Religion in Kerala

Kerala has a reputation of being, communally, one of the most religiously diverse states in India. According to 2011 Census of India figures, 54.73% of Kerala's population are Hindus, 26.56% are Muslims, 18.38% are Christians, and the remaining 0.33% follow other religions or have no religion.[2] Various tribal people in Kerala have retained the religious beliefs of their ancestors.[3][4]

Religion in Kerala (2011)[1]

  Hinduism (54.73%)
  Islam (26.56%)
  Christianity (18.38%)
  Other or none (0.33%)
Map showing the geographical distributions of temples, mosques and churches in Kerala

Hindus constitute the majority in all districts except Malappuram, where they are outnumbered by Muslims.[3] In 2016, (42.55%) of births in the state were to Muslims, (41.88%) to Hindus, (15.35%) to Christians and 0.22% to others.[4]

Vavu Bali ceremony honoring the deceased in the Malayalam month of Karkadakam


Several saints and movements existed. Adi Shankara was a Hindu philosopher who contributed to Hinduism and propagated philosophy of Advaita. He was instrumental in establishing four mathas at Sringeri, Dwarka, Puri and Jyotirmath. Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri was another Brahmin religious figure who composed Narayaniyam, a collection of verses in praise of Krishna.

Various practises of Hinduism are unique to Kerala. Different cults of Shiva and Vishnu are popular in Kerala. Malayali Hindus also worship Bhagavathi as a form of Shakti. Almost every village in Kerala has its own local guardian deity, usually a goddess. Some Hindus in Kerala also believe in power of snake gods and usually have sacred snake groves known as Sarpa Kavu near to their houses.[5]

Some of the most notable temples are: Guruvayur Temple, Thrissur Vadakkunnathan Temple, Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple, Thiruvananthapuram Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Aranmula Parthasarathy Temple, Chottanikkara Temple, Chengannur Mahadeva Temple, Parassinikadavu Muthappan Temple, Chettikulangara Devi Temple, Mannarasala Temple, Chakkulathukavu Temple, Thiruvalla Sreevallabha Temple, Kaviyoor Mahadevar Temple, Parumala Panayannarkavu Temple, Sree Poornathrayesa Temple, Kodungallur Bhagavathy Temple, and Rajarajeshwara Temple. Temples in Kerala follow elaborate rituals and only priests from the Nambudiri caste can be appointed as priests in major temples. But in 2017 as per the state government's decision, the priests from backward community was appointed. These priests are assisted by a caste known as Ambalavasis.

Malayali Hindus have unique ceremonies such as Chorunu (first feeding of rice to a child) and Vidyāraṃbhaṃ.[6]


  • Islam is the second largest practised religion in Kerala (26.56%) next to Hinduism.[7] The calculated Muslim population (Indian Census, 2011) in Kerala state is 8,873,472.[8][9]
  • Most of the Muslims in Kerala follow the Shāfiʿī School (Sunni Islam).[10]
  • Muslims in Kerala share a common language (Malayalam) with the rest of the non-Muslim population and have a culture commonly regarded as the Malayali culture.[11]
  • Very much unlike other parts of South Asia, the caste system does not exist among the Muslims of Kerala. A number of different communities, some of them having distant ethnic roots, exist as status groups in Kerala.[12]


Islam arrived in Kerala, a part of the larger Indian Ocean rim, via spice and silk traders from the Middle East. The Muslims were a major financial power to be reckoned with in the old kingdoms of Kerala and had great political influence in the Hindu royal courts.[13][14] Travellers have recorded the considerably huge presence of Muslim merchants and settlements of sojourning traders in most of the ports of Kerala.[15] Immigration, intermarriage and missionary activity/conversion — secured by the common interest in the spice trade — helped in this development.[16][17] Muslim merchant magnates owning ships, spread their shipping and trading business interests across the Indian Ocean.[18][19]

The arrival of the Portuguese traders in the late 15th century checked the then well-established and wealthy Muslim community's progress.[20] By the mid-18th century the majority of the Muslims of Kerala were landless labourers, poor fishermen and petty traders, and the community was in "a psychological retreat".[21] The subsequent partisan rule of English East India Company authorities brought the land-less Muslim peasants of Malabar District into a condition of destitution, and this led to a series of uprisings (against the Hindu landlords and British administration). The series of violence eventually exploded as the infamous Mappila Uprising (1921–22).[22][23]

A large number of Muslims of Kerala found extensive employment in the Persian Gulf countries in the following years (c. 1970s). This widespread participation in the "Gulf Rush" produced huge economic and social benefits for the community. Great influx funds from the earnings of the employed followed. Issues such as widespread poverty, unemployment and educational backwardness began to change.[24] The Muslims in Kerala are now considered as section of Indian Muslims marked by recovery, change and positive involvement in the modern world. Malayali Muslim women are now not reluctant to join professional vocations and assuming leadership roles.[25] As per the latest government data, female literacy rate in Malappuram District, center of Mappila distribution, stood at 91.55% (2011 Census).[26]


Politically, the Muslims in Kerala have exhibited more unanimity than any other major communities in modern Kerala.[27]

  • Ever since in the Indian Independence from the British in 1947, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in former Malabar District have supported the Muslim League.[27]
  • In south Kerala, the community generally supported Indian National Congress and in the north Kerala a small proportion vote Communist Left..[27]


Judaism arrived in Kerala with spice traders, possibly as early as the 7th century BC.[28] There is no consensus of opinion on the date of the arrival of the first Jews in India. The tradition of the Cochin Jews maintains that after 72 AD, after the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem, 10,000 Jews migrated to Kerala.[28]

The only verifiable historical evidence about the Kerala Jews goes back only to the Jewish Copper Plate Grant of Bhaskara Ravi Varman in 1000 AD.[29] This document records the royal gift of rights and privileges to the Jewish Chief of Anjuvannam Joseph Rabban. Later in the 16th century many Jews from Portugal and Spain settled in Cochin. These Jews were called white Jews as opposed to the native black Jews.

The Portuguese did not look favorably on the Jews. They destroyed the Jewish settlement in kodungallur and sacked the Jewish town in Cochin and partially destroyed the famous Cochin Synagogue in 1661. However, the Dutch were more tolerant and allowed the Jews to pursue their normal life and trade in Cochin. According to the testimony of the Dutch Jew, Mosss Pereya De Paiva, in 1686 there were 10 synagogues and nearly 500 Jewish families in Cochin. Later Britishers too were tolerant. The Jews were protected. After the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, most Jews decided to emigrate to Israel. Most of the emigrants to Israel between 1948 and 1955 were from the community of black Jews and brown Jews; they are known as Cochini in Israel. Since the 1960s, only a few hundred Jews (mostly white Jews) remained in Kerala with only two synagogues open for service: the Pardesi Synagogue in Matancherry built in 1567 and the synagogue in Parur.


Marwari Jain Temple in Kochi

Jainism, one of the three most ancient Indian religious traditions still in existence, has very small presence (0.01%) in Kerala, in south India. According to the 2011 India Census, Kerala only has around 4500 Jains, most of them in the city of Cochin and in Wynad district.

Medieval Jain inscriptions are mostly found on the borders of Kerala proper, such Wynad in north-east, Alathur in the Palghat Gap and Chitharal in Kanyakumari District. Epigraphical evidence suggests that the shrine at "Tirukkunavay", perhaps located near Cochin, was the major Jain temple in medieval Kerala (from c. 9th century CE). The so-called "Rules of the Tirukkunavay Temple" provided model and precedent for all other Jain temples of Kerala.[30] A number of images of Mahavira, Padmavati, and Parsvanatha have been recovered from Kerala.[30]

Some of the Jain temples in Kerala were taken over by the Hindus at a later stage. The temple images are worshiped as Hindu gods and considered as part of the Hindu pantheon. It is not uncommon for Hindus and Jains to worship their deities in the same temple.[30]


Relationship of the Nasrani groups.

Christianity is followed by 18.38% of the population of Kerala.[31] The Christianity in Kerala has long traditions from first century AD many of which is similar to the Malabari Jews,[32] the latter has settled in Kerala since the King Solomon.[33] According to tradition, Saint Thomas the Apostle visited Muziris in Kerala in the first century in 52 AD and proselytized some then settled Jewish family[34][35] and the natives which became Marthoma Nasranis or Saint Thomas Christians.[36][37][38] According to Eusebius' record, Thomas and Bartholomew were assigned to Parthia in ancient India.[39] But at onset of an invasion Thomas is believed to have left northwest India traveled by vessel to the Malabar Coast, possibly visiting southeast Arabia and Socotra en route, and landing at the former flourishing port of Muziris (modern-day North Paravur and Kodungalloor).[35] However, the story of St Thomas coming to India in 52 CE has been contradicted by a recorded archives than some recent political publishers. There was a Thomas who came, but he was a Syrian merchant, Thomas of Cana, and this happened around 500 or 600 CE. In-depth historical research on this topic can be found in the book [40] by a Canadian author and a former Christian monk Ishwar Sharan and research conducted and published by Madras Courier.[41] Knanaya communities arrived during this time.[42] Before the arrival of Europeans in Kerala there were only Marthoma Nasranis also called as Malankara Syrian Christians due to its historical, religious, and liturgical connection to Syriac Christianity. Marthoma Nasranis remained as an independent group, and they got their bishops from Church of the East until the advent of Portuguese and British colonialists. The first Roman Catholic Diocese in India was founded at Quilon in the year 1329 with the Catalan Dominican friar Jordanus Catalani as first Bishop.[43] The caste system became prevalent in Kerala later than any other parts of India after fourth and fifth century AD. The Nasranis were given special status outside the Varna system. Like Brahmins they were allowed to sit in front of Kings, ride on horse or elephants, to collect taxes. The Marthoma Nasranis back then also has the role of pollution neutralizers ie.,if a lower caste person hand over a substance to a Nasrani and if he in turn gives it to an upper caste say for example brahmin then there would be no pollution for that brahmin.[44]

The arrival of Europeans in the 15th century and discontent with Portuguese interference in religious matters fomented schism into Catholic and Orthodox communities. Further schism and rearrangements led to the formation of the other Indian Churches. Latin Rite Christians has protracted over eleven centuries and the work of evangelization was revived by the western missionaries in the 13th century. Further schism and rearrangements led to the formation of the other Indian Churches. Anglo-Indian Christian communities formed around this time as Europeans and local Malayalis intermarried.

Protestantism arrived a few centuries later with missionary activity during British rule.

There are various denominations/churches exist among Christians of Kerala. In that around 61% of them are Roman Catholics and they are Latin Catholic Church, Syro-Malabar Catholic Church and Syro-Malankara Catholic Church.[45]

St. Mary's Syro Malabar Catholic Basilica - Ernakulam

Syriac Christians in Kerala are also called Nasranis and they are Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Malankara Jacobite Syriac Orthodox Church, Assyrian Church of the East, Chaldean Syrian Church, Saint Thomas Anglicans, Syro-Malankara Catholic Church and Marthoma Syrian Church.

Other communities are: Church of South India,Pentecostalism, St. Thomas Evangelical Church of India.

Catholic communities are Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, Latin Catholic & Syro-Malankara Catholic Church. Orthodox Communities are Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church and Malankara Jacobite Syriac Orthodox Church.

The major protestant denominations in kerala are pentecostal churches,

Some of the prominent churches are: St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Church, Malayattoor St. George's Forane Church Manarcad Church, St. Mary's Church, Niranam, St. Peter and St. Paul's Church, Parumala, St. George Orthodox Church Puthuppally Pally, St. Stanislaus Forane Church, Mala, St. George's Church, Kadamattom, Marthoman Cathedral, Mulanthuruthy, Chengannur Pazhaya Suriyani Pally, Kozhencherry St. Thomas Marthoma Church, Nilakkal St. Thomas Ecumenical Church and Mother of God Church, Vettukad


Buddhism probably flourished for 200 years (650-850) in Kerala. The Paliyam Copper Plate of the Ay King, Varaguna (885-925 AD)[46] shows that the Buddhists benefited from royal patronage in the 10th century.

Parsi (Zoroastrianism)

There were a number of Parsi families settled in Kerala, particularly around Kozhikode and Thalassery area. They practiced Zoroastrianism and even built the 160-year-old dadgah (fire temple) at Kozhikode which is still in existence. They were mostly wealthy families who immigrated during the 18th century from Gujarat and Bombay. The community included famous families such as the Hirjis or Marshalls.[47] Some famous Malayali Parsis included the reputed Dr. Kobad Mogaseb, who was the first medical doctor from Kozhikode who graduated from London, as well as Kaikose Rudreshan who funded the Basel Evangelical Mission Parsi High School, Thalassery.[48]

Tribal and other religious faiths

Various groups classified as tribes in Kerala still dominate various remote and hilly areas of Kerala.[49] They have retained various rituals and practices of their ancestors despite influences of mainstream religions.


Population by religion, per 2011 census

ReligionPopulation% Population below 6 yrs of age[50] %Dist. with highest PopulationDist. with lowest Population Population growth since 2001
Hindus18,282,49254.73 1,632,777 47.01ThiruvananthapuramWayanad 2.23%
Muslims8,873,47226.56 1,276,104 36.74MalappuramPathanamthitta 12.84%
Christians6,141,26918.38 546,897 15.75ErnakulamMalappuram 1.38%

Population by religion, per 2011 census

ReligionPopulation%Population below 6 yrs of age[3]%Dist. with highest PopulationDist. with lowest PopulationPopulation growth since 1991Children born per women (TFR)[51]

Population from 2001 and 2011 census, with percentage by religion for each district

DistrictsPopulation(2001)Population(2011)Percent HindusPercent MuslimsPercent Christians


Kerala's Percentage Distribution of Live Birth by Religion of the Family[52]
Religion 2017[53] %2016[54]%2015[55]%2014[56]%2013[57]%2012[58]%2011[59]%2010[60]%2009[61]%2008[62]%2007[63]%
Hindu 210,071 41.71%207,83141.88%221,22042.87%231,03143.23%236,42044.08%214,59138.99%248,61044.37%246,29745.03%247,70745.51%241,30545.04%250,09445.88%
Muslim 216,525 43.00%211,18242.55%213,86541.45%218,43740.87%214,25739.96%175,89231.96%214,09938.21%209,27638.26%204,71137.61%194,58336.32%183,79633.71%
Christian 75,335 14.96%76,20515.35%79,56515.42%83,61615.65%84,66015.78%102,54618.63%94,66416.90%88,93616.26%90,45116.62%94,17517.58%98,22018.02%
Others 1,497 0.30%8520.18%9330.18%1,1780.22%8690.16%57,21510.39%2,6710.48%6510.12%7040.13%5,1510.96%6,1081.12%
Not Stated 160 0.03%2220.04%4300.08%1960.03%1460.02%1670.03%2240.04%1,8060.33%7750.14%5240.10%6,9361.27%
Total 503,597 100%496,292100%516,013100%534,458100%536,352100%550,411100%560,268100%546,964100%544,348100%535,738100%545,154100%
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See also


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  2. "Population by religious communities – Census of India". Retrieved 26 August 2015.
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