ArtistBertine ZetlitzMorbid Latenight Show
Pop BandD'SoundBeauty Is a Blessing
JazzEspen Rud SextettRudlende
RockMidnight ChoirAmsterdam Stranded
Hard RockCovenantNexus Polaris
Folk & Folk RockVampFlua på veggen
DancePäronsodaA Nightclub in Tunisia
Classical musicSolveig KringlebotnBlack Roses
Contemporary musicOslo PhilharmonicLasse Thoresen: The Sonic Mind
Dance Orchestra/Norwegian folkPicazzoBlanke ark
Open classSidsel Endresen & Bugge WesseltoftDuplex Ride
Music for childrenGamlebyen skoles eleverSyng som småfolk
Traditional musicBjarne Herrefoss/Knut Hamre/Hallvard T. BjørgumToneflaum
This year's songLene MarlinUnforgivable Sinner
This year's artistVidar BuskI Came Here To Rock
This year's newcomerBertine ZetlitzMorbid Latenight Show
This year's SpellemannLeif Ove Andsnes
The jury's honorary awardOle Paus


Madrugada was awarded Spellemannprisen 5 times, here with Sivert Høyem
Class Artist Title
Pop Solo ArtistLene MarlinPlaying My Game
Pop BandSavoyMountains of Time
JazzKarin Krog & John SurmanBluesand
RockMadrugadaIndustrial Silence
Hard RockThe KovenantAnimatronic
DancePalace of PleasurePopaganda
Folk & Folk RockJan EggumDeilig
Classical musicTruls MørkElgar; Cellokonsert og Britten; Cellosymfoni
Contemporary musicOslo Philharmonic, Det Norske Kammerorkester, Oslo SinfoniettaRolf Wallin: Boyl
Dance OrchestraOle IvarsOle Ivars i 2000
Open classKrøytLow
Music for childrenDiverse Artister (NRK Children's TV)Jul i Blåfjell
Traditional musicKvartsKvarts
Musical Video AwardBabel FishLight of Day
This year's songLene MarlinSitting Down Here
This year's artistLene Marlin
This year's newcomerLene MarlinPlaying My Game
This year's SpellemannOle Ivars
The jury's honorary awardSven Nyhus


Nils Petter Molvær vant i 2000 og 2005
Class Artist Title
Pop Solo ArtistBertine ZetlitzBeautiful So Far
Pop BandBriskebyJeans for Onassis
JazzPetter Wettre & Per Oddvar JohansenThe Only Way to Travel
RockMotorpsychoLet Them Eat Cake
Hard RockSensa AnimaSin Thatic
Folk & Folk RockKari, Ola og Lars BremnesSoløye
Classical musicLeif Ove Andsnes og Det Norske KammerorkesterHaydn: Pianokonsert nr. 3, 4 og 11
Contemporary musicKenneth Karlsson..... sofferte onde serene ...
Dance OrchestraOle IvarsMedisin mot det meste
Open classNils Petter MolværSolid Ether
Music for childrenAsgeirFritt fram
Traditional musicHåkon HøgemoSolo
This year's musical videoa-haVelvet
This year's songBriskebyPropaganda
This year's artistBriskebyJeans for Onassis
This year's newcomerBriskebyJeans for Onassis
This year's SpellemannHerborg Kråkevik
The jury's honorary awarda-ha
Sector awardKjell Hillveg


Class Artist Title
Pop Solo ArtistMorten AbelI'll Come Back and Love You Forever
Pop BandSavoyReasons to Stay Indoors
JazzUrban ConnectionUrban Connection
RockKaizers OrchestraOmpa til du dør
ElektronikaRöyksoppMelody A.M.
BluesBjørn BergeStringmachine
MetalDimmu BorgirPuritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Folk albumHalvdan SivertsenTvil, håp og kjærlighet
Hip-hopKlovner i kampBjølsen hospital
Classical musicRolf LislevandAlfabeto
Contemporary musicPeter HerresthalArne Nordheim; Complete Violin Music
Dance OrchestraScandinaviaDe aller beste «live»
Open classAnja GarbarekSmiling & Waving
Music for childrenUhu! (NRK Children's TV)Uhu!
Traditional music/Norwegian FolkPer Sæmund BjørkumBerg og vatn
This year's musical videoRöyksoppEple
This year's songMorten AbelI'll Come Back and Love You Forever
This year's newcomerSondre LercheFaces Down
This year's SpellemannMorten Abel
The greatest Norwegian hit everOdd Børretzen & Lars Martin MyhreNoen ganger er det all right


Class Artist Title
JazzCome ShineDo Do That Voodoo
FolkOdd Børretzen & Lars Martin MyhreKelner!
BluesBjørn BergeIllustrated Man
Hip-HopPaperboysNo Cure for Life
Pop Solo ArtistThomas Dybdahl...That Great October Sound
Pop BandEphemeraBalloons and Champagne
Classical musicLeif Ove AndsnesSchubert; Pianosonate A-Dur D 959
Contemporary musicFrode HaltliLooking on Darkness
Dance OrchestraDænsebændetFår vi lov?
Open classSidsel Endresen & Bugge WesseltoftOut Here, In There
Music for childrenUhu! (NRK Children's TV)Uhu! Vol. 2
Traditional music/Norwegian FolkØyonn Groven Myhren & Odd NordstogaNivelkinn
This year's musical videoRöyksoppRemind Me
This year's songBjørn EidsvågMysteriet deg
This year's newcomerGåteJygri
This year's SpellemannRöyksopp


Class Artist Title
Female pop solo artistBertine ZetlitzSweet Injections
Male pop solo artistMagnetOn Your Side
Pop bandEphemeraAir
JazzAtomicBoom Boom
ElektronikaXploding PlastixThe Donca Matic Singalongs
RockTurbonegerScandinavian Leather
Blues/countryVidar BuskLove Buzz
FolkErik Bye og MarinemusikkenI dur og brott
Classical musicLeif Ove AndsnesGrieg/Schumann: Piano Concertos
Contemporary musicHans-Kristian Kjos SørensenOpen
Dance OrchestraOle IvarsHverdag & fest
MetalDimmu BorgirDeath Cult Armageddon
Hip-hopEquicezState of Emergency – Generation Equiz
Open classNiko ValkeapääNiko Valkeapää
Music for childrenHege Rimestad/Geirr LystrupFly som en stein
Traditional music/Norwegian folkMajorstuenMajorstuen
This year's musical videoKaizers OrchestraEvig pint
This year's songKurt NilsenShe's So High
This year's newcomerJulian BerntzenWaffytown
This year's SpellemannSilje Nergaard
The jury's honorary awardWenche Myhre


Odd Nordstoga was awarded Spellemannprisen in 2002 and in 2004
Class Artist Title
Female artistSissy WishYou May Breathe...
Male artistOdd NordstogaLuring
Pop bandThe National BankThe National Bank
JazzSolveig SlettahjellSilver
Elektronika/Contemporary musicLars HorntvethPooka
Blues/countryKnut ReiersrudPretty Ugly
Metal/Heavy rockEnslavedIsa
Open classFrode FjellheimAejlies Gaaltije – The Sacred Source
Hip-hop/RnBMadconIt's All a MadCon
FolkKaia HuuseTrist og fint
Classical musicGrieg TrioDvorak: Complete Piano Trios
Dance OrchestraOle IvarsHeldiggriser
Music for childrenEva TronesLille Bille
Traditional music/Norwegian folkVidar Lande & Gunhild TømmeråsSordølen – Slåtter og Slåttestev fra Setesdal
This year's musical videoMargaret BergerLifetime Guarantee
This year's hit songKurt NilsenMy Street
This year's newcomerAnnieAnniemal
This year's SpellemannOdd Nordstoga


Class Artist Title
Female artistAne BrunA Temporary Dive
Male artistRobert PostRobert Post
Pop bandRöyksoppThe Understanding
JazzHans MathisenQuiet Songs
Contemporary musicNils Henrik Asheim19 March 2004, Oslo Cathedral
RockMadrugadaThe Deep End
BluesKåre Virud BandIld og vann
Open classNils Petter MolværEr
CountryThe RespatexansShine On
MetalAudrey HorneNo Hay Banda
FolkVampSiste stikk
Hip Hop/R'n'BPaperboysWhen Worlds Collide
Classical music/contemporary musicLeif Ove AndsnesRachmaninov: Piano Concertos 1 & 2
Dance OrchestraOle IvarsVi tar det tel manda'n
Music for childrenGeirr LystrupSangen om Yebo
Traditional music/Norwegian folkSigrid Moldestad/Einar Mjølsnes/Håkon HøgemoGamaltnymalt
Best album cover
This year's hit songMadrugada & Ane BrunLift me
This year's musical videoRobert PostGot None
This year's newcomerMarthe ValleIt's a Bag of Candy
This year's SpellemannMadrugada
The jury's honorary awardTerje Rypdal
Sector awardSæmund Fiskvik
Sector awardJan Paulsen


Class Artist Title
Female artistMarit LarsenUnder the Surface
Male artistThomas DybdahlScience
Pop bandMinor MajorityReasons to Hang Around
ElektronikaLindstrømIt's a Feedelity Affair
Contemporary musicGrex Vocalis og KORKArne Nordheim: Draumkvedet
JazzAtomicHappy New Ears!
Rock120 Days120 Days
BluesRita EngedalenHeaven Ain't Ready for Me Yet
CountryIla AutoIf You Keep Pickin' it Might Never Heal
Hip hopDarkside of the ForceEl dia de los puercos
FolkLars BremnesHjertekaptein
Classical musicMarianne Thorsen/Trondheim SoloistsMozart: Violin Concertos
Dance OrchestraScandinaviaAlle mann til pumpene
Open classHanne HukkelbergRykestrasse 68
Music for childrenJul i Svingen (Various artists)Jul i Svingen
Traditional music/Norwegian folkKvartsSteinsprang
This year's musical videoMarit LarsenDon't Save Me
This year's hit songEspen Lind, Kurt Nilsen, Alejandro Fuentes og Askil HolmHallelujah
This year's newcomer120 Days120 Days
This year's SpellemannVamp
The jury's honorary awardÅge Aleksandersen, Bjørn Eidsvåg og Sissel Kyrkjebø
Sector awardStargate


Class Artist Title Label
Female artistSusanne SundførSusanne SundførMBN
Male artistMagnetThe Simple LifeSony BMG
Pop bandSuperfamilyWarszawaPropeller Rec.
ElektronikaSalvatoreDays of RageRacing Junior
Contemporary musicKari Rønnekleiv / Ole-Henrik MoeCiaccona/3 Persephone PerceptionsRune Grammofon
JazzPetter WettreFountain of YouthHousehold Records
RockMy Midnight CreepsHistaminMMC Records
BluesGrandeUppers, Downers, Screamers & HowlersFabuloso Records
CountryHellbilliesSpissrotgangEMI Music Norway
MetalMayhemOrdo Ad ChaoSeason Of Mist
Hip hopMadconSo Dark the Con of ManBonner Amigo
FolkHenning KvitnesStemmer i gressetBonnier Amigo/Scandicana
Classical musicBergen Philharmonic OrchestraProkofiev: Romeo & JulietBis Records AB
Dance OrchestraAnne NørdstiLivli' på låvenTylden & Co
Open classLive Maria RoggenCircuit SongsJazzland
Music for childrenRasmus og Verdens Beste BandKyssing e hæsli...MBN
Traditional music/Norwegian folkSigrid MoldestadTausHeilo
This year's musical videoDimmu Borgir«The Serpentine Offering»Nuclear Blast
This year's hit songMadcon«Beggin'»Bonner Amigo
This year's newcomerTine Thing HelsethHaydn/Hummel/Albinoni/NerudaSimax Classics
This year's SpellemannHellbillies
The jury's honorary awardDumDum Boys
Sector awardRolf Løvland


Class Artist Title Label
Female artistMaria MenaCause and EffectSony Music
Male artistThom HellGod If I Saw Her NowVoices Of Wonder
Pop bandReal OnesAll for the NeighbourhoodWarner Music
ElektronikaLindstrømWhere You Go I Go TooSmalltown Supersound
Contemporary musicEllen UgelvikGeorge Crumb: Makrokosmos I-IISimax Classics
JazzHelge Lien TrioHello TrollOzella/Musikklosen
RockLukestarLake TobaPhone Me
BluesORBO & The LongshotsHigh RollerBlue Mood/Grappa
CountryIda JenshusColor of the SunUniversal Music
MetalEnslavedVertebraeIndie Recordings
Hip-hopKarpe DiemFire veggerBonnier Music
FolkHalvdan SivertsenMellom ossEMI Music Norway/Nordaførr
Classical musicHenning KraggerudEugéne Ysaÿe: Six Sonatas For Solo ViolinSimax Classics
Dance OrchestraIngemarsI Finnskogens rikeTylden & Co
Open classFarmers MarketSurfin' USSRIpecac
Music for childrenTrondheim SinfoniettaSå rart...!Øra Musikk as
Traditional music/Norwegian folkGjermund Larsen TrioAnkomstHeilo
This year's contemporary composerRisto Holopainen«Garbage Collection»Mere Records
This year's popular composerThom HellDarling from the album God If I Saw Her NowVoices of Wonder
This year's lyricistOdd BørretzenParadise Bay from the album Syv sørgelige sanger og tre tristeBigBox Music
This year's hit songThe BlackSheepsOro jaska beana
This year's newcomerIda MariaFortress Round My HeartNightliner/Universal
This year's SpellemannEspen Lind
This year's export awardMadcon
Greatest VG-list songa-haTake On Me
Sector awardAudun Tylden


Class Artist Title Label
Female artistNoora NoorSoul DeepBlue Mood Records
Male artistSivert HøyemMoon LandingHektor Grammofon
Pop bandMontéeIsle of NowStrømland Records
ElektronikaRöyksoppJuniorVirgin / EMI Music Norway
Contemporary musicOslo Philharmonic Orchestra / Gupta and Szilvay
m/ Herresthal, Birkeland, Bullock, Styffe
Low JiveSimax Classics
JazzTord Gustavsens EnsembleRestored, ReturnedECM
RockJohn Olav Nilsen & GjengenFor sant til å være godtVME
BluesReidar LarsenKom inn te ossBlue Fingers Productions
CountryTore AndersenRight Around the CornerWilma Records
MetalThe CumshotsA Life Less NecessaryRodeostar Records
Hip-hopTommy TeeStudio-TimeTee Productions/Bonnier Amigo Music Norway
FolkTonje UnstadÆ ror aleinaEchofisk
Classical musicVilde FrangVilde Frang – Prokofiev & Sibelius: Violin ConcertosEMI Music Norway
Dance OrchestraVagabondVagabondTylden & Co
Open classKristin AsbjørnsenThe Night Shines Like the DayEmarcy / Universal Music
Music for childrenMalin ReitanMalinMBN Music Business Norway / Universal Music
Traditional music/Norwegian folkOlav Luksengård MjelvaFele/Hardingfele, Røros/Hallingdal
This year's contemporary composerRuben S. GjertsenGrains+3DB
This year's popular composerSvein Berge / Torbjørn BrundtlandRöyksopp; JuniorVirgin / EMI Music Norway
This year's songKjartan Kristiansen / Aslak DørumDumDum Boys; TidsmaskinOh Yeah! / EMI Music Norway
This year's hit songDonkeyboyAmbitions
This year's newcomerDonkeyboyCaught in a LifeWarner Music
This year's musical videoDonkeyboyAmbitionsdirector: Kristoffer Borgli
This year's SpellemannAlexander Rybak
The jury's honorary awardJahn Teigen
Producer priceYngve Sætre
Sector awardBarry Matheson


Class Artist Title Label
Female artistIngrid OlavaThe GuestUniversal Music
Male artistThom HellAll Good ThingsVoices Music and Entertainment
Pop bandKråkesølvBomtur til jordaKråkesølv Plateselskapet / Grand Sport Records
ElektronikaLindstrøm & ChristabelleReal Life Is No CoolSmalltown Supersound
Contemporary musicEdvin ØstergaardDie 7. HimmelrichtungLawo Classics
JazzElephant9Walk the NileRune Grammofon
RockKvelertakKvelertakIndie Recordings
BluesBilly T BandL.O.V.E. (Just a Silly Notion)Big H Records
CountryIda JenshusNo GuaranteesUniversal Music
MetalEnslavedAxioma Ethica OdiniIndie Recordings
Hip-hopLars VaularHelt om natten, helt om dagenCosmos Music Group
FolkNarumÆlt som var søkk borteWarner Music Norway
Classical musicTrondheim SoloistsIn Folk StyleLindberg Lyd / 2L
Dance OrchestraOle IvarsStjerneklartTylden & co
Open classJaga JazzistOne-Armed BanditUniversal Music
Music for childrenRasmus og Verdens Beste BandPuppan te pappaMBO/MBN
Traditional music/Norwegian folkUnni Boksasp EnsembleKeramelloØra Fonogram
This year's contemporary composerNils Henrik AsheimMazurka – remaking ChopinLawo Classics
This year's populær composerSusanne SundførThe BrothelEMI Music Norway
This year's lyrisistErik Fosnes HansenNeste stasjon GroruddaWorks Records
This year's hit songMadconGlow
This year's newcomer and Gramo grantKvelertakKvelertakIndie Recordings
This year's musical videoYoga FireSuperkul med kniv
This year's musical video directorLasse GretlandYoga Fire: Superkul med kniv
This year's fanAnne Lise Kasenborg (D.D.E.)
This year's innovatorLars Vaular
This year's SpellemannKarpe Diem
The jury's honorary awarda-ha
Producer awardStargate


Class Artist Title Label
Female artistAne BrunIt All Starts with OneDet Er Mine, Balloon Ranger Recordings
Male artistJarle BernhoftSolidarity BreaksUniversal Music
Pop bandTeam MeTo the Treetops
Contemporary musicHåkon ThelinLight
JazzOla KvernbergLiarbird
RockHonningbarnaLa alarmane gå
BluesAmund MaarudElectric
CountryOnkel TukaHvit honning
MetalÅrabrotSolar Anus
Hip HopLars VaularDu betyr meg
FolkStein Torleif BjellaVonde visu
Classical musicLeif Ove Andsnes/Christian Tetzlaff/Tanja TetzlaffSchumann - Complete works for piano trio
LyricistLars VaularDu betyr meg
ComposerRolf Wallin (Bodø Sinfonietta/Eggen/Lundeng/Torjesen)Wire and string
Open classBárutInga JuusoBálggis
Music for childrenTonje UnstadMygga og flua
Traditional music/Norwegian folkRagnhild FurebottenNever on a Sunday
This year's hit songPlumboMøkkamann
This year's musical videoEnvyOne Song (Regissør Jonas Meek Strømman)
This year's newcomer and Gramo grantJonas AlaskaJonas AlaskaJansen plateproduksjon
This year's innovatorShining
This year's SpellemannJarle Bernhoft
The jury's honorary awardJan Eggum
Producer AwardKåre Vestrheim


Class Artist Title Label
MetalNekromantheonRise, Vulcan, SpectreIndie Recordings
RockTommy TokyoAnd the Horse Came RiderlessWarner Music
PopKarpe DiemKors på halsen, Ti kniver i hjertet,
Mor og Far i døden
BluesBilly T BandMo-Billy-T
Traditional music/Norwegian folkOttar KåsaOttar Kåsa
JazzSidsel Endresen & Stian WesterhusDidymoi DreamsRune Grammofon
Music for childrenChristine SandtorvStjerneteller – Gullamanter
Classical musicLeif Ove AndsnesThe Beethoven Journey
Piano Conectors Nos 1&3
Sony Classical
Contemporary musicAsamisimasaPretty Sound
FolkTønesSån av salve
CountryIda JenshusSomeone To Love
Open classFarmers MarketSlav to the RhythmDivision Records
LyricistFrank TønnesenTønes: Sån av salve
ComposerEivind BueneCikada: Possible Cities/Essentials Landscapes
This year's SpellemannKaizers Orchestra
This year's newcomer and Gramo scholarshipLidoLidoPretty Girls & Grey Sweaters
This year's hitSirkus Eliassen & Ben Kinx«Æ vil bare dans»
This year's musical videoKaizers Orchestra«Begravelsespolka»
Director: Eivind Tolås
The jury's honorary awardKarin Krog


Class Artist Title Label
MetalKvelertakMeirSony Music Scandinavia
RockKing MidasRosso
PopReal OnesTonight Only Tonight / The Morning After
Pop vocalistMonica HeldalBoy From The NorthWarner Music Norway
IndieYoung DreamsBetween Places
UrbanDon MartinEn Gang Romsåsgutt Alltid Romsåsgutt
BluesGina AspenesInertiaGrappa Music
Dance bandHanne Mette GunnarasrudMinner
Traditional music/Norwegian folkIngebjørg Bratland and Odd NordstogaOttar Kåsa
Elektronika/DanceRalph Myerz BandSuper Sonic Pulse
JazzKarin Krog and John SurmanSongs About This And ThatVossajazz
Music for childrenKirsti Huke and Siri GjæreTullkattesnutene: Vi Vil Ut På Byen
Classical musicOslo StrykekvartettThe Schubert Connection
Contemporary musicChristian Wallumrød EnsembleOutstairsECM Records
FolkModdiKæm va du?
CountryBendik BrænneHow To Fake It In America
Open classSusanna and Ensemble NeonThe Forester
LyricistFrida ÅnnevikVille OrdGrappa Music
ComposerLars Petter HagenOslo Filharmoniske Orkester/
Rolf Gupta/Gjermund Larsen
Lars Petter Hagen
Auroraa Music
This year's SpellemannOle Paus
This year's newcomer and Gramo scholarshipMonica HeldalBoy From The NorthWarner Music Norway
This year's hitYlvis«The Fox»
The jury's honorary awardAnne Grete Preus


Class Artist Title Label
MetalExecrationMorbid DimensionsDuplicate Records
RockThe CheatersRites Of SpringDivision Records
Pop bandHighasakiteSilent TreatmentPropeller Recordings
Pop vocalistEmilie NicolasLike I’m A WarriorColumbia/Sony
IndieThea HjelmelandSolar PlexusTheah/DistRobot
UrbanStore PRegnmannenNMG/G-huset
BluesDaniel EriksenMoonshine HymnsPzydeco Records
Dance bandDænsebændetMed Sans For DansTylden & Co AS
Traditional music/Norwegian folkGjermund LarsenTrønderbarokkØra Fonogram
Elektronika/DanceMental OverdriveEverything Is ConnectedLove OD Communications
JazzMarius Neset and Trondheim Jazz OrchestraLionACT Music
Music for childrenChristine SandtorvStjerneteller – DinomaurIfemmera Records
Classical musicErlend Skomsvoll/Christian Ihle Hadland/1B1Holberg VariationsGrappa Music
Contemporary musicHåkon SteneLush Laments for Lazy MammalHubro Music
FolkEllen Sofie HovlandSkandinavisk SjelGrappa Music
CountryClaudia ScottFollow The LinesVoices Of Wonder/VME
Open classJenny Hval and SusannaMeshes Of VoiceSusannaSonata
LyricistSiri NilsenSkyggebokserGrappa Music
ComposerIngrid Helene HåvikHighasakite - Silent TreatmentPropeller Recordings
This year's SpellemannNico & Vinz
This year's newcomer and Gramo scholarshipEmilie NicolasLike I’m A WarriorColumbia/Sony
This year's hitAdmiral P and Nico D«Engel»
The jury's honorary awardMorten Abel


Class Artist Title Label
MetalKampfarProfanIndie Recordings
RockBeglomegEurokrjemFysisk Format
Pop bandBow To Each other My Heart Is A TargetJansen Plateproduksjon
Pop artistSusanne SundførTen Love SongsWarner Music Norway
IndieThe Megaphonic ThriftSun Stare SoundYap Records
UrbanArifHighEnd / AsfaltNora/Warner
BluesKnut Reiersrud & Mighty Sam MacclainTears Of The WorldKirkelig Kulturverksted
Dance bandGluntanGluntan 50 ÅrGluntan Records
Traditional music/Norwegian folkSusanne LundengNordalsslotter - Hilsen Susanne LundengHavella Records
Elektronika/DanceAndré BrattenGodeSmalltown Supersound
JazzEirik HegdalTeam Hegdal - Vol. 3Particular Recordings
Music for childrenMaj Britt AndersenVæla OmkringGrappa Music
Classical musicRolf LislevandScaramanziaNaïve Classique
Contemporary musicAsamisimasaNeon Forest SpaceGrappa Music/Aurora Contemporary
CountryErik MollMany Years To GoEMM Records
Open classSlagrShort StoriesOzella
SongKygo feat. Parson JamesStole the ShowSony Music
AlbumSusanne SundførTen Love SongsWarner Music Norway
Music videoMarie Kristiansen and Karpe Diem"Hvite menn som pusher 50"
LyricistOdd NordstogaDette LandetUniversal Music
ComposerØrjan MatreØrjan Matre - Presage & Violin Concerto
Music producerSusanne SundførSusanne Sundfør - Ten Love SongsWarner Music Norway
This year's SpellemannKygo
This year's newcomer and Gramo scholarshipAuroraRunning with the WolvesDecca Records
The jury's honorary awardTommy Tee


Class Artist Title Label
BluesMK's Marvellous MedicineMk's Marvellous Medicine
IndieThe SwitchThe Switch Album
UrbanKarpe DiemHeisann MontebelloKarpe Diem DA
Pop bandHighasakiteCamp Echo
FolkFrida ÅnnevikHer Bor
Traditional music/Norwegian folkAnders RøineKristine Valdresdattertal:ic
Dance bandTorgeir & KjendiseneEn Runde Til
Contemporary musicEnsemble neoNNeon
Music for childrenSuperbarnaHipp Hurra
Elektronika/DanceBiosphereDeparted Glories
Open classSusannaTriangleOzella
JazzNils Petter MolværBuoyancy
Pop artistAuroraAll My Demons Greeting Me As A Friend
Classical musicTrondheim SoloistsReflections
MetalOkkultokratiRaspberry Dawn
CountryDarling WestVinyl And A Heartache
Music producerSusanne SundførSusanne Sundfør - Ten Love SongsWarner Music Norway
AlbumKarpe DiemHeisann MontebelloKarpe Diem DA
Music videoAurora"I Went Too Far"
ProducerCashmere Cat
LyricistCezinando"Barn av Europa"
This year's newcomer and Gramo scholarshipAstrid S
ComposerGjermund LarsenGjermund Larsen Trio - SalmeklangHeilo Music
SongAlan WalkerFaded
This year's SpellemannMarcus & Martinus
The jury's honorary awardArve Tellefsen


Class Artist Title Label
BluesRonnie JacobsenThe Blues In MeAbup Road Records
IndieSilja SolNi LivSelf Release / Edda Music
UrbanCezinandoNoen Ganger Og AndreWarner Music Norway
Pop bandSeebSeeb 2017Universal Music Norway
FolkFrida ÅnnevikFlyge FraGrappa Music
Traditional music/Norwegian folkAnne HyttaStimurtal:ic
RockSløtfaceTry Not To Freak OutPropeller Recordings
Contemporary musicEnsemble Ernst and Al Khowarizmis Mekaniske OrkesterBring Me That HorizonMere Records
Music for childrenRasmus og Verdens Beste BandBanjo På BadetGrappa Music
Elektronika+plattformTwelve One / Twelve TwoPloink / Edda Music
Open classNils Økland BandLysningHeilo / Grappa Music
JazzHeggeVi är ledsna men du får inte längre vara barnParticular Recordings Collective
Pop artistCashmere Cat9Universal Music Norway
Classical musicVilde FrangHomageParlophone Records
MetalEnslavedENuclear Blast
CountryBendik BrænneThe Last Great Country SwindleBen IX
ComposerBjørn KruseChronotope - Concerto For Clarinet And Orchestra performed by Fredrik Fors & Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra
Music producerOle Torjus Hofvind
AlbumCezinandoNoen Ganger Og AndreWarner Music Norway
Music videoDaniel Kvammen feat. Lars Vaular / Eivind Landsvik"Som Om Himmelen Revna"
ProducerCashmere Cat
LyricistSverre Knudsen"Vi"
This year's newcomer and Gramo scholarshipSigrid
SongHkeem feat. TemurFy FaenUniversal Music Norway
This year's "Thank you"Øystein Lindbeck
This year's SpellemannAstrid S
The jury's honorary awardMari Boine


Nominees and winners:[6][7]

Barnemusikk (Children's music)
  • Karoline Krüger og Fru Nitters Rytmeorkester: Labyrinter!
  • Naboen Min: Rockesock (Winner)
  • Tonje Unstad: Musling med melk
  • Mandarinsaft: På vei te en venn
  • Ulf Myrvold: Old Memories
  • Geir Bertheussen Blues Express: Southside
  • JT Lauritsen & The Buckshot Hunters: Blue Eyed Soul Volume 1
  • Jørgen Sandvik: Permanent Vacation (Winner)
  • Hege Øversveen: Goodbye Yellow Roses
  • Country Heroes: Honky Tonk Tears
  • Malin Pettersen: References Pt. 1 (Winner)
  • The Northern Belle: Blinding Blue Neon
Elektronika (Electronica)
  • Fakethias: Attune
  • Sex Judas feat. Ricky: Go Down Judas (Winner)
  • Bjørn Torske: Byen
  • Smerz: Have Fun
Folkemusikk/tradisjonsmusikk (Folk/traditional music)
  • Aslak Brimi Kvartett: Vev
  • Johanne Flottorp: Johanne Flottorp
  • Sudan Dudan: Heimen der ute
  • Marja Mortensson: Mojhtestasse – Cultural Heirlooms (Winner)
Indie/alternativ (Indie/Alternative)
  • Gurls: Run boy, run (Winner)
  • Moskus: Mirakler
  • Atomic: Pet Variations
  • Hanna Paulsberg Concept + Magnus Broo: Daughter Of The Sun
Klassisk (Classical)
  • Frida Fredrikke Waaler Wærvågen & Ingrid Andsnes: Metamorfose
  • Tora Augestad & Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra: Portraying Passion (Winner)
  • Christian Ihle Hadland: Christian Ihle Hadland plays Domenico Scarlatti
  • Stavanger Symfoniorkester: Symphonic Dances
  • Aura Noir: Aura Noire
  • Obliteration: Cenotaph Obscure (Winner)
  • Beaten To Death: Agronomicon
  • Sylvaine: Atoms Aligned, Coming Undone
Popartist (Pop artist)
Popgruppe (Pop group)
  • Oslo Ess: Frie radikaler
  • The Good The Bad and The Zugly: Misanthropical House (Winner)
  • Årabrot: Who Do You Love
  • Turbonegro: Rock’n’roll Machine
Samtid (Contemporary)
  • Kjell Tore Innervik: UTOPIAS — Radical Interpretations of Iconic Musical Works for Percussion
  • Telemark kammerorkester, dirigent Lars-Erik ter Jung: Chasing Strings
  • Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra: Ørjan Matre: Konsert for orkester
  • Cikada strykekvartett / Knut Olaf Sunde: Vertigo Room
  • EMIR: Mer av deg (Winner)
  • Lil Halima: Lil Halima 2018
  • Unge Beirut: Hevnen er søt, men jeg tilgir deg
Viser (Vispop)
  • Ingeborg Oktober: Skjømmingsboka (Winner)
  • Ellen Sofie Hovland: Og solen renner over
  • Erik Lukashaugen: Vi eier skogene
  • Masåva: Masåva
Åpen klasse (Open class)
  • Anja Garbarek: The Road Is Just A Surface
  • Geir Sundstøl: Brødløs (Winner)
  • Harpreet Bansal: Samaya
  • Amgala Temple: Invisible Airships
Tonos komponistpris (Tonos composer prize)
Årets låtskriver (Songwriter of the year)
  • Stig Joar Haugen: Midt Imellom Magisk Og Manisk
  • Dagny Norvoll Sandvik: Dagny Låtskriver 2018
  • Ina Wroldsen: Hex (Winner)
  • Thea Hjelmeland: Kulla
Årets musikkvideo (Music video of the year)
  • Aurora / director: Kinga Burza: "Queendom"
  • Hkeem / director: Thor Brenne: "Ghettoparasitt" (Winner)
  • Sigrid / director: AB/CD/CD: "Sucker Punch"
  • Sondre Justad / director: Trond Kvig Andreassen: "Ikke som de andre"
Årets produsent (Producer of the year)
Årets tekstforfatter (Lyricist of the year)
Årets album (Album of the year)
Årets gjennombrudd & Gramo-stipend (Breakthrough of the year & Gramo scholarship)
Årets låt (Song of the year)
Årets hederspris (Honorary Award of the year)
  • DDE (Selected)
Årets Spellemann (Spellemann of the year)


Nominees and winners:[8][9]

Barnemusikk (Children's music)
  • Even Jenssen: Over byen
  • Maria Solheim and Silje Sirnes Winje: Bråkebøttebaluba (Winner)
  • Mr. E & Me: New Orchestral Hits 4 Kids (with Kringkastingsorkesteret)
  • Så rart!: På havets bunn
  • Busk, Eriksen, Sjøstrøm (Back Porch Republic): Hustle & Flow
  • Håkon Høye: Nights at the Surf Motel
  • Ledfoot: White Crow (Winner)
  • Viktor Wilhelmsen: Knip igjen øyan
Elektronika (Electronica)
  • André Bratten: Pax Americana (Winner)
  • Carmen Villain: Both Lines Will Be Blue
  • Chmmr: Try New Things
  • Prins Thomas: Ambitions
Folkemusikk/tradisjonsmusikk (Folk/traditional music)
  • Hans Fredrik Jacobsen: Øre
  • Helga Myhr: Natten veller seg ut
  • Moenje: Klarvær
  • Morgonrode: Morgonrode (Winner)
Indie/alternativ (Indie/Alternative)
  • Kongle: Skogen
  • Konradsen: Saints and Sebastian Stories (Winner)
  • Pom Poko: Birthday
  • Tuvaband: I Entered the Void
Klassisk (Classical)
  • Eldbjørg Hemsing: Tan Dun: Fire Ritual
  • Lise Davidsen: Richard Strauss: Four Last Songs / Wagner: Arias from Tannhäuser
  • Oslo filharmoniske orkester: Mahler Symphony No. 3 (Winner)
  • Vilde Frang: Paganini & Schubert: Works for violin & piano
  • Gaahls WYRD - GastiR - Ghosts invited (Winner)
  • Kampfar: Ofidians Manifest
  • Sâver: They Came With Sunlight
  • Sibiir: Rope
Popartist (Pop artist)
  • Bendik: Det går bra
  • Gabrielle: Snart, Gabby
  • Ruben: Melancholic
  • Sigrid: Sucker Punch (Winner)
Popgruppe (Pop group)
  • Fieh: Cold Water Burning Skin
  • Highasakite: Uranium Heart
  • No. 4: Duell
  • Seeb: Seeb 2019 (Winner)
  • Backstreet Girls: Normal is Dangerous
  • brenn.: Elsker (Winner)
  • Erlend Ropstad: Brenn siste brevet
  • Spielbergs: This Is Not The End
Samtid (Contemporary)
  • Dutty Dior: Para / Normal
  • Isah: Sukkerspinn & Hodepine (Winner)
  • Karpe: Sas Plus/Sas Pussy
  • Lil Halima: Lil Halima 2019
Viser (Vispop)
Åpen klasse (Open class)
Årets album (Album of the year)
Årets gjennombrudd & Gramostipend (Breakthrough of the year & Gramo scholarship)
Tonos komponistpris (Tonos composer prize)
Årets låt (Song of the year)
  • Arif: "Hvem er hun"
  • Isah/Dutty Dior: "Hallo"
  • KEiiNO: "Spirit in the Sky"
  • Kygo feat. Store P, Lars Vaular: "Kem kan eg ringe"
  • Nicolay Ramm: "Raske Briller"
  • Rat City feat. Isak Heim: "Kind Of Love"
  • Ruben: "Lay By Me" (Winner)
  • Sigrid: "Don't Feel Like Crying"
Årets låtskriver (Songwriter of the year)
Årets musikkvideo (Music video of the year)
  • Anna of the North (director: Noah Lee: "Leaning On Myself" (Winner)
  • Bigbang (director: Lasse Gretland): "Bells"
  • Boy Pablo (director: Julian Vargas, Bjarne Anmarkrud and Harry Hambley: "Feeling Lonely"
  • Lars Vaular (director: onzonz): "Kroppsspråk"
Årets produsent (Producer of the year)
Årets tekstforfatter (Lyricist of the year)
Årets hederspris (Honorary Award of the year)
Årets Spellemann (Spellemann of the year)
gollark: Fascinating.
gollark: If you just doubled the number of people "involved in politics" by some loose definition by taking arbitrary random people, would this actually improve the political situation? I would be surprised if it did; I don't think most have some sort of unique original contribution, but just go for participating in shouting louder at other groups.
gollark: Possibly true but not very relevant.
gollark: You could probably argue that something something tragedy of the commons, but clearly there are a lot of people who do do politics and it is possible that adding more would actually worsen things.
gollark: Even if it is the case that if everyone ever ignored politics there would be problems, that doesn't mean that one person ignoring it is bad.


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