
Puchero is a type of stew originally from Spain, prepared in Yucatán, Mexico, Argentina,[1] Paraguay, Uruguay, Perú, south of Brazil, the Philippines, and Spain, specifically the autonomous communities of Andalusia and the Canary Islands. The Spanish word "puchero" originally meant an earthenware pot, before being extended to mean any vessel, and then the dish cooked in it.[2]

Ready ingredients for a puchero in Andalusia, Spain
CourseMain course
Place of originSpain
Main ingredientsVaries by region
Food energy
(per serving)
5 kcal (21 kJ)

The dish is essentially equivalent to the cocido of Spain but lacking colorants (such as paprika), using local ingredients which vary from one region to another. In Spain chickpeas are widely used. Puchero, cocido, and the sancocho eaten in Colombia, Ecuador, República Dominicana, Venezuela and Puerto Rico, are essentially similar dishes.

Andalusian puchero

In Andalusia, puchero was originally a peasant soup. The basic ingredients of the broth are meat (beef, veal, pork and/or chicken), bacon, cured bones (such as those of the jamón serrano), and vegetables (potatoes, celery, chard, leek, carrots, and turnips). It can be drunk straight in mugs as a consommé known as caldo de puchero, which can be seasoned with fresh spearmint leaves or sherry. Alternatively, it can be prepared as a soup after adding chickpeas, cured ham, boiled egg, and rice, noodles or bread. The meats, called pringá, are usually served separately as a main dish, and the remnants used for subsequent dishes as croquettes or ropa vieja.

Río de la Plata puchero

Argentine puchero

Puchero is eaten in the parts of Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay that border the Río de la Plata. The dish is prepared in the same way as in Spain, though its ingredients differ according to the very different local produce. In the parts of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay surrounding the estuary of the Río de la Plata (River of Silver), puchero is primarily beef-based—beef was plentiful and cheap—and chickpeas are less commonly used than in the Iberian peninsula. The broth and the solid ingredients are often consumed separately.

The cuts of meat used are particularly important: if possible, ossobuco; otherwise beef cuts with marrow or poultry (used in puchero de gallina) can be substituted. Other ingredients used may include potatoes, onions, and squash. Typical local produce used includes sweet potatoes,[1] sweet corn, carrots, bacon, local chorizo (a sausage quite different from Spanish cured chorizo made with paprika), pork belly, cabbage, and eggs.

Puchero is traditionally served during the colder months. It is not considered fine dining, and can be found on menus in family and regional restaurants throughout Argentina, but not at most more expensive restaurants.[1]

Philippine puchero

Filipino puchero from Bulacan

In Philippine cuisine, puchero (Spanish: Pochero; Tagalog: putsero) is a dish composed of beef chunks stewed with saba bananas (or plantains). The dish may also include potatoes or sweet potatoes, chorizos de Bilbao, bok choy, leeks, chickpeas, cabbage and tomato sauce. Other versions replace beef with chicken or pork.

Yucatec puchero

The Yucatec puchero varies by cook and region. The most complete version is called puchero de tres carnes -- "with three meats", pork, beef and chicken. This could actually be a great vegetarian dish if made without the meat as the other ingredients include: a piece of plantain in skin, onion, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash (calabaza), turnips or parsnips (when and where available), white cabbage (repollo) and typically a type of pasta soup (noodles, fideos) and rice to increase the heartiness and especially if only one or two meats are used. The soup like the 98% of Yucatec soups-stews are broth consommés, not at all thick or heavy. It is flavored with saffron, allspice and black pepper. The dish is served with all ingredients in the bowl and a side of fresh additions. Typically or traditionally, a side plate is provided so that the person can put the meat to the side while eating the soup. The garnish consists of freshly chopped or diced habanero chili, onion, radish and cilantro. Avocados when in season. See Steffan Igor Ayora Diaz book on the anthropology of Yucatán food [3]

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gollark: ``` _________________________________________ / However, on religious issures there can \| be little or no compromise. There is no || position on which people are so || immovable as their religious beliefs. || There is no more powerful ally one can || claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or || God, or Allah, or whatever one calls || this supreme being. But like any || powerful weapon, the use of God's name || on one's behalf should be used || sparingly. The religious factions that || are growing throughout our land are not || using their religious clout with || wisdom. They are trying to force || government leaders into following their || position 100 percent. If you disagree || with these religious groups on a || particular moral issue, they complain, || they threaten you with a loss of money || or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and || tired of the political preachers across || this country telling me as a citizen || that if I want to be a moral person, I || must believe in "A," "B," "C," and "D." || Just who do they think they are? And || from where do they presume to claim the || right to dictate their moral beliefs to || me? And I am even more angry as a || legislator who must endure the threats || of every religious group who thinks it || has some God-granted right to control || my vote on every roll call in the || Senate. I am warning them today: I will || fight them every step of the way if || they try to dictate their moral || convictions to all Americans in the || name of "conservatism." - Senator Barry || Goldwater, from the Congressional |\ Record, September 16, 1981 / ----------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || ||```I need a cowsay command.
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gollark: Hask is all haskell types, right?
gollark: No, seriously, what's an endofunctor.

See also

Puchero in Uruguay


  1. "Sabores argentinos: el puchero" (in Spanish). April 20, 2010. Archived from the original on April 29, 2012. Retrieved 2011-03-07.
  2. Real Academia Española (2019). "puchero". Diccionario de la lengua española (in Spanish).
  3. Ayora-Diaz, Steffan Igor (2012) Foodscapes, Foodfields and Identities in Yucatán. Amsterdam: CEDLA, New York: Berghahn
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