
Mayrakahag (sometime Kahakatekh) — is a fortified colony in the Mountain Karabakh.[1] It was Israelyan family's residence who were one of Armenian lords (meliks) family in Karabakh.[2] The settlement located on the right bank of the Tartar river in the Vaguas village (today it un-recognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic). It represent the complex of several ruined buildings, old cemetery and the Tiramayr monastery.[3] The monastery and the cemetery was badly destroyed in period from 1920 to 1930-s. The Armenians called the surviving fortress towers is "Sergevlaser" (in Armenian it mean "quince pass")[4]


  1. Степан Лисицян / Армяне Нагорного Карабаха: Этнографический очерк / Изд-во АН Армении стр. 230 (248)
  2. Степан Лисицян / Армяне Нагорного Карабаха: Этнографический очерк / Изд-во АН Армении стр. 37 (248)
  3. Ш. Мкртчян / Майракахак или монастырь Тирамайр /Историко-архитектурные памятники Нагорно-Карабаха/ стр. 47-48 (360)
  4. В.А. Петров / Этноботаника Нагорного-Карабаха / АН СССР Изд. АзФан Баку-1940г. стр.23 (163)

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