
Ne'ila (Hebrew: נעילה, lit. 'locking'), the concluding service, is a special Jewish prayer service that is held only on Yom Kippur. It is the time when final prayers of repentance are recited at the closing of Yom Kippur. Ne'ila consists of Ashrei, Uva L'Tzion (both of which are postponed from Mincha when they are normally recited), Amidah with Selichot and an abbreviated Vidui, and Avinu Malkeinu. In Sephardic practice, it begins with the hymn El Nora Alila. Neilah marks the fifth Amidah of the Day of Atonement, the only such occasion in the Hebrew calendar in which there are so many services. The shofar is blown and the song L'Shana Haba'ah is sung at the end of Ne'ila. During the leader's repetition of the Ne'ila Amidah, the ark (Aron Kodesh or Hechal) remains open, and it is traditional to stand throughout the service. While throughout the High Holy Days, Jews pray to be "written" in the Book of Life, during Ne'ila in all such prayers the word 'write' (Hebrew katav כתב) is replaced by 'seal' (Hebrew ḥatam חתם).[1]


  1. "Neilah Judaism".
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