List of typographical symbols and punctuation marks

This is a list of the most common typographical symbols and punctuation marks used in western European languages. For a far more comprehensive list of symbols and signs, see List of Unicode characters. For other languages and symbol sets (especially accents), see below

Typographical symbols and punctuation marks
GlyphNameSee also (similar glyphs or related concepts)
Almost equal toEquals sign, Approximation
⟨ ⟩Angle bracketsBracket, Parenthesis, Greater-than sign, Less-than sign
' ’ApostropheQuotation mark, Guillemet, Prime, foot (unit), minute
AsterismDinkus, Therefore sign
@At sign
\BackslashSlash (Solidus) (/)
Basis point (per ten thousand)Per cent, per mille (per 1,000)
[ ], { }BracketsAngle bracket, Parenthesis
‸ ⁁ ⎀CaretThe freestanding circumflex is sometimes called a caret.
⟨ ⟩Chevrons'Chevron' is an alias for Angle bracket
^Circumflex (freestanding)Diacritics
Commercial minus signDivision sign, Per cent, Obelus
©, (ɔ)Copyleft symbolCopyright sign; also 🄯 (Unicode U+01F12F)
©Copyright symbolSound recording copyright, Circled latin capital letter C
¤Currency signvarious Currency symbols
† ‡DaggerFootnotes, Latin cross, Obelus
  DashHyphen, Hyphen-minus, minus sign
°DegreeMasculine ordinal indicator
* * *DinkusAsterism, Fleuron, Dingbat
(many)DingbatDinkus, Fleuron
"Ditto markQuotation mark
÷Division signSlash (Solidus) (/), Obelus
⹀ ⸗Double hyphen
=Equals signAlmost equal to
Estimated sign
!Exclamation markInverted exclamation mark, Interobang
ªFeminine ordinal indicatorMasculine ordinal indicator, Degree sign
FleuronDingbat, Dinkus
.Full stopInterpunct, Period
♀ ♂ ⚥Gender symbolLGBT symbols
>Greater-than signAngle bracket
« »GuillemetAngle brackets, quotation marks, Much greater than
HyphenDash, Hyphen-minus
-Hyphen-minusDash, Hyphen, Minus sign
IndexManicule, Obelus (medieval usage)
·InterpunctFull-stop, Period, Decimal separator
Interrobang (combined
'Question mark' and 'Exclamation mark')
Inverted question and exclamation marks
¡Inverted exclamation markExclamation mark, Interobang
¿ Inverted question markQuestion mark, Interobang
<Less-than signAngle bracket, Chevron, Guillemet
LozengeSquare lozenge
ManiculeIndex, Obelus
ºMasculine ordinal indicatorFeminine ordinal indicator, Degree sign
Minus signHyphen-minus
×Multiplication signX mark
#Number signNumero sign, Pound sign
Numero signNumber sign
ObelusDivision sign, Dagger, Commercial minus, Index
( )ParenthesisBracket, Angle bracket
%Percent signPer mille (per 1,000), Basis point (per 10,000)
Per millePercent, Basis point
.PeriodInterpunct, Full stop
PilcrowParagraph mark, paragraph sign, paraph, alinea, or blind P
¤Pillow'Pillow' is an informal nick-name for the generic currency sign.
+Plus signminus sign
±Plus–minus sign ('plus or minus')Approximately equal to
′ ″ ‴Prime (symbol)Apostrophe, quotation marks, foot (unit), Inch, Minute, Second
?Question markInverted question mark, Interobang
   " "
   ' '
Quotation marksApostrophe, Ditto, Guillemets, Prime, Inch, Second
®Registered trademark symbolTrademark symbol
§SilcrowSection sign, section symbol, section mark, double-s
Service mark symbolTrademark symbol
/SlashDivision sign, Backslash
/SolidusDivision sign
Sound recording copyright symbolCopyright sign
Square lozenge
Therefore signAsterism
~Tilde (freestanding)Almost equal to, Wave dash
Trademark symbolRegistered trade mark
|Vertical bar
| or /VirguleVirgule (disambiguation)

See also

  • Ordinal indicator (for the style 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or as superscript, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th).

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