Platinum End

Platinum End (Japanese: プラチナエンド, Hepburn: Purachina Endo) is a Japanese manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. It has been serialized in Shueisha's monthly Jump SQ magazine since November 4, 2015. The series follows Mirai Kakehashi, a student who attempts suicide but is rescued by his guardian angel, Nasse, who not only has vowed to protect him, but bestows him special powers as he is also one of 13 candidates chosen by different angels to take the role of God, who is to retire in 999 days.

Platinum End
Cover of the first manga volume
(Purachina Endo)
Written byTsugumi Ohba
Illustrated byTakeshi Obata
Published byShueisha
English publisher
Viz Media
ImprintJump Comics SQ.
MagazineJump Square
Original runNovember 4, 2015 – present

Platinum End is licensed by Viz Media in North America and the United Kingdom, with its chapters released digitally in English as they are published in Japan.[3]


Mirai Kakehashi is a young student fed up with a life of abuse from his uncle and aunt who raised him since his parents' death, but is saved by a Guardian Angel called Nasse after attempting to commit suicide. Upon learning from Nasse that his foster parents were responsible for the deaths of his father and mother, Mirai uses the powers she bestowed him in order to confront them and enact justice. However, Mirai's ordeals are just beginning as Nasse soon after informs him that God will retire in 999 days and thirteen candidates to replace him were selected including Mirai himself. To make matters worse, not only can Mirai not refuse to take part in the contest to decide the next God, but among the other candidates there are those capable of anything to win, including killing all the competition as soon as possible.



Mirai Kakehashi (架橋 明日, Kakehashi Mirai)
The main protagonist. He was raised by his abusive uncle and aunt after his family were killed in a car crash. The abuse he endured resulted in him trying to commit suicide by throwing himself from a tower block, but he is saved by Nasse. Using the arrows he discovers that his uncle and aunt murdered his family, he accidentally kills his aunt and then makes his uncle turn himself in. Upon knowing of Metropoliman's plans, Mirai joins forces with Saki and Nanato to stop him, not only to protect themselves, but to prevent him from becoming God as well.
Nasse (ナッセ)
Mirai's angel. All angels bestow special abilities on their hosts and based on their rank, the abilities they bestow vary. Nasse is a special-rank angel, granting Mirai all three angel abilities including wings which grants Mirai the ability to fly, a white arrow that allows the user to instantly kill anyone it hits, and a red arrow that allows the user to make whoever it hits fall in love with them for 33 days, though not if the target is already under the influence of another user's red arrow. Her main desire is to make Mirai happy. Despite having a cute face, she has the habit of making some cruel remarks.
Saki Hanakago (花籠 咲, Hanakago Saki)
Saki is Mirai's classmate, his love interest, and coincidentally, a God candidate as well. Once she learns that he does not intend to kill her, Saki joins forces with Mirai to deal with Metropoliman. Saki and Mirai were once childhood friends, but after his parents' death, Mirai became the target of bullying from his classmates and Saki did nothing to stop them out of peer pressure. She witnessed Mirai's suicide attempt in the beginning of the series, and out of guilt, she also did so by trying to drown herself on the sea, leading her to meet Revel and become a God candidate.
Revel (ルベル, Ruberu)
Saki's angel. He is rather calculating and manipulative, a trait that is considered by Nasse to be the reason why he was relegated to be second-rank angel, thus capable only of bestowing Saki with the red arrow. Once he decides to become more useful to Saki, Revel decides to study the knowledge of the heavens, in order to increase his rank and grant wings to Saki, but fails. However, when Revel sheds tears at not being of further use to Saki, God promotes him to first-rank and bestows him the title of "Angel of Emotion", as no angel had shed tears for a human before. This rank raise grants him the ability to bestow wings onto Saki.

God Candidates and Angels

Kanade Uryu (Metropoliman) (生流 奏 (メトロポリマン), Uryū Kanade (Metoroporiman))
The main antagonist of the series who intends to become God by all means necessary, including killing all other candidates. He is the grandson of the principal of the prestigious Joso Academy and wishes to become God in order to bring his dead sister back to life. So far he had killed four other candidates using the alias "Metropoliman" and had claimed their wings and arrows, becoming even more dangerous upon realizing that several arrows can be combined to increase their range, and that the arrows and wings he obtained can be bestowed to other individuals to do his bidding.
Meyza (メイザ, Meiza)
Kanade's angel of the special-rank, also known as the "Angel of Lust".
Tonma Rodriguez (ロドリゲス 頓馬, Rodorigesu Tonma)
A god candidate who is a failed comedian. He uses his red arrows to make women fall in love with him so that he can have sex with them. He is the first God candidate to be killed, being murdered by Kanade as Metropoliman.
Luta (ルタ, Ruta)
Tonma's angel of the second-rank.
Shogo Hatakeyama (畠山 省吾, Hatakeyama Shōgo) and Saburo Tabuchi (田淵 三郎, Tabuchi Saburō)
Two god candidates who disguises themselves as different versions of Metropoliman when Kanada asks the God candidates to attend a gathering at a baseball stadium. They are friends who want to help each other after doing badly in their exams, and are saved from committing suicide by their guardian angels. However, the gathering is a trap and both are killed by the real Metropoliman.
Emaka (エマカ) and Egura (エグラ)
Shogo and Saburo's angels respectively, both of the first-rank.
Chiyo Nakayama (中矢間 知代, Nakayama Chiyo)
Chiyo is the youngest God candidate. She is a young girl who was bullied at school. She attends the gathering and asks Metropoliman for help. Kanade first strikes her with a red arrow, but then uses her as a hostage saying he will kill her if no other God candidates reveal themselves. As no-one does, Kanade kills Chiyo.
Jami (ジャミ)
Chiyo's angel of the second-rank.
Nanato Mukaido (六階堂 七斗, Mukaidō Nanato)
Nanato is a God candidate working as the product planner for an apparel company. He is suffering from terminal cancer, and first uses his red arrows to secure enough money for his family after he dies, then to hire private detectives to find more God candidates. He decides to team up with Mirai and Saki in order to prevent Kanade from becoming God, to the point of obtaining firearms from the JSDF in order to have a better chance to kill him. Mirai agrees on the grounds that Nanato continues his treatment.
Baret (バレ, Bare)
Nanato's angel of the first-rank, also known as the "Angel of Knowledge", she once were of the special-rank, before being demoted for unknown reasons.
Hajime Sokotani (底谷 一, Sokotani Hajime)
Born poor and ugly, Hajime was always shunned by others until his mother commits suicide and Balta appears to become his angel. Using Balta's powers, Hajime manages to obtain money and a new, beautiful face by plastic surgery, but still is unable to attract a girl himself due to his poor communication skills. He develops an obscession with Kanade and offers to become his subordinate, which he accepts, but only in exchange of capturing another God Candidate. He then manages to discover Nanato's identity and kidnaps his wife and daughter in order to draw him to a trap. He manages to capture both Nanato and Mirai, but waiting for a chance to kill them, he ends up struck by Saki's red arrow.
Balta (バルタ, Baruta)
Hajime's angel of the first-rank, also known as the "Angel of Intuition".
Muni (ムニ)
Yoneda's angel of the special-rank, also known as the "Angel of Destruction".
Penema (ぺネマ, Penema)
Susumu Yuito's angel of the first-rank, also known as the "Angel of Games".
Yazeli (ヤゼリ, Yazeri)
Yuri Temari's angel of the second-rank, also known as the "Angel of Truth".
Ogaro (オガロ)
Shuji Nakaumi's angel of the first-rank, also known as the "Angel of Darkness".


Mimimi Yamada (Mithrin) (山田 美々々 (ミスリン), Yamada Mimimi (Misurin))
An amateur model, known as the "Serial Killer Girl A", she was arrested for the murder of several female middle schoolers until Kanade breaks her free and lends her a red arrow and a pair of wings from the God candidates he previously eliminated, in order to lay a trap for other God candidates who may appear intending to stop her after she starts killing again.



Platinum End has been serialized by Shueisha in its Japanese monthly shōnen manga magazine Jump SQ since its December 2015 issue, which was released on November 4, 2015.[4] They began collecting the chapters into tankōbon volumes with the first published on February 4, 2016. On October 5, 2015, Viz Media announced that it has licensed Platinum End for release in North America and the United Kingdom.[4] In March 2016, Viz confirmed that they would start releasing print editions of Platinum End, with the first volume released in October 2016.[5] The manga is licensed by Kazé in France.[6]

Volume list

No.Japanese release dateJapanese ISBNEnglish release dateEnglish ISBN
1 February 4, 2016[7]978-4-08-880637-2October 4, 2016[8]978-1-4215-9063-9
  1. "Gift from an Angel" (天使の贈り物, Tenshi no Okurimono)
  2. "Man's Nature" (男の性, Otoko no Sei)
  3. "Hero of Justice" (正義のヒーロー, Seigi no Hīrō)
2 May 2, 2016[9]978-4-08-880709-6March 7, 2017[10]978-1-4215-9207-7
  1. "Heart's Beloved" (憧れの人, Akogare no Hito)
  2. "The Big Reveal" (発表の瞬間, Happyō no Shunkan)
  3. "A Secret Chat" (内緒の話, Naisho no Hanashi)
3 August 4, 2016[11]978-4-08-880760-7August 1, 2017[12]978-1-4215-9208-4
  1. "Death Sentence" (死の宣告, Shi no Senkoku)
  2. "Two Painful Options" (苦渋の二択, Kujū no Sentaku)
  3. "Tower of Nightmares" (悪夢のタワー, Akumu no Tawā)
4 November 4, 2016[13]978-4-08-880814-7December 5, 2017[14]978-1-4215-9582-5
  1. "Product of Coincidence" (偶然の産物, Gūzen no Sanbutsu)
  2. "A Girl's Heart" (乙女の心, Otome no Kokoro)
  3. "Symbol of Promise" (約束のしるし, Yakusoku no Shirushi)
5 February 3, 2017[15]978-4-08-881009-6April 3, 2018[16]978-1-4215-9702-7
  1. "Face of Determination" (決意の表情, Ketsui no Kao)
  2. "Man in the Mirror" (鏡の姿, Kagami no Sugata)
  3. "The Doorway Lure" (誘導の扉, Yūdō no Tobira)
6 June 2, 2017[17]978-4-08-881080-5August 7, 2018[18]978-1-4215-9945-8
  1. "Where the Tears Go" (涙の行方, Namida no Yukue)
  2. "The Throbbing of the Heart" (胸のどきめき, Mune no Dokimeki)
  3. "Your Own Worth" (己の価値, Onore no Kachi)
  4. "The Glass Vessel" (硝子の器, Garasu no Utsuwa)
7 November 2, 2017[19]978-4-08-881161-1December 4, 2018[20]978-1-9747-0143-8
  1. "A Fine Line Between Offense and Defense" (紙一重の攻防, Kamihitoe no Kōbō)
  2. "Their Choices" (二人の選択, Futari no Sentaku)
  3. "Eternal Beauty" (永遠の美, Eien no Bi)
  4. "World Peace" (世界の平和, Sekai no Heiwa)
8 April 4, 2018[21]978-4-08-881370-7April 2, 2019[22]978-1-9747-0396-8
  1. "Absolute Confidence" (絶対の自信, Zettai no Jishin)
  2. "One Life" (一つの命, Hitotsu no Inochi)
  3. "Two Lights" (二つの光, Futatsu no Hikari)
  4. "At the Same Table" (一緒の食卓テーブル, Isshō no Tēburu)
9 September 4, 2018[23]978-4-08-881426-1July 2, 2019[24]978-1-9747-0771-3
  1. "Midair Confession" (宙空の告白, Chūkū no Kokuhaku)
  2. "Diffused Power" (拡散の力, Kakusan no Chikara)
  3. "World's Greatest Assassin" (最高の暗殺者, Saikō no Ansatsusha)
  4. "Updated List" (更新のリスト, Kōshin no Risuto)
10 February 4, 2019[25]978-4-08-881729-3December 3, 2019[26]978-1-9747-1054-6
  1. "A Boy's Hope" (少年の希望, Shōnen no Kibō)
  2. "The Other Five" (他の5人, Hoka no Go-nin)
  3. "False Appearance" (偽りの姿, Itsuwari no Sugata)
  4. "The Power of Numbers" (数の論理, Sū no Ronri)
  5. "Last Supper" (最後の晩餐, Saigo no Bansan)
11 July 4, 2019[27]978-4-08-881887-0April 7, 2020[28]978-1-9747-1256-4
  1. "Conditions for Contact" (接触の条件, Sesshoku no Jōken)
  2. "Youthful Speeches" (青年の主張, Seinen no Shuchō)
  3. "The Future of Humanity" (人間の未来, Ningen no Mirai)
  4. "In the Crosshairs" (照準の先, Shōjun no Saki)
  5. "Society's Response" (世間の反応, Seken no Hannō)
12 February 4, 2020[29]978-4-08-882190-0

Chapters not yet in tankōbon format


The first volume of Platinum End debuted at number two on Oricon's weekly list of the best-selling manga, with 105,213 copies sold.[30] When reviewing the opening chapter, Ian Wolf writing for Anime UK News compared Platinum End to Ohba and Obata's earlier series Death Note, saying: "the central character is a teenage boy fed up with life, who is guided by a supernatural force and given great power. Both leads seemingly find themselves on the path to becoming a deity. However, while Light Yagami uses his powers for diabolic ends, killing anyone he suspects of doing anything wrong while being observed by a shinigami, Mirai Kakehashi is guided by an apparently more benevolent force."[31] He also writes that the series is an example of a death game, citing the death of one of the God candidates in the second chapter.[32]

Writing for The Fandom Post Jarius Taylor gave the series a B+ rating and compared Platinum End to Future Diary writing: "while I don't have too much doubt it'll be stronger overall, the overt edginess here isn't something I was quite expecting from Ohba. Still it's a pretty interesting read from beginning to end, and there's a lot of potential in terms of both thriller aspects and the overall theme. Hopefully, it'll be able to differentiate itself from Future Diary more going forward, but for now the idea of Ohba and Obata taking a crack at their own version of it seems pretty good to me."[33]

gollark: So it would just have to pick a random extra point.
gollark: Well, it's deterministic given the same inputs.
gollark: It's just an implementation of Langrange interpolation, which is simple enough that I could implement it in about 15 lines of JS based on Wikipedia.
gollark: Well, I have a program for the function-generating bit.
gollark: Thanks to Mafs™ you can algorithmically generate various sorts of function which produces the values the question specifies for x = 1, 2, 3 and whatever it says, but then some wildly different answer for anything else.


  1. "VIZ Media To Debut Junji Ito's Tomie, Takeshi Obata's Platinum End, And More This Fall". Anime News Network. Retrieved June 27, 2018.
  2. "The Official Website for Platinum End". Viz Media. Retrieved December 11, 2017.
  3. "VIZ Media Debuts Platinum End Digital Manga". Anime News Network. November 5, 2015. Retrieved December 10, 2015.
  4. "Viz to Offer Death Note/Bakuman Creators' Platinum End Manga in Single Chapters". Anime News Network. October 5, 2015. Retrieved February 6, 2016.
  5. "Viz Media Licenses Junji Ito's Tomie Manga". Anime News Network. March 26, 2016. Retrieved March 26, 2016.
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  8. "Platinum End, Vol. 1". Viz Media. Retrieved January 17, 2019.
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  11. プラチナエンド  3 (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved August 8, 2016.
  12. "Platinum End, Vol. 3". Viz Media. Retrieved January 17, 2019.
  13. プラチナエンド  4 (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved November 5, 2016.
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  17. プラチナエンド  6 (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved June 5, 2017.
  18. "Platinum End, Vol. 6". Viz Media. Retrieved January 17, 2019.
  19. プラチナエンド  7 (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved October 11, 2017.
  20. "Platinum End, Vol. 7". Viz Media. Retrieved January 17, 2019.
  21. プラチナエンド  8 (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved August 18, 2018.
  22. "Platinum End, Vol. 8". Viz Media. Retrieved January 17, 2019.
  23. プラチナエンド  9 (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved August 18, 2018.
  24. "Platinum End, Vol. 9". Viz Media. Retrieved June 28, 2019.
  25. プラチナエンド  10 (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved January 17, 2019.
  26. "Platinum End, Vol. 10". Viz Media. Retrieved November 29, 2019.
  27. プラチナエンド  11 (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved June 28, 2019.
  28. "Platinum End, Vol. 11". Viz Media. Retrieved January 25, 2020.
  29. プラチナエンド  12 (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved January 25, 2020.
  30. "Japanese Comic Ranking, February 1–7". Anime News Network. February 11, 2016. Retrieved April 6, 2016.
  31. Wolf, Ian (November 7, 2015). "Platinum End - Chapter 1". Anime UK News. Archived from the original on March 30, 2016. Retrieved December 10, 2015.
  32. Wolf, Ian (December 9, 2015). "Platinum End - Chapter 2". Anime UK News. Archived from the original on April 18, 2016. Retrieved December 10, 2015.
  33. Taylor, Jarius (November 5, 2015). "Platinum End Chapter #01 Manga Review". The Fandom Post. Retrieved December 10, 2015.
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