Planned extension of the Helsinki tram network

The city of Helsinki has plans for a radical expansion of the tram network within the 2021–2035 time horizon, as laid out in the Helsinki City Plan, approved by the City Council in October 2016.[1] Below is a list of confirmed and proposed future expansions of the network. The largest confirmed projects are the 25-kilometre (16 mi) trunk line 550 ("Jokeri") and the 10-kilometre (6.2 mi) connection in the direction of East Helsinki to the island of Laajasalo, which will include the longest bridge in Finland. Together, these two will effectively double the track length of the network.

Decided and proposed expansions to the Helsinki tram network. Existing tracks in dark green and grey.

Reorganisation of the tram lines

The board of HSL approved a plan for the reorganisation of the tram lines on 10 February 2015.[2] The plan is meant to respond to the changing transportation needs as the new districts of the city in former brownfield sites (Jätkäsaari, Hernesaari, Kalasatama, Keski-Pasila, Kruunuvuorenranta) are built. The reorganisation is to be carried out in stages in 2016–2024. The concept of the plan is to make the most of the existing track network and to assume only minimal construction of new track. According to the plan, the 2/3 and 7A/7B loops will be changed to linear routes and a new, short, peak-time line number 5 from Katajanokka ferry terminal to the Central Railway Station will serve ferry passengers. Jätkäsaari will be served by lines 7, 8 and 9, and line 6 will be routed to the new district of Hernesaari. The tramway to the new district of Kruunuvuorenranta over a new, kilometre-long bridge was left to be planned separately, as the design of that line is dependent on a number of other decisions, including whether to close down the Hanasaari coal-fired power plant. The ten lines in 2024 according to the plan are as follows[3] (see reference for a map):

  1. EiraKäpylä
  2. Olympia Terminal – Pasila Station
  3. Olympia TerminalMeilahti
  4. KatajanokkaMunkkiniemi
  5. Katajanokka Ferry TerminalCentral Railway Station
  6. (6T: West Ferry Terminal) - HietalahtiArabia
  7. West Ferry Terminal – Pasila Station
  8. JätkäsaariArabia
  9. JätkäsaariPasila
  10. KirurgiPikku Huopalahti

Improvements to the connectivity and capacity of the network

A number of short segments of new track in areas already covered by the network are being planned in order to improve the connectivity and capacity of the network.


The planned tracks would run along Topeliuksenkatu from Runeberginkatu to Mannerheimintie, in parallel to the tramway on Mannerheimintie. This would provide additional capacity and a faster route in the direction of Mannerheimintie. The Topeliuksenkatu tramway is widely considered to be a requirement for further extensions of lines 4 and 10, which include the Munkkivuori extension. This tramway was one of the proposals in a 2006 study named "Ratikka 2015" ("Tram 2015"). [4][5][6]


In Kamppi the tracks on the north and south ends of Fredrikinkatu are separated by a 530-metre (0.3 mi) gap. New tracks are planned along Fredrikinkatu between the junctions at Bulevardi (south end) and Malminrinne/Urho Kekkosen katu (north end) to connect this gap and provide a parallel north–south connection to the congested main tramway along Mannerheimintie.

Extensions to new areas

The opening of the Vuosaari Harbour in 2008 freed up harbour areas in Jätkäsaari and Kalasatama near the city centre, as well as the oil terminal in Kruunuvuorenranta on the Laajasalo island, for development. A large rail yard in Pasila, which was used for handling freight rail traffic to Jätkäsaari and Kalasatama, was also freed up. Helsinki is developing all four areas as new mixed-use urban districts, and in each case, the city decided to base the public transport in these areas on extensions to the tram network. (Pasila has a railway station that is served by all of the commuter trains, and Kalasatama has a metro station.)

Jätkäsaari and Hernesaari

The building of tramways in Jätkäsaari has proceeded along with the construction of the buildings of the new district. The use of bi-directional trams was considered for the tramway extensions,[7] but in the end, HKL decided to build the tracks with conventional return loops and to dismantle temporary loops as necessary.

As of December 2017, only the final phase of the Jätkäsaari tramways remains to be built, connecting the new ferry terminal in the southwestern corner of the island to the current return loop at Saukonpaasi (currently the terminus for lines 8 and 9). The completion of this stretch has been projected for 2025. In the previous phases, tracks were extended from Ruoholahti to Saukonpaasi (opened 1 January 2012), from Kamppi to the old ferry terminal (opened 13 August 2012), from the old to the new ferry terminal (opened February 2017) [8] and from Jätkäsaarenlaituri along Välimerenkatu street to the return loop at Saukonpaasi (opened August 2017).

Various versions of the lines and routes to Jätkäsaari have been proposed since the beginning of the planning.[4][9][10][11][12] As of December 2017, lines 7, 8 and 9 are routed on Jätkäsaari according to the plan approved in 2015 (see Reorganisation). Line 6 awaits the completion of new tracks to Hernesaari. By 2025, line 6 will be rerouted from its current termini at Hietalahti and the Jätkäsaari ferry terminal to Hernesaari via Eiranranta.[10][13] The stretch to Eiranranta is projected to be completed in 2018 and the extension to Hernesaari in 2024.


The construction of new housing in the former harbour area of Kalasatama began in 2011. Kalasatama is served by a metro station, and the city has not built tramways in advance of the housing in Kalasatama in the way it has done in Jätkäsaari. At least two tram lines are planned to be extended into the Kalasatama area, one from the city centre in the south over new bridges (alignment to be decided), and one from the west from Hämeentie.[5][14][15] As of May 2015, these are to be completed in 2021 and 2023 (see Funding plan).


The city council of Helsinki decided on 31 August 2016 to build a tramway to the island of Laajasalo,[16] located to the east of Helsinki city centre. The route will include three new bridges, the longest of which will be the longest in Finland at 1.2 kilometres (0.75 mi), and its pylons one of the tallest structures in Helsinki. The bridges will have bicycle and pedestrian lanes in addition to the tramway, but no lanes for private cars. The total length of new double track, including tramways on Laajasalo itself, is about 10 kilometres (6.2 mi).[17]


Line number 9, opened in August 2008, was originally planned as early as 1990 to link Ilmala with Merikatu in southern Ullanlinna. However, in the first phase of construction, the northern part of the route was truncated into Itä-Pasila in order to cut costs, while the southern terminus was placed in Kolmikulma due to opposition to tram tracks by people living along the planned new line.[7] The connection to Ilmala in the north was planned in 2008 to be completed in 2013,[12] but as of 2012, current projections have postponed the completion to 2017.

Although shortly before the opening of line 9 HKL stated the continuation to Merikatu had been abandoned permanently,[18] within weeks of the opening of the line, extending the route to Merikatu was again proposed, due to complaints from inhabitants of Ullanlinna following the termination of bus line 17. Subsequently, HKL stated they would be "actively acting to expand the tramline to Merikatu".[19] Interlacing the tracks on some sections on Korkeavuorenkatu is under consideration as a space-saving measure, allowing a larger amount of parking space to be maintained along the street.[20] At the time in 2008, HKL stated that a different line would be routed to Merikatu in the case that line 9 would go to Jätkäsaari instead.[21] The southern terminus of line 9 was ultimately extended to the West Harbour ferry terminal in Jätkäsaari and opened for traffic on 13 August 2012.

In addition to lengthening the line, moving the line from Kaarlenkatu and Helsinginkatu to Fleminginkatu in Kallio was proposed on 10 October 2008.[12]


Helsinki Regional Transport (HSL) has prepared plans for an extension to the residential area of Munkkivuori. The extension has been debated since the district was built in the 1950s. The bus lines that serve the area carry about 5 million passengers per year as of 2012, which is a sufficient ridership for a tram line. The bus lines have been criticised for being slow and having unpredictable running times. HSL collected comments from the public on several different alignment options in March and April 2012.[22] However, there is no decision on the funding or construction of the extension.

Trunk line 550 ("Jokeri")

The trunk bus line 550, formerly branded Jokeri ("The Joker", after Joukkoliikenteen kehämäinen raideinvestointi – "A circular rail investment for public transportation"), will be converted to light rail. The city councils of Helsinki and Espoo approved the construction project in June 2016,[23][24] after the state of Finland decided to participate in funding the construction. The rail line is preliminarily projected to open in 2021.[25] The construction of the 25-kilometre (16 mi) light rail line, without rolling stock or a depot, is projected to cost €274 million as of June 2016, with rolling stock and a depot projected to additionally cost up to €95 and €65 million.[26]

Other possibilities

A private group consisting of members of the Finnish Tramway Society and students of Helsinki University of Technology drew up plans for a new tram line linking Arabia to Pasila railway station in order to improve the public transport connections of Kumpula.[27] The proposed line, provisionally numbered line 5,[28] could either utilise the disused freight railway line in Southern Kumpula[27] or only existing tram tracks, including a stretch on Sturenkatu between Mäkelänkatu and Hämeentie that is presently only used for depot movements.[28] The proposal gained public interest,[29] and on 4 April 2009 the City Planning Board of Helsinki mandated that an official study would be made on a tram line linking Munkkiniemi to Arabia or Kalasatama via Pasila and Kumpula, with provisions made for further extension of the line to Otaniemi in the west and to Viikki in the east.[30]

The possibility of extending the lines 1 and 1A to the Käpylä railway station (or further to Oulunkylä) in the north and rerouting the same lines through the unused tracks on Linjat in Kallio have been brought up as possible future projects to improve passenger numbers on the unpopular line.[31] A 2012 proposal for the reorganization of surface traffic after the completion of the "Pisara" connection included an extension of line 1 to the Käpylä station, but for a different reason. The Helsinki City Rail Loop is an underground loop of the commuter railway network that would distribute passengers to three new underground stations in central Helsinki. The proposal for after the city rail loop construction for surface traffic includes a new bus terminal at Käpylä. Bus lines that currently continue to the city centre would terminate at the Käpylä station, where the passengers could make a connection to commuter trains or an extended tram line 1.

In addition to the above, expansion of the tram network from Arabia to Viikki, Käpylä to Koskela and Pikku Huopalahti to Haaga have been mentioned as potential long-term projects.[5]

A construction of a light rail or tram system has also been proposed as a possible solution of arranging public transport in the Östersundom area annexed by Helsinki from Vantaa and Sipoo on 1 January 2009. An extension of the Helsinki Metro was originally planned as the main form of public transport for this area, but on 20 February 2009 a newspaper reported that a light rail system is being studied as an alternative to supplement or replace the Metro connection to this area due to the lower costs of a light rail link.[32][33] If built, the light rail link could be extended as far east as Porvoo.[33] Östersundom is located in eastern Helsinki, and as such the proposed new system would be completely unconnected with the currently existing tram system. It could, however, connect with the future Jokeri line in Itäkeskus.

The construction of some of the expansions to the network as trolleybus lines was studied in a 2009 report by Helsinki City Transport,[34][35][36] but the city decided to drop the trolleybus plans for the foreseeable future in 2011.

2015 funding plan

In April 2015, Helsinki City Transport (HKL) approved a plan for funding tram network projects for 2016–25.[37] These plans are subject to continuous reviews and changes. For instance, most of the items listed here are delayed compared to the plan approved in 2012.[38] The allocations of funds are in millions of euros.

Project 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total (M€)
Kruunuvuorenranta bridge (including track and electrification) 0.8 0.8 21.6 32.0 44.1 35.3 17.9 14.0 166.5
Line 9 Pasila–Ilmala 0.3 0.0 1.7 2.2 2.0 1.0 7.2
Reijolankatu 0.5 1.0 1.5
Jätkäsaari, extension to new ferry terminal 1.5 0.9 1.2 2.3
Jätkäsaari, Välimerenkatu 0.1 2.3 2.4
Telakkakatu – Eiranranta 1.0 2.1 1.7 4.8
Trunk line 550 ("Jokeri") 0.6 4.3 6.4 35.0 35.4 35.4 117.1
Topeliuksenkatu 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.2 8.4
Paciuksenkatu grass-surface track 0.4 0.5 0.9
Meilahti return loop 0.5 0.5 1.0
Fredrikinkatu, extension to Bulevardi 1.0 1.5 2.5
Nihti – Kalasatama center 1.0 2.1 3.2 6.3
Kalasatama center – Hämeentie 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.6 9.6
Eiranranta – Hernesaari 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.7
Vallilanlaakso tramway 1.0 1.0 1.6 3.6
Vartiosaari island 0.4 0.4 4.0 4.8
Munkkivuori 0.5 1.5 2.0


  • The Kruunuvuorenranta bridge is planned to be a future landmark in Helsinki, a 1 km long cable-stayed bridge for trams, pedestrians and bicyclists. It is planned to provide a quick connection to the city center from the new district of Kruunuvuorenranta (under construction as of May 2015) as well as existing suburbs on the island of Laajasalo.
  • Trunk line 550 ("Jokeri") extends to the Espoo municipality. This plan only covers HKL's investment for part within the borders of Helsinki.
gollark: But is generally awful.
gollark: Ninjaed.
gollark: Facebook used PHP, if I remember correctly.
gollark: Yes, you should probably not focus on the exact details.
gollark: <@98470547297435648> APIs are basically just a generalized term for accessing stuff remotely, so you *could* do what you suggested, but it would be odd.

See also


  2. "Raitioliikenteen linjastosuunnitelma". HSL. Retrieved 2015-05-06.
  3. "Raitioliikenteen linjastosuunnitelma, kokonaiskartta, tilanne 2024" (PDF). HSL. Retrieved 2015-05-06.
  4. Helsingin kaupungin liikennelaitos
  5. Finnish Tramway Society
  6. Kaupunkisuunnittelulautakunta
  7. Antero Alku
  9. Helsingin kaupungin liikennelaitos
  10. Joukkoliikennelautakunta
  11. Kaupunkisuunnittelulautakunta
  12. Mirva Haltia-Holmberg
  13. Mirva Haltia-Holmberg
  14. Helsingin kaupunki: Kaupunkisuunnitteluvirasto
  15. Antero Alku
  16. "Helsingin kaupunginvaltuusto päätti: Kruunuvuorenrantaan rakennetaan Suomen pisin siltayhteys" (in Finnish). Helsingin Sanomat. Retrieved 2016-08-31.
  17. "Kruunusillat, hankesuunnitelma" (PDF) (in Finnish). City of Helsinki. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-09-11. Retrieved 2016-08-31.
  18. Helsingin kaupungin liikennelaitos
  19. Joukkoliikennelautakunta
  20. Helsingin Sanomat
  21. Ylen aikainen
  22. "Munkkivuoren raitiotietä suunnitellaan keväällä 2012". HRT. Archived from the original on 2012-04-05. Retrieved 2012-04-25.
  24. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2016-11-18. Retrieved 2016-06-16.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  25. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2016-10-31. Retrieved 2016-06-16.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  26. "Raide-Jokeri, hankesuunnitelma 2015" (PDF). Cities of Espoo and Helsinki. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-08-08. Retrieved 2016-06-16.
  27. Antero Alku
  28. Antero Alku, Janne Peltola & Jonas Wahlbeck
  29. Helsingin Uutiset
  30. Kaupunkisuunnittelulautakunta
  31. Mirva Haltia-Holmberg
  32. Marketta Karjalainen
  33. YLE
  34. Helsingin Sanomat
  35. Helsingin Kaupungin Liikennelaitos
  36. Mirva Haltia-Holmberg
  37. "Liikenneinvestointien talousarvioehdotus vuodeksi 2016 sekä investointiohjelmaehdotus v. 2017-2025" (PDF). City of Helsinki. Retrieved 2015-05-06.
  38. "Liikenneinvestointien talousarvioehdotusvuodeksi 2013 sekäinvestointiohjelmaehdotus vuosiksi 2014-17" (PDF). City of Helsinki. Retrieved 2012-04-25.


Helsinki City Transport

Finnish Tramway Society

Helsingin Sanomat


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