List of capitals of France

This is a chronological list of capitals of France.

From To Capital Notes
486 Tournai
486 ca. 900 Soissons
900 1108 Paris The residence of the kings of France, but they were consecrated at Reims.
1108 Orléans One of the few consecrations of a French monarch to occur outside of Reims occurred at Orléans, when Louis VI the Fat was consecrated in Orléans Cathedral by Daimbert, archbishop of Sens and from 13 December 1560 to 31 January 1561, the French States-General met here.
1108 1419 Paris The residence of the kings of France, but they were consecrated at Reims.
1419 1422 Troyes For a short time during the Hundred Years' War, the town was the seat of the royal government.
1422 1444 Bourges Charles VII was forced to flee from Paris.
1444 1527 Tours Louis XI made château de Plessis-lez-Tours his residence.
1528 1588 Paris Francis I had established his court in Paris
1589 1594 Tours faction of parliamentarians, faithful to the king was sitting at Tours.
1594 1661 Paris
1661 1682 Paris is the official capital, but Louis XIV disputed that Versailles will be the political center.
1682 1715 Versailles In 1682, Louis XIV made Versailles his residence.
1715 1722 Paris
1722 1789 Versailles On October 5 and 6, 1789, a throng from Paris invaded the castle and forced the royal family to move back to Paris. The National Constituent Assembly followed the king to Paris soon afterward, and Versailles lost its role of capital city.
1789 1871 Paris
1871 1879 Versailles
1879 1914 Paris
September 1914 Bordeaux The French government was relocated from Paris to Bordeaux very briefly during World War I, when it was feared that Paris would soon fall into German hands. These fears were alleviated after the German Army was pushed back at the First Battle of the Marne
1914 1940 Paris
10–13 June 1940 Tours Tours served as the temporary capital of France during the Second World War after the government fled Paris due to the German advance.
June 1940 Bordeaux The French government was relocated from Paris to Tours then Bordeaux very briefly during World War II, when it became apparent that Paris would soon fall into German hands.
1940 1944 Vichy The Parliament abolished the French Third Republic here and replaced it with the French State.
1940 1943 Brazzaville With Metropolitan France under Axis powers rule, Brazzaville was announced as the capital of Free France.
1943 1944 Algiers Was announced the capital of Free France, to be closer to the war in Europe.
1944 present Paris With the liberation of Paris in 1944, Charles de Gaulle established the Provisional Government of the French Republic, restoring Paris as the French capital.

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