List of volcanoes in Canada

A list of volcanoes in Canada.


NameElevationLocationLast eruption
BH225 pipe---Late Cretaceous
BH229 pipe---Late Cretaceous
BH230 pipe---Paleocene
BH155 pipe----
BM2 pipe---Paleocene
BM3 pipe----
BM16 pipe----
Dragon pipe---Late Cretaceous
Kendu pipe---Late Cretaceous
K1A pipe---Paleocene
K1B pipe---Paleocene
K14A pipe---Late Cretaceous
K14B pipe---Late Cretaceous
K14C pipe---Late Cretaceous
K160 pipe----
K2 pipe---Paleocene
K251 pipe---Late Cretaceous
K252 pipe---Late Cretaceous
K296 pipe----
K3 pipe---Paleocene
K32 pipe----
K300 pipe----
K4A pipe---Late Cretaceous
K4B pipe---Late Cretaceous
K4C pipe---Late Cretaceous
K5B pipe---Late Cretaceous
K5A pipe---Late Cretaceous
K6 pipe---Late Cretaceous
K7A pipe---Late Cretaceous
K7B pipe---Late Cretaceous
K7C pipe---Late Cretaceous
K8 pipe----
K10 pipe----
K11 pipe---Late Cretaceous
K15 pipe----
K19 pipe---Paleocene
K91 pipe---Late Cretaceous
K92 pipe----
K93 pipe----
K95 pipe----
Legend pipe---Late Cretaceous
LL8 pipe---Late Cretaceous
Phoenix pipe---Late Cretaceous
Valkyrie pipe---Late Cretaceous
WP pipe---Late Cretaceous
Xena pipe---Late Cretaceous

British Columbia

NameElevationLocationLast eruption
Anahim Peak1897622452.44°N 125.41°W / 52.44; -125.41Miocene
Armadillo Peak2210725157.53°N 130.55°W / 57.53; -130.55Miocene
Ash Mountain2125655059.27°N 130.05°W / 59.27; -130.05Pleistocene
The Ash Pit1580518457.45°N 130.78°W / 57.45; -130.78Holocene
Atwell Peak2655871149.50°N 123.33°W / 49.50; -123.33Pleistocene
Bennett Lake Volcanic Complex1500490060.3°N 134.52°W / 60.3; -134.52Eocene
Black Dome Mountain2252738851.19°N 122.29°W / 51.19; -122.29Pliocene
The Black Tusk2319760849.97°N 123.04°W / 49.97; -123.04Pleistocene
Blackfoot diatreme--49.58°N 115.17°W / 49.58; -115.17-
Big Timothy Mountain2455805452.12°N 120.91°W / 52.12; -120.91Pleistocene
Baldface Mountain1798589952.46°N 124.32°W / 52.46; -124.32Pleistocene
Mount Boucherie758248749.51°N 119.34°W / 49.51; -119.34Paleocene
Bowie Seamount-24-7953.3°N 135.63°W / 53.3; -135.6318000 years ago
Mount Brew1757576450.4°N 123.19°W / 50.4; -123.19Pleistocene
Bridge River Cones2500820250.80°N 123.40°W / 50.80; -123.40Holocene
Buck Hill1585520051.48°N 119.59°W / 51.48; -119.59Pleistocene
Cache Hill2110692357.53°N 130.67°W / 57.53; -130.67Holocene
Mount Callaghan2409790950.13°N 123.15°W / 50.13; -123.15-
Camp Hill1880616857.58°N 130.78°W / 57.58; -130.78Holocene
Capricorn Mountain2551836950.62°N 123.52°W / 50.62; -123.52Pleistocene
Caribou Tuya1770580759.24°N 130.56°W / 59.24; -130.56Pleistocene
Cartoona Peak2305756257.36°N 130.36°W / 57.36; -130.36Miocene
The Castle798261849.69°N 123.2°W / 49.69; -123.2Pleistocene
Castle Rock1862610957.84°N 131.15°W / 57.84; -131.15Pleistocene
Cauldron Dome2233732650.16°N 123.32°W / 50.16; -123.32Pleistocene
Mount Cayley massif2377779950.12°N 123.28°W / 50.12; -123.28Pleistocene
Chakatah Creek Peak1815595559.25°N 131.03°W / 59.25; -131.03Pleistocene
Chelan Seamount-1459-478749.45°N 131.32°W / 49.45; -131.32-
Chikoida Mountain1927632259.2°N 133.4°W / 59.2; -133.4Cenozoic
Cinder Cliff1800590657.75°N 130.57°W / 57.75; -130.57Holocene
Cinder Cone1910626649.97°N 123.00°W / 49.97; -123.00Holocene
Cinder Mountain30098456.57°N 130.61°W / 56.57; -130.61Pleistocene
Clinker Peak1992653549.93°N 123.4°W / 49.93; -123.49000 years ago
Cindercone Peak2033667052.46°N 125.18°W / 52.46; -125.18-
Clisbako Caldera Complex--52.43°N 124.4°W / 52.43; -124.4Eocene
Cocoa Crater2123696557.39°N 130.42°W / 57.39; -130.42Holocene
Coffee Crater2000656257.63°N 130.67°W / 57.63; -130.67Holocene
Cottonwood Peak1638537459.40°N 130.25°W / 59.40; -130.25Pleistocene
Cracker Creek Cone1895588059.7°N 133.4°W / 59.7; -133.4Holocene
Cross diatreme2200721850.09°N 114.83°W / 50.09; -114.83-
Crow Lagoon335109954.7°N 130.23°W / 54.7; -130.23Holocene
Dark Mountain1974647658.64°N 129.35°W / 58.64; -129.35Pleistocene
Dellwood Seamounts-1474-483650.37°N 130.42°W / 50.37; -130.42-
Devastator Peak2327763550.59°N 123.53°W / 50.59; -123.53Pleistocene
Dome Mountain1754575558.45°N 129.59°W / 58.45; -129.59Pleistocene
Mount Downton2375779252.42°N 124.51°W / 52.42; -124.51Pleistocene
Dragon Cone1830600051.8°N 119.98°W / 51.8; -119.98Holocene
Dufferin Island5016452.22°N 128.32°W / 52.22; -128.32Holocene
Mount Edziza2787914457.72°N 130.63°W / 57.72; -130.63Pleistocene
Mount Edziza volcanic complex2787914457.72°N 130.63°W / 57.72; -130.63Holocene
Ember Ridge2348770350.8°N 123.23°W / 50.8; -123.23Pliocene
Enid Creek Cone1914628058.38°N 129.52°W / 58.38; -129.52Pleistocene
Eve Cone1702558457.82°N 130.67°W / 57.82; -130.67700 AD
Exile Hill1874614857.38°N 130.82°W / 57.38; -130.82Pliocene
Explorer Seamount-830-272349.5°N 130.48°W / 49.5; -130.48-
Mount Fee2162709350.90°N 123.24°W / 50.90; -123.24Pleistocene
Fiftytwo Ridge1866618851.93°N 119.89°W / 51.93; -119.89 (Fiftytwo Ridge)Pleistocene
Mount Fitzgerald2641866551.31°N 126.3°W / 51.31; -126.3-
Flatiron730239551.88°N 120.5°W / 51.88; -120.5Pleistocene
Flourmill Cone1495490552.5°N 120.32°W / 52.5; -120.32Holocene
Franklin Glacier Complex2252738851.20°N 125.24°W / 51.20; -125.24Pliocene
Gabrielse Cone1600524959.44°N 130.46°W / 59.44; -130.46Holocene
Gage Hill1090357652.5°N 120.1°W / 52.5; -120.1Pleistocene
Mount Garibaldi2678878649.84°N 123.1°W / 49.84; -123.1Holocene
Glacier Dome2225730057.77°N 130.58°W / 57.77; -130.58Pleistocene
Glacier Pikes2145703749.89°N 122.85°W / 49.89; -122.85Pleistocene
Graham Seamount-1474-483653.14°N 134.31°W / 53.14; -134.31-
Grizzly Butte1412463350.3°N 119.6°W / 50.3; -119.6Holocene
HP diatreme2400787451.41°N 116.57°W / 51.41; -116.57-
Haddington Island--50.36°N 127.2°W / 50.36; -127.2Pliocene
Heart Peaks2012660158.60°N 131.97°W / 58.60; -131.97Pleistocene
Heck Seamount1320433148.3°N 130.1°W / 48.3; -130.1-
Helmet Peak318104352.35°N 128.35°W / 52.35; -128.35Holocene
Hodgkins Seamount-790-259253.3°N 136.5°W / 53.3; -136.5Pliocene
Hoodoo Mountain1850607056.78°N 131.28°W / 56.78; -131.287050 years ago
Hyalo Ridge2012660152.11°N 120.36°W / 52.11; -120.36Pleistocene
IGC Centre2074680457.56°N 130.62°W / 57.56; -130.62Miocene
Ice Peak2526828757.70°N 130.63°W / 57.70; -130.63Holocene
Icefall Cone2285749757.70°N 130.6°W / 57.70; -130.6Holocene
Ida Ridge1981649951.8°N 119.94°W / 51.8; -119.94Pleistocene
Ilgachuz Range2410790752.47°N 125.19°W / 52.47; -125.19Pliocene
Iskut-Unuk River Cones1880616856.52°N 130.33°W / 56.52; -130.331800?
Isspah Butte1673548959.4°N 131.18°W / 59.4; -131.18Pleistocene
Itcha Mountain2290751352.43°N 124.49°W / 52.43; -124.49Pleistocene
Itcha Range2375779252.42°N 124.5°W / 52.42; -124.5Pleistocene
Jack's Jump1895621752.12°N 120.5°W / 52.12; -120.5Pleistocene
Mount Job2493818050.62°N 123.55°W / 50.62; -123.55Pleistocene
Mount Josephine1767579759.6°N 130.7°W / 59.6; -130.7Pleistocene
Kana Cone1100360957.90°N 130.62°W / 57.90; -130.62Holocene
Kawdy Mountain1936635258.88°N 131.23°W / 58.88; -131.23Pleistocene
Keda Cone1980649657.6°N 130.68°W / 57.6; -130.68Holocene
Mount Kinch2470810451.25°N 126.10°W / 51.25; -126.10-
Kitasu Hill23577152.50°N 128.73°W / 52.50; -128.73Holocene
Klastline Cone1400459357.78°N 130.5°W / 57.78; -130.5Pleistocene
Klinkit Creek Peak1519498459.47°N 131.28°W / 59.47; -131.28Pleistocene
Klinkit Lake Peak1516497459.49°N 131.1°W / 59.49; -131.1Pleistocene
Kostal Cone1440472452.17°N 119.94°W / 52.17; -119.941550 (?)
Level Mountain2190718558.25°N 131.21°W / 58.25; -131.21Holocene?
Lightning Peak2139701849.88°N 118.53°W / 49.88; -118.53Pliocene
Little Bear Mountain1180387556.80°N 131.3°W / 56.80; -131.3Pleistocene
Little Eagle Cone1545506958.52°N 129.71°W / 58.52; -129.71Pleistocene
Little Ring Mountain2165710350.16°N 123.18°W / 50.16; -123.18Unknown
Llangorse Mountain1962643759.32°N 132.9°W / 59.32; -132.9Cenozoic
Lone Butte1237405851.33°N 131.11°W / 51.33; -131.11Miocene
Mount MacKenzie2143703152.37°N 126.5°W / 52.37; -126.5Miocene
Machmel River Cone1800590651.51°N 126.21°W / 51.51; -126.21Holocene
Maitland Volcano2514824857.4°N 129.7°W / 57.4; -129.7Pliocene
Mathews Tuya1676549959.20°N 130.43°W / 59.20; -130.43Pleistocene
McLeod Hill1284421352.02°N 120.01°W / 52.02; -120.01Pleistocene
Mount Meager massif2680879350.63°N 123.5°W / 50.63; -123.52350 years ago
Meehaz Mountain1608527659.1°N 131.27°W / 59.1; -131.27Pleistocene
Meszah Peak2166710658.48°N 131.43°W / 58.48; -131.43Pleistocene
Moraine Cone2135700557.77°N 130.62°W / 57.77; -130.62Holocene
Mosquito Mound1065349452.02°N 120.18°W / 52.02; -120.18Pleistocene
Nahta Cone1690554557.32°N 130.82°W / 57.32; -130.82Holocene
Nanook Dome2710889157.72°N 130.6°W / 57.72; -130.6Pleistocene
Nazko Cone1230403552.55°N 123.44°W / 52.55; -123.447200 years ago
Nuthinaw Mountain1732568258.47°N 131.3°W / 58.47; -131.3Pleistocene
Mount Noel2541833750.42°N 122.51°W / 50.42; -122.51Miocene
Opal Cone1736569649.82°N 122.97°W / 49.82; -122.979300 years ago
Oshawa Seamount2127697853.14°N 134.31°W / 53.14; -134.31-
Ospika pipe1550508556.27°N 123.45°W / 56.27; -123.45-
Outcast Hill1800590657.23°N 130.46°W / 57.23; -130.46Pleistocene
Mount Overill2354772351.28°N 126.7°W / 51.28; -126.7-
Pali Dome1767579750.13°N 123.25°W / 50.13; -123.25Pleistocene
Peak 19241565513559.4°N 130.38°W / 59.4; -130.38Pleistocene
Peak 20502036668059.39°N 130.18°W / 59.39; -130.18Pleistocene
Peak 21662064680059.31°N 130.59°W / 59.31; -130.59Pleistocene
Peirce Seamount-1800-590653.44°N 136.32°W / 53.44; -136.32-
Perkin's Pillar2430797250.37°N 123.31°W / 50.37; -123.31-
Pharaoh Dome2200721857.65°N 130.6°W / 57.65; -130.6Pleistocene
Pillow Creek1829600152.02°N 119.84°W / 52.02; -119.84Pleistocene
Pillow Ridge2400787457.76°N 130.64°W / 57.76; -130.64Pleistocene
Plinth Peak2677878350.64°N 123.51°W / 50.64; -123.512350 years ago
Pointed Stick Cone1820597152.24°N 120.08°W / 52.24; -120.08Holocene
Powder Mountain2347770050.8°N 123.16°W / 50.8; -123.16-
Mount Price2052673249.92°N 123.3°W / 49.92; -123.39000 years ago
Pylon Peak2481814050.35°N 123.31°W / 50.35; -123.31Pleistocene
Pyramid Dome2199721557.77°N 130.57°W / 57.77; -130.57Pleistocene
Pyramid Mountain240110351.99°N 120.1°W / 51.99; -120.1Pleistocene
Pyroclastic Peak2349770750.6°N 123.17°W / 50.6; -123.17Pleistocene
Rainbow Range2495818652.43°N 125.46°W / 52.43; -125.46Miocene
Ray Mountain2050672652.24°N 120.11°W / 52.24; -120.11Pleistocene
Ridge Cone2285749757.68°N 130.62°W / 57.68; -130.62Holocene
Ring Mountain2192719250.13°N 123.17°W / 50.13; -123.17Unknown
Round Mountain1646540049.45°N 123.1°W / 49.45; -123.1Pleistocene
Ruby Mountain1895621759.68°N 123.33°W / 59.68; -123.331898?
Satah Mountain1921630252.28°N 124.41°W / 52.28; -124.41Unknown
The Saucer1920629957.63°N 130.63°W / 57.63; -130.63Holocene
Seminole Seamount-1653-542349.46°N 129.5°W / 49.46; -129.5-
Sezill Volcano2050672657.59°N 130.62°W / 57.59; -130.62Miocene
Sham Hill6019750.9°N 123.52°W / 50.9; -123.52Pleistocene
Sidas Cone1540505257.87°N 130.63°W / 57.87; -130.63Holocene
Mount Silverthrone31601036751.31°N 126.6°W / 51.31; -126.6Unknown
Silverthrone Caldera31601036751.26°N 126.18°W / 51.26; -126.18Unknown
Skoatl Point1640538151.9°N 120.25°W / 51.9; -120.25-
Slag Hill2088685050.19°N 123.3°W / 50.19; -123.3Pleistocene
Sleet Cone1783585057.78°N 130.55°W / 57.78; -130.55Holocene
Mount Somolenko2658872051.28°N 126.6°W / 51.28; -126.6-
Source Hill1630534857.28°N 130.82°W / 57.28; -130.82Pleistocene
South Tuya1829563759.2°N 130.5°W / 59.2; -130.5Pleistocene
Spanish Bonk1770580752.13°N 120.37°W / 52.13; -120.37Pleistocene
Spanish Lake Centre1770580752.07°N 120.31°W / 52.07; -120.31Holocene
Spanish Mump1800590652.16°N 120.33°W / 52.16; -120.33Pleistocene
Spectrum Range2430797257.26°N 130.41°W / 57.26; -130.41Unknown
The Sphinx1525500349.93°N 122.85°W / 49.93; -122.85Pleistocene
Sphinx Dome2380780857.75°N 130.58°W / 57.75; -130.58Pleistocene
Stirni Seamount-1710-561049.8°N 132.18°W / 49.8; -132.18-
Stockton Hill1574516451.10°N 120.33°W / 51.10; -120.33-
Storm Cone2135700557.77°N 130.63°W / 57.77; -130.63Holocene
The Table1645539749.9°N 123.2°W / 49.9; -123.2Pleistocene
Tadeda Peak2194719857.54°N 130.61°W / 57.54; -130.61Miocene
Tadekho Hill1860610257.35°N 130.78°W / 57.35; -130.78Pleistocene
Tennena Cone2350771057.68°N 130.67°W / 57.68; -130.67Holocene
The Thumb1854608356.16°N 126.7°W / 56.16; -126.7Unknown
Toozaza Peak2182718259.50°N 130.3°W / 59.50; -130.3Pleistocene
Tow Hill12541054.4°N 131.47°W / 54.4; -131.47Pliocene
Triangle Dome2680879357.72°N 130.65°W / 57.72; -130.65Pleistocene
Triplex Cone1785585657.80°N 130.62°W / 57.80; -130.62Holocene
Tseax Cone600196955.12°N 126.9°W / 55.12; -126.91750-1775
Tsekone Ridge1920629957.77°N 130.69°W / 57.77; -130.69Pleistocene
Tuber Hill2500820250.93°N 123.44°W / 50.93; -123.44Pleistocene
Tucker Seamount-1242-407549.5°N 133.3°W / 49.5; -133.3-
Tutsingale Mountain1722565058.78°N 130.87°W / 58.78; -130.87Pleistocene
Tuya Butte1685552859.13°N 130.55°W / 59.13; -130.55Pleistocene
Tuzo Wilson Seamounts-1410-462651.4°N 130.9°W / 51.4; -130.9Holocene
Twin Cone1430469257.70°N 130.64°W / 57.70; -130.64Holocene
Union Seamount-293-96149.35°N 132.45°W / 49.35; -132.45-
Volcanic Creek Cone1600524959.75°N 133.45°W / 59.75; -133.45Holocene
The Volcano1330436456.42°N 130.85°W / 56.42; -130.851880 (?)
Vulcan's Thumb2290750050.11°N 123.29°W / 50.11; -123.29Pleistocene
Watts Point volcanic centre24080049.65°N 123.21°W / 49.65; -123.21Pleistocene
Wetalth Ridge1830600457.32°N 130.78°W / 57.32; -130.78Pleistocene
White Creek Cone1712561752.55°N 124.84°W / 52.55; -124.84Pleistocene
White Horse Bluff200620051.90°N 120.11°W / 51.90; -120.11Pleistocene
Williams Cone2080682457.78°N 130.6°W / 57.78; -130.61350 years ago
Yeda Peak2263742557.38°N 130.68°W / 57.38; -130.68Pliocene

New Brunswick

NameElevationLocationLast eruption
Flat Landing Brook Formation---Middle Ordovician
Mount Pleasant Caldera24881545°44′16″N 67°19′50″WLate Devonian
Sugarloaf Mountain3051,00147°59′21.9″N 66°41′15.4″WLate Devonian

Newfoundland and Labrador

NameElevationLocationLast eruption
Flowers River caldera complex----
Fogo Seamounts--41°45′47.4″N 52°16′51.6″WCretaceous
Newfoundland Seamounts--43°41′27.9″N 45°24′15″WCretaceous
Springdale Caldera---Early Silurian

Northwest Territories

NameElevationLocationLast eruption
Aristifats Diatreme---Paleoproterozoic
Artemisia pipe----
Back River volcanic complex--65°N 108°WArchean
Gahcho Kué kimberlite pipes---Cambrian
Kam Group---Archean
Misery Kimberlite Complex---Paleogene
Mountain Diatreme----

Nova Scotia

NameElevationLocationLast eruption
Scatarie Bank--45°49′N 59°15′WCretaceous


NameElevationLocationLast eruption
Back River volcanic complex--65°N 108°WArchean
Elwin Bay diatreme--73°30′N 90°56′W-
Jericho pipe----


NameElevationLocationLast eruption
Sturgeon Lake Caldera--49°52′13″N 91°00′10″WNeoarchean
Manitou Islands--46°15′57″N 79°34′13″W-
Callander Bay--46°12′47″N 79°23′03″W-
Blake River Megacaldera Complex--48°14′58″N 79°20′29″WNeoarchean
Misema Caldera--48°14′58″N 79°24′15″WNeoarchean
Attawapiskat kimberlite field--52°49′14″N 83°53′00″WJurassic
Lake Timiskaming kimberlite field--47°18′36″N 79°29′03″WJurassic
Deadhorse Creek diatreme complex--48°44′49″N 86°55′29″W-
Kirkland Lake kimberlite field--48°10′54″N 80°01′20″WJurassic


NameElevationLocationLast eruption
Lac des Vents volcanic complex--51°19′59″N 69°15′15″W-
Blake River Megacaldera Complex--48°14′58″N 79°20′29″WNeoarchean
New Senator Caldera--48°26′53″N 79°24′15″WNeoarchean
Noranda Caldera--48°17′44″N 79°08′26″WNeoarchean
Misema Caldera--48°14′58″N 79°24′15″WNeoarchean
Lake Timiskaming kimberlite field--47°18′36″N 79°29′03″WJurassic
Hunter Mine caldera--48°37′15″N 79°23′26″WArchean


NameElevationLocationLast eruption
Fort à la Corne kimberlite field---Cretaceous


NameElevationLocationLast eruption
Alligator Lake Volcanic Complex2217727460.42°N 135.42°W / 60.42; -135.42Unknown
Bennett Lake Volcanic Complex1500490060.3°N 134.52°W / 60.3; -134.52Eocene
Felsite Peak2530830160.67°N 138.23°W / 60.67; -138.23Pliocene
Mount Harper1845605364.40°N 139.52°W / 64.40; -139.52Late Proterozoic
Ibex Mountain2108690960.53°N 135.52°W / 60.53; -135.52Pleistocene
Mount McNeil2300754660.8°N 135.26°W / 60.8; -135.26Tertiary
Montana Mountain2205723460.3°N 134.41°W / 60.3; -134.41Late Cretaceous
Mount Skukum Volcanic Complex2382781560.11°N 135.29°W / 60.11; -135.29Eocene
Mount Nansen1827599462.6°N 137.18°W / 62.6; -137.18Late Cretaceous
Ne Ch'e Ddhawa712233662.75°N 137.27°W / 62.75; -137.27Pleistocene
Rabbit Mountain2090685761.88°N 140.96°W / 61.88; -140.96Pliocene
Volcano Mountain1239406562.93°N 137.37°W / 62.93; -137.37Holocene
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gollark: Or 10 per second.

See also

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