
Pimelea, commonly known as rice flowers, is a genus of plants belonging to the family Thymelaeaceae. There are about 150 species, including 110 in Australia and thirty six in New Zealand.

Pimelea brachyphylla
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Malvales
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Subfamily: Thymelaeoideae
Genus: Pimelea
Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn.

About 150 species; see text

Flower bud of Pimelea nivea


Plants in the genus Pimelea are herbs or small shrubs usually with leaves arranged in opposite pairs. The leaves are usually paler on the lower surface and the petiole is usually very short. The flowers are usually arranged in groups on the ends of the branches and have no petals but four petal-like sepals and two stamens. The ovary has a single ovule and the fruit is usually a nut containing a single seed.[1]

Taxonomy and naming

The genus Pimelea was first formally described in 1788 by Joseph Gaertner from unpublished descriptions by Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander. The first species Gaertner described was Pimelea laevigata, now known as Pimelea prostrata.[2][3][4][5][6]

The name Pimelea is from the Ancient Greek word pimele meaning "fat or "lard",[7] possibly referring to the oily seeds or fleshy cotyledons of riceflowers.[8]


Some species, including P. curviflora, P. flava, P. glauca, P. linifolia, P. microcephala, P. neo-anglica, P. pauciflora, P. simplex and P. trichostachya are known to be toxic to stock.[1][9][10]


About 150 species of Pimelea have been formally described, including about 110 in Australia and 36 in New Zealand.[1] The following is a combined list of species from the Australian Plant Census ("APC") and the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network:[11][12]

  • Pimelea acra (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea actea (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea aeriginosa (W.A.)
  • Pimelea alpina - alpine riceflower (S.A.)
  • Pimelea ammocharis (W.A.)
  • Pimelea angustifolia (W.A.)
  • Pimelea aquilonia (Qld.)
  • Pimelea argentea – silvery leaved pimelea (W.A.)
  • Pimelea aridula (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea avonensis – (W.A.)
  • Pimelea axiflora – bootlace bush (N.S.W., Vic., Tas.)
    • Pimelea axiflora subsp. alpina
    • Pimelea axiflora subsp. axiflora
    • Pimelea axiflora subsp. pubescens
  • Pimelea barbata (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea biflora – matted rice flower (N.S.W.,Vic.)
  • Pimelea brachyphylla (W.A.)
  • Pimelea bracteata (N.S.W.)
  • Pimelea brevifolia (W.A.)
    • Pimelea brevifolia subsp. brevifolia
    • Pimelea brevifolia subsp. modesta
  • Pimelea brevistyla (W.A.)
    • Pimelea brevistyla subsp. brevistyla
    • Pimelea brevistyla subsp. minor
  • Pimelea buxifolia (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea calcicola (W.A.)
  • Pimelea carnosa (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea ciliata (W.A.)
    • Pimelea ciliata subsp. ciliata
    • Pimelea ciliata subsp. longituba
  • Pimelea ciliolaris (N.S.W.)
  • Pimelea cinerea (Tas.)
  • Pimelea clavata (W.A.)
  • Pimelea concinna (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea concreta (W.A., N.T.)
  • Pimelea congesta (Lord Howe Island)
  • Pimelea cornucopiae (Qld.)
  • Pimelea cracens (W.A.)
    • Pimelea cracens subsp. cracens
    • Pimelea cracens subsp. glabra
  • Pimelea cremnophila (N.S.W.)
  • Pimelea cryptica (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea curviflora – tough-barked riceflower, curved riceflower (N.S.W., Vic., S.A.)
    • Pimelea curviflora var. acuta
    • Pimelea curviflora var. curviflora
    • Pimelea curviflora var. divergens
    • Pimelea curviflora var. gracilis
    • Pimelea curviflora var. sericea
    • Pimelea curviflora var. subglabrata
  • Pimelea declivis (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea decora – Flinders poppy (Qld.)
  • Pimelea drummondii (W.A.)
  • Pimelea drupacea - cherry riceflower (Vic., Tas.)
  • Pimelea dura (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea elongata (N.S.W., Qld., S.A.)
  • Pimelea erecta (W.A.)
  • Pimelea eremitica – roimata o tohe (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea ferruginea (W.A.)
  • Pimelea filifolia (N.T.)
  • Pimelea filiformis (Tas.)
  • Pimelea flava - yellow riceflower, diosma riceflower (N.S.W., Vic. S.A.)
    • Pimelea flava subsp. dichotoma
    • Pimelea flava subsp. flava
  • Pimelea floribunda (W.A.)
  • Pimelea forrestiana (W.A.)
  • Pimelea gilgiana (W.A.)
  • Pimelea glauca - smooth riceflower (N.S.W., Qld., Tas., S.A.)
  • Pimelea gnidia (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea graniticola (W.A.)
  • Pimelea haematostachya (Qld.)
  • Pimelea halophila (W.A.)
  • Pimelea hewardiana - forked riceflower (Vic., S.A.)
  • Pimelea hirta (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea hispida - bristly pimelea (W.A.)
  • Pimelea holroydii (W.A.)
  • Pimelea humilis - common riceflower (N.S.W., Vic., Tas., S.A.)
  • Pimelea ignota – pinatoro (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea imbricata (W.A.)
    • Pimelea imbricata var. imbricata
    • Pimelea imbricata var. major
    • Pimelea imbricata var. petraea
    • Pimelea imbricata var. piligera
    • Pimelea imbricata var. simulans
  • Pimelea interioris (N.T.)
  • Pimelea lanata (W.A.)
  • Pimelea latifolia (N.S.W., Qld.)
    • Pimelea latifolia subsp. altior
    • Pimelea latifolia subsp. elliptifolia
    • Pimelea latifolia subsp. hirsuta
    • Pimelea latifolia subsp. latifolia
  • Pimelea lehmanniana (W.A.)
    • Pimelea lehmanniana subsp. lehmanniana
    • Pimelea lehmanniana subsp. nervosa
  • Pimelea leiophylla (Tas.)
  • Pimelea leptospermoides (Qld.)
  • Pimelea leucantha (W.A.)
  • Pimelea ligustrina - tall riceflower (N.S.W., Qld., Vic., Tas., S.A.)
    • Pimelea ligustrina subsp. ciliata
    • Pimelea ligustrina subsp. hypericina
    • Pimelea ligustrina subsp. ligustrina
  • Pimelea linifolia - slender riceflower (N.S.W., Qld., S.A., Vic., Tas.)
    • Pimelea linifolia subsp. caesia
    • Pimelea linifolia subsp. collina
    • Pimelea linifolia subsp. linifolia
    • Pimelea linifolia subsp. linoides'
  • Pimelea longiflora (W.A.)
  • Pimelea longifolia - long-leaved pimelea, taranga (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea lyallii (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea macrostegia (S.A.)
  • Pimelea mesoa (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea micrantha (N.S.W., Vic., W.A., S.A.)
  • Pimelea microcephala - mallee riceflower or shrubby riceflower (N.S.W., Qld., Vic., N.T., S.A., W.A.)
    • Pimelea microcephala subsp. glabra
    • Pimelea microcephala subsp. microcephala
  • Pimelea microphylla (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea milliganii (Tas.)
  • Pimelea mimosa (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea neo-anglica - poison pimelea, scanty riceflower (N.S.W., Qld.)
  • Pimelea neokyrea (W.A.)
  • Pimelea nitens (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea nivea (Tas.)
  • Pimelea notia (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea octophylla - woolly riceflower, downy riceflower (Vic., S.A.)
  • Pimelea oreophila (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea orthia (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea pagophila (Vic.)
  • Pimelea pauciflora – scanty riceflower, scrub kurrajong (N.S.W., Vic., Tas.)
  • Pimelea pelinos (W.A.)
  • Pimelea pendens (W.A.)
  • Pimelea penicillaris (N.S.W., Qld., S.A., N.T.)
  • Pimelea petrophila (S.A.)
  • Pimelea phylicoides (Vic., S.A.)
  • Pimelea physodes - Qualup bell (W.A.)
  • Pimelea poppelwellii – Poppelwells pimelea (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea preissii (W.A.)
  • Pimelea prostrata – pinatoro, New Zealand daphne, Strathmore weed (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea pseudolyallii (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea punicea (W.A.)
  • Pimelea pygmaea (Tas.)
  • Pimelea rara – summer pimelea (W.A.)
  • Pimelea rosea – rose banjine (W.A.)
    • Pimelea rosea subsp. annelsii
    • Pimelea rosea subsp. rosea
  • Pimelea sanguinea (W.A.)
  • Pimelea sericea (Tas.)
  • Pimelea sericostachya (Qld.)
    • Pimelea sericostachya subsp. amabilis
    • Pimelea sericostachya subsp. sericostachya
  • Pimelea sericeovillosa – cushion pimelea (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea serpyllifolia - thyme riceflower (N.S.W., Vic., Tas., W.A., S.A.)
    • Pimelea serpyllifolia subsp. occidentalis
    • Pimelea serpyllifolia subsp. serpyllifolia
  • Pimelea sessilis (W.A.)
  • Pimelea simplex – desert riceflower (N.S.W., Qld., Vic., S.A.)
    • Pimelea simplex subsp. continua
    • Pimelea simplex subsp. simplex
  • Pimelea spectabilis – bunjong (W.A.)
  • Pimelea spicata (N.S.W.)
  • Pimelea spiculigera (W.A.)
    • Pimelea spiculigera var. spiculigera
    • Pimelea spiculigera var. thesioides
  • Pimelea spinescens - spiny riceflower (Vic.)
    • Pimelea spinescens subsp. pubiflora
    • Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens
  • Pimelea sporadica (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea stricta (N.S.W., Vic., Tas., S.A.)
  • Pimelea strigosa (N.S.W., Qld.)
  • Pimelea suaveolens – scented banjine (W.A.)
    • Pimelea suaveolens subsp. flava
    • Pimelea suaveolens subsp. suaveolens
  • Pimelea subvillifera (W.A.)
  • Pimelea sulphurea – yellow banjine (W.A.)
  • Pimelea suteri (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea sylvestris (W.A.)
  • Pimelea telura – three kings pimelea (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea tinctoria (W.A.)
  • Pimelea tomentosa (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea traversii (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea treyvaudii – grey riceflower (N.S.W., Vic.)
  • Pimelea trichostachya (N.S.W., Qld., Vic., W.A., S.A., N.T.)
  • Pimelea umbricata (Qld.)
  • Pimelea urvilleana subsp. nesica (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea urvilleana subsp. urvilleana - pinatoro (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea venosa – Bolivia Hill pimelea (N.S.W.)
  • Pimelea villifera (W.A.)
  • Pimelea villosa – sand daphne, autetaranga, toroheke, sand pimelea (N.Z.)
  • Pimelea williamsonii – Williamson's riceflower (Vic., S.A.)
  • Pimelea xenica – pinatoro (N.Z.)

In 2017, Anthony Bean published a paper in the journal Austrobaileya in which he described the following new species and reinstated previously named species from Queensland, but the names have not yet been assessed by the APC:[13]

  • Pimelea altior
  • Pimelea amabilis
  • Pimelea approximans
  • Pimelea chlorina
  • Pimelea confertiflora
  • Pimelea elongata
  • Pimelea fugiens
  • Pimelea gigandra
    • Pimelea leptospermoides subsp. bowmanii
    • Pimelea leptospermoides subsp. leptospermoides
  • Pimelea leptostachya
  • Pimelea mollis
  • Pimelea plurinervia
  • Pimelea rupestris
  • Pimelea simplex
    • Pimelea simplex subsp. continua
    • Pimelea simplex subsp. simplex
  • Pimelea trichostachya
  • Pimelea umbratica
gollark: Or vickreyness.
gollark: We don't have sealed bids, though.
gollark: Interesting! Initiating viewing.
gollark: I *also* have 16lc, it's not much.
gollark: I don't have enough for that to be remotely viable.


  1. Harden, Gwen J. "Genus Pimelea". Royal Botanic Garden Sydney. Retrieved 22 April 2018.
  2. "Pimelea". APNI. Retrieved 22 April 2018.
  3. Gaertner, Joseph (1788). De fructibus et seminibus plantarum (Volume 1). Stuttgart. p. 186. Retrieved 22 April 2018.
  4. "Pimelea". Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. Retrieved 22 April 2018.
  5. "Pimelea Gaertn". Western Australian Herbarium. Retrieved 22 April 2018.
  6. "Pimelea". Australian Narional Botanicc Garden. Retrieved 22 April 2018.
  7. Brown, Roland Wilbur (1956). The Composition of Scientific Words. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. p. 318.
  8. "Pimelea spectabilis Lindl". The Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan. Retrieved 22 April 2018.
  9. "Understanding Pimelea poisoning of cattle" (PDF). State of Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation. Retrieved 22 April 2018.
  10. "Strathmore Weed". Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Retrieved 2012-06-09.
  11. "Banksia hirta". Australian Plant Census. Retrieved 5 May 2020.
  12. "Pimelea". New Zealand Plant Conservation Network. Retrieved 22 April 2018.
  13. Bean, Anthony R. (2017). "A taxonomic review of Pinelea sectopm Ellage (Endl.) Benth. (Thymelaeaceae) in Queensland" (PDF). Austrobaileya. 10 (1): 1–46. Retrieved 5 May 2020.
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