Poems and Problems

Poems and Problems (ISBN 0-07-045724-7) is a book by Vladimir Nabokov published in 1969. It consists of:

First edition (publ. McGraw-Hill)

One of the 39 poems originally written in Russian, "Lilith", in 1928, can be looked at as a foreshadowing of his 1955 novel Lolita. However, in the author's notes, Nabokov states that, "Intelligent readers will abstain from examining this impersonal fantasy for any links with my later fiction," and that the poem was written "...to amuse a friend."

Table of contents

1.The Rain Has FlownДождь пролетел
2.To LibertyК свободе
3.I Still keep MuteЕще безмолвствую и крепну я в тиши
4.Hotel RoomНомер в гостинице
6.La Bonne Lorraine
7.The BlazonГерб
8.The MotherМать
9.I Like That MountainЛюблю я гору
10.The dreamСновидение
11.The SnapshotСнимок
12.In ParadiseВ раю
13.The ExecutionРасстрел
14.For Happiness the Lovers Cannot SleepОт счастия влюбленному не спится
16.The MuseК музе
17.Soft SoundТихий шум
19.The FormulaФормула
20.An Unfinished DraftНеоконченный черновик
21.Evening on Vacant LotВечер на пустыре
22.The MadmanБезумец
23.How I Love YouКак я люблю тебя
24.L'Inconnue de la Seine
25.At SunsetНа закате
26.We So Firmly BehevedМы с тобой так верили
27.What Happened OvernightЧто за ночь с памятью случилось
28.The PoetsПоэты
29.To RussiaК России
32.The Paris PoemПарижская поэма
33.No Matter HowКаким бы полотном батальным
34.On RulersО правителях
35.To Prince S.M. KachurinК князю С.М. Качурину
36.A Day like Any OtherБыл день как день
37.Irregular IambicsНеправильные ямбы
38.What Is the Evil DeedКакое сделал я дурное дело
39.From the Gray NorthС серого севера
1A Literary Dinner
2The Refrigeration Awakes
3A Discovery
4The Poem
5An Evening of Russian Poetry
6The Room
7Voluptates tactionum
9The Poplar
10Lines Written in Oregon
11Ode to a Model
12On Translating Eugene Onegin
14The Ballad of Longwood Glen


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