Rhymes of Northern Bards

Rhymes of Northern Bards (full title – "Rhymes of Northern Bards: being a curious collection of old and new Songs and Poems, Peculiar to the Counties of Newcastle, Northumberland and Durham – Edited by John Bell 1812") is a book of North East England traditional and popular song consisting of approximately 200 song lyrics on over 300 pages, published in 1812. It was reprinted in 1971 by Frank Graham, Newcastle upon Tyne with an introduction by David Harker.

Rhymes of Northern Bards
AuthorJohn Bell
CountryUnited Kingdom
LanguageEnglish (Geordie dialect)
PublisherM Angus & Son
Publication date
Media typePrint
Pages328 pages

The publication

It is, as the title suggests, a collection of songs[1] which would have been popular, or topical, at the date of publication.

The front cover of the book was as thus :-

Northern Bards:
being a curious
of old and new
Songs And Poems,
Peculiar to the Counties of
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Northumberland, & Durham.

Edited by John Bell, Jun.

“Northumbria’s sons stand forth, by all confest
“The first and firmest of fair freedom’s train;
“Each brave Northumbrian Nurses in his breast
“The sacred spark, unsullied by a stain.”

Newcastle upon Tyne: (printed in an old English style)
Printed for John Bell, by M. Angus & Son, and sold by them,
and other Booksellers in Town.



Are as below :-

page title songwriter tune notes
1Front fly
2Lines – Sent to the Editor and Printer
4Verses on Northumberland MinstelryH RH R is Henry Robson
5Weel may the Keel Row
5The new Keel RowT Tthe old tuneT T is Thomas Thompson
7Bonny Keel Laddie
8The Little Pee Dee
9Ma Canny Hinny
10Dol Li AA song famous in Newcastle about 1792, 1793 & 1794
11The TyneJ. Gibson of Newcastle
12Blackett's FieldJ Shield of NewcastleJohn Anderson My Jo
14River Awa'
15Britannia's VolunteersThe Newcastle Volunteers Quick March
16John DiggonsJ Stawpert of NewcastleOld England's Roast Beef
18Trafalgar's Battlethe same (assume J Stawpert)Chapter of Kings
19Chester WellGeorge Pickering, late of Newcastle
21Newcastle BeerJohn Cunningham
23My Lord 'Size (or Newcastle in an uproar)J Shield of Newcastle
25Bob Cranky's 'Size SundayJohn Selkirkset to music by Thomas Train of Gateshead
27Bob Cranky's Complaint
29The Bonny Geatsiders 1805Bob Cranky
31Bob Cranky's AdieuJohn Shield of Newcastleon going with the Volunteer Association from Gateshead to Newcastle on permanent Duty
33O No, My Love, NoJohn Shield of Newcastle
34Delia's Answer
35The Collier's Rant
36Walker PitsOf She Goes
36The Bonny Pit Laddie
37The Pitman's Revenge against Buonaparte
38The Collier's Pay Week
43The Quayside ShaverAt this time, on the Quay were people, mainly female, who carried out the trade of barber, out on the street
45Swalwell HoppingJ S of GatesheadPaddy's WeddingJ S is John Selkirk
48The Sandgate Girl's Lamentation
49A Curious Description of the City of Sandgate"wrote" some years ago
53The Crow's Nest
56A Song – An Address to the Good People of Bur-Castlepublished Dec 1791
57Sons of the Tyne – 1805
58Jesmond MillPhill Hodgson of Newcastle
59Pardon Denepublished Sept 1776 with title of "Rosalinda"
60Nanny of the TyneJ M Wedderburn of Newcastleset to music by J Aldridge Jnr of Newcastle
61The Blue Bell of GatesheadW B of Gateshead
62The Newcastle SignsCecil Pittsung at Newcastle Theatre Royal by Mr Scrifen, 4 June 1806
63The Newcastle Bellmansung at Newcastle Theatre Royal by Mr Noble 1803
66Oxygen GasJohn Shield of Newcastlesung at Newcastle Theatre Royal
67The Bards of the TynePublished in the Tyne Mercury under initials C PNewcastle BeerC P (which was Charles Purvis)
68The Answer to the ForegoingJames Stawpert
70The Raree Show Manan election song 20 Sep 1780
73Barber's News (or Shields in an Uproar)a new songO' the Golden Days of Good Queen Bess
77Song (on the flight of the young crows from Newcastle Exchange
79A Rare Curiosity (or Crow's Nest in Gateshead)a new song
81The French Invasion"published" 10 May 1794
84Blyth Camps (or The Girl I Left Behind Me)
85Beaumont's Light Horse
86A Song in Praise of the Keelman VolunteersWhite Cockade
87The Sons of the Tyne (or British Volunteers)Hearts of Oak
88Mary of the Tyne
89Newcastle Fair – October 1811 (The Pitman a Drinking of Jacey)J SDrops of BrandyJ S is James Stawpert
91The Newcastle Beautiesdesigned to be sung to the Harpsicord or Spinet &c
94Song – on the Address of the Newcastle House of Lords on turning out Lord North and Mr Fox
97The Address of Sir J Duncan and Co on the "Scale of Cross Bank"
98Sketch detailsone of Sir James Duncan's Bank Notes
99An Elegy to the Memory of the Right Honourable Lord Ravensworth
100Lines on the Death of John, Lord DelavalM Harvey
101The Wallsend Rifle Corps
102Song – Written on the King's Birthday 1808Sons of the Tyne
103The Token Monger – A SongErin go Bragh
105The Following Dialogue in Bad Prose was Overheard by the Person who now Attempts it in Bad VerseDecember 1811
106Footy Again The WallA song long sung by the Pitmen of Long Benton
107The Battle of Otterburnfrom an old MSSbattle fought 9 Aug 1388
111A Fytte
116The Battle of Otterbourne
118The Hunting of Chyviat
122Fit The Second
128The Hunting in Chevy Chase
136An Old Song on the Battle of Flodden
137The Flowers of the Forest (or Flodden Field)battle fought 9 Sep 1513
142Verses on James IV of Scotlandwho fell at the Battle of Flodden)
143The Battle of Reid Squairbattle fought 7 July 1576
147Fair Mabel of Wallington
150Verses (on the view of Roadley Castle, Wallington, etc.)
152The Battle of Humbledown HillE Wbattle fought 5 Aug 1791
156The Laidley Worm (of Spindleston Heugh)by Duncan Frasier (this version by Robert Lambe, Vicar of Norham)from an old MSS
161The Fisher Laddie
161The Kye's Come Home
162Song – A Lamentable Ditty made upon the Death of a Worthy GentlemenA Delicate Scottish TuneGeorge Stoole who died c1610
166Epitaph on William BellSamuel BarrasLate a resident of Gateshead Fell
166An Excellent Ballad on the Sickness, Death and Burial of Ecky's Mare
171Stanzas – Addressed to NorthumbriaBothwell – 2 January 1807
173short bio of authorThomas Whittle
174Engraving of a Midford Gallowayspelt Mitford on page 173
175The Midford Galloway's RambleThomas WhittleRanting, Roaring Willy
180The Insipids (or The Mistress with her Multitude of Man Servants)Thomas Whittle
184Sawney Ogilby's Duel with his WifeThomas Whittle
185Song – On William Carstairs, SchoolmasterThomas Whittle
188Thomas Whittle, his Humorous Letter to Master Moody, the Razor-SetterThomas Whittle
189The Little Priest of Felton
190The Felton GarlandMaggy Lauder
195From the Swains of Felton to the Shepherds of Lanthernside, Northumberland 1787General F—r---'s March
196On the Departure of Mr Grey of Felton
197Carr of Etal
198Callaly Castle, seat of the Claverings
200Bedlington Tragedy – A Fragment
202Hotspur, A Ballad – In the Manner of the Ancient MinstrelsMr William Richardson
206Legend of Sewen Shields Castle
209An Old Northumbrian Balladabout the Lead-Miners of Alston Moor
210From a Tombstone in Haltwhistle Church Yard
211Lines – written at an Inn on the Banks of the AllanGeorge Pickeringromantic part of Northumberland
211Lucy Gray of Allendale
212Haltwhistle Fair
214Anna of the Tyne
215The TyneHenry Robson
215short bio of authorHenry Robson
216The SpringHenry RobsonWritten the beginning of May 1809
217The Banks of the TyneJames Wilson
217short bio of authorJames Wilson
218Ode – "Addressed to Sir Walter Blackett, Bart.James Wilsonwas "wrote" by the author on the very day the building of Hexham Bridge was undertaken
219A Few Lines on Laying the Foundation Stone of Hexham BridgeJames Wilson
220A Song by Mr James Wilson of Cawsey ParkJames Wilsonon Mr Coughan and family, leaving Hebron Hill
221Hobby Elliottmaybe James Robson
221short bio of authorJames Robson
222The Rising of the Clans in 1715
223On the First Rebellion – 1715
225A Fragment of a Song on the Lord of Derwentwater
225Verses on a perspective view of Dilston Hallhome of the Lord of Derwentwater
227Hexham Wood
228The Loyal Hexham VolunteersJasper Pottsa new song
229The Jolly Parson
231The Cockle Park Ewe's Ramble – Part IJohn of Badenyon
233Part II
234Part III
236Song – 5 July 1810J C
237The Ploughman
237The Flower of Rothbury Forest
238The Piper of Capheaton
239Mary Gamal, the Vicar of Kirkwhelpington's Daughteris gone off with Nichol Clark, his Servant Man
240Song – To Buy
241The Water of Tyne
241Andrew Carr
242Song – Eppie
242Lines – on John Thompson, who was hanged on Town Moor for Horse Stealing---- Ogle, Schoolmaster of Gateshead
242The Pitman---- Ogle, Schoolmaster of Gateshead
243A Song about the Conclusion of the Hunt season of the Forest Hunt, Newcastle 1786
245Lord Framlington Fair (or Tryst)
247Go All to Coquet and Woo
248The Fractious Farmer – A Song 1792
250Satyr Upon WomenJames Robson
250short bio of authorJames Robson
251Tweed Side
252A Song – Pasted on the Walls and scattered about the Town of Rothbury, several years ago
253Answer – The following answer was handed about at Berwick upon Tweedand the Neighbouring Villages
256Song – (maybe called My Eppie)
257Little Billy
257Sair Fail'd Hinny
258The Hare SkinGeorge Knight, ShoemakerHave you heard of a frolicsome ditty
261LimboGeorge Knight, ShoemakerOn a time I was great, now little I'm grown
262A New Song – for the Year 1764William Sutton (songwriter)
264Stockton's CommendationSir John Fenwick's The flower amang them
265The New Way of Stockton's CommendationBenjamin Poye L.L.D. Archdeacon of Durhamto the old tunewas actually Benjamin Pye 1791–1808
267Hark to Winchester (or The Yorkshire Volunteer's Farewell to the good folks of Stockton)Push about the Jorum
269Stockton's Commendation – 2
271The BarnardCastle TragedyConstant Anthony
274A Song in Praise of the Durham MilitiaThe Lillies of France
275The Lass of CockertonLow down in the broom
276Rookhope Ryde –A Durham border song, composed 1569
281The Sedgefield Frolic
283Bobby Shaftoe
283The Pleasures of Sunderland
284The Frolicsome Old Women of Sunderland (or the disappointed young maids)They'll marry tho' threescore and ten
285Sunderland Bridgeby M W of North Shields
285Elsie Marleyto its own tuneAn Alewife of Picktree near Chester-le-Street
287Chester Lads Forever
288Lumley Leads to Glory
288Chester VolunteersThere's na luck about the house
290The Durham Volunteers
291King James I – On his Visit to Durhamon Good Friday 1617
292Durham Old Women
292Epitaph on John Simpson, Hamsterley, WoolcomberIsaac Garner
293Ode – To the River Derwent
294The Hexhamshire Lass
296The Northumbrian's Sigh for his Native Country
296A You A, Hinny Burd
297Up the Raw
298Broom Busoms
299Extra Verses to the ForegoingAdded by "Blind Willy"
300The Waggoner
300Brandling and Ridley
301My Laddie
301Sandgate Lassie's LamentHenry RobsonBonny Pit Laddie
302The Invitation
304A Song at the opening of Jarrow Collierywritten & sung by H F HOpened on 26 Sep 1805
306A South Shields Song – of the Sailors
306A North Shields Song
307Monkseaton Races – 1 July 1812by a Spectator
309The Alarm (or Lord Fauconberg's March)
310The Patriot Volunteers (or Loyalty Display'd)by Clarinda
312short bio of Silly Billy
312Cull, Alias Silly BillyJ SPublished in Newcastle Chronicle on 28 Aug 1802
313another short bio of Silly Billy
314Canny NewcasselT T of NewcastleT T is Thomas Thompson
316Croakum RedivivusA Crow's account on her return to Newcastle 1812
319unnamed – but about the "Lost" Sheriff's GownA Verse about the gown stolen from the Town's Court
320The Antigallican Privateer
321a New Song on the Opening of Jarrow CollieryOpened in 1803
322The Peacock and the Hen
322The Tyne – A FragmentJ L
From the Press of M Angus and Son, Newcastle
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See also


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