Nike Award

The Nike Literary Award (Nagroda Literacka Nike) is one of the most prestigious awards for Polish literature. Established in 1997 and funded by Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland's second largest daily paper, and the consulting company NICOM, it is conferred annually in October for the best book of a single living author writing in Polish published the previous year. It is open for nominees from all literary genres, including non-fiction essays and autobiographies. Each year, a nine-member jury selects the laureate in a three-stage process. Twenty official nominees are accepted in May, out of which seven finalists are declared in September. The final decision does not take place until the day of the award ceremony in October. The award consists of a statuette referring to the Greek goddess Nike, designed by the prominent Polish sculptor Kazimierz Gustaw Zemła, and a cash prize of currently PLN 100,000 (ca. $25,000).

Nike Award
2005 Nike Award ceremony with former Polish president Aleksander Kwaśniewski
Awarded forbest book of a single living author writing in the Polish language published the previous year
Presented byGazeta Wyborcza and Agora Foundation
Reward(s)PLN 100,000 ($25,000)
First awarded1997

In addition to the main jury award, there is an audience award based on the outcome of a vote on the seven official finalists conducted by Gazeta Wyborcza. The verdicts of the audience and jury have converged only occasionally (2000, 2001, 2004 and 2015).


Olga Tokarczuk won the prize twice in 2008 and 2015

Title and details of English translation stated where available.

Jury award

Year Author Title English title Genre(s)
2019 Mariusz Szczygieł Nie ma - Reportage
2018 Marcin Wicha Rzeczy, których nie wyrzuciłem The Things I Didn't Throw Away Collection of essays
2017 Cezary Łazarewicz Żeby nie było śladów. Sprawa Grzegorza Przemyka So There'll Be No Traces. Grzegorz Przemyk's Case Reportage
2016 Bronka Nowicka Nakarmić kamień To Feed a Stone Poetry
2015 Olga Tokarczuk Księgi Jakubowe The Books of Jacob Novel
2014 Karol Modzelewski Zajeździmy kobyłę historii. Wyznania poobijanego jeźdźca[1] We'll Ride the Mare of History to the Ground: Confessions of a Bruised Rider Autobiography
2013 Joanna Bator Ciemno, prawie noc [2] Dark, Almost Night Novel
2012 Marek Bieńczyk Książka twarzy Book of Faces Collection of essays
2011 Marian Pilot Pióropusz Quill Feathers Novel
2010 Tadeusz Słobodzianek Nasza klasa Our Class Play
2009 Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki Piosenka o zależnościach i uzależnieniach A Song of Dependencies and Addictions Poetry
2008 Olga Tokarczuk Bieguni Flights Novel
2007 Wiesław Myśliwski Traktat o łuskaniu fasoli Treatise on Shelling Beans Novel
2006 Dorota Masłowska Paw królowej The Queen's Peacock Novel
2005 Andrzej Stasiuk Jadąc do Babadag Travelling to Babadag Novel
2004 Wojciech Kuczok Gnój Muck Novel
2003 Jarosław Marek Rymkiewicz Zachód słońca w Milanówku Sunset in Milanówek Poetry
2002 Joanna Olczak-Roniker W ogrodzie pamięci In the Garden of Memory Novel
2001 Jerzy Pilch Pod Mocnym Aniołem The Strong Angel Inn Novel
2000 Tadeusz Różewicz Matka odchodzi Mother Is Leaving Poetry
1999 Stanisław Barańczak Z chirurgiczną precyzją Surgical Precision Poetry
1998 Czesław Miłosz Piesek przydrożny Road-side Dog Poetry
1997 Wiesław Myśliwski Widnokrąg Horizon Novel

Audience award

Year Author Title English title Genre(s)
2019 Mariusz Szczygieł Nie ma - Reportage
2018 Marcin Wicha Rzeczy, których nie wyrzuciłem The Things I Didn't Throw Away Collection of essays
2017 Stanisław Łubieński Dwanaście srok za ogon The Birds They Sang Collection of essays
2016 Magdalena Grzebałkowska 1945. Wojna i pokój 1945. War and Peace Reportage
2015 Olga Tokarczuk Ksiegi Jakubowe The Books of Jacob Novel
2014 Ignacy Karpowicz Ości[3][4] Bones Novel
2013 Szczepan Twardoch Morfina Morphine Novel
2012 Andrzej Franaszek Miłosz: biografia Mołosz: A Biography Biography
2011 Sławomir Mrożek Dziennik 1962-1969 Journals 1962-1969 Diary
2010 Magdalena Grochowska Jerzy Giedroyc. Do Polski ze snu Jerzy Giedroyc. To Poland from Dream Biography
2009 Krzysztof Varga Gulasz z turula Turul Goulash Collection of essays
2008 Olga Tokarczuk Bieguni Flights Novel
2007 Mariusz Szczygieł Gottland Gottland Collection of reportages
2006 Wisława Szymborska Dwukropek Colon Poetry
2005 Ryszard Kapuściński Podróże z Herodotem Journeys with Herodotus Autobiography
2004 Wojciech Kuczok Gnój Muck Novel
2003 Dorota Masłowska Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną Snow White and Russian Red Novel
2002 Olga Tokarczuk Gra na wielu bębenkach Playing on Many Drums Collection of short stories
2001 Jerzy Pilch Pod Mocnym Aniołem The Strong Angel Inn Novel
2000 Tadeusz Różewicz Matka odchodzi Mother Is Leaving Poetry
1999 Olga Tokarczuk Dom dzienny, don nocny House of Day, House of Night Novel
1998 Zygmunt Kubiak Mitologia Greków i Rzymian The Mythology of the Greeks and Romans History
1997 Olga Tokarczuk Prawiek i inne czasy Primeval and Other Times Novel

Most nominations

gollark: (And Aidan lied to me)
gollark: (I mean, it's not that bad, but it's mildly harder than the rest)
gollark: Yes.
gollark: These are bad memetic hazards.


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