List of violent incidents in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, 2020

Timeline of violent events related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during 2020.


January 15

Israel carried out several airstrikes on Gaza, including Jabalia, in response to four rockets fired from the enclave. Two of the rockets were shot down by the Iron Dome air defense system and two landed in uninhabited areas. No injuries were reported on either side.[1]

January 19

  • One farmer, Mahdi Eid Ayyad Irmeilat, 36, and another was injured in two separate explosions near Rafah in southern Gaza. Palestinian sources attributed the explosions to undetonated ordnance dropped by Israeli soldiers.[2]

January 21

  • Three Palestinian youth, Mohammad Hani Abu Mandeel, Salem Zuweid an-Na'ami and Mahmoud Khaled Sa'id from Maghazi refugee camp in Gaza, all 17[3] or 18-years-old, were shot dead by Israeli soldiers near the Israel–Gaza barrier in the northern Gaza. According to the Israeli army, the trio had managed to cross the fence and 400 meters into Israeli territory. There they threw either a grenade or an explosive device at Israeli soldiers who killed them.[4][5]

January 24

January 25

  • Two Palestinians from As-Sawiya, a father and his son, were attacked by a group of settlers from the settlement Rehelim armed with rocks and an iron rod while working their land. They were hospitalized for their injuries in Nablus.[7]


February 5

  • Mohammed al-Haddad, 16 or 17, was shot dead by Israeli forces during clashes in the Bab al-Zawiya neighborhood in Hebron. IDF spokesperson said al-Haddad hurled a Molotov cocktail at them.[8][9][10]

February 6

  • Israeli soldiers with bulldozers entered Jenin in the northern West Bank in order to destroy the home of Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Qunba, who was convicted of killing an Israeli settler in a drive-by shooting in January 2018. Confrontations between the soldiers and the locals erupted. Palestinian snipers fired at the soldiers, causing them to fire at the protestors. Yazan Munther Khaled Abu Tabikh, 19, was shot dead and six other Palestinians sustained injures and were taken to a hospital. One of them in critical condition.[10][11]
  • A Palestinian Authority policeman, Tariq Ahmad Luay Badwan, 24, was shot in his stomach while inside Jenin's police station. He later succumbed to his wounds.[10][11] Video evidence appeared to show Badwan standing at the entrance to the station and not posing a threat when he was shot.[9][10]
  • Israeli Border Police shot and killed Shadi Banna, 45, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, at the gate of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.[9]
  • A Palestinian gunman, Fakhr Abu Ziyad Qarat, 51, shot at Israeli soldiers near Ramallah injuring one in the head. The soldiers fired at the gunman who fled. His body was found on February 17 near Ras Karkar.[9][12]
  • At least 14 people, most of them Israeli soldiers, were injured in a car-ramming attack in Jerusalem. One of them was in serious condition. The driver fled the scene. Hamas hailed the attack as a "practical response" to the Trump peace plan.[13]

February 7

  • Badr Nedal Nafla, 19 or 20, was shot and killed during clashes with Israeli soldiers in Qaffin northeast of Tulkarem in the West Bank after he allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail at them.[9][14]

February 15

  • A nine-year-old Palestinian Boy, Malik Eissa, was shot in the face by Israeli police and lost vision in his left eye after allegedly partaking in riots in East Jerusalem. Residents claim he was on his way home from school.[15][9]

February 16

Israeli warplanes struck targets in Gaza overnight. IDF said the airstrikes were in response to two rockets fired from the enclave which landed in open fields. No injures were reported on either side.[16]

February 22

February 23

Mohammad Ali Hasan an-Na’em, 27, a member of the Al-Quds Brigades was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers east of Khan Yunis. According to Israeli sources, soldiers observed two Palestinians placing an explosive device near the Israel–Gaza barrier and they, therefore, opened fire at them, killing Mohammad and wounding his accomplice. Bystanders tried to evacuate Mohammad's body, but an Israeli armored vehicle sped towards them, ran over the body, then scooped it up using its plow and swung it in the air. The desecration of the body was caught on video, spread through social media and caused outrage. Aida Touma-Suleiman an Israeli Member of Knesset for the Arab-Israeli party Joint List said that the Israelis "steal a body, abuse it with a bulldozer, and still argue that the army is the most moral in the world." Adalah demanded that the Israeli military immediately open an investigation into the incident. Two more Palestinians were wounded while trying to evacuate the wounded.[18][19]

February 24

February 25

  • Settlers slashed tires of at least eight cars in Yasuf south of Nablus.[21]
  • Settlers sprayed graffiti on cars and walls in Salfit in central the West Bank.[21]


March 11

  • Mohammed Hamayel, 15, was shot dead by Israeli soldiers during a protest against Israeli settlements in Beita near Nablus in the West Bank and 18 more were injured. One of them were Islam Dweikat, 22, who fell into a coma and was pronounced dead on 1 April.[22][23]

March 22

  • Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian and wounded another Ni'lin, Ramallah and al-Bireh Governorate in the central West Bank. According to PCHR, at approximately 22:00 Israeli soldiers stationed at the entrance of Ni'lin fired at a car driven by Sufian Nawaf 'Abed al-Haleem al-Khawaja, 31, killing him and wounding the passenger, his cousin Mohamed Bader al-Khawaja, 20. The wounded passenger fled and went to a hospital in Ramallah where he was treated. They were according to family members on their way home after having bought foodstuffs for their families. The Israeli military stated that they were throwing stones at Israeli vehicles. PCHR's fieldworker disputed the army's statement claiming that the Palestinians saw an Israeli police vehicle and for fear of being stopped because their car was illegal they turned away. PCHR claimed that the Israeli soldiers opened fire at the vehicle without any justification as they posed no threat or danger to anyone's lives.[24][25]

March 27

  • The Israeli Air Force struck military facilities in northern Gaza and Palestinian militants in Gaza fired a rocket towards Israel.[24]


April 6

  • Israeli airplanes sprayed herbicide on agricultural lands in Gaza near the border fence, damaging crops.[26]

April 13

A group of masked Israeli settlers near Metzoke Dragot who had been ordered to self-quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic pepper-sprayed and threw stones at three Palestinian men. They also firebombed two cars.[27][28]

April 16

'Issa and Musa Qatash from Jalazon refugee camp, Ramallah Governorate were attacked and beaten by settlers. The assault on 'Issa resulted in a fractured bone and two broken front teeth. The settlers also spat at him which forced him into isolation due to fear of the coronavirus spreading.[28]

April 22

  • Israeli authorities demolished six illegal structures built by settlers near the Yitzhar settlement in the northern West Bank.[29]
  • Ibrahim Muhammad Ali Halasa, 25, from al-Sawahira in the West Bank was shot dead after attempting to ram an Israeli Border Police officer with his van who he then chased after with a knife.[30]The officer sustained minor injuries.[31]
  • A driver in a car with Palestinian license plates hit an Israeli Border Police officer and a civilian near the Ateret settlement. The driver fled the area.[30]
  • A Palestinian, 19, from Tulkarem stabbed an Israeli woman, 62, outside a store in Kfar Saba in Israel. The attacker was then shot by an Israeli civilian.[32]


May 3

At around 6:45 am three Palestinian men from Dhinnaba, Tulkarm Governorate wanted to cross a gate in the Israeli West Bank barrier. Soldiers were supposed to arrive at 7:00 am and open the gate for them. No soldiers arrived and at 7:30 am the men gave up and decided to instead cross the barrier through a nearby opening. As soon as they did, soldiers lying in ambush opened fire at them with no warning. One of the Palestinians were shot in the leg and taken away by an ambulance.[33]

May 6

A Palestinian shepherd, Harbi Mohammed Ali Abdo, was hospitalized and in serious condition after being attacked by a group of about ten settlers while herding his flock near the evacuated settlement Homesh in the northern West Bank.[34]

May 7

At around 6:00 am a 39-year-old Palestinian from Tulkarem refugee camp tried to pass through an agricultural gate in the Israeli West Bank barrier near Far'on. He decided not to use his entry permit and instead tried to cross through an opening in the barrier. Soldiers lying in ambush fired on him and injured his right leg.[33]

At 6:30 am two Palestinian, a 15-year-old boy and another youth tried to cross an opening in the barbed wire of the Israeli West Bank barrier to look for temporary work in Israel. While standing on the eastern side overlooking the barrier, a group of soldiers approached them in a jeep. One of them fled but the 15-year-old boy fell. One soldier started to kick him and the other hit him with a rifle butt causing him to black out. Residents who had witnessed the incident came over and took the boy to a hospital in Tulkarem. There it was found that he had suffered a fractured right arm and abdominal hemorrhaging. He remained in care until he was discharged on May 14.[33]

May 10

At around 7:00 am two Palestinians, one from Tulkarem and the other from Far'a refugee camp tried to cross through an opening in the Israeli West Bank barrier. Israeli soldiers lying in ambush fired at them injuring both in their legs. They were given first aid by the soldiers and then taken to the al-Kafriyat checkpoint by ambulance and then to the Thabet Thabet hospital in Tulkarem.[33]

At around 8:00 am Jewish settlers near Turmus Ayya, Ramallah Governorate harassed two Palestinian tractor drivers, Suliman 'Asfur, 27, and Yusef Muzahem, 38. The settlers tried to prevent them from working their lands according to B'Tselem's report:[35]

One settler tried to pull 'Asfur out of his tractor but slipped and started screaming in pain, pretending he had been run over. Minutes later, the same settler sprayed Muzahem in the face with pepper-spray while he was driving. The settler again laid down pretending he had been run over by Muzahem's tractor. A settlement security coordinator seeing the settler laying down threw two stun grenades at the Palestinian tractor drivers. 'Asfur who was arguing with one of the settlers got into his tractor and tried to get away. The security coordinator chased him and pulled his gun, threatening to shot him if he didn't stop. 'Asfur complied and the security coordinator ordered him to sit on the ground and he then called the Israeli police and military. Border police arrived, handcuffed and blindfolded 'Asfur and took him to the Geva Binyamin police station.[35]

Muzahem who had been pepper-sprayed went to the Geva Binyamin police station to file a report. he waited until 5:00 pm to file his report.[35]

'Asfur was released after ten days in custody after the agricultural committee he was working for paid his bail of 4,000 NIS.[35]

May 12

  • Israeli soldier Amit Ben Yigal was killed during a raid in Ya'bad in the Jenin Governorate, West Bank by Nazmi Abu Bakr, 49, who threw a large stone at his head from a nearby rooftop.[36]

May 13

May 14

  • Bahaeddin Mohammad Abdullah al-'Awawda, 18, from Deir Samit, Hebron Governorate was shot and killed near Beit Awwa after he reportedly tried to ram a group of Israeli soldiers with his car, moderately wounding one.[40]

May 21

  • Two Palestinians were injured after a group of settlers attacked a home in Yatma near Nablus in the West Bank. One suffered a broken leg.[41]
  • Settlers threw rocks along a main road near the settlement Yitzhar, leading to clashes with Palestinians from Hawara. A number of Palestinian cars and stores were damaged. One Palestinian was detained by police who arrived at the scene.[42]

May 25

Two Palestinians were shot by Israeli soldiers outside Turmus Ayya, Ramallah Governorate near the Havat Amichai outpost near the Shiloh settlement in the northern West Bank. According to B'Tselem's investigation, the shooting was unprovoked:[43]

At around 9:00 am eight members of the Abu 'Alia family went to their fields to harvest clover. A settler and three Israeli soldiers drove up to them in a white jeep. With their weapons drawn they ordered the Palestinians to kneel. 'Imad Abu ‘Alia, 39, was pepper-sprayed in the face after asking them why. Two soldiers opened fire hitting 'Imad in the left thigh and Murad Abu 'Alia in the waist. The soldiers forbade the family from calling an ambulance. After 15 minutes they were allowed to take the injured men to a hospital.[43]

The IDF claimed that the two Palestinians had attempted to stab the soldiers. When a journalist asked why the alleged attackers were allowed to check themselves into a hospital if they had just tried to carry out a stabbing attack, the IDF spokeswoman declined to comment.[44]

May 29

  • Fadi Adnan Samara Qa'd, 37, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers. According to information obtained by the PCHR, Qa'd was en route to al-Saweya in Salfit to pickup his family. Near Nabi Saleh northwest of Ramallah he met a group of soldiers around 16:30 who ordered him to stop. Qa'd lost control of his vehicle and it collided with a wooden bench, in the opposite direction of where the soldiers stood. The soldiers opened fire at Qa'd's car and wounded him. Qa'd was not given medical attention and left to bled for two and a half hours before being taken away by an Israeli vehicle. According to Israeli authorities, Qa'd had tried to ram the soldiers. In response to the incident, dozens of Palestinians from Nabi Saleh gathered and threw stones at soldiers stationed in the nearby area. One Palestinian, Ahmed Eyad al-Tamimi, 21, was shot in the leg in the clashes.[45]

May 30

Eyad al-Hallaq, a 32-year-old autistic Palestinian man, was shot and killed by Israeli Police after Halaq did not stop at the Lions' Gate checkpoint in Jerusalem after being ordered to do so by officers stationed nearby.[46]


June 10

At around 4:00 pm, Muhammad Bader, 26, a resident of Tel Rumeidah in Hebron was beaten by a group of four settlers. Bader noticed the settlers trying to grab a cart one of his neighbors uses and told them to leave it alone. The settlers turned their attention to Bader and began to beat him. One of them pulled an object out of his pocket and punched Bader in the face with it, breaking his nose. Bader and his father tried to chase the settlers but were cut off by a nearby soldier.[47]

Later that day, at around 10:00 pm, Bader's brother Ibrahim Bader, 31, was also attacked by settlers after he crossed the Bab a-Zawiya checkpoint. A group of eight settlers showed up and started to beat him. An Israeli soldier stationed at the checkpoint tried to help Ibrahim but found it hard to do so.[47][48]

June 23

Ahmad Erekat, 27, was shot dead by Israeli Border Police officers, at a checkpoint outside Bethlehem.[49] Ahmad Erekat was the nephew of Saeb Erakat, Secretary-General of the PLO.[50]

June 25

While Muhammad Rubo'a's, 27, was driving home in the evening in this car, a group of settlers ran up to it at the Duma junction, Nablus Governorate and smashed the windshield with a large stone. Muhammad braked hard in fright and hit his head on the steering wheel.[51]

June 26

At around 1:30 pm a group of soldiers in Hebron, Hebron Governorate passed by a store owned by Faraj a-Natsheh, 51. One of them threw a tear-gas canister that fell by the entrance of the store with a-Natsheh inside. Minutes later, neighbors found him lying unconscious and called an ambulance which took him to a hospital.[52] The day before he had asked a Palestinian not to undress in front of the same group of soldiers. A-Natsheh thought that was the reason why the soldiers threw the tear-gas canister:

I was sitting in my store at around 1:30 P.M when I saw the same soldiers pass by. One of them threw a tear-gas canister towards the front door and the gas started spreading. I couldn't get out because of the gas. I started choking and fell down. Then I blacked out. I woke up in the 'Aliyah Governmental Hospital and found out that neighbors had called an ambulance that took me there. It was still hard for me to breathe. I was there for three hours and then they discharged me. I think the soldiers were paying me back for telling the young man not to undress the day before.[52]


5 July

  • Dahoud Hassan, 67, were shot by a group of armed settlers outside Biddya near Nablus.[53]

9 July

Ibrahim Abu Yaqoub, 29, was killed late in the night by Israeli soldiers in his home in Kifl Haris, Salfit Governorate in the West Bank who shot him in the neck.[54] According to the IDF, soldiers fired on and wounded one of two masked attackers who attempted to throw Molotov cocktails at an Israeli military post. It claimed that soldiers provided aid to the wounded Palestinian and that they subsequently turned him over to the Palestinian Red Crescent. Abu Yaqoub's friend and family said that he had no connection to the alleged Molotov cocktail incident.[55]

Abou Yaqoub was buried the next day in a funeral procession visited by hundreds of Palestinians. Both Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas extended their condolences to the Abu Yaqoub family.[55]

Dozens of Jewish settlers slashed tires of twelve vehicles and sprayed racist slogans on the walls of several homes in Allubban near Nablus in the West Bank in a price tag attack.[56]

10 July

  • Two Israeli Border Police officers were mildly injured in clashes with a group of Hilltop Youth settlers outside the Yitzhar settlement in the northern West Bank.[57]

18 July

  • Two Palestinian cyclists were injured when settlers threw stones at them near the settlement Shilo on the West Bank.[58]

24 July

At least four Palestinians were injured by Israeli soldiers during weekly protests in Kafr Qaddum near Qalqilia in the northern West Bank. The protestors demanded that the Israeli authorities should reopen the village's main road which was shut down in 2002.[59] Two of the Palestinians were shot and two fell while being chased by soldiers.[60]

25 July

  • Jewish settlers entered agricultural land near the village of Huwara, south of Nablus in the West Bank, and set fire to Palestinian-owned olive and almond trees, according to local sources.[61]

27 July

  • A mosque in Al Bireh in the West Bank was torched and vandalized in a price tag attack by Israeli settlers. Anti-Palestinian slogans were spray-painted on the walls of the mosque.[62]

31 July

Seven Palestinian youth were shot with rubber bullets in clashes with Israeli soldiers during the weekly Kafr Qaddum protests. Dozens more suffered tear-gas inhalation. The protestors demanded that the village main road to Nablus should be reopened by Israeli authorities.[63]


3 August

Israeli warplanes struck several targets in southern and central Gaza overnight belonging to Hamas in response to one rocket being fired from the enclave, according to the Israeli military. No injuries were reported.[64]

4 August

Israeli settlers torched two Palestinian vehicles and wrote "Price tag" on walls in Fara'ata, Qalqilya Governorate in the northern West Bank. According to local sources, the settlers came from the nearby Havat Gilad settlement.[65]

6 August

Late in the evening, Israeli warplanes struck several targets in northern Gaza. According to Israeli media, the airstrikes were believed to be in retaliation for a number of incendiary balloons launched from the enclave earlier in the day.[66]

7 August

Dalia Ahmed Suleiman Samudi, 23, was killed overnight by Israeli fire during clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian youth near Jenin. Samudi was in her home when she was hit by live fire which wounded her. She was rushed to a hospital where she died in intensive care. According to the Director of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, Mahmoud al-Sa'adi, the ambulance trying to reach her house was fired on by soldiers.[67] According to her family, she had tried to close the window to her house because of tear gas outside.[68]

According to the Israeli army, a riot had erupted in the area where the troops were operating and they responded with "riot dispersal means". It said that Palestinian rioters threw rocks, explosive devices and fired live fire on the troops. Local residents disputed that and said that the youth had only thrown stones at the raiding soldiers.[67]

During the weekly clashes between Palestinian protestors and Israeli soldiers in Kafr Qaddum near Qalqilia one Palestinian was shot with a rubber bullet in the leg and a number of others suffered tear-gas inhalation.[69]

One Palestinian was shot in the face with a gas bomb by an Israeli soldier during a march in Turmus Ayya, Ramallah Governorate. Others suffered tear-gas inhalation.[70]

9 August

The Israeli army fired several artillery shells into farmland east of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza. According to local sources, the shells were fired from tanks in the Kissufim military base. According to Israeli sources, workers near the Israel–Gaza barrier had been fired on. No injuries were reported.[71]

In the evening Israeli warplanes struck targets in northern Gaza, among them a Hamas observation post near Beit Hanoun. According to IDF sources, one or more incendiary balloons had been launched from Gaza earlier in the day and the airstrikes were in retaliation.[72]

A Palestinian man driving on the Nablus-Qalqilya road suffered moderate injuries as settlers threw stones as Palestinian cars driving by near Burin in the northern West Bank. Ghassan Daghlas, an offical monitoring settler activity, thought that the settlers came from the nearby Yitzhar settlement.[73]

12 August

Masked Israeli settler youth clashed with Israeli Border Police as they were dismantling three wooden structures near the Yitzhar settlement, Nablus Governorate in the northern West Bank. According to Israeli sources, the settlers punctured several vehicles tires, threw stones and used pepper spray against the police officers.[74]

During the night to August 13, Israeli helicopter gunships and tanks attacked at least three sites in Gaza. According to Palestinian sources, Israel struck two Hamas observation posts in central Gaza and agricultural land east of Rafah in southern Gaza. Israel said the airstrikes were retaliation for a number of balloons carrying incendiary devices that had been launched from Gaza and caused fires in southern Israel the previous days.[75]

13 August

According to Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian Authority official who monitors settler activity in the area, Israeli settlers set fire to agricultural lands in Asira al-Qibliya south of Nablus in the northern West Bank.[76] He also said that some 20 settlers snuck into the village and spray-painted graffiti and set fire to a bulldozer.[77]

Israeli warplanes, helicopters and tanks attacked Gaza. According to the Israeli military, a military compound, underground infrastructure and observations posts ostensibly belonging to Hamas were struck. Hamas "naval force" was also hit, it said. The strikes were in retaliation to incendiary balloons launched from the enclave in the past week which Israel blames Hamas for. Israel also said that it would stop shipments of fuel into Gaza. The airstrikes caused damage to infrastructure and citizens' homes but no injuries.[78]

14 August

The Israeli navy opened fire towards Palestinian fishermen sailing off the coast of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza. One fisherman was hit and injured by rubber bullets.[79]

15 August

For the fourth night in a row, Israel struck Hamas targets in Gaza allegedly in response to incendiary balloons being flown from the enclace. Combat helicopters and tanks firing from Israel participated in the attack.[80] According to Palestinian sources, two children, aged three and eleven, and a woman was injured in an attack on an area east of Bureij refugee camp. Another woman was injured in an attack on a location in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza.[81]

gollark: That's not practical, though.
gollark: That would be impractical and probably bad?
gollark: > you basically have lawyers who are experts in convincing people convince people who dont know the subject about things.Yes, hence government and legal system often bad.
gollark: Economic power is very related to political power.
gollark: Yes it does.

See also

  • 2020 in the Palestinian territories


  1. "Israeli warplanes hit Gaza".
  2. "Palestinian Farmer Killed, Another Injured, In Explosions In Southern Gaza".
  3. "Families in disbelief after Israeli army kills three Gaza teens".
  4. "Israeli troops kill three Palestinians near Gaza fence".
  5. "Israeli Soldiers Kill Three Palestinians In Gaza".
  6. "Palestinian mosque in Jerusalem set ablaze in arson attack".
  7. "Two Palestinians Hospitalized After Attack by West Bank Settlers, NGO Says".
  8. "Palestinian teen killed in protest as tensions rise over US plan".
  9. "Palestine in Pictures: February 2020".
  10. "Three Palestinians killed in 24 hours as tensions rise in West Bank".
  11. "Israeli forces kill Palestinian teen as more troops deployed".
  12. "Israeli Forces Recover Body of Palestinian In West Bank".
  13. "More than a dozen injured in suspected attack in Jerusalem".
  14. "Palestinian, 19, shot dead in West Bank; IDF says he threw petrol bomb".
  15. "Palestinian boy shot by Israeli police in East Jerusalem loses sight in eye".
  16. "IDF strikes Gaza after two rockets fired at Israel".
  17. "Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Jerusalem after alleged attack".
  18. "Israel's desecration of Palestinian corpse in Gaza war crime: Rights group".
  19. "'This Is a War Crime': Video of IDF Bulldozer Dragging Body of Palestinian Man in Gaza Sparks Outrage".
  20. "Two Palestinian Fighters Killed By Israeli Missiles In Damascus".
  21. "Illegal settlers tell Palestinians, 'There will be war'".|
  22. "Palestinian shot by Israeli army succumbs to wounds".
  23. "Palestinian teen shot dead by Israeli army in occupied West Bank".
  24. "Protection of Civilians Report: 17 - 30 March 2020".
  25. "Palestinian Civilian Shot Dead and Another Wounded by IOF in Ramallah". Palestinian Center for Human Rights.
  26. "Protection of Civilians Report: 31 March - 13 April 2020".
  27. "Settlers Attack Palestinians, Torch 2 Cars near "Quarantine Outpost"".
  28. "Israeli settlers exploit coronavirus to take over West Bank land with military backing: Violent attacks spike in April".
  29. "Israel razes illegal homes near flashpoint West Bank settlement".
  30. "Palestine in Pictures: April 2020".
  31. "Occupation forces kill Palestinian at West Bank checkpoint".
  32. "Woman, 62, stabbed in suspected terror attack in central Israel".
  33. "In chilling procedure, soldiers ambush Palestinian laborers, shoot them and break arm of 15-year-old".
  34. "Palestinian Shepherd Injured in Alleged Assault Near Evicted West Bank Settlement".
  35. "B'Tselem investigation: Settlers assault Palestinians and file false reports against them; military arrests the victims".
  36. "Palestinian charged in death of IDF soldier in West Bank".
  37. "Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Child In Hebron".
  38. "Palestinian teen shot dead by Israeli forces".
  39. "Another military incursion into a refugee camp, another teen egregiously killed".
  40. "Army Kills A Palestinian In Hebron".
  41. "2 Palestinians injured in settlers' attack in West Bank".
  42. "Israeli Settlers Throw Rocks Along West Bank Main Road, Clashes Erupt With Palestinians".
  43. "Soldiers summoned by settlers fire at Palestinian family harvesting clover near Turmusaya".
  44. "2 Palestinians try to stab soldiers, are shot — IDF".
  45. "PCHR: "In Under 15 Hours: IOF Kills Two Palestinians, Including a Person with Disability, in Ramallah and East Jerusalem"".
  46. "Police shoot dead East J'lem man with special needs, thought he was holding gun". 30 May 2020. Retrieved 3 June 2020.
  47. "Central Hebron: One had his nose broken, the other was beaten and had to wait in the street until the attacked ended. Two brothers were assaulted the same day by different groups of settlers".
  48. "Police Investigating Hebron Settlers Attack on Palestinian, Israeli Soldier".
  49. "The Israeli police-murder of Ahmad Erekat is latest to show that Palestinian lives don't matter".
  50. "Nephew of senior Palestinian official shot dead at checkpoint".
  51. "Duma, Nablus District: Settlers attack Palestinian vehicle with stones".
  52. "Hebron, 25 June 2020: Soldiers order Palestinian to strip; one aims loaded gun at woman and children and threatens to shoot bystanders".
  53. "Farmer shot by Israeli settlers".
  54. "Israeli forces kill West Bank man".
  55. Aaron Boxerman (11 July 2020). "IDF to investigate fatal shooting of West Bank Palestinian".
  56. "Jewish settlers vandalize Palestinian vehicles in West Bank".
  57. "Far-right extremists injure 2 Border Police cops in flashpoint West Bank outpost".
  58. "Two Palestinian Cyclists Injured in Alleged Assault by West Bank Settlers".
  59. "Occupation forces injure four Palestinians in Kafr Qaddum".
  60. "Four Palestinians Injured by Israeli Forces at Weekly Kufur Qaddoum March".
  61. "Settlers set olive trees on fire south of Nablus".
  62. "Palestinians: Settler vandals firebomb West Bank mosque".
  63. Ali Salam. "Israeli Forces Shoot, Injure 7 Palestinians at Weekly Kufur Qaddoum March".
  64. "Hamas says Israeli airstrikes on Gaza "assault"".
  65. "Israeli settlers set fire to Palestinian cars in a West Bank village".
  66. "Report: IDF launches retaliatory strike on Gaza after explosive balloon attacks".
  67. "Palestinian woman killed by Israeli fire during West Bank clash". Al Jazeera. 7 August 2020.
  68. "Palestinian woman killed in West Bank as Israelis, Palestinians clash". Arab News. 7 August 2020.
  69. "Soldiers Injure A Palestinian In Kufur Qaddoum".
  70. "Israeli Soldiers Injure Many Palestinians Near Ramallah".
  71. "Army Fires Artillery Shells Into Central Gaza".
  72. Aaron Boxerman; Judah Ari Gross (10 August 2020). "After Gaza incendiary balloon attacks, Israel strikes Hamas observation post".
  73. "Palestinian hospitalised after Israeli settlers attack his car with stones".
  74. "Far-right extremist settlers injure cop in clash at flashpoint West Bank outpost". The Times of Israel. 12 August 2020. Retrieved 13 August 2020.
  75. Boxerman, Aaron (12 August 2020). "Israel hits Hamas targets in Gaza after over 60 fires sparked by arson balloons". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 12 August 2020.
  76. "Israeli settlers set fire to lands near Nablus". WAFA Agency. Retrieved 13 August 2020.
  77. "Israeli settlers torch bulldozer, scrawl hate graffiti in northern West Bank village". WAFA Agency. Retrieved 13 August 2020.
  78. "Israel launches new raids on Hamas targets in Gaza". Al Jazeera. 13 August 2020. Retrieved 14 August 2020.
  79. "Israeli navy injures Gaza fisherman". WAFA Agency. Retrieved 14 August 2020.
  80. "Gaza fire balloons spark 19 blazes in south on Saturday". The Times of Israel. 13 August 2020. Retrieved 15 August 2020.
  81. "Children and women injured, homes damaged in Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip". WAFA Agency. Retrieved 15 August 2020.

Protection of civilians' reports

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